Friday, June 22, 2012


Most flood myths contain a culture hero who strives to ensure his rebirth.  Many believe that flood myths' originated from the findings of fossils, seashells and fish skeletal remains in unusual places such as mountain tops.

Native Americans also expressed this belief in their early encounters with the European's.  Some geologists theorize that great and instant flooding of rivers in the distant past might have influenced these legends.

Tidal waves could also be part of this theory in coastal areas. The Ryan Pitman theory argues that around B.C.5600 a catastrophic flood occurred from the Medeterainian Sea and flowed into the Black Sea.

There is also speculation that a large tidal wave from the Thera eruption dated 1630-1600 B.C. was part of folklore that evolved into Deucalion myth. The tidal wave hit the Aegean Sea and Crete but it did not affect the Greek islands.

Because the Thera Title wave didn't affect Greece one can conclude that the wave had a local versus a regional affect.  There is also the thought that a meteor or a comet crashed into the Indian Ocean around 3000 BCE, which created the Burckle Crater and generated a tidal wave that flooded coastal lands.

Lake Agassi which covered most of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Minnesota and eastern North Dakota had significant drainage periods in 13000 B.C. And 8400 B.C. The last drainage occurred when Hudson Bay area had a dramatic warming and Hudson Bay melted. This massive lake drained into the Mississippi River Valley, and into the Gulf or Mexico.  It also was draining into Lake Superior, and Hudson Bay, which leads into the Arctic Ocean.

This lake was larger than all of the Great Lakes combined in volume of water, in contained more water than all of the lakes in the world today combined.

This occurred in less than a year and raised the world wide water levels by nine feet. This had a significant impact on climate, sea levels, and possibly early human civilizations worldwide.  A major influx of fresh water was released into the Arctic Ocean had an effect on ocean currents, and a cooling of the oceans.

The 13,000 B.C. drainage is associated with the Big Freeze! This lasted seventy years, which happened 12,800 years ago. It is thought that this happened as a result of the melting of North American ice fields.


Throughout history there have been legends of ancient flight from magic carpets to chariots of fire to fire breathing dragons to wheels spinning within wheels, sometimes fiery wheels!  All of which have been dismissed as legends.  But are they?

In his book legends of ancient Chinese science Robert Silverberg says that Chinese myths tell of a legendary people the Chi-Kung who traveled in “aerial carriages”. In ancient Chinese scripts “The Records of the Scholars” it states the Han dynasty astronomer and engineer Chang Hang made a wooden bird that had a flight duration of up to a mile.

In 320 B.C., a book written by Ko Hung who was a mystic and alchemist wrote “some have made flying cars with wood from the inner part of the jujube tree, using ox leather straps fastened to revolving blades so as to set the machine in motion”. This was the description of a propeller!

The origin of space flight originates in ancient China with the development of gunpowder to include the development of rockets.  Charcoal and sulfer had long been experimented with as ingredients of gunpowder or incendiary compounds.  By 1044 BCE, the Chinese had learned that saltpeter added to the incendiary compound was a catalyst and amplified the explosion greatly.

At some point in the mid-9th century it was discovered that if you finely grind charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter to a ratio of 1:1:4 and pack the mixture into a closed container when ignited it will have an explosion!

The first flying objects the Chinese developed were rocket powered arrows, then grenades and iron clad bombs, quite similar to ones used today.

The first two stage rocket is credited to the Chinese in the 11th century A.D. And was called the fire dragon rocket.  While enroute rocket arrows were ignited and flew at great speeds from the mouth of the dragon!  It was the first cluster two stage bomb.

When the Mong attacked Karfeng in 1232 B.C. which was the capital of what is now the Gin dynasty the Gin were able to hold off the Mong's with a secret weapon. They would lower iron bombs from chains from a top of the city walls right into the mass of the attacking enemy.  They would also use an “arrow of flying fire” which whistled as it flew through the mass of attacking Mongol's exploding and sending the war elephants and horses into a panicked stampede.

One of the early purposes of the arrows of fire was to instigate stampedes, cause confusion among the war elephants that were commonly used in southwest and southeast Asia in ancient times.

The Chinese inventor and Wan Hoo, in 1500A.D. are credited with developing the first rocket propelled craft. It was essentially a chair with a wooden frame built around it; they strapped forty seven rockets to the frame, attached two very large kites to the top of the frame.

