Sunday, February 3, 2019

Do I Believe

People often ask me, do I believe in UFO's Is there extraterrestrial visitation on our planet, some of us say of course, what is so special about us that separates us from over thirty billion planets in our solar system?
When 1971 intelligent, rational, influential men and women were asked how people would react to the release of undeniable proof that extraterrestrials have been visiting us for a very, very long time. Some very interesting opinions were received.
The response was that 32% felt that they would be completely able to handle it. When asked how they felt others would react, 25% said that most people would completely freak out panicking, demanding a response from political leaders and clergy alike.
In 1999 the Roper Organization performed a survey for the National Institute of Discovery Science. Eighty percent thought the US Government would classify and suppress the evidence.
Its difficult to predict how the general populace would react to a official announcement that an extraterrestrial presence exists and has existed for a long time.
Just in general most people don't seem to be bothered by what they encounter through the media. In 1987 president Reagan was presenting a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, he was quoted as saying, “is not an Alien force already among us?”
President Reagan expressed the thought “ our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an Alien Threat !”
But what threat, or how would we handle a threat, from
an advanced race so advanced in technology and knowledge.
If we are being visited when did it start, and why are we being visited. If we have been visited by a hostile force why haven't we experienced aggression?
Is there possibly evidence at some point in our distant past that we have over looked ? In 1999 a 90 page report was published titled “ UFO's and Defense. What must we be prepared for?” This report concluded that the reality of UFO's, under the control of intelligent beings, was almost certain!
This report was prepared by the French Institute of Higher Studies for National Defense or (IHEDN). This report was submitted to the President of France and the Prime Minister prior to it's release to the French public. Was this possibly the first public disclosure by any Government of the existence of Extraterrestrial visitation on our planet?
The Committee for In-Depth Studies (COMETA) states that extraterrestrial theory for the origin of unexplained UFO's “is by far the best scientific theory....if [UFO] were terrestrial craft they would have to be made by the Americans, despite extreme security, that secret would have been uncovered.
COMETA asked the question, what situation must we be prepared for? They addressed the possibility of Alien Bases, local or wide spread invasion, (improbable). Disinformation aimed at destabilizing other countries. The report also addresses political and religious ramifications of Alien visitation.
COMETA recommends that France and other European Union develop a relationship with the United States in regard to this very important problem. However the COMETRA report points out the policy of consistent extreme secrecy, is complicating a working relationship both politically and militarily with international Allies. The report goes on to say :
“It is true that the attitude of this country has been extremely strange since the June 1947 wave of sightings, followed by the Roswell affair.
If the Americans managed on that occasion or on other occasions to have recovered wreckage or complete extraterrestrial vehicles, in more or less good condition, or humanoid corpses, then some kind of contact would have indeed been established.”
Why and how could a secret of such magnitude be kept up to this present day? The unprecedented security apparatus, that surrounds this situation, only lends to the premises, that the need for secrecy to protect the technology and military superiority procured from the study of UFO's and perhaps contact.
Dr Peter Sturrock made an interesting statement scientists could learn much about unexplained evidence of UFO's, if the giggle factor wasn't involved.”
Dr Shurrock published a report in the Journal of Scientific Exploration Vol 12. #2, 1998, pp 179-229, titled Physical Evidence Related to UFO reports. This report was well received.
Dr Edgar Mitchel became the 6th man to walk on the moon in February 1971. Dr Mitchel has had multiple discussions with military and intelligence personnel who have convinced him that the US Government is covering up UFO evidence and has been for over fifty years.
Dr Mitchel wants his associates granted immunity by congress so they may speak openly about there concerns. Dr Mitchel believes there is a small volume real UFO evidence and a ten fold amount of disinformation surrounding the UFO issue.
Most of the people involved are individuals employed by the Government either military or scientists with Top Secret Security Clearance's.
Long story short this is where their skills are, they like everybody else are working for their pensions and benefits.
If you violate your security agreement everything you have been working for your entire life has just dissipated. I don't think you will find too many cab drivers who had a top security clearance!
There are other former career military men with Top Security Clearances that are in contact with intelligence people, former military pilots, astronauts, some very senior officers, Admirals and Generals, very accomplished scientists.
Some that have been working on anti-matter reactors, some on anti gravity propulsion units, engineers with hands on experience with advanced aeronautics, flying disc prototypes and some who have been involved with reverse engineering of Alien Craft.
Some of our test pilots, have flown these aircraft as part of Project Snow Bird. The Disclosure Project is a research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFO's, extraterrestrial intelligence and classified advanced energy and propulsion system's.
They have over 500 government, military and intelligence community witnesses, with testimony's on their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFO's, extraterrestrials, extraterrestrial technology, and the cover up that keeps this information secret.
to be continued

