Monday, July 13, 2015

Prince Henry Sinclair Part VI

  An important aspect to the spread of the Bronze Age was the development of a written language. First in Mesopotamia, with the Sumerians, using “Cuneiform” and this knowledge passed to the Egyptians using “hieroglyphs and from Egypt into North Africa and the Mediterranean with the Mycenaean ( Linear B) script, most commonly associated with early Greek which pre-dated the Greek alphabet by several centuries.

 Tin is a very rare element in the world. There were areas in Asia but it was  primarily mined in Great Briton, in Devon and Cornwall, and South America .

 It was also to a lesser degree mined in Brittany France, Germany, Spain and Portugal. The primary production area of Copper came from Indonesia, Chile, North America, and in ancient times Cyprus.

The word Phoenician means “Red Hair”. They built their cities on the coast of the eastern Mediterranean. They had two main colonies Phoenicia and Carthage. They became known as Carthaginians THEY WERE THE ORIGINAL CELTS.

After the end of the Trojan war they began to expand their horizons with voyages  into the Atlantic . In 1972  off the coast of Honduras a Carthaginian ship wreck was discovered containing a cargo of amphorae.

 Some believe that the Toltec Indians were Carthaginians who after being defeated in the Tunic wars by the Romans left the Mediterranean for North Africa, West Africa, the Iberian Peninsula. 

The group that went  to West Africa, either on purpose or by being blown out to sea during a storm, by way of Trade Wind route, made their way to South America, the Caribbean and Central America.

They were conquered by the Aztec Indians and their leader Montezuma acquired their cargo of gold, precious metals, and scripts and other cultural items.  This became part of Montezuma's treasure which was later discovered by Cortez in present day Mexico City.

 Montezuma was confused when the conquistadors arrived. He didn't know weather to associate them with the feathered serpent sun god Quetzalcoatl, which the legend stated that one day the god would return to the land of the Aztecs, to claim his throne and he would be recognized by his shiny hair and white skin.

 The Phoenicians were also called Sidonians, which were one and the same.  They were considered masters of sorcery and magic.  They were the original occultists.  They came to possess a civilization that goes back 30,000 years. 

 Sidonian navigators were in great demand by Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Egyptians. Navigation, mathematics,and the sciences were considered the occult and all religions of that time were its enemy. The Greek alphabet was taken directly from Sidonian script and applied to the sounds of the Greek Language, hence the word phonetic.

 Now that I am done digressing lets return to the Carthaginians expanding their horizons. One group went to Africa and eventually to central and South America. Another group went to the Iberian Peninsula, they founded Cadiz Spain. This group became known as “Celtiberians” by archaeologist's.

They migrated to the British Isles, where they were just referred to as Celts. In their migration through  the Mediterranean, North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula they accumulated many languages and alphabets. In 1200 AD, The “Book of Ballymore,” was written at a monastery in Ireland using African Script.

 In 1960 this script was shown to be an ancient North African script used in the time frame of 1000 A.D. The Celts of Ireland, England and Wales the “Ancient Britons” used many different writing systems which they preserved in monasteries.

 The Celts went from Ireland to the Shetland Islands then on to Iceland where they started some settlements, on to Greenland where they also started settlements. They always seemed to be one step ahead of the Vikings but by generations.

 They were well established in Greenland when Eric the Red  arrived in 982 A.D.  From there to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, and several points on the eastern seaboard of North America. There is unquestionable Celtiberian influence in the Algonquian writing system.

 If the Celtiberian's brought African script to Ireland, which was used in the Book of Ballymore, it wouldn't be unheard of to bring North African hieroglyphic's to Nova Scotia.

 Algonquin legends state that some of the their Ancestors came from across the Atlantic, and that  white men lived among them in times long past.

 Celtic contact seems to have been massive and long standing. It makes one wonder about the legends of the white Indians of Narraganset Bay.

 Carthaginian began moving out of the Mediterranean starting around 700 BC  Saint Brendan was suppose to have traveled to North America in the times of King Arthur.

  When Viking explorer's arrived in North America, they reported natives with auburn or lite brown hair.  They were told of a “white mans land” inland from the coast.  Part of this groups customs were to walk as a group in a procession chanting. Sounds like Irish Monks to me!

 There is a Norse legend concerning an Icelander from around the year 1000 A.D., his name was Ari Marson. He was an explorer who was shipwrecked in the lands to the west, he was also baptized there.

 There have been several discoveries in the New England Area, of Phoenicia sites, with writing in a Celtiberian script known as Ogam. They are possible Temples to the Phonetician Sun God Baal.