Monday, August 24, 2015

After the development of gunpowder and weapons came the development of aviation. At first hot air balloons were a common site throughout the developed world.

Next was powered flight in craft designed as birds. In 1972 the first exhibit of ancient Egyptian model aircraft was opened in the Egyptian Hall of the Museum for Antiquities.

Dr. Abide Hatum presented fourteen ancient model aircraft to the public. In the tomb of King Tutankhamen, boomerangs were found. This verifies the Egyptian interest in aerodynamics. It's wings were aerodynamically designed like those of modern aircraft, it had a streamlined fuselage, a horizontal stabilizer and a vertical rudder. There aren't any birds with these features! Was this a glider or perhaps a powered aircraft.

One of the first pioneers of flight was Daedalus who constructed wings for his son Icarus and himself. They were able to have achieved flight however it is said his son flew too high and fell into the sea now called the Icarian Sea.

I however dispute this part of the legend. I believe he didn’t fly to high; he just didn’t master basic flight maneuvers like stall recovery.

Someone once asked me if a helicopter was as safe as an airplane? I replied “that machine is trying to kill you from the moment it leaves the factory!” Although a helicopter doesn’t need a long landing zone to touch down in, it is much more difficult to control. When a helicopter loses lift it falls like a rock.

When an airplane loses power you go into a controlled glide path where you can select a landing site, set up a glide approach, and have a pretty good chance of surviving the crash landing depending on the terrain more than anything else.

This is true for small fixed wing aircraft such as Cessna’s, larger aircraft jets, airliners, fighter jets have a much smaller wing span and rely on thrust propulsion from jet engines to create lift.

It is interesting that the models of the Egyptian “bird” figurines taken from tombs in the Valley of the Kings have a relatively large wingspan in relation to the size of the fuselage of the craft, along with vertical rudders which are not present anywhere in nature.

There is a camber to the leading edge of the wing which affects airflow to the wing. As air encounters the wing part of the airstream goes over the top of the wing and part goes under the wing. The air going under the wing has a higher pressure and flows faster than the air going over the wing which is a lower pressure and thus causes lift.

When you lose power the air stream slows down and thus lift is lost. You either drop the nose of the airplane thus increasing speed and lift or you raise the nose of the aircraft which increases the angle of attack or angle of the leading edge of the wing to the airstream.

When this angle becomes too great you have what’s called a “stall” and the plane looses all of its lift and falls from the sky. This in a controlled fashion is exactly how you land an airplane.

When you select a landing zone, weather it is a runway, or in the case of power failure and you need to make an emergency landing:Typically in a Cessna you reduce power to 1500 RPM as you go into a controlled decent.

You are losing about 500 feet per minute, you are flying down wind along the path of your runway and a couple of hundred of feet to the side of the runway. In the case of an emergency landing you are assessing the landing field for obstructions.

When you have past the end of the runway about a quarter of a mile you make a left turn onto the base leg. Using a standard rate turn of fifteen degrees, continuing in a controlled descent, if you are losing too much altitude you apply power to add lift.

As you pull back on the stick, which controls the rear elevator, which controls vertical descent, as you come abreast of the runway still using standard rate turns of fifteen degrees you turn on to the final approach.

Lining up with the center of the runway, controlling decent with adding or subtracting power, when over the runway at the desired point of touch down, you should only be a few feet over the runway at this point not twenty feet in the air!

You pull back on the stick, you will hear a horn going off when the nose of the aircraft raises and you lose lift, the horn is the stall alarm which is activated from the wings losing lift, and you are falling out of the sky backwards, with your nose higher than the tail of the plane.

You will land on your rear wheels. When you go to a small general aviation airport where private pilots learn to fly you can sit back and watch the planes come in frequently flaring or going into a stall to high off the runway and bouncing down the runway because of landing at too high a rate of speed and at the point of stall you don’t have control of the airplane you have lost all lift.