Friday, February 1, 2019

Bermuda Triangle

There have been many unexplained events in the area of the Bermuda Triangle. This area is the center of many UFO reports especially in the mountain ranges of Puerto Rico.
On August 31, 1990 in southwestern Puerto Rico, in the area of Laguna Cartagena, Cabo Rojowas ten car loads of witnesses reported five small humanoids walking down a dirt path.
These extraterrestrials were reported to be 4 to 5 in height. One of the witnesses Miguel Figuera followed them in his car. When he came too close, they were described as lighting up, but his car ceased to operate until the “light” diminished, he again pursued them and was able to get closer and get a better description.
They were described as grey with almond shaped eyes and long pointed ears. This matches many descriptions of other sightings throughout the years except for the ears. This makes me think back to sergeant-major Robert Deans report from shape, called the “assessment,” which believed there were at least nine separate civilizations of extraterrestrials visiting earth. The following day there were reports of flying disc's flying out over Laguna Cartagena.
There have been many reports of UFO's and extraterrestrial sightings in this area, there are also beliefs of an extraterrestrial base in this area !
There is the thought that there is an arrangement between the US Military/ NSA /CIA (which maintains several listening posts in southwestern Puerto Rico) and the extraterrestrials.
Most of this area, including Laguna Cartagena is under the control of the US Government. Which makes one wonder why the US Government has an interest in the mountains of Puerto Rico.
There have been many reports of US Navy fighter jets missing in this area. Prior to becoming president, George Busch was reported to have made an clandestine visit to the Cabo Rojo area of Puerto Rico.
John Lear holds every pilot certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration, he is checked out in over one hundred and sixty aircraft. He also has flown internationally for the CIA, with many missions under his belt. Based on his research into many UFO case files, interviews with several independent sources, to include public documents, and international cases, John Lear arrived at a very interesting conclusion.

John believes that between 1969 and 1971, a secret US Government group ( Majestic 12, comes to mind), made an arrangement with a extraterrestrial group or groups.
These aliens were refereed to by intelligence sources as extraterrestrial biological entities or “EBE's” which is how they were referred to in Majestic 12 briefing documents.
These particular documents were prepared for President -Elect Eisenhower in 1952.
This arrangement stipulated that in exchange for technology, which the Aliens would provide, the government would agree to “Ignore” abduction of humans and suppress information in regards to the mutilation of animals.
The abductions were to monitor the development of our civilization, while the mutilations which involved the extraction of enzymes and hormonal secretions- were said to be vital for the survival of their civilization.
This is a very complexed concept, it hasn't been discounted, that the abductions may have included, the insertion of probes into the abductees, post hypnotic suggestions to carry out specific activities, genetic experiments, including the impregnation of human females and early termination of pregnancies, the early termination would be to secure cross bred infants !
These are some of the theories proposed by Budd Hopkins in his books on the abduction phenomenon.
This thought is of course unbelievable, outrageous, and puts one in the fringe element, but could it possibly be true ? Of course it could, and further more, it makes perfect sense, when you consider the billions of dollars funneled into black budgets, which are completely hidden from the congress. There is supposedly thirty billion used on “Black Budgets” Recently disclosed information on Wiki-Leaks indicates fifty four billion is a figure which hasn't been approved by congress but gets siphoned off STAR WARS, NASA and DEFENSE budgets.
We will visit some of the alleged projects of area 51 and other military installations shortly.

In 1953/ 54 Air Force Lieutenant Guy Kirkwood who along with other pilots was able to obtain 16mm gun sight film of UFO's on more than one occasion. He also reported that radio communications had been established with the UFO's, and the pilots survived to fly an other day ! Lieutenant Kirklands commander, Colonel Peterson, also confirmed this experience, and represented that he had actual first hand experience and contact with humanoid extraterrestrials.
Colonel Peterson informed Lt Kirkwood that he would be joining the extraterrestrials. In 1959 he disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle, his aircraft has never been recovered.
I have thought long and hard about conveying some of the UFO reports that I have been and am about to convey, at best they sound like something out of a Spielberg film. Just keep these in mind as we progress through my final chapters nd reserve judgment for the end of the book.