He then strapped himself into the chair, he signaled his servants to approach with torches, hey simultaneously ignited the rockets, momentarily ignition took place with a large bang, with a large black cloud, Wan Hoo was instantly vaporized; end of story!

There is evidence that gunpowder was in use during the time of Christ! There were several formulas for gunpowder.  The alchemist Rodger Bacon used a formula of 7 parts saltpeter 5 parts of young hazelnut wood and five of sulpher.

In 1280 A.D .the Syrian Al-Haseen-Ar-Rammah wrote the book the” Art of fighting on horseback with war engines”.  Ar-Rammah told of the importance of saltpeter in the incendiary process and gave ways of purifying the compound.

He also discussed rockets that he called “Chinese Arrow’s”. The Chinese also invented the first Roman Candles, flame throwers and also mortars.

The Roman candles were loosely packed with nails or small stones. In the chronicles of the city of Ghent in1313 A.D. states that “In this year the use of guns was found for the first time by a German monk.” In 1326 a manuscript shows a primitive gun called vasa.

The vasa was basically a dart gun.  In 1340 King Edward III of England and the cities of Aachen and Cambrai all purchased gunpowder and guns.  Guns evolved into cannons. Cannons evolved into long guns, which had better directional stability and accuracy. There were also short guns often called mortars.

Grenades were in use by the time of the Crusades. The Knight Templars brought this technology to medieval Europe.  It wasn’t long before the “black powder musket” was developed and was cheap enough for the peasant classes to purchase.

This coincided with the revolution of independence of the peoples under the rule of monarchs.  For the common man was now able to protect himself and his property against thugs, drunken soldiers and thieves.  All one in the same really. He could now face these aggressors on equal footing.  “God created man but Sam Colt made all men equal.”

After the development of gunpowder and weapons came the development of aviation. At first hot air balloons were a common site throughout the developed world. Next was powered flight in craft designed as birds.

In 1972 the first exhibit of ancient Egyptian model aircraft was opened in the Egyptian Hall of the Museum for Antiquities.  Dr. Abide Hatum presented fourteen ancient model aircraft to the public. In the tomb of King Tutankhamen, boomerangs were found.  This verifies the Egyptian interest in aerodynamics.

One of the first pioneers of flight was Daedalus who constructed wings for his son Icarus and himself.  They were able to have achieved flight however it is said his son flew to high and fell into the sea now called the Icarian Sea.

I however dispute this part of the legend. I believe he didn’t fly to high; he just didn’t master basic flight maneuvers like stall recovery.

The alchemist Rodger Bacon was quoted as saying “Flying machines as these were as old and are made even in our days.” This quote was from the 13th century. This statement is evidence of flying machines that had been a reality of ancient flight and also existed in Bacon’s time.

These seem quite farfetched based on our history; however the same history is flooded with legends and chronicles of airships in the remote past!

It is quite interesting that Chinese literature such as Emperor Shum (c. 2258-2208 B.C.) constructed not only a flying craft but also designed a parachute during the time of Daedus and his gliders.

Emperor Cheng Tang (1766B.C.) who ordered Ki-Kung-Shi to design a flying chariot. It is said that he developed an aircraft that reached the province of Honan on his test flight. It was said that this machine was destroyed by order of the Emperor Cheng Tang who was afraid that this technology would fall into the wrong hands.

In 300 B.C. the Chinese poet Chu Yuam wrote of his flight in a chariot on a high flight over the Gobi desert going towards the Mum Lon Mountains. He describes how the aircraft was unaffected by the winds and the dust of the Gobi desert and described an aerial survey that he conducted on that trip.

Chinese folklore has many descriptions such as these. In the province of Shantung there is a stone carving dated to A.D. 147 showing a flying dragon chariot, high above the clouds.  The historian Ko Hung wrote in the 4th century “flying cars with wood from the inner part of the jujube tree, using ox leather straps fastened to rotary blades to set the machine in motion.”

Leonardo da Vinci had also designed a functional helicopter, along with many other futuristic designs for the time, all of which bore fruit in the years to come.  It is felt his helicopter design came from his studies of China technologies.

Someone once asked me if a helicopter was as safe as an airplane? I replied “that machine is trying to kill you from the moment it leaves the factory!”  Although a helicopter doesn’t need a long landing zone to touch down in, it is much more difficult to control.  When a helicopter loses lift it falls like a rock.  When an airplane loses power you go into a controlled glide path where you can select a landing site, set up a glide approach, and have a pretty good chance of surviving the crash landing depending on the terrain more than anything else.