Gliders also have the same flight characteristics as a powered flight.Going into a stall is the first stage of a plane going into a tail spin. If you don’t recover from a stall given enough altitude you will go into a tail spin, you will be looking straight down at the ground, as your plane is spinning down towards it, your body will be having increased pressure called G-forces, you are vomiting, or wishing you were at this point, and losing consciousness, your body weight has actually doubled, it is difficult to raise your arms, your ears are popping.

The way to recover from this free fall is to push the stick all the way forward, which takes training to do because you are diving towards the ground and it is the natural instinct to pull the stick away from the ground but that keeps you in the spin, as you are pushing forward on the stick you step on the foot pedal opposite of the direction of the spin, hopefully you have enough altitude and you will level off and go into a rapid climb that you will control with your airspeed, as you climb to altitude, and the plane starts to slow down as you enter a normal flight attitude.

7,000 miles away from Egypt in Columbia South America, on the Magdalene River, there was an ancient civilization 1500 years ago called Telemia. There were hundreds of golden figurines found, but a dozen of them were eerily similar to modern fighter jets.

They were triangular in shape, with a fuselage, a horizontal stabilizer and vertical rudder. They have nothing in common with anything in nature. They had the aeronautical design to travel at high speeds like the space shuttle.

These are just two examples of pre-Columbian evidence that our ancient ancestors knew about aerodynamics. These are examples from opposite ends of the planet, of two different designs of aircraft a third example would be from a pyramid in Mexico.

In 1935 at the site of the Palenque Pyramid was found a stone relief dated to 600 AD, that has historians and archeologists flabbergasted. Every now and then things are found that are so incredible, that even the organized religions, and various governments, after prolonged periods of cover up, and classifying the site as national security risks, at some time they are compelled to say something intelligent about the finds.

The stone relief found at the Palenque site was of a human, at first thought was of a motorcycle rider, but his “hog” was a rocket or missile. The human on the rocket was bent forward just like any biker would be.

The rocket is pointed at the front but then changes to grooved indentations like inlet ports. It then widens out and terminates at the end with flames shooting out of the rocket.

The human like occupant appears to have his foot on a pedal alongside the body or fuselage of the rocket. The occupant appears to have a control panel with dials on it, that the space traveler is adjusting.
He is wearing trousers a jacket with an open collar and tight fitting arm bands and leg bands. On his head he was wearing a helmet with indentations, tubes and an antenna. 

to be continued

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Throughout history there have been legends of ancient flight from magic carpets to chariots of fire to fire breathing dragons to wheels spinning within wheels, sometimes fiery wheels! All of which have been dismissed as legends. But are they?
In his book legends of ancient Chinese science Robert Silverberg says that Chinese myths tell of a legendary people the Chi Kung who traveled in “aerial carriages”.
In ancient Chinese scripts “The Records of the Scholars” it states the Han dynasty astronomer and engineer Chang Hang made a wooden bird that had a flight duration of up to a mile.
In 320 B.C., a book written by Ko Hung who was a mystic and alchemist wrote “some have made flying cars with wood from the inner part of the jujube tree, using ox leather straps fastened to revolving blades so as to set the machine in motion”. This was the description of a propeller!
The origin of space flight originates in ancient China with the development of gunpowder to include the development of rockets. Charcoal and sulfur had long been experimented with as ingredients of gunpowder or incendiary compounds.
 By 1044 BCE, the Chinese had learned that saltpeter added to the incendiary compound was a catalyst and amplified the explosion greatly At some point in the mid 9th century it was discovered that if you finely grind charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter to a ratio of 1:1:4 and pack the mixture into a closed container when ignited it will have an explosion! The first flying objects the Chinese developed were rocket powered arrows, then grenades and iron clad bombs, quite similar to ones used today.
The first two stage rocket is credited to the Chinese in the 11th century A.D. It was called the fire dragon rocket. While enroute rocket arrows were ignited and flew at great speeds from the mouth of the dragon! It was the first cluster two stage bomb!
When the Mong attacked Karfeng in 1232 B.C. which was the capital of what is now the Gin dynasty. The Gin were able to hold off the Mong's with a secret weapon. They would lower iron bombs from chains from a top of the city walls right into the mass of the attacking enemy.
They would also use an “arrow of flying fire” which whistled as it flew through the mass of attacking Mongol's exploding and sending the war elephants and horses into a panicked stampede.
One of the early purposes of the arrows of fire was to instigate stampedes, cause confusion among the war elephants that were commonly used in southwest and southeast Asia in ancient times.
When Alexander the Great in 329 BC was invading India his invasion was stopped by a strange attack from the skies. Alexanders army was using elephants in the forward elements of their formations when the “flying saucers” were dive bombing the elephants which went wild and started stampeding crushing foot soldiers and tearing through their camps.
Alexanders generals met with him and refused to proceed they turned around and went back to Bagdhad where Alexander died .
The Chinese inventor Wan Hu, in 1500 A.D, is credited with developing the first rocket propelled craft. It was essentially a chair with a wooden frame built around it; they strapped forty seven rockets to the frame, attached two very large kites to the top of the frame.
He then strapped himself into the chair, he signaled his servants to approach with torches, they simultaneously ignited the rockets, momentarily ignition took place with a large bang, with a large black cloud, Wan Hoo was instantly vaporized; end of story! There were several formulas for gunpowder. The alchemist Rodger Bacon used a formula of 7 parts saltpeter 5 parts of young hazelnut wood and five of sulfer.

