Thursday, September 26, 2013

Project Sign-Grudge-Blue Book-Snow Bird

Project Sign:

Project sign was a USAF intelligence project established in 1948 by Maj. General Charles Cabell, to study the UFO question.
Their final report was published in 1949. The conclusion of the report was that most of the UFO reports they analyzed were inconclusive, many looking like normal aircraft. There wasn't enough data to determine their origin. However most of the intelligence analyst believed that they were probably extraterrestrial craft.
The recommendation was that project Sign should be back burnered but not totally dissolved. It was under the Material Air Command, which took on the responsibility of investigating UFO reports that had scientific technical significance.
Project Sign was revealed to the general public by retired USAF Captain Rupert through his book “ The Report of UFO's” published in 1956.

This project was also established by Major General Charles Cabell who was Cheif of Intelligence for the USAF. It was also established to study the UFO question, under the direction of the Material Air Command. This project was dissolved in December 1949, but kept their doors open with a skeleton crew until 1951.
Project Grudge was replaced by project Blue Book in 1949, which immediately assumed project Grudges responsibilities.
Project Grudge was evaluating UFO reports based on the premise that UFO's were nonsense, which was apparently USAF policy ! However Major General Cabell wasn't aware of this policy and thing's were about to change!
Project Grudge approached their investigations differently than Project Sign, where most of the analytical staff felt the UFO's were of extraterrestrial origin, although they didn't publish it .
Around the hallways of Grudge, “ no matter what you see or hear, don't believe it !” ( Rupert pg 59-60 ) Captain Rupert disclosed that most of the top “ATIC” intelligence analyst's that were on Project Sign, were not involved in Project Grudge.
Project Grudge was the “dark ages” of USAF UFO investigations. For the most part Grudge personnel weren't investigating the reports at all ! The project appeared to be running under a debunking directive !
Major Aaron J Buggs in the pentagon and colonel Harold Watson at Material Air Command were openly giving the impression that the whole flying saucer business was ridiculous. The project was full of bad attitude, sloppiness, report being misfiled or not filed at all.
This project was an embarrassment to the USAF, and the United States of America ! Project Grudge became a public relations campaign to explain away UFO's as part of the Lunatic Fringe !
Project Grudge issued it's only formal report in 1949, it was 600 pages long. The conclusion of the report stated:
A) There wasn't any evidence that objects reported were
based on a advanced scientific foreign development
and therefore doesn't constitute a threat to National
B) Because of this the report recommended the
investigation of UFO's be reduced in scope.
C) Headquarters Material Air Command will
continue to investigate UFO's in which realistic
      technical applications are clearly indicated.
      All evidence of UFO's are the result of:
      1) Misinterpretation of various conventional objects
      2) A mild case of mass hysteria and war nerves (PTSD)
      3) Individuals who fabricate such reports to
      cause a hoax or seek publicity.
      4)Psychological persons.

Shortly after this report was published, it was soon released that Project Grudge would be terminated.