On the evening of November 16, 1988, Yesenia Velazquez witnessed a huge ball of yellow light in the area of San German, she then yelled out for her family members who witnessed two fighter aircraft gave pursuit to the UFO, which suddenly came to a complete stop in mid-air.
One fighter flew over it, the other under it, then they circled it as if buzzing it. They then appeared to enter the UFO from underneath and disappeared.
They weren't seen anymore and the sound of their engine was no longer audible. Two smaller balls of light came out of the UFO, and the balls of light shot away, at tremendous speed. Then amazingly the large UFO also departed at great speed.
Then a month later on December 28, 1988 several witnesses in the Cabo Rojo area of Pureto Rico, observed a very large triangular UFO.
In 1990 in Belgium, 2600 witnesses also observed a similar triangular shaped UFO, which was curved towards the aft portion of the craft. It was observed to have many blinking colored lights.
This triangular craft made a slow descending turn and flew at aa lower altitude over the witnesses, then it was observed to have two fighter Jets, which were identified as F-14 Tomcats.
These fighters were trying to intercept the UFO, as it flew over the witnesses one of the fighters accelerated and passed right in front of it, then the UFO slid to the left turning in the direction from which it came, and reduced speed as it turned. The fighters tried three more times to intercept the craft at which point the craft was observed to come to a complete stop.
The fighters were unable to stay with the UFO, because of it stopping or slowing down to a crawl. The fighter
continued circling the UFO then the fighters disappeared, some of the witnesses felt that the UFO “swallowed” the fighters. Just to give you an idea of how big a F-14 Tomcat is, watch Tom Cruise in Top Gun !
After absorbing the jets, the UFO dropped closer to the ground and flew over the nearby Lake Saman, where it came to a complete stop for a few minutes, the craft was observed to straighten its edges, and gave a bright flash of light within the existing yellow light.
The craft then appeared to divide itself in two, as though they were two separate crafts to start out with, both objects were now smaller triangular shaped UFO's and then they both departed at tremendous speed.
The US Navy was reported to have had radar contact with this incident, but a source with the knowledge said the recording was immediately classified and sent to the Pentagon. The source reports that the whole incident became classified “Above Top Secret” The source reported that there were other incidents such as this one which were also classified, with the crew instructed that it never happened.
Was this a hostile act, or was this a arranged exchange of knowledge and technology ? Keep this question in the back of your mind as we progress through this book !

I am telling of this experience because I don't, as the author, believe that there has been hostile contact with the extraterrestrials.

I don't believe we are losing our aircraft and aircrews to hostile civilizations, but I do believe there is contact and an exchange of information, between us and them, going on for quite some time.