 In 1280 AD the Syrian Al-Haseen-Ar-Rammah wrote a book the “Art of fighting on horseback with war engines”. Ar Rammah told of the importance of saltpeter in the incendiary process and gave ways of purifying the compound.
He also discussed rockets that he called “Chinese Arrow’s”. The Chinese also invented the first Roman Candles, flame throwers and also mortars. The Roman candles were loosely packed with nails or small stones. In the chronicles of the city of Ghent in 1313 AD states that “In this year the use of guns was found for the first time by a German monk.”
In 1326 a manuscript shows a primitive gun called vasa.The vasa was basically a dart gun. In 1340 King Edward III of England and the cities of Aachen and Cambrai all purchased gunpowder and guns. Guns evolved into cannons. Cannons evolved into long guns, which had better directional stability and accuracy. There were also short guns often called mortars.
Grenades were in use by the time of the Crusades. The Knight Templar’s brought this technology to medieval Europe. It wasn’t long before the “black powder musket” was developed and was cheap enough for the peasant classes to purchase.
This coincided with the revolution of independence of the peoples under the rule of monarchs. For the common man was now able to protect himself and his property against thugs, drunks, soldiers and thieves. All one in the same really. He could now face these aggressors on equal footing. “God created man; but Sam Colt made all men equal!”


Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Droppas

High in the Himalayan mountains, the Bayan-Kara-Ula Range, on the boarders of China and Tibet - a team of archaeologists were excited by the discovery of a series of interlocking caves strange in appearance because the caves appeared to be forged or cut with a high heat source, they were more like interlocking tunnels with underground storage rooms with squared walls with a glaze on them.  In the caves or storage rooms they were excited to find a strange burial site in them.
There were ancient but neatly arranged, burial sites and within them the skeletal remains of a strange people.  They had extremely large heads and strangely formed, they had puny, spindly bodies, about 3 1/2 feet in length.

At first, it had been thought that the caves had been the home of a hitherto unknown species of ape but as the leader of the team - the Chinese archaeologist, Professor Chi Pu Tei - pointed out, "Who ever heard of apes burying each other?" It was while studying the skeletons that one of the team stumbled on a large, round stone disk, half buried in the dust on the floor of the cave.
The team gathered round the discovery, turning it this way and that. It looked, absurdly, groove like a kind of 'Stone Age Gramophone record'. There was a hole in the center and a fine, spiral attached to the rim. The discs were nine inches in diameter, 3/4 inch thick, and in the exact center was a perfectly round 3/4 in hole, and spiraling out from it was a groove making it look like a Stone Age record for a phonograph. This one disc was dated to 12,000 years ago.  Older by far than the great pyramids of Egypt.
Closer inspection, however, showed that the grove was, in fact, a continuous spiraling line of closely written characters.  The object was a 'Record' more ways than one.  Only nobody at the time-in the year 1938--possessed the key to its incredible message.  The disc was labeled and filed away among other finds in the area. Even those who knew of its existence knew nothing of its meaning.  Many experts tried to translate the hieroglyphs in the twenty years the disc languished in Peking.