In April 1951, Bob Grim of life magazine visited Wright Patterson AFB investigating Project Grudge. He noticed a significant change in attitude, the negative atmosphere had changed, most of the former staff had been reassigned, there was a much more open attitude prevailing. There had been a complete “make over” by 1951 only one person was assigned to Project Grudge, a young positive enthusiastic lieutenant Cumming's, a very open minded and energetic officer.
Lt Cummings took his job seriously but was encountering a lot of hostility trying to reverse years of sloppy work.
On 10 September 1951, there was visual and radar contact with a squadron of flying Disc UFO's, over Fort Monmouth NJ.
A investigation was immediately ordered from the Joint Chiefs at the Pentagon, some reports state they went to defcom IV, visual contact was made by a interceptor squadron which reported a formation of silver disc flying objects which were flying at a high rate of speed and very maneuverable.
Fort Monmouth is in the vicinity of the Navy's weapon depot, and Army signal Corps facility.
Lt Col NR Rosegarten and Lt Cummings spent the entire day of 13 September 1959 interviewing witnesses and gathering documents at Ft Monmouth.
They then reported directly to Major General Charles Cabell the following day, who was engaged in a briefing that was not going well, and he was livid !
He was being briefed on the problems with Project Grudge, a project which the General had established. He was mortified to learn of the lack of discipline, unorganization and disregarding of Air Force protocol, which is standard operating procedure through out the Air Force.
When he found out that Project Grudge was ignoring the UFO reports, and debunking the sightings without investigating the event he knew changes were going to be made and made immediately.
When Lt Col NR Rosegarten and Lt Cummings were asked to step in and present their findings on their investigation, which was presented by Lt Col Rosegarten, they were then asked to speak freely!
Something quite unusual happened. Lt Cummings let it Rip ! The General was Chief of Intelligence for the entire Air Force, a UFO witness himself !
This is something almost unheard of in almost any military organization. Lieutenants in general are to be seen and not herd, especially in rooms full of Generals and Colonels.
Generally speaking when a new lieutenant, often refereed to as ninety day wonders, checks into his new duty station, within the first 5 minutes he has usually located the most senior NCO that can be found, and starts kissing ass!
The NCO's run the military, and everyone from the Generals on down are aware of it ! The NCO's will either make or break a new officer, or an old one for that matter !
NCO's consider junior officers as window dressing, an un necessary part of the job, but a sergeant's work is never done. He just hopes he has one that has the ability to put his college education on hold and learn from the example that the sergeant will set.
The men may not trust a new lieutenant, fresh out of school, half their age, but the top sergeant, often refereed to as “Top”, or “Gunny”, in the Marine Corps, will always have the respect of the rank and file.
When a sergeant salutes a 21/yo lieutenant, he is saluting the rank, and not necessarily the individual, until he shows his metal and earns his respect.
Lieutenant Cummings was rapidly earning the respect of Major General Charles Cabell, who had a twinkle in his eye at this point.
The General is from a long line of military and civic leaders, a tenth generation descendant of Pocahontas, from the colonial Jamestown settlement. His Grandfather, a prominent confederate Civil War General who after the war was a four term Mayor of Dallas. As was Earle Cabell brother of Major General Charles Cabell, and was Mayor of Dallas when JFK was assassinated on 22 November, 1963.
General Cabell was promoted to full General and became Deputy Director of CIA, he was forced to retire by President Kennedy because of the failure of the Bay of Pigs operation.
The Ft Monmouth case high lighted what critics saw as Material Air Command's sloppy debunking ! A meeting took place with only Colonels in attendance, the Frustrated General laid down the law !
It is reported that the General said “I have been lied to, and lied to, and lied to ! I want it to stop ! I want open minds ! In fact that 's a direct order ! Any one who doesn't keep an open mind can get out now ! I want an answer to the saucers – I want a good answer ! Why do I have to stir this up the action ? Any one can see that we don't have a satisfactory answer to the saucer question ! The General went on to describe the 1949 Grudge report as “Tripe” ! ( Sword pg103) And Thus Project Blue Book was born !

Project Blue Book :
Lt Col NR Rosegarten asked Captain Rupert to be the officer in charge on Project Blue Book, which took effect in 1952 and was terminated in 1970. Their mission was to analyze future UFO cases and straighten out the mess left by Project Grudge .

General Cabell wanted Blue Book to be low profile, he didn't want the public to know that the Air Force was taking the UFO phenomenon seriously .
He wanted to protect the Air Forces reputation on both fronts . If the saucer question was groundless, they wouldn't be accused of sensationalism. If it proved to have substance, the Air Force could produce a study on the matter.
General Cabell was concerned about a public relations problem. He didn't want the Air Force to be perceived as belittling civilian UFO reports.
Project Blue Book, under the direction of Captain Rupert, was considered to be the most open and productive period of UFO investigations by the USAF. However over the history of the program, and the project, the United States Air Force became the focus of every UFO conspiracy story and has lost much credibility with the general public.
MJ-12 was concerned in the late 60's that if they continued with Project Blue Book some of the guarded secrets would soon leak out to the general public.
The United States Air Force had made a decision to go underground with their investigations of the UFO question, Project Blue Book closed their doors in January 1970.