This is true for  small fixed wing aircraft such as Cessna’s, larger aircraft jets, airliners, fighter jets have a much smaller wing span and rely on thrust propulsion from jet engines to create lift.

It is interesting that the models of the Egyptian “bird” figurines taken from tombs in the Valley of the Kings have a relatively large wingspan in relation to the size of the fuselage of the craft, along with vertical rudders which are not present anywhere in nature.

There is a camber to the leading edge of the wing which affects airflow to the wing.  As air encounters the wing part of the airstream goes over the top of the wing and part goes under the wing. The air going under the wing has a higher pressure and flows faster than the air going over the wing which is a lower pressure and thus causes lift.

When you lose power the air stream slows down and thus lift is lost. You either drop the nose of the airplane thus increasing speed and lift or you raise the nose of the aircraft which increases the angle of attack or angle of the leading edge of the wing to the airstream.  When this angle becomes too great you have what’s called a “stall” and the plane looses all of its lift and falls from the sky.  This in a controlled fashion is exactly how you land an airplane.
When you select a landing zone, weather it is a runway, or in the case of power failure and you need to make an emergency landing.  Typically in a Cessna you reduce power to 1500 RPM as you go into a controlled decent. You are losing about 500 feet per minute, you are flying down wind along the path of your runway and a couple of hundred of feet to the side of the runway. In the case of an emergency landing you are assessing the landing field for obstructions.

  When you have past the end of the runway about a quarter of a mile you make a left turn onto the base leg.  Using a standard rate turn of fifteen degrees, continuing in a controlled descent, if you are losing too much altitude you apply power to add lift.  As you pull back on the yoke ,which controls the rear elevator, which controls vertical descent, as you come abreast of the runway still using standard rate turns of fifteen degrees you turn on to the final approach.  Lining up with the center of the runway, controlling decent with adding or subtracting power, when over the runway at the desired point of touch down, you should only be a few feet over the runway at this point not twenty feet in the air!

You pull back on the yolk, you will hear a horn going off when the nose of the aircraft raises and you lose lift, the horn is the stall alarm which is activated from the wings losing lift, and you are falling out of the sky backwards, with your nose higher than the tail of the plane.

 You will land on your rear wheels.  When you go to a small general aviation airport where private pilots learn to fly you can sit back and watch the planes come in frequently flaring or going into a stall to high off the runway and bouncing down the runway because of landing at a high a rate of speed and at the point of stall you don’t have control of the airplane you have lost all lift.

Ok—end of your first flying lesson, now when your pilot has a heart attack you run up to the cockpit and save everyone from instant devastation!! (not)

Gliders also have the same flight characteristics as a powered flight.  Going into a stall is the first stage of a plane going into a tail spin.   If you don’t recover from a stall given enough altitude you will go into a tail spin, you will be looking straight down at the ground, as your plane is spinning down towards it, your body will be having increased pressure called G-forces, you are puking at this point and losing consciousness, your body weight has actually doubled, it is difficult to raise your arms, your ears are popping.

  The way to recover from this free fall is to push the yoke all the way forward, which takes training to do because you are diving towards the ground and it is the natural instinct to pull the yoke away from the ground but that keeps you in the stall, as you are pushing forward on the yoke you step on the foot pedal opposite of the direction of the spin, hopefully you have enough altitude and you will level off and go into a rapid climb that you will control with your airspeed, as you climb to altitude and the plane starts to slow down.  Quite frankly this in a more controlled fashion is exactly what glider pilots do. They search for airwaves coming off differ types of ground foliage mountain ranges and winds from bodies of water. 

This is exactly what happened to Icarus on the first glider flight recorded by man. He went into a stall and didn’t know how to recover from it, the stall went into a tail spin, and he didn’t feel a thing by the time he smacked into the Icarus Sea, which is the equivalent to a head on collision with a brick wall!

On the Magdalene River in Columbia there have been many ancient discoveries of gold figurines, some of which are in the Columbia governments gold museum in Bogata                                                   some of these figurines have a delta wing design.  When you line them up in a “V” pattern they have a very disturbing effect.  They look exactly like a fighter squadron. Scientists have been confused for years even building a model to see how it would function in actual flight.

