he Plagues:
Radio carbon dating of organic remains at Jericho date the destruction to 1320 B.C., forty years prior to this date the Israelite's were banished to Sinai and the Exodus began in 1360 BC, In the last year of Amonhotep III
This is the time of the ten plagues that God used to gain the freedom of his people. The plagues of fire from the sky, water turning to blood, darkness in daytime, these plagues were the medium that permitted the Exodus to happen.
Interesting there was geologically a major catastrophe that also occurred in 1360 BC. According to the book of Exodus God spoke to Moses and told him to lead the enslaved Israelite's to Moses confronted the Pharaoh and demanded that he let his people
When the Pharaoh (Moses Father) refused, God was said to have punished Egypt with a series of plagues. Fiery hailstorms, cattle deaths, a plague of boils, infestations of flies, frogs, locust and lice. It sounds like the end of the world! But these plagues weren't the only ones we have experienced in history. We just call them by different names.
In 1980 the volcano Mount St. Helen Erupted, after the eruption 500 miles away the sky was obscured for hours, from volcanic ash. In 2010 the EYJAFJALLAJOKULL, hope I spelled that right, volcano in Iceland, which was a minor eruption by volcanic standards, but it laid ash over a great portion of northern and western Europe.
100's of thousands of air travelers were stranded, initially for six days, there were additional eruption over the next several months. There was so much ash on the ground that whenever the wind kicked up ash mist was created that obscured viability.
Ice on the glacier was melting for six months from the heat created and a new fissure opened up on the glacier which also permitted ash and vapors to escape. Twenty countries had to close their air spaces, the volcanic ash rose to 30,000 feet, initially the sun was obscured for several weeks in certain areas and it also affected the weather world wide.
The following winter was cooler by two degrees world wide because the ash in the atmosphere reflected the rays of the sun.In 1883 an eruption on the Krakatau Island near Sumatra created such a ash cloud that the daylight was obscured thousands of miles away for a week.
In Exodus (9:23-26) it states that Moses stretched his wand towards the heavens: the lord sent thunder and hail, fire ran along upon the ground.The Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt. So there was hail and fire with fire mixed in with the hail, and this had never been witnessed before in Egypt. And the hail smote all inthe land of Egypt both man and beast. It ruined the fields and broke the trees.
This could also have been a description of what happened on the Sumatra in 1883 when volcanic pebble rained down like hail, fiery pumice setting fire upon the ground setting fire to trees and houses; lightening flashing from the volcanic clouds with the turbulent winds.
At St. Helen’s there was volcanic debris hundreds of miles from the volcano, flattening crops. As far away as the state of Washington, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana, volcanic debris was blown.
“ And it shall become a small dust in the land of Egypt, and shall become a boil breaking forth with blains upon man and beast.” Exodus (9:9)
Hundreds of people were taken to hospitals after Mount St. Helen from acidic exposure causing rashes, skin sores, respiratory distress, pneumonia, hundreds of head of cattle were put down from not being able to escape the acidic air pollution.
Exodus (9:6) Describes all of the live stock perishing in the entire country of Egypt. After St. Helen’s fish also perished and were found floating on hundreds of miles of waterways.
The pungent odor from volcanic debris and pumice permeated everything and water supplies had to be shut down until the reservoirs could be filtered and impurities removed.
Exodus (7:21) and the fish that was in the river died: and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the river, and their was blood throughout all the lands of Egypt.
When volcanoes erupt not only do they cover the surrounding area with gray ash, but they also release other toxins, such as iron oxide. This would certainly explain the blood red Nile River from Exodus. When Krakatau blew, thousands of tons of iron oxide were released, this would be the same iron oxide found on the surface of Mars, giving the red color, for miles and miles around Krakatau, the fish died from the red toxins in the water.
Exodus (7:20) “ and all the waters that were in the river turned to blood.” The other plagues don't initially appear to be related to the volcano but let’s take a closer look at them. Frogs, lice, locust and flies! What could possibly be the connection to the events of a volcanic eruption.
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After an volcanic event the whole ecosystem is affected for a very long time, most ecosystems are devastated by a volcanic eruption , but some thrive on it. When the countryside is covered in gray ash, invertebrates, insects, larval, eggs, chrysalis can remain safe under the ash with the snakes and rodents!
Frogs can spawn under submerged brush bramble and ledges. Insects have a short life span and reproduce at an alarming rate. After an event such as an volcano eruption the insects get a head start on the rest of mankind, larger predators, and competition!
When Mount Pelee erupted on the Caribbean island of Martinique, in 1902, volcanic debris covered the nearby port of Saint Pierre, killing over 30,000 people. The survivors had an epidemic of fierce flying ants which descended upon the sugar plants attacking the workers.
As the workers ran for their lives the flying ants seared their flesh with acid stings. This had happened before when in 1851 mount Pelee erupted previously, this time they devoured whole sugar plantations, attacked and killed babies, and drove away workers.