Covert Operations :

The United States Air Force continued investigating UFO reports without the knowledge of the public and also other governmental agencies. The United States Government could not afford to lose the advanced aeronautical knowledge they have gained from observing sighting and landings from alien craft.
The government was concerned about the public's reaction, they were afraid of mass panic if the whole story was known.
Many people in the Government feel that after 60 years of Government cover up, the people have the right to know that we have been visited for a very, very long time.
The general knowledge that Aliens had landed on our soil back in the forties, fifties, sixties and that we had established communications with them shouldn't be kept from the public, this isn't a national security concern. It might be a political and religious concern, but not a security concern. Perhaps if information is released over time it would be easier to accept.

Our Guests :

They are refereed to as “EBE's”or Extraterrestrial Biological Enities. Our first guest was retreived from the Roswell crash in 1949, and has come to be known as EBE-1. Six beings were retrieved, five of them DOA. This crash shouldn't be confused with the crash of 1947. EBE-2 volunteered to make himself available to us to initiate communications and be medically examined.
It took a year before military intelligence personal were able to communicate with him. A medical Doctor was able to insert a device into his throat, so he could pronounce words. It is said he was able to learn the English quite rapidly.
He was said to have been a mechanic, he was able to communicate his planets history of exploration of earth. He was said to have come from the planet Zeta Reticuli star group which was 55 light years away.
He came from the third planet in the system. It had binary sun's {system} two sun's together.
He was frequently hard to understand but time and patience went a long way. The complete communication is said to be contained in a book called the Bible which is kept in CIA headquarters in Langley Va.
It is a very, very detailed account of the investigations of extraterrestrial since 1947. It details everything that occurred from the Truman era up through our three Alien guests.
Technological data, medical history from Alien autopsy, information gathered on their social structure, and information pertaining to the universe.
The United States is hosting one guest {EBE-3} at a secure facility in New Mexico, he has been with us since 1982, he was still with us as late as 1988. It is uncertain of his current status. It is said that EBE-2 wrote a book refered to by the Intelligence people as the Yellow Book. The book is said to contain information on the Alien's home planet, their social structure and their life among us on earth.
This particular race of Aliens was said to be about 3'.4'' to 3'.8'' feet tall, their eyes are extremely large, similar to a insects in appearance. Their eyes have several eye lids probably because of the binary sun system on their planet. The days on their planet are said to be extremely bright three times as bright as ours.
They have two holes where their nose would be, they don't have teeth but have a hard gum type area. Their internal organs are very simple. They have one organ that would serve as both heart and lung, it appears to be a pulmonary sac in appearance.
The digestive system is very simple, they only have liquid waste, not solid. Their skin is very stretchable like elastic. The skin is quite hard probably from exposure to the bright sun. Their brain is more advanced then ours having several lobes.
Our eyes are controlled by the back of our brain theirs are controlled by the frontal lobe. They have very acute hearing similar to that of a dog's, their ears are small areas at the side of their head's.
Their hands have four fingers, they haven't thumbs. They have small web like feet. They have both male and female species. The female has genitalia similar to a female homo sapien, their ovary/reproductive system is slightly different. They have one organ for both kidneys and bladder, they excrete waist and appear to have a organ that transfers solid waste into liquid waste. They don't require very much liquid. Their body extracts liquid's from the food.
They are able to eat fruit and vegetables but are unable to digest meats. It is thought that their life span is around 400 years. They are thought to have IQ's over 200.
Their religion is based on a universal supreme being. It is said they enjoy music, especially Tibetan. They like vegetables and ice cream for a snack! They apparently like strawberries as their favorite fruit.
It is felt that there are at least nine civilizations visiting earth.
Their life span is said to be around 400 years. When you consider all of the UFO reports over the years, at least 50,000 reported internationally. Then you pay attention to the various descriptions of the visitors, there is quite a bit of diversity among them, which lends credibility to the multiple civilization's visiting us theory.
Just food for thought, if some of these visitors have an average age around 400 yrs, are the ages of the old testament people, Abraham, Noah, Moses and many others starting to make more sense. Were our ancient ancestors hybrid of two species ? Homo Sapien and extraterrestrial, I think perhaps so !
A NSA linguist has represented to a very reputable and distingished ufologist that the NSA has a signals inteligence (SIGNET) program set up to monitor nine separate groups of extraterrestrial communications. But is the NSA communicating with the visitors and if so, how so ? It has been disclosed that with a pulsating electronic signals we have been able to have limited communications with them.
The visitors send a signal to a undisclosed NSA listening post, some say in Nevada, and others believe California is another site. The signal is then translated with a computer, there are reports that they give us landing site co ordinates and we meet with them in an mutual exchange of knowledge.