Tonopah Test Range Airfield which is by the NW corner of the very large Nellis AFB complex, which is 150 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada.
This is the location where the Air Force test fly's vehicles that defy description. They have craft here that are indescribable, here they test fly things that are so far beyond the comprehension of the average aeronautical engineer that it is exceedingly difficult to describe them to the average lay person.
Some of the “ black projects ” that take place here are counter to our way of thinking, it's a totally new set of rules of physic's and aeronautics.
Technology such as “Force Shield” technology “Gravity Drive Systems” “Flying Disk designs. Lockheed’s Advanced Development Project Division, which designed and produced the F 117a, and B-2 Bomber are an example of an end product of these Top Secret endeavors.
There are essentially two divisions of UFO's. The “Alien Technology Center,” just north of Las Vegas, plays an important role with the testing of foreign unconventional aircraft.
This is the home of 4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron. Also known as {Red Hats/Red Eagles}. This is a highly covert organization, they gained notoriety when they flew a squadron of Soviet MIGs from area 51 to Tonopah Test Range Airfield.
Tonopah Test Range encompasses 625 sq miles on the northwest fringes of Nellis AFB. It is 70 miles northwest of Groom Lake, AKA Area 51. Tonopah is currently used for nuclear weapon delivery systems, research and development of fusing and firing systems, and testing the reliability of nuclear weapons which are stockpiled at this facility.
This facility is owned by the Department of Energy and not the United States Air Force. This facility is managed by Lockheed Martin through a subsidiary company called Sandia National labratories.
Sandia National labratories has obtained a permit through the United States Air Force, from the National Nuclear Security Administration.The primary facility at Tonopah is known as Area 10, which consists of several hangers and a 12,000 foot runway. There are an additional five abandoned airfields also at Tonopoh Test Range.
Six miles north of Tonopoh is a housing facility known as Mancamp. It contains 50 two floor dormitories, a recreation center which houses a bar a library, weight room and a game room.
There is a Olympic size indoor pool, several racquet ball courts, a two lane bowling alley, a BBQ area and a ATM machine. In other words this isn't a bible camp !
Area 3 is the operations center for Tonopoh Testing Range, which is in the vicinity of the airfield, slightly south of it. Area 3 houses the safety officer, testing Officer, and senior engineers.
The activities in and around Tonopoh are monitored with video surveillance, remote sensors, high speed cameras, and radar tracking devices.
This is not a facility where nuclear weapons are detonated, however in 1963 four weapons were destroyed as part of “ Operation Roller Coaster.” This operation took place north of Antelope Lake, and plutonium did escape into the ground soil.
Between 1979 and 1988, Tonopoh was the host of Russian MIGs used in air combat training exercises as part of Operation Constant Peg.This program was run by the 4477th Test and Evaluation Center “ Red Eagles.”
This allowed American Fighter Pilots to fly and operate, and fly against in dog fights, our cold war adversaries. This program was declassified in 2006. 5930 American Aviators were familiarized with the MIGs through this program !
Between 1982 and 1988 the 4450th Tactical Group was operating F-117 “ Knight hawks”, covertly from the Tonopah Air Field. During this time Mancamp was using shuttle buses to transport workers to Tonopah Testing Facility and Energy Department Boeing 727 and 737, connected the airfield to Nellis AFB, with up to twenty flights daily.
McCarran International Airport at Las Vegas also had two Boeing 737 flights daily serving Tonopah airfield by the Department of Energy.
Eight miles northeast of Las Vegas is the “Alien Technology Center.” This facility deals with the testing of conventional foreign aircraft.The USAF covert 4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron ( Red Hats/ Red Eagles) has flown more than a squadron of Russian MIGs from Nellis AFB to Area 51 and Area 10, which begs to ask the question, could they have also flown aircraft of extraterrestrial origin also ?
Steve Shults editor of the magazine Gung-Ho , claims that the Alien Technology Center has obtained extraterrestrial equipment and help in developing our advanced “ Star Wars Weaponry and Stealth Technologies.”
In 1988 Steve Schultz wrote “...yes I know I sound crazy, but the rumor is awfully solid ! The Alien Technology Center is real ! Something remarkable has made the Russians to want to play ball...I think this is it !”
In the early 1960's, a maintenance worker at Area 51, claims to have witnessed a disk shaped aircraft on the ground. This individual has a Q level Clearance from the Atomic Energy Commission and a inter agency Top Security Clearance.
This was conveyed to UFO Researcher David Dobbs “ It was on the ground partly hidden behind a building, at first he thought it was a private plane, but then noticed it didn't have either wings or a tail. He was about a half mile from the craft but noticed it was pewter in color, not a shiny aluminum. He estimated it to be 20-30 feet in diameter.” The witness claimed to be on location several times when the craft was landing or taking off but wasn't allowed to observe it.
He would be told that “ It would be landing or taking off in so many minutes.” He was always taken inside and out of view of the runway during these times. He didn't hear any sounds during these events, not engine or jet turbines or any normal sounds you here with high performance craft !
The witness was a electronics communication specialist who was servicing radio's at Area 51, on several occasions the radio's would shut down as if a power failure was taking place, then shortly they would come back without any manipulation to the radio's by the operator.
A Radar operator at the north side of the test site has reported several UFO contacts but was ordered to stand down and ignore the contacts, and he would do so as ordered.
The witness believed that he was observing a covert operation rumored to be underway at Area 51, known as project “Red Light”.
This project was not controlled by Nellis AFB, but was associated with disk aircraft.
There is a valley that runs north from the Area 51 test site for 200 miles, the thought is that this is the flight test area that the disk and stealth aircraft are using for flight testing.
There are several credible stories/ rumors concerning Red Light, that have been prevalent in the Area 51 community. USAF Lieutenant Colonel Wendelle Stevens (Ret) tells of being approached in 1950 by a former Navy Hospital Corpsman who was stationed at the Naval Auxiliary Airfield, which was part of the Atomic Energy Commission's test site, south of the Tonopah Testing Facility.
The Corpsman tells that at that time all of the base personnel had been reassigned except for the hospital staff. A Navy Sea Bee Battalion immediately moved in and started dismantling the facility, and removing part of the runway.
They then constructed an underground facility, and replaced the runway over the underground complex. By the end of 1951 the underground complex was finished and the Sea Bee's were replaced by a large squadron of “Red Light” personal.
This group grew to around one thousand personal that were permanently assigned to the base. It was reported that the base was protected on three perimeters and also by a blue beret security team.
At this facility all the personal had above Top Secret Clearance which included some of the very distinguished scientists of Area 51.It was said that the Red Light Program covered extraterrestrial propulsion systems, weaponry systems and examination and reverse engineering of extraterrestrial equipment and hardware.
There were rumors of captured UFO's, at least three saucer craft. There are reports of attempts to fly these craft or reverse engineered copies of the original craft to be continued