Exodus describes three types of insects first the lice: “Aaron
raised out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and it became lice in man, and in beast; all the dust of the land became lice throughout all the land of Egypt.” Exodus (8:17) “Then came the flies, as God instructed Moses to tell the Pharaoh:”
raised out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and it became lice in man, and in beast; all the dust of the land became lice throughout all the land of Egypt.” Exodus (8:17) “Then came the flies, as God instructed Moses to tell the Pharaoh:”
Behold for I will send swarms of flies upon thee, and upon thy servant, and upon thy people, and into thy houses: and the houses of the Egyptians will be full of swarms of flies, and also the ground where on they are...and the Lord did so and their came grievous swarms of flies...and the land became corrupted by reason of the swarm of flies. Exodus (8:21-24)
And then the locusts descended: the locusts went up all over the land of Egypt and rested in all the coasts of Egypt: very grievous were they; before them there were no such locusts as they, neither after them shall be such. For they covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was darkened; and they did eat every herb on the land and every fruit on the trees which the hail had left:
and there remained not any green thing in the trees, or in the herbs of the field, through all the land of Egypt. Exodus(10:14-15)
and there remained not any green thing in the trees, or in the herbs of the field, through all the land of Egypt. Exodus(10:14-15)
Then came the frogs: Well prepared for such events, like insects they produce thousands of eggs many making it to be tadpoles, however so many tadpoles are completely defenseless, that they become the lower end of the food chain and a large quantity of tadpoles are needed to sustain the adult population.
When the frog spawn are hatched the dinner bell goes off for the local fish population who are having an all you can eat buffet. Only a few tadpoles make it to adult hood, in order for the species to survive its a numbers game. After the Mount St. Helen’s eruption the predatory fish population was decimated, the tiny eggs from the frog spawn survived the catastrophe, by the time they hatched, all the hazardous fallout had floated down river.
The fish population however hadn't returned yet, their was a dramatic increase in the population of frogs in the state of Washington, some describe it as a frog plague.
They littered the countryside by the thousands, so many had been squished on the roads as to make driving conditions hazardous. They clogged waterways, covered gardens and infested houses. In Exodus (8:2-8) this is exactly what happened to the Egyptians: “ God said, behold I will smite all thy borders with frogs. And the river shall bring forth frogs abundantly, which shall come up and come into thine house, and into thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and into the house of thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thine ovens, and into thine kneading troughs...And Arron stretched out his hand, over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up, and covered the land of Egypt.
Various scholars over the years have attributed the plagues to various natural causes, but to have them all happen in the same time frame is just to much of a coincidence. A volcanic eruption would account for all the plagues of Exodus!
The only point of contention is the time line of the various plagues. If from a volcanic eruption the first plague that would occur, day time being as dark as night with fiery hail, then the boils and skin sores would follow next the river turning to blood, then dead cattle and fish. After a period of time the frogs and insects would appear.
The question would be was there a volcanic eruption around 1360 B.C. That would affect Egypt, when the Exodus was thought to have occurred? At the Greek Island of Thera in the 15th century B.C. was an important trading center in the Mediterranean.
Today Thera is a crescent shaped island called Santorini. This crescent shaped island forms a bay 6 miles wide, the cliffs surrounding it are covered with molten volcanic debris. The bay was formed by an ancient volcanic eruption, causing a crater.
This crater is so deep that ships can't anchor in the area. In the 1930's Greek archeologist Marinatos proposed that an ancient volcanic eruption all but destroyed the island. In 1956 two geologist tried to determine exactly how large the explosion was.
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From the survey ship the Vema which they were using to survey the crater they were able to determine that the crater was 30 square miles in area. From the size of the crater they were able to calculate the magnitude of this catastrophe.
From the survey ship the Vema which they were using to survey the crater they were able to determine that the crater was 30 square miles in area. From the size of the crater they were able to calculate the magnitude of this catastrophe.
Some volcano’s have molten rock cascading down the mountain side, others have searing mud slides, the most devastating are the ones where the pressure builds to the point where the magma literally causes the volcano to blow up.
Three and a half thousand years ago that’s what happened at Thera. This is also the type of eruption that happened at Mount St. Helen’s in 1980, it blasted away the mountain side like it was hit with a 50 megaton bomb.
On May 18th 1980 this is what happened killing every living organic thing within 150 square miles. Thousand of acres of Forrest were flattened everything was covered with molten rock it looked like a lunar landing on the moon.
Within a few hours a cloud of ash some five miles wide, containing billions of tons of volcanic debris had rolled five miles to the east crossing the states of Washington, Idaho, Montana—the massive volcanic cloud covered the sky and day was turned into night!
Throughout the whole area ash fell like rain, clogging motor engines, halting trains, and blocking roads. Seven million hectares of lush farmland looked like a gray desert, with millions of dollars of crops destroyed.
Hundreds of people, some as far as North Dakota, over 600 miles from the volcano were taken to the hospital. They were treated for irritated eyes and skin rashes caused from exposure to corrosive fallout.
For weeks and in some cases months afterward, fish in hundreds of miles of waterways were found floating on the rivers killed from caustic pollutants. Mount Saint Helen’s was one of the most destructive volcano’s of our lifetime, but compared to Thera it was a cake walk. When in 1883 the Krakatau eruption occurred it was heard three thousand miles away in Melbourne Australia, this was twenty times that of Mount Saint Helen’s.
With the Krakatau eruption it had a ash cloud that rose fifty miles high and thousands square miles were covered with gray ash. 36,000 people were killed. It is estimated that the earth from a six mile crater was blown into the atmosphere, Thera was six times the size of this incident, it is estimated that it was heard half away around the world.
The volcanic debris would have been blown a hundred miles high with a debris field of over a million square miles. When the atomic bomb was used on Nagasaki Japan, it destroyed over half the city with a 20 kiloton explosion. Mount Saint Helen explosion was equivalent to a fifty kiloton explosion; Krakatau was created with an incredible 1,000,000. kiloton explosion.
Thera was an incredible 6,000,000 kilotons. It would take 6,000 modern nuclear warheads, each with the capacity to wipe out a modern city to equal the magnitude of the Thera explosion. It is estimated that judging by the size of the Thera crater that seventy cubic miles of debris were ejected ,
To be continued
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