Project Snowbird :

In 1980 near Huffman Texas, several witnesses observed a unusual site. Twenty large helicopters were escorting a unusual shaped aircraft, all of which were flying at very slow speed for such a large aircraft, slightly faster than a hover witnesses reported. The witnesses complained of receiving excessive exposure to radiation from this event and sued the government for 20 million dollars.
The case was dismissed in court, when representatives from NASA, the military and intelligence community testified that there wasn't any aircraft in the United States that met the description reported by the witnesses.
This aircraft in fact did exist, it was an Alien craft piloted by USAF pilots .
Of course it wasn't part of the military's fleet of aircraft . These pilots were trained to a certain degree and were familiar with this craft, they were having difficulty controlling it, which explains the helicopter escort. They had put out a distress call because they were afraid they were going to crash !
In the Presidential briefing papers prepared for President Carter, which were in the possession of MJ-12, a reference was made to Project Snowbird, which according to the Carter Documents, was established to TEST FLY A RECOVERED ALIEN AIRCRAFT.
This project was said to be on going and still in effect in Nevada. There has been disclosures that their was a base in Nevada that was under complete control by Aliens.
It was furthered revealed that the United States Government entered into a written and signed agreement with a group of extraterrestrials to permit them to use our facility as long as you don't interfere with our society, and we won't disclose your {Aliens} existence. This facility is area 51.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Majestic -12

Majestic 12 ( MJ-12 )

There have been a handful of people aware of MJ-12 existence. The President, Vice President, Director of Central Intelligence Agency, Director of National Security Agency.
MJ-12 headquarters is located at the very secure Naval Observatory, where the Vice-Presidents residence is located. The Naval Observatory is part of the Naval Intelligence Service.
MJ-12 was established by President Truman. It's purpose was to direct, collect, and monitor the collection of any and all information pertaining to UFO's.
MY-12 functions as a policy making group relating to extraterrestrial activities and contacts and UFO activities within the United States.
They make the policy then gain Presidential approval, then implement the policy. Part of their job was scientific advancements, but their primary purpose was to keep track of all the information coming in on UFO's.
Their responsibilities included analyzing scientific data in a way that would advance our technology.
The United States Navy has the primary operational responsibility of field activities relating to MJ-12 policies. All the information gathered in the field is transmitted to the Navy for analysis, not only their information but also those gathered by other agencies.
The way intelligence management has worked pretty much dating back to the original intelligence organization, the Inquisition is gathering information compartmentalizing the information, establishing a network of informants with some sort of carrot as a motivating factor and then spreading disinformation merged in with real facts to make the information uncreditable. Such is the case with much of the information surrounding the UFO question .
The volume and extent of the UFO disclosure released by the Navy to satisfy Freedom of Information Act (FOIA ) requirements is quite compelling. It has also led researchers into assuming very little involvement has taken place. I think NOT!
Other governmental agencies have also fed information to MJ-12 through a Top Secret “ Need to Know ” agency known as Project Aquarius.
MJ-12 connects a very few, special individual within the Joint Chief’s of Staff, National Security Council, National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, White House Intelligence Unit.
The research Is performed, the data classified, cataloged all under the cloak of National Security.
One of the functions of Project Aquarius was to act as a communications center of sorts, which various individuals could pass and receive information, without revealing their identities or details of their source's. This information would be analyzed and sent up to MJ-12.
Within the Defense Intelligence Agency there was two closely related but distinctly different groups both feeding information to Project Aquarius.
The group managed a small black budget with “a need to know” clearance level. There weren't more than a dozen people who needed to know. Over the course of several years two names were consistently associated with this entity, a Master Sergeant and a Colonel.
These individuals were known as the working group and were the filters which information was filtered through to get to Project Aquarius. A journalist identified the Colonel as being involved with a “UFO working group” which was established in 1987. The journalist claimed that Project Aquarius was supervised by the DIA Director of Management and Operations. The journalist was investigated by the FBI, who after an exhaustive investigation expressed in frustration “ the only thing we can find is the Government doesn't know what it knows.” There are to many secret levels !