Presidential Briefing Part V

Presidential briefing Part V
We recommend that the propulsion and transportation aspects of these technologies (electro-magnetic-gravitational-systems) be released at a later time, when the world security situation has improved;
1) Establish high ranking liaisons with Congress, United Nations and other governments to co-ordinate these projects and the release of the new energy technologies;
2) The National Security Council needs to form a section specifically addressing the international, interplanetary and macro-economic implications of this disclosure and urgently prepare for the release of these technologies.
3) The Orion Project has identified key scientists to assist with the development of these new energy technologies. They have agreed to work with us (Disclosure Project) but are being prevented in doing so by a compartmented department (TS SCI).
4) We request an action from the Office of the President to specifically permit them to work with us, with the full support and protection of the President.
5) We cannot over emphasize the importance that these people be assigned to this critical task;
6) In less than one year we would have new energy generators developed to run America free from oil, gas, coal or nuclear power.
President Obama, we stand ready to assist you and your administration with these and other tasks and pledge to you our full support. I will personally fulfill any request from your office with the utmost integrity, discretion and confidentiality.
Please be assured of my heart felt prayers on your behalf for your guidance, protection and success as you begin your historic role as President of the United States.
This briefing document was prepared by Dr. Greer, Director of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence ( CSETI ) and the Disclosure Project.

Thursday, January 31, 2019


Dreamland is the radio call sign for Nellis AFB. Nellis is part of the Air Combat Command, Tactical Air Command, Air Training Command, Western Flying Training Command and the West Coast Air Corps Training Center and multiple sub commands including but not limited to USAF Fighter Weapons School, Tactical Air Command, 4520th Combat Crew Training Wing, USAF Tactical weapons Center, 474th Tactical Fighter Wing and the 57th Fighter Weapons Wing.
The Advanced Combat Training for Composite Strike forces is conducted here in conjunction with Air and Ground forces of the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps and also NATO allies.
It is at this Air Force Base that air combat exercises such as Red Flag and Close Air Support like Green Flag-West, and Silver Flag Alpha which are flown in “Military Operation Area Airspace” associated with the nearby Nevada Test and Training Range.
The combined Air and Space Operations Center is also located at Nellis AFB. Nellis AFB is the home of the 37th Air Tactical Wing, the area of research and development for stealth aircraft, and also unconventional aircraft.
The 57th Wing, including Adversary Tactics Group, the Thunderbird Squadron, the Weapons and Rescue Schools and the maintenance/munitions Officer School.
The 53rd Test and Evaluation Group which includes the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron, the 505th Operations Group, the
926th Group, the Air Expeditionary Force Battlelab and the Joint Unmanned Aircraft System Center of Excellence. Nellis AFB also contains the largest above ground weapons and munitions storage complex in the United States
Nellis AFB also supports operations at Creech AFB and Tonopah Test Range and its the Nevada National Security site. Nellis AFB has more military schools and squadrons than any other AFB.
Nellis AFB ground operations, referred to as “ Nellis Control,” for Range operations, include The Computer and Computed Subsystems used to receive microwave signals from the NTTR Ground Based Stations of the Tracking and Communications Subsystem ( TCS).
This information is presented on the Nellis Display and Debrief Subsystem (DDS)

to be continued

Presidential Briefing Part IV

Ej O'Reilly shared a link.
Presidential Briefing Part IV
We recommend that the President:
# Appoint a Special Presidential Task Force to investigate this matter, identify covert facilities and assets (see attached summary) and reassert Executive control over these projects;
# Identify and immediately stand-down operations that are covertly targeting Extraterrestrial Vehicles, weaponizing space and engaging in rogue disinformation projects;
# Develop response plans to minimize the risks related to potential false flag operations that intend to hoax a hostile ‘alien’ presence, including preparations with military, intelligence and international institutions;
# Form The Council on Interplanetary Relations to coordinate a peaceful, forward looking and non-militarized response to the extraterrestrial presence. The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (see has an 18 year ongoing project to establish such contact and can assist with this process.
CSETI, working with other governments and world figures, will form such a Council if the US government decides not to do so within the next 12 months;
Immediately fund the study, development and careful release of those new energy technologies that can quickly replace fossil fuels and nuclear power. (See
Note that these technologies, since they acquire energy from the zero point energy field of space/time, will allow for the retirement of the electric energy grid. We are in possession of documents and information regarding key facilities and assets connected to these technologies.
to be continued

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Presidential Briefing Part III