They all failed. It was not until another professor -Dr. Tsum Um Nui - broke the code and started to decipher the 'speaking grooves' that the extraordinary implications of the disc were realized, realized by a select few.  The outside world remained in ignorance.  
The professor’s conclusions were so shattering that they were officially suppressed.  The Peking Academy of Pre-History forbade him to publish his findings.
Two years later, in 1965, the professor and four of his colleagues were finally given permission to reveal their theory.  It appeared under the unusual title---"The Grooved Script Concerning Space-Ships which, as recorded on the Discs, Landed on Earth 12,000 Years Ago"
The 'Records' - 716 of the grooved discs were later uncovered in the same caves-told an astonishing story of a 'space probe' by the inhabitants of another planet, which came to grief in the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountain range.

The strange, spiral script told how the peaceful intentions of the 'aliens' had been misunderstood and how many of them were hunted down and killed by members of the Ham Tribe, who lived in neighboring caves.

According to Tsum Um Nui, one of the lines of the hieroglyphs read, “The Droppa came down from the clouds in their aircraft.  Our men, women, and children hid in the caves ten times before sunrise. When at last they understood the sign language of the Droppas,they realized that the newcomers had peaceful intentions...Another section expressed 'Regret' by the Ham Tribe that the aliens 'spaceship' had crashed-landed in such a remote and inaccessible mountain range and that there had been no way of building a new one to enable the Droppas to return to their own planet.

In the years since the discovery of the first disc, archaeologist and anthropologists had learned more about the isolated Bayan-Kara-Ula area.  And much of the information seemed to corroborate the bizarre story recorded on the discs,  Legend still preserved in the area spoke of small, gaunt, yellow faced men who 'came from the clouds long, long, long, ago'.
The men had huge, bulging heads and puny bodies and were so ugly and repellent that they were hounded and hunted down by local tribesmen on horseback. Strangely, the description of the 'invaders' tallied with the skeletons originally discovered in the caves by professor Chi-Pu-Tei.  On the walls of the caves  themselves, archaeologists had uncovered crude pictures of the rising sun, the moon, unidentifiable stars and the Earth.... all joined together by lines of pea- sized dots.  Along with the discs, cave drawings had been dated around 12,000 years old.

The cave area was still inhabited by two semi-troglodyte tribes known as the Hams and the Dropas, themselves extremely odd in appearance.  The frail and stunted tribesmen averaged only about 3’4 in height. They were neither typically Chinese nor Tibetan.  "There racial back-ground' said one expert, “is a mystery."  But even with the publication of Professor Tsum Um Nui's amazing translation, the story of the 'space discs' was not over.
Russian scientists asked to see the discs and several were sent to Moscow for examination.  They were scraped free of rock particles which had stuck to them and then put through chemical analysis.  

To the surprise of the scientists they were found to contain large amounts of cobalt and other metallic substances.  That was not all. When placed on a special turntable-according to Dr. Vyatcheslav Saizev, who described the experiments in the soviet magazine Sputnick, they vibrated or ' hummed' in a unusual rhythm as though an electric charge was passing through them.

Or as one scientist suggested "as if they formed some part of an electrical circuit. “At some time, they had clearly been exposed to extremely high voltages.
A report from China in 1995 also seems to support the tale of the Dropas. A new tribe had been found near the eastern border of the Byan-Kara-Ula Mountains. The most interesting fact about this new group of people--their height---averaging 3 feet in height.

Throughout history there have been legends of ancient flight from magic carpets to chariots of fire to fire breathing dragons to wheels spinning within wheels, sometimes fiery wheels! All of which have been dismissed as legends. But are they?