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Captain EJ's Explorations Book I (Unwritten History of the World ) Part VI


In a published article in April (1995), former NASA Director of Communications Maurice Chatelain dropped the bombshell revelation that the Apollo Moon Mission found "several mysterious geometric structures of unnatural origin" on the Moon.
Donna Tietze, a former photo technician at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston during the Apollo Moon Missions, revealed during a May 6, 1995 radio interview on WOL-AM in Washington, D.C., that a coworker in a restricted area had as his job to airbrush out UFOs from photos from the Moon, before NASA sold those photos to the public.
Another former astronaut, Dr. Brian O'Leary, on September 18, 1994 made the following declarations publicly at the International Forum on New Science in Fort Collins, CO.
Dr. O'Leary said, "For nearly fifty years, the secrecy apparatus within the United States Government has kept from the public UFO and alien contact information.
" He flatly stated that "We have contact with alien cultures...." As for the nondisclosure of these facts, Dr. O'Leary said, "The suppression of UFO and other extraterrestrial intelligence information for at least 47 years is probably being orchestrated by an elite band of men in the CIA, NSA [National Security Agency], DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency], and their like.
This small group appears able to keep these already hard to believe secrets very well. ...Those who have investigated this hydra-headed beast believe that the Cosmic Watergate of UFO, alien, mind control, genetic engineering, free energy, anti gravity propulsion and other secrets will make Watergate or Iran gate appear to be kindergarten exercises."