Presidential Briefing Part III
These creatures, used in conjunction with ARVs, have convincingly launched the pop culture fervor over ‘alien abductions’. Victims of such paramilitary human-controlled abductions genuinely believe that they have been abducted by ‘aliens’ and often have physical stigmata and‘implants’ to prove it. These implants are also manmade and we have information about the laboratory and corporation making these items.
# Chemical, optical and electromagnetic systems to assist with creating an alteration in awareness are components of the ‘stagecraft’ used to hoax an ‘alien’ event.
The vast majority of information in the public domain on the UFO subject is, therefore, carefully orchestrated disinformation designed to prepare the populace, as well as our leaders, for a non-existent ‘alien threat’.
The psychological warfare implications of this were described in the 1950s in CIA documents and are further elucidated by other documents and testimony. No less a figure than Wernher Von Braun warned of this cosmic deception.
The objective of such a false flag operation is the creation of an enemy in space that would unite the world behind a global military power against such an ‘alien threat’.
President Reagan and other leaders have been targeted with such disinformation, which is designed to secure their silence or cooperation with the agenda of secrecy and space weaponization.
The President needs to be careful to avoid being similarly deceived. After very careful review of all data and documents and after interviewing hundreds of top secret witnesses, we have concluded that the actual extraterrestrial presence is distinctly non-hostile.
In light of the reckless and aggressive nature of many of our covert military actions and the extraordinarily advanced technologies that permit interstellar travel by these extraterrestrial civilizations, if they were hostile, human civilization would have been dealt with decisively at the dawn of the nuclear era.
These visitors, however, appear to be very concerned with unchecked human hostility, war-making and weapons of mass destruction, combined with our early potential for space travel.
The tendency for people to engage in anthropocentric projection leads many to assume a threat where none exists. It is more likely that humanity may be seen as a threat to the cosmic order, insofar as we have failed to restrain the expansion of weapons of mass destruction while attempting to push farther and farther into space. Moreover, we have failed to initiate an enlightened and peaceful diplomatic mission to these extraterrestrial visitors. This needs to change immediately.
Disclosure of this subject must be very carefully planned and positioned as a hopeful and elevating moment in human history. A poorly positioned Disclosure that demonizes these visitors or frightens the public may prove more harmful than secrecy.
As you may know, my uncle was the senior project engineer who worked on the Lunar Module that took Neil Armstrong to the moon. The reason we were not welcome in space then, is because the passport to traverse the universe, as a stable peaceful world civilization that will go into space united and in peace.
In this regard, world peace and universal peace are two sides of the same coin. Once we vow to live peacefully on Earth and go into space only in peace, we will be welcome with open arms. Until then, a type of cosmic quarantine exists - rightly - around the Earth.
Unfortunately, the media and movie industry are highly penetrated by interests loyal to the Majestic group, which has used the media to, in turns, ridicule the subject and present terrifying images of ‘alien invasion’.
In short, the populace is almost thoroughly brainwashed on the matter, and this presents a further hurdle that must be carefully taken into account when planning Disclosure.
Nevertheless, the status quo can no longer hold and fundamental change is urgently needed. To this end, we urge the President to undertake a number of initiatives as soon as possible.
to be continued

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Presidential Briefing Part I

Over the next week I will be publishing in five parts a Presidential Briefing to President Obama when he entered office. I write more on the history of events because I am a historian and not a journalist. This briefing was prepared by Dr Greer a man I have developed a great deal of respect for. He is CEO of (CESTI) the Center for the study of Extraterrestrial Inteligence and also the Disclosure Group.
Presidential Briefing Part I
January 23, 2009
Dear President Obama,
Since the mid-1950s, classified projects connected to extraterrestrial matters have operated outside of constitutionally required oversight and control by the President and Congress. This constitutes a grave and ongoing threat to US national security and global security and peace.
The implications of this subject are such that no aspect of life on Earth will be unaffected by its Disclosure. We are acutely aware that this subject is highly controversial and suffers from great social opprobrium within certain elite circles and within the mainstream media.
Indeed, secrecy on the subject has, in part, been maintained by a carefully orchestrated psychological nexus of ridicule, fear, intimidation and disinformation that makes it difficult for any public figure to openly address the matter.
Moreover, the ‘bubble’ of security and access restrictions that surround the Office of the President makes it very difficult for POTUS to receive accurate information and advice on the subject.
The consequences of this secrecy, combined with the psychological aspects mentioned above, have ensured that none of your predecessors have been able to effectively manage this problem. This has led to an unacknowledged crisis that will be the greatest of your Presidency.
Because of this misguided secrecy, the wondrous new sciences related to advanced energy generation, propulsion and transportation have been withheld from the people. These advances include the generation of limitless clean energy from the so-called zero point energy field and quantum vacuum flux field from the space around us, and propulsion that has been termed (incorrectly) anti-gravity.
The field of electromagnetic energy that is teeming all around us and which is embedded within the fabric of space/time can easily run all of the energy needs of the Earth – without pollution, oil, gas, coal, centralized utilities or nuclear power.
The disclosure of these sciences and their wise application during your first term as President is the most pressing matter before you. These sciences will create a true new energy economy allowing mankind to solve our most pressing problems of global warming, poverty and resource depletion.
The constellation of problems that include global warming, biosphere degradation, air pollution, energy security, Mid-East policy, a collapsing geo-economic order, growing disparity between the poor and rich of the world, over-population and human sustainability on Earth, to name but a few, are all interconnected and directly affected by the secrecy surrounding this subject.
The solutions lie not in old thinking and technologies but in a new consciousness applying new sciences. These sciences were born in the late 19th and 20th centuries but were abandoned and suppressed due to the lust for power, greed and out of fear of unsettling the status quo.
It is time for a new Emancipation Declaration - one that frees all of humanity from the shackles of economic slavery that results from secret centralized power, corruption and global economic hegemony.
The world will not find justice and peace so long as half of the world’s population lives in poverty while the other half cannibalizes the Earth to maintain its standard of living.
This dire situation can and must be transformed into a world of abundance, clean and plentiful energy and genuine sustainability.
On this foundation, with these new sciences, technologies and a new consciousness, we can move forward as a people, united and in peace. Then and only then will we be welcome amongst the other civilizations of the cosmos.
That we are not alone in the universe is now a scientific given. That we have been visited already by advanced civilizations - whose interests here are likely ancient - is controversial. However, in my discussions with European, Vatican, Canadian and other leaders around the world, a growing consensus exists that we have been visited and the time for disclosing this information is long past due.
More importantly, an appropriate diplomatic initiative is needed to communicate with these extraterrestrial visitors within a framework of universal peace, free from the past dominance of militarism and paranoia.
Insofar as upwards of 80% of the American people think that ‘UFOs’ are real, and that some aspect of the government is lying to them about it, continued secrecy redounds only to the benefit of the precious few who profit from such secrecy.
This secrecy undermines the credibility of the US and other governments, and allows the cancer of unchecked covert power - forewarned by President Eisenhower in his last address to the nation - to metastasize throughout the world. It now threatens the very life of Earth.
Moreover, there exists a secret, ‘unacknowledged’ operation that has used very advanced electromagnetic weapon systems to track, target, and on occasion, but with increasing accuracy, down extraterrestrial vehicles. This reckless behavior constitutes an existential threat to all of mankind and must be reined in immediately.
The so-called MJ-12 or Majestic group that controls this subject operates without the consent of the people, or the oversight of the President and Congress. It functions as a transnational government unto itself, answerable to no one. All checks and balances have been obliterated.
While as a governing entity it stands outside of the rule of law, its influence reaches into many governments, corporations, agencies, media and financial interests.
Its corrupting influence is profound and, indeed, it has operated as a very powerful and embedded global RICO whose power to date remains unchecked.
Upwards of $100 billion of USG funds go annually into this operation, also known as the ‘black budget’of the United States - enough to provide universal health care to every man, woman and child in America.
to be continued