Friday, August 21, 2015

Book I, Part I

 Part I            

There are a great deal of ancient mysteries most of these mysteries can be solved if we understand one word---PHOENIX----Which is a derivative of the Greek name for Phoenicians. Ancient people who inhabited the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Phoenicians refer to themselves as Sidonians.

Their capital city was Sidon. The Sidonians were considered masters of sorcery and magic. They claim to possess a civilization that goes back Thirty Thousand Years and Ancient Historians agree with this.

Sidonian navigators were in demand by Egyptian,Babylonian, Persian, and Greeks. The Greek alphabet was transferred directly from Phoenician/Sidonian script, and applied to the sounds of the language of the Greeks. Hence the word Phonetic!

The modern English alphabet is based on the ancient Phoenician/Sidonian script. The majority of the knowledge thought to be of Greek origin was given to them first by the Sidonians.

Pythagoras considered the ancient father of Freemasonry and was schooled in Sidonia. The first ancient Phonetic text in existence---The Old Testament--- was written in Phoenician characters.

The first Temple of the Hebrews was built in Jerusalem by Artisans’ from Tyre, A city that traded Phoenicia capital status with Sidon.  The Phoenicia/Sidon language in ancient civilization is a long guarded Occult Secret.

 The Phoenix represents a time when extraterrestrials and mankind existed together on earth. The Phoenix is the land of the descent of the (sons of
God) described in Genesis 6.

According to the history of every major civilization in the Middle East, Phoenicia was the first place where "Beings” from heaven came to earth. The unions with these "Beings" with the Daughters of Adam and Eve produced hybrid offspring in Hebrew "Nephilim" the fallen ones.

 According to the book of Enoch, the book of Jubilee and other ancient texts, the exact point of descent of the (sons of God) was Mount Hermon in Phoenicia. Through the influence of these heavenly Beings and their offspring, Man became gifted with knowledge surpassing any that had yet existed. Then came the flood and the Phoenicians’ perished along with the knowledge.

The PHOENIX heavenly and supernatural Bird-- Keeper of secrets both past and Future-- was consumed in a Fire of his own making! In other words the knowledge given to man was lost in global Disaster. According to Genesis 6 the destruction of earth by the flood was in response to the interaction of the (sons of God) with the daughters of Adam and Eve.

The first century Christians considered the book of Enoch to be inspired if not Authentic. They relied on it to understand many things from angles to wind, sun, and stars. Many of the concepts used by Jesus seem to be connected to terms and Ideas of the Book of Enoch. Since any book, including this one, is open to interpretation, Enoch posed problems for some theologians.

Instead of reexamining their own theology, they chose to dispose of that which went counter to their own beliefs. Some of the visions in Enoch are believed to point to the consummation of the age in conjunction with Christ’s second coming which some believe took place in AD 70. (In the destruction of Jerusalem).

Enoch was declared a fake by Hilary, Jerome, and Augustine. And was lost to western Christianity for over 1000 years. The Book of Enoch seems to be the missing link between Jewish tradition and Christians.

The Ethiopian Coptic church holds the Book of Enoch as part of its official spiritual cannon. It was widely known and read the first three centuries after the Death of Christ. This and many other books were banned after the council of Laodicea.

Scottish explorer James Bruce rediscovered the Book of Enoch in Ethiopia in 1773. Enoch discusses the fallen Angles--the sons of God-- there were 200 of them in the days of Jared—and they descended on to the summit of Mount Hermon and these are the names of their leaders:

 Arklbs, Rameel,Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel,DDanlel, Ezeqeel, Baraqljal, Azael, Amaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqlel, Samsapeel, satarel, Turel, Jomjael, and Sariel these are the cheif's of ten. All of them  took wives for themselves. The wives gave birth to hybrid children, called Nephilim, the Giants of Geneses 6.

The angels started to teach the men of the earth charms and spells and the cutting of Roots, and made them acquainted with plant life; Azael taught the to work with METAL to make swords, knives, Breastplates, shields, bracelets and ornaments.