They have a smaller wing span as compared to the fuselage and they were triangular in shape which means they require more power to maintain lift very similar to a fighter jet, perhaps even the space shuttle.  The Egyptian figurines the Sakkara bird, looks exactly like a glider.

The Hebrew King Solomon, son of King David, who built Solomon’s Temple, which housed the Ark of the Covenant, which was some sort of electrical-power-communication device, and also a weapon of war.

King Solomon, around 1000 B.C., had a romantic affair with the Ethiopian Queen of Sheba, Queen Makedu who came to pay homage and came bearing many gifts. Peacocks, myrrh and perfumes, exotic woods and monkeys, jewels, and four and a half tons of gold.

Queen makedu stayed with king Solomon for several months and then returned to her kingdom in Ethiopia.  According to the Kebra Negast, the most sacred book of the Ethiopians, it is considered to be their equivalent of the Old Testament and frequently referred to as the “glory of the Kings”.

Upon her return to Ethiopia, Queen Makedu bore King Solomon’s son, Prince Menelik I, this created the Solomonic Dynasty in Ethiopia, which would last for the next 3,000 years.  This line of rulers was unbroken until 1974 when the 225th ruler Emperor Haile Selassie was disposed.

In 1976 in a secret rescue extraction of ten of the Emperors children and grandchildren were depicted in a book by Jodie Collins called Code Word: Catherine.

According to the Kebra Negast King Solomon would visit his son and the Queen of Sheba by flying there in a “heavenly car”  “the King and all who obeyed his word, flew on the wagon without pain and suffering, and without sweat and exhaustion and traveled in one day a distance which took three months to travel on foot.”

Throughout the Middle East as far away as Kashmir are mountain ranges called the “Thrones of Solomon” including one in northwest Iran. It is on a flat topped mountain called Takht-i-Suleiman. It’s thought that these were landing zones for King Solomon.

Incidentally, mountain tops aren’t flat, they are rugged at best! Flat topped mountains aren’t natural they are manmade or if you will, extraterrestrial made, with human help!  It is legend throughout Central Asia that King Solomon traveled in an airship “up to now, in the peoples conception, King Solomon soars on his miraculous flying device, soaring over the vast spaces of Asia.”

Many mountain ranges of Asia are either with ruins or stones bearing the footprints or knee prints of King Solomon imbedded in the stone. Evidence of his long lasting prayers. These are the thrones of Solomon.

From an archeological point of view the concept that civilization started in Sumeria is a fairly recent analogy. It was evidently thought that for hundreds of thousands of years man lived in an unorganized helter skelter existence, until around 9,000 B.C. when the Sumerian civilization was dated to. However the civilization of southwest and southeast Asia are now thought to have existed prior to the Sumerian civilization.

Indian records go back tens of thousands of years. It wasn’t until the 1920’s that scientists felt that the Indian civilization was much older than originally thought.  Up until the 1920’s it was felt that India was dated to within a few hundred years of Alexander the Great...SORRY!!

In the mid 1800’s discoveries were made on several ancient settlement in the Indus valley of northwestern India, Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan. Excavations didn’t happen for another hundred years. In the 1920’s it was discovered that the area of the Indus valley had a civilization of well over five million indigenous populants.

  Archeologists are still exploring the area and as late as 1999 major population areas are being discovered. To date there are over 1100, villages, settlements and cities being studied. These sites include Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, Ganweriwales, Bholavira, and Rakhreaki.

The area of this civilization is spread over 1,260, this is also known as the Harappan civilization and is dated to 1900 B.C. This is the oldest known settlement known to science and much older than the Sumerian civilization.

The Indus valley was a center for the production of bronze, copper, tin, and leads. It is felt the metallurgy of this area was the reason for its growth and highly developed language, buildings which were built with brick, they had drainage systems, they included multi-level structures, running water, sewers leading out to streets, they had separation between drinking and sewer waters. The road systems were very advanced, in a city grid system, way ahead of their times.

The Indus valley language hasn’t been interpreted as of yet however there are significant similarities between the Indus valley scripts and those of Easter Island.  Very strange.  Based on information gained from the Sumerian tablets, this will be quite interesting when finally interpreted. It is felt that the Indus valley languages are related to the Dravidian civilization.

Modern scholar’s value Hindu scripts because they haven’t had their scripts destroyed, manipulated, and lost to antiquity like Christian documents have been. They are considered to be a direct connection to ancient libraries.