Presidential Breifing Part II

 Ej O'Reilly
Admin · March 22, 2018
Presidential Briefing Part II (Disclosure Project)
When I first briefed Director of Central Intelligence James Woolsey on this matter in December of 1993, only a third of this governing group was in favor of what we were recommending:
Disclosure of the fact that we are not alone in the universe and the careful release of advanced energy generation systems that would replace oil, gas, coal and nuclear power. Sources now inform me that upwards of two-thirds of this group now support such an initiative.
Interests in Europe, the Vatican and Asia, especially France and China, are urging Disclosure. If the United States does not move forward, these other interests will, and America will be left behind and become increasingly irrelevant in the world.
This cannot be allowed to happen. The European and Asian arenas will move with or without US involvement at some point in the very near future, as well they should. Six decades of secrecy is enough. We are also morally obliged to warn you of an existing highly secretive plan to use advanced technologies to hoax an ‘alien attack’ on Earth.
There exists within the direct control of this Majestic group assets capable of launching such a false flag operation and virtually every person on Earth, as well as most leaders, would be deceived by it.
Components of this operation have been tested on the public over the past 50 years and include, but are not limited to:
# Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs) - these are advanced anti-gravity aircraft that have been fully operational since at least the late 1950s to early 1960s.
Many so-called UFO reports by civilians and military personnel are of such ARVs. They constitute an unacknowledged or ‘black’ Air Force and these ARVs are capable of extraordinary speed, maneuverability and lift/hover.
By 2009, these technologies had gone through many generations of refinement and, if deployed, could easily hoax or simulate an Extraterrestrial Vehicle (ETV). (Note that a UFO is a nonspecific term and could be either an ARV or an ETV.) # Programmed Life Forms (PLFs) - these are well-crafted alien-appearing creatures that, while completely manmade, often deceive unknowing people as ‘aliens’.
The stagecraft, genetics and other sciences associated with these creatures are beyond the scope of this brief, but are very well developed. I have personally been briefed by multiple independent corroborating sources regarding the development and deployment of PLFs.
to be continued