In 1993, Laurence Rockefeller, an very interested follower of the UFO phenomenon and Commander Scott Jones, PhD. D., USN-ONI (Ret.), a former career Intelligence officer, began a campaign, dubbed the White House Initiative, to get the current Administration to reveal to the public promptly, yet responsibly, what the Government knows about UFOs and Extraterrestrial visitation.
Rockefeller and Jones met with Clinton White House Science Adviser Dr. John Gibbons in March, 1993, and presented a "Matrix of UFO Belief" analysis monograph.
A follow up visit by Mr. Rockefeller took place with Dr. Gibbons at the White House Feb. 4, 1994. Thereafter, it is reliably reported that President Clinton gave initial agreement with the White House Initiative. Subsequently, White House Science Adviser Gibbons had been tasked to find out everything about UFOs.
A Freedom of Information Act request directed to Dr. Gibbons yielded a cache of UFO related correspondence between Dr. Gibbons and Laurence Rockefeller, Dr. Scott Jones, U.S. Air Force officials, former French Government UFO investigations office (GEPAN) official, Dr. Jacques Vallee, and former Defense Secretary Melvin Laird.
Defense Secretary Laird is the official who also authored a letter to incoming Clinton Administration Defense Secretary Les Aspin, offering to brief him about UFO matters.
Dr. Jacques Vallee, in an April, 1995 letter, also offered to brief White House Science Adviser Gibbons on his UFO information.
On the weekend of August 19-20, 1995 Laurence Rockefeller had President Clinton as his guest at his Wyoming ranch in the Grand Tetons. The New York Daily News reported that Rockefeller has been pressing the Clinton Administration to open the government's UFO files.
The News has obtained correspondence from Laurence Rockefeller to White House Science Adviser Dr. John Gibbons, in which Rockefeller stated that the government must put an end to the over 40 years denial of UFOs.
Mr. Rockefeller has funded a study on UFO activity, which involved the help of three former astronauts. This study is expected to be presented to the White House.
When he first took office, President Carter tried to learn what the government knew about UFOs. President Carter was denied access to UFO information which the CIA had, by then CIA Director George Bush, who told the President that he did not have clearance for that information!
In similar fashion, President Clinton was not satisfied with the briefings he has gotten from the CIA on UFOs, because the CIA information conflicts with the information which the President's Science Adviser Jack Gibbons has independently acquired.
A source in contact with CIA's UFO Desk within the Directorate for Science and Technology reports that President Clinton had already made several pilot videos of proposed alternative public announcements about UFOs and extraterrestrial presence and visitation.
Dr. Steven Greer, head of CSETI [Committee for the Study of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence], has like wise provided two White House briefings to Science Adviser Gibbons on his UFO findings.
Dr. Greer has also been making international contacts with European governmental leaders, to attempt to achieve consensus on an international joint statement acknowledging UFO and extraterrestrial visitation reality.
Dr. Greer was engaging in this project in concert with the BSW Foundation's Marie Galbraith, a good friend of Laurence Rockefeller, and wife of Evan Galbraith, Reagan's former Ambassador to France.
On June 5, 1995 at a Bay Area lecture, Dr. Steven Greer revealed further findings. He has received leaked information that the Air Force, through its North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) facility deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, has tracked an average of 500 "fast walkers" (UFOs) each year entering the Earth's atmosphere from deep space.
This corroborates a similar report from Aero Jet engineers Lee Graham and Ron Regehr, who have shown UFO researcher Don Ecker documents showing that Aero Jet’s DSP satellite system alone has routinely detected UFOs flying into Earth's atmosphere from deep space 2-3 times per month. Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Howard Blum reported that NORAD tracks many UFOs on its deep space radars.
Dr. Greer has talked to a fellow medical doctor, the nephew of a pilot with General Jimmy Doolittle, who was commissioned by President Harry Truman to report on Foo Fighters during World War II. (Foo Fighters were levitating lighted globes, perhaps a meter diameter, which silently paced Allied and Nazi fighters and bombers during WW II, and were never officially explained.)
This officer reported back to Truman that the Foo Fighters were real, were not German craft, and were most likely of extraterrestrial origin.
Author Whitley Streiber, in Breakthrough, states that he has seen part of a document, revealing that the same EG&G Corporation involved at Area 51 defense research and security is also involved in weapons development against extraterrestrials.
Dr. Greer went on to note that key members of the government, military, intelligence and international leaders are "out of the loop" on detailed UFO information, and not being informed about hostile actions directed against these Visitors.