The super civilization known as the Rama Empire is described in the Ramayana, which describes the truths of the past. The Ramayana describes the adventure of Prince Ramma who marries a beautiful woman whose name was Sila. After some years of marriage she became unfaithful and departed with Ramma’s enemy Ravanna.

Ravanna takes Sila by a vimana to his capital city on an island called Lanru.   Ramma uses his own vimana and a group of friends and loyal subjects to fly to Lanru to take his wife back.

The Prince brings Sila back home to the city called Ajodhya where she is then banished to the forest for infidelity.

Rama after several years of unhappiness retrieves Sila from the forest and they live happily ever after (?). Every year a festival takes place to honor Rama and a mock vimana is paraded through the town...

Nearly every Hindu and Buddhist has heard of the ancient flying craft called vimana referred to in the Ramayana and other ancient texts.

In the texts the Maharshi Bhardwaj consists of forty sections, one of these sections has eight chapters which details aeronautical knowledge.  It has over one hundred topics and five hundred historic phrases.

In the Maharshi Bhardwaj has described the vimana aerial craft which were in three categories; (1) that travel from place to place; (2) those that fly from one country to another;(3) those that fly in between planets.

Special attention was paid to military aircraft. These descriptions are of great detail; they had to be impregnable, unbreakable, noncombustible, indestructible and capable of coming to a dead stop immediately; invisible to enemies; capable of listening to conversations and sounds in hostile planes; to know at every stage the direction and movement of other aircraft in the vicinity; technically proficient to see and record things; people; incidents and situations going on inside enemy planes; capable of rendering the enemy crew into a state of suspended animation, intellectual stupor or complete loss of consciousness; capable of destruction; manned by pilots and co-travelers who could adapt in accordance to the climate in which they moved; temperature regulated inside; constructed of very light and heat absorbing metals; provided with mechanisms that could enlarge or reduce images and could enhance and reduce sounds.

Notwithstanding the fact that this would resemble the cross between a stealth bomber and a flying saucer.  I think we just described “God”!

Does this mean that space and air travel were well known to ancient Indians and that space/ aircraft were prominent in the ancient world, when the rest of the known world was essentially in the Stone Age?

It would seem based on these ancient texts that modern Indians consider themselves as part of a bigger puzzle. Aerial battle and chases are common in ancient Hindu literature.

“Ancient Hindu texts speak of vimana’s as an aerial chariot with sides of iron and clad with wings.”
The Rayamanna describes a vimana as a double decked circular aircraft with portholes and a dome. It flew with the “speed of the winds” and produced a “melodious sound” or a humming noise.

Ancient Indian texts on vimana’s are so numerous that you could devote an entire book on them just to present the information that they convey. One source would be “Vimana  Aircraft of ancient India and Atlantis.” By David Childress Hatcher.

The Indians wrote entire flight manuals on the care and various types of vimana. The Sanaru Sulradhara deals with the complete process of air travel in a vimana.  There are 230 stanzas  dealing with the construction, takeoff, traveling for thousands of miles, normal and forced landings, even collisions with birds.

With all of this literary evidence of ancient flight, where are the Vimana?  Perhaps today they are called UFO’s!

In 1875 the Vaimanika  Sastra, a forth century B.C., script written by Maharishi Bhardwat was rediscovered in a temple in India. The book deals with vimana operations including information on steering systems, preparations for long flights, protection of spacecraft from storms and lightening, how to “switch the drive from solar energy to gravitational drive”.

Vimana’s take off vertically and were capable of hovering in the sky, like a modern helicopter.  This text makes frequent reference to seventy authorities and ten experts in air travel in antiquity. These references are now lost or haven’t been rediscovered yet.

Vimana’s were kept in a hanger or Griah and were using a fuel that was yellowish white in appearance.  Vimana were present all over the world!  Aside from travel they were also war machines!

The plains of Nazca in Peru are famous for appearing from high altitude and especially from space, and appearing a rather complex geometric design.

Rama and Atlantis had outposts in antiquity. Easter Island is diametrically opposite of Mohenjo-daro on the globe.  It is very interesting that the civilization of the Indus Valley developed their own language and writing’s which are very similar to carving and tablets of Easter Island.  The only place’s in the world that these scripts with this writing systems have been found is on Easter Island and the Indus valley.

Would it be possible that a worldwide trading empire existed using vimana’s by the Ramma and Atlantis civilization?  Just a thought!