Focused low frequency sound cancels gravity “OM” (Nikola Tesla)The term microwave means electro magnetic energy, having a frequency higher than 1ghz,(billions of cycle's per second) which corresponds to wave lengths shorter than 30cm.
Microwave signals propagate in strait lines and are affected very little by the troposphere.They are not refracted or reflected by ionized regions in the upper atmosphere. Microwaves do not readily diffract around barriers such as mountains, hills and large human made structure's.
There is some decibel loss of a signal over long distances. (Ap=10 log10Ps/Pd). When it is necessary to transmit signals over long distances repeaters are placed along the way. The repeaters boost the signal strength to overcome decibel loss or attenuation.
This greatly increases the maximum attainable range of transmission be it power or communication.Some attenuation occurs with decibel loss when microwave energy encounters wood structures, houses or trees because of absorption.
Radio frequency (RF) energy is a longer wave length than microwave and to a lessor degree is affected by wooden obstacles. The microwave band is well suited for wireless transmission of signals with large bandwidths.
This portion of the RF electromagnetic radiation spectrum contains many thousands of megahertz.If one were to compare this with the shortwave radio bands that Amateur Radio (HAMS) use 3mhz-30mhz whose available bandwidth is only 27mhz.
In the world of radio communications a large allowable bandwidth means high data speed! The short wave length allows the use of Dish Antennas which have more manageable diameters.These antennas produce high power gain in transmitting solutions, they also have excellent sensitivity and directional stability for reception of signals.
If the earth is a resonator and vibrates as a power source how can we tap into this energy? How can we turn this energy into usable electricity? If we could do this wouldn't it be the greatest technology that we have discovered to date?
What If we had a transducer and using the piezoelectric effect of earths vibrations on quartz crystal. This means that alternating the compressions and release on the quarts crystal creates electricity.This is the principle that microphones and certain other electrical devices work on.
When we speak into a microphone the vibrations from the pressure waves of your voice against the quartz in the microphone create electrical impulses. The quartz crystal is the transducer! It transfer mechanical energy into electrical energy.
If we understand the source of the energy and if we have the means to tap into it, by using quartz crystals, to convert the mechanical energy of earths vibrations into electricity, we then have an inherent power source.
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