Former NATO (SHAPE) Intelligence Command Sergeant-Major Robert Dean has revealed the contents of an extremely classified SHAPE 1964 Assessment of UFOs and ETs, which stated, among other things, that: UFOs are real. Former NATO (SHAPE) Intelligence Command Sergeant-Major Robert Dean has revealed the contents of an extremely classified SHAPE 1964 Assessment of UFOs , which stated, among other things, that: UFOs are real.
Extraterrestrial spacecraft, that at least 9 and probably more Extraterrestrial races are visiting the Earth, that their intentions do not seem war like, and that it appears that they have been studying the Earth for a very long time.
Command Sergeant Major Dean also revealed that in 1961 a flying disc as long as a football field crashed near Timmensdorf, Germany. Twelve extraterrestrial bodies were found inside. Their blood was not red, but a viscous greenish fluid
Dean reported that government insiders feel that we are dealing with hundreds of ET civilizations, some intergalactic, some inter dimensional. He noted that 10 years ago, NASA set up a scientific committee, which came to the conclusion that there are an estimated 10 billion planets with intelligent life.
Command Sergeant Major Dean has assembled twenty astronauts, former intelligence officers, servicemen who participated in crashed UFO retrieval operations, generals, admirals, and even cosmonauts, who are willing to testify to a Congressional Committee about what they know about UFOs, provided that they are released from their National Security oaths.
The videotaped depositions of sworn key witnesses have been taken by a prestigious Washington, D.C. law firm, and stored in its safe, awaiting public hearings.
Command Sergeant Major Dean is working with CSETI's Dr. Steven Greer, in concert with former astronaut Colonel Gordon Cooper, other astronauts, another high-ranking military officer, and a General, to plan the release of UFO information to which they are privy.
Dr. Greer and Command Sergeant Major Dean are part of a Coalition of Starlight and Star gate Projects, which have been putting together the best evidence of UFO/extraterrestrial reality.
The evidence includes not only military and intelligence officers who participated in UFO crash retrievals and autopsies on Extraterrestrial corpses, but also fighter pilots, generals, astronauts and cosmonauts who have witnessed UFOs closeup, as well as UFO and Extraterrestrial tissue samples.
The Coalition's plan is to take their Briefing Document and evidence to world leaders, the U.N., scientific academies, and religious leaders for a pre-briefing. Then the Coalition will make a Public Disclosure. Dr. Greer reports that the White House, the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon and the United Nations are being enlisted to assist, and no one has said that this cannot come out.
On August 17, 1995, Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean announced the beginning of a citizen campaign to compel Congress to grant Congressional immunity to astronauts and military and intelligence witnesses, who are ready to testify at Congressional UFO Hearings.
The goal of all these efforts is to make UFO information and Extraterrestrial reality known to the public, through televised public Congressional Hearings.
On the weekend of March 18-19, 1995, the Disney Corporation conducted a sneak telecast of a UFO documentary without any prior announcement in five TV viewing areas:
Connecticut, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida and California. This amazing documentary, featuring Disney Chief Executive Officer Michael Eisner, put the reputation of the Disney Corporation behind the documentary's many startling statements, such as the following:
"Mankind is in the midst of the most profound event in history: actual contact with intelligent life from other planets."
"Intelligent life from distant galaxies is now attempting to make open contact with the human race, and tonight we'll show you the evidence."
"From beyond the boundaries of our perceptions, intelligent beings are beckoning mankind to join the galactic community. It's an invitation which is both wondrous and terrifying."
"Alien ships seem to arrive in waves, and if the last few years are any indication, planet Earth is experiencing a tsunami of sightings."
"As early as 1947, the large alien ships began to arrive, navigated by living creatures. Their advanced physics allowed them to traverse the galaxy and pierce Earth's atmosphere with amazing speed."
"More than one alien craft crashed, and was recovered for secret U.S. military research."
This is the actual site [Roswell, NM] where the Roswell saucer was discovered, along with the bodies of three extraterrestrial missionaries who didn't survive the collision. The debris and the dead were impounded, and taken away for top secret study, while a classified investigative committee, called the Majestic Twelve, was organized by President Truman, and a government coverup was initiated with a calculated disinformation campaign."
"For governments determined to maintain their authority, extraterrestrial contact is pure dynamite."
"When President Jimmy Carter assumed the office of President of the United States, his staff attempted to explore the availability of official investigations into alien contact.
As this internal government memo illustrates, there are some security secrets outside the jurisdiction of the White House."
"In November of 1975, essentially every SAC 'Strategic Air Command' base in the United States was visited by UFOs."