 They were taught the use of ANTIMONY, and the beautification of eyelids, and the coloring of dyes. Semjaza taught the casting of spells and root cutting. Armaros, taught counterspells, Baraqijal taught astrology, Kokabel taught the constellations and portents. Ezeqeel taught knowledge of the clouds, Araqlel the signs of the Earth, Shamslel the signs of the sun, and Sarlel, the course of the moon.

The secrets of the Occult are hidden in numbers, metaphors, and symbols. Numbers are the key to ancient views of cosmology--spirituality--the physical being of earth--to the evolution of the present human race. All systems of religions, mysticism, are based on numerals; the importance of the number "33" symbolizes the highest level of spirituality and consciousness attainable by humans.

"33'&"3" are both prominent in Occult teachings. In order to understand "33" you need to understand navigation, which was once an Occult science passed from the Phoenicians, to the Greeks, to the Egyptians to the Muslims, to the Templars to the Masons. The compass and the square are also used in navigation and map making and are the symbol of Freemasonry.

The calculation of speed and location were once considered to be the highest form of Sacred Knowledge. Navigation unites time--space--earth with the heavens. The number "3" is essential to this process. Without the geometry of the three sided triangle establishing location and distance on a map or "triangulation" would be impossible.

Navigation not only predicts the location of a traveler but also the time a traveler will arrive, or estimated time of arrival (ETA). The most powerful secret held by the Occult is related to this concept but taken to a higher level.

The navigator can determine location in space and time by using increments of Longitude and Latitude. These increments can be used in the earth itself to reveal the appointed time of our Destiny.

33.33 degrees of the Great Circle of Earth equals 2012 miles. Mount Hermon in Phoenicia (Iraq) the first location of extraterrestrial influence upon man lies 33.33 degrees north and 33.33 degrees east. 2012 miles from the equator and 2012 miles from the Paris Meridian.

The Paris Meridian was used as the Prime Meridian throughout history, until the meridian was changed under the influence of the Vatican and Masons. Many ancient structures are aligned with the Paris Meridian. The knight Templers used the Paris Meridian as the Prime Meridian.The Paris Meridian is 2.20 degrees east of Greenwich Meridian.

 Greenwich Meridian was established at the Prime Meridian Conference in Washington DC in 1884. While the Latitude measurement is standard at 33.33 degrees north from the equator to Mount Hermon. The Longitude of the earth based on the Paris Meridian seems to have been regarded as increasingly sensitive due to the wider availability of knowledge during the Industrial Revolution and needed to be obscured.

The International Meridian Conference of 1884 was strongly influenced by the Vatican and Alfred Pike the KKK, Freemason as well as others of the Illuminati. 2012 is the nautical miles in 33.33 degrees of the Earth. 2012.9 correspond to the year -month-day that the Mayan calendar will end. Dec 21, 2012. This is also the time that their serpent god the founder of civilization QUETZALCOATL will return to the earth from another dimension.

Does the location of Mount Hermon set in motion a new world order in the year 2012? Dates and years were commonly measured from the start of a reign of a King or the founding of a new city in antiquity. Our modern calendar is aligned to the birth of a messiah of Israel, Jesus Christ.

Finding a critical respect between 2012AD, and our present age may be very important in realizing how important 2012 are in time, rather than concentrating on the calendar. If the (sons of God) used 33.33 with 2012 on Mount Hermon navigationally, perhaps they have placed an additional marker, coordinating 2012 with the year of their return as a form of Triangulation. It appears that they very well might have placed a marker, let’s review Roswell.

It is a marker consisting of ancient and sacred numbers that puts 2012 in our present time. The crash site of Roswell sits at 33.33 North and 2012 miles to the equator. When 33.33 N Is multiplied by PI (3.1415926572) the result is 104 degrees which is the Longitude of the crash site.

The value of PI is one of the most important numbers in geometry. Without an understanding of this number the geometry of Building, Architecture, and Navigation would not be possible. Many historians use the attainment of PI as a parameter for the True classification of a civilization.