Friday, January 4, 2019

Base 211

Capt EJ’s Explorations
Nazi Base 211
We will now examine the various claims of Nazi bases in Antarctica, which as we have said, may very well have been the point-of-origin of the “Nazi-Grey” craft that Barney and Betty Hill encountered during their abduction experience.
The historical facts are evident. Beginning in 1938, long before the end of the Second World War, the Nazi's commenced to send out numerous exploratory missions to the Queen Maud region of Antarctica.
A steady stream of expeditions were reportedly sent out from [at the time] white supremacist South Africa. Over 230,000 square miles of the frozen continent was mapped from the air, and the Germans discovered vast regions that were surprisingly free of ice, as well as warm water lakes and cave inlets.
One vast ice cave within the glacier was reportedly found to extend 30 miles to a large hot-water geothermal lake deep below.
Various scientific teams were moved in to the area, including hunters, trappers, collectors and zoologists, botanists, agriculturists, plant specialists, mycologist, marine biologists, ornithologists.
Numerous divisions of the German government were involved in the top secret project. This is where the mainstream historians leave off, as only revisionist historians will dare consider the implications of the rest of the story...
After all the data was gathered, deep underground construction teams came pouring into the renamed "Neu-Schwabenland". They came on cargo ships, military transport ships, and submarines. The cargo ships coming from South Africa were protected by a host of killer-submarines and military ships.
This might explain the intense Nazi war efforts in North and South Africa. Any ship that even came close to the shipping routes from South Africa to Antarctica were destroyed by German U-boats to protect the secret.
After all the goods were brought, the VIPs and scientists started to show up with a compliment of ULTRA, a highly specialized Nazi SS team like our MJ-12.
ULTRA has always been in control of Antarctica. ULTRA is the name of a secret alien interface agency in the NSA. Remember that the NSA has connections to both the Nazi S.S. and the Dulce base. According to contactee Alex Collier,
It is also noteworthy that ULTRA is also the NAME OF the Above Top Secret CIA-NSA-Alien base under the Archuleta plateau and peak northeast of DULCE, New Mexico.
This might also explain Valdamar Valerian's insistence that
early newspaper clippings just prior to the outbreak of World War II imply that "the Germans" were "all over" New Mexico exploring caves and mines, buying up property, and engaging in all sorts of mysterious activities.
If the Nazi bases still exist in Antarctica then they would no doubt still have secret contact with the Bavarian cults which sponsored and were an integral part of the Nazi party, like the Bavarian THULE society for instance.
As for Neu Schwabenland, the construction and secret projects in Antarctica continued, throughout the entire course of the war. Just before the end of the WWII, two German provision U-boats, U-530 and U-977, were launched from a port on the Baltic Sea.
Reportedly they took with them members of the antigravity-disk research and development teams [ULTRA], and the LAST of the most vital disc components [much of this technology and hardware had been transported to the base during the course of the war].
This included the notes and drawings for the latest saucer or
aerial disk designs, and designs for the gigantic underground complexes and living accommodations based on the remarkable underground factories of Nordhausen in the Harz Mountains. The two U-boats duly reached the new land of Neu-Schwabenland where they unloaded everything.
When they arrived in Argentina several months later, their crews were captured. It seems as if they were either counting on the formerly German-friendly Argentineans to allow them access, or it could have been that they intentionally allowed themselves to be discovered for misinformation purposes, i.e… "yes... we… are the last two renegade German subs. We've been trying to hold out but...oops, you caught us... the wars finally over!"
The crews of these U-Boats were of course interrogated by U.S. Intelligence agents who had suspected the existence of the Antarctic base.
Whatever the Nazi sailors tried to tell them, apparently the Americans were not convinced... especially considering the subsequent and ill-fated U.S. Navy backed military actions against the Nazi's "Last Battalion" in Antarctica.
The Base 211 was desperate following the war, and knew that a confrontation was imminent. Much effort was put into developing secret weapons projects to defend their new underground Empire, which no doubt was constructed with the 'help' of a large number of expendable slave laborers transported from the concentration camps of Europe. The major base-city of Antarctica became known as the NEW BERLIN, or by the code-named "Base-211".
The actual beginnings of German interest in the polar regions may date back BEFORE the earliest U.S. Navy polar expeditions. For instance one segment of NOVA related that the remains of Capt. Charles Hall of the ill-fated POLARIS expedition, one of the first American ventures to the North Pole, were discovered in an ice grave by a subsequent polar expedition.
It seemed that when the body was examined it was found to contain poison. It was also discovered by searching the records that the cook [who would be in the perfect position to administer poison] and the first mate on the Polaris expedition were German Occultist spies!
Remember that the German secret societies of Bavaria, which had helped to precipitate the first and second
world wars, date back to ancient times when -- following the occupation of Egypt -- the [un]'Holy Roman Empire' military forces based in Germany, the seat of government brought back from Egypt the black gnostic "serpent cults" which later gave rise to the Bavarian Illuminati, the Bavarian Thule Society and a host of other lesser known satanic racist Cults which gravitated around these.
To be continued