"Indications are that government, military and scientific leaders will soon release nearly a half-century of official documentation of on going alien encounters on Earth."
"Statistics indicate a greater probability that you'll experience extraterrestrial contact in the next five years, than the chances that you will win a state lottery."
Some UFO researchers feel that these "stealth" Disney Documentary broadcasts were a test of the public's ability to handle the revelation of UFO reality and the government cover-up.
On Friday, May 5, 1995 British TV producer Ray Santilli held a press conference at the London Museum to announce that he had come into possession of 14 reels of 16mm military intelligence film, which include scenes from UFO crash retrieval operations, by classified Army Air Corps units, along with scenes of autopsies in progress on several extraterrestrial corpses.
Mr. Santilli stated that he was given this film by Jack Barnett, an 82 year old Army photographer, who said that he kept back a personal copy of the classified footage he shot at the Roswell UFO crash retrieval operation in July, 1947.
Some indications that these UFO wreckage and extraterrestrial autopsies films actually were leaked from intelligence sources are the following two incidents.
A delegation of Chinese UFO researchers, who were in London and saw the film in June, 1995, said that they had received copies of the same footage two years earlier (1993), from the CIA, in exchange for some Chinese UFO film footage.
Former Air Force intelligence analyst Sergeant Dick Dotty claims that he was shown the Roswell film some time ago at Los Alamo's National Laboratory, New Mexico.
On June 28, 1995 a group of 19 Senators and Congress members, including Rep. Steven Schiff, reportedly were shown a preview of the film of the extraterrestrial autopsy at their request.
One month later, a special film program, entitled "Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction?", was televised publicly around the world, on August 28 (1995).
The six fingered, 5-6 foot tall Extraterrestrial shown in the autopsy film is not of the same race as the four fingered, 3-1/2 foot tall Extraterrestrial shown in a different film reel which Mr. Santilli possesses.
Such anomalies suggest that the films may actually be of different UFO crash retrieval operations, some at a different date than Roswell.
These inconsistencies may point to a sophisticated negative disinformation campaign by intelligence compartments to divert attention from mushrooming civilian evidence about a 1947 UFO crash at Roswell, by foisting onto an unsuspecting Mr. Santilli and the world public some, hoaxed or misidentified film.
Alternatively, the inconsistencies may point to an even more sophisticated, positive disinformation campaign.
There is the thought that there is actual military intelligence footage, of a variety of UFO crash retrievals, of various places and dates, that are merged together, under the name of "Roswell."
This mis information would require the public, to distinguish the Roswell scenes, from other UFO sites and dates.
This latter strategy would also permit fearful disbelievers to reassure themselves that Roswell "didn't happen," by pointing to scenes in certain film sequences, inconsistent with investigated Roswell facts.
The 20 minute film excerpt depicted a grainy image of an autopsy taking place in a well lit space. This segment is reportedly the second of three autopsies which are photographed on various film reels.
There are three human workers shown in a hospital like environment. Two people are wearing "radiation type" (bio hazard isolation) white suits, while a third person is behind a glass partition, looking on.
The two in isolation suits are working on a humanoid body shown on a black slab. The Extraterrestrial body has a height of 5-6 feet. Her head is larger than a human's, is shaped differently, with huge development in the back of the skull, as in an elongated cranium or “cone head”, a common site with ancient pharaoh's in Egypt as confirmed my archaeological finds in the Valley of the King's.
She has large, black eyes. The torso has a bloated stomach, possibly from decomposition. Extremities have six fingers and six toes. One of her legs is charred, (presumably from the crash).
There is no cranial or axillary hair. There is no apparent rib cage. Ears and nose are small and very simple or basic in comparison with human ones.
There are no teeth, and lips are not apparent. The ears are set extremely low, below the jaw hinge. There is no navel. There is a presumably female genital cleft, but there are no apparent breasts.
Some researchers feel that this corpse may be a hybrid of extraterrestrial-human origins, (because of the presence of genitalia, [not extraterrestrial], and the absence of breasts, [not human].)
Another film segment, seen earlier by Phillip Mantle, an officer of the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA), shows an autopsy involving an extraterrestrial who is 3-1/2 to 4 foot tall, and who has four fingers at the end of the upper limbs. A Kodak Company technician has examined some film leader and says it was of 1947 vintage.
A prestigious three day international conference was held at the Sheraton Washington Hotel in Washington D.C., on the subject of what should be the Earth's proper response, when it comes out in the open, that we are being visited by cultures from elsewhere.
The "When Cosmic Cultures Meet" International Conference