At Roswell if 33.00 to 33.59 are multiplied by PI, the results will give fixes for a (LOP) line of position for the flight path that the UFO disc traveled before impact. This line is verified by eyewitness accounts, from the southeast to the northwest. This has been recorded in the Roswell Daily Record July 8th, 1947.

The only place that 33.degrees north 104 degrees east, is Roswell. South of the equator the coordinates log in an ocean or an uninhabited mountain top, as they do on the eastern hemisphere.

The odds of a crash at 33 degrees north 104 degrees west would be 1000,000./1 according to statisticians. In other words Roswell was not an accident, but was there a hidden message in the incident.

 19.47 or 19.5 is a universal number signifying the meeting of a tetrahedron, with a sphere. The latitude of 19.47 is the three parts of a four sided tetrahedron. Touch north or south of the equator if the fourth point is anchored at a pole of a rotating sphere. If the number 19.47 were found in an extraterrestrial radio signal, SETI scientists would have proof that broadcasters understand advanced PLATONIC GEOMETRY.

 The Roswell incident numeral connects 19.47 with the date, latitude, longitude, and distance of earths orientation and dimensions in space that are part of the Roswell crash from the equator of the impact event itself.

 The earth is 21,600. Miles around. This equation is based upon the ratio of 360X60--first used by the Phoenicians’ and still in use by modern navigators. 6480 is 1/4 of the total years of 25,920. That it takes earth to complete one circuit through the zodiac. 6480 is unique because it is the duration a series of global cataclysms left in earth’s historic and geographic record.

 In the event at Roswell, 19.47 and 21,600, 6480 and 33.33 degrees which is the equivalent of 2012.9 nautical miles from the equator. This raises the possibilities of 2012 marking the year of the return of Beings who first descended to earth.

 When you divide 21,600 by 33.33....21,600/33.33=648.06480648064 and divided by 19.47 yields 33.28--33.28 is the exact Latitude of the Roswell crash site--33.28 X PI-- yields longitude of 104.56 degrees..which is the exact Longitude of Roswell crash site.

2012 is the predicted return of the Fallen Angels.  This can be calculated by taking the Latitude X the year -33.28X19.47=64.80--Between July 1947 and March 2012 there are exactly 64.80 years.

 to be continued

Book I Forward

Captain EJ's Explorations
Book I
Part I
“They Are Here”

Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia (governing body), and an insider close to the Pope, has gone on Italian national television several times, including recent months, to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. Balducci provided an analysis of extraterrestrials that he feels is consistent with the Catholic Church's understanding of theology.

Monsignor Balducci emphasizes that extraterrestrial encounters "are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological impairment, they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully."

Since Monsignor Balducci is a demonology expert and consultant to the Vatican , and since the Catholic Church has historically demonized many new phenomena that were poorly understood, his stating that the Church does not censure these encounters is all the more remarkable.

Balducci revealed that the Vatican is closely following this phenomenon quietly. Originally surmised that the Vatican is receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its Nunciatures (embassies) in various countries.

But subsequent information indicated that the Monsignor has gotten his cases from other sources. Monsignor Balducci is a member of a group which acts as consultants to the Vatican on various matters concerning humans in possible contact with supernatural beings.

As such, the matter of extraterrestrial encounters would fall within their purview, and possibly as well the spiritual significance of the emerging general Parallel information from National Security Council scientist Dr. Michael Nash Wolf, a member of the NSC's SSG subcommittee for managing the UFO phenomenon, as well as from noted author and Vatican expert Father Malachi Martin, suggests that the Vatican is concerned that it will have a major doctrinal updating situation on its hands when extraterrestrial contact becomes authoritatively announced by world governments over the next several years.

Part I

There are a great deal of ancient mysteries most of these mysteries can be solved if we understand one word---PHOENIX----Which is a derivative of the Greek name for Phoenicians. Ancient people who inhabited the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Phoenicians refer to themselves as Sidonians.
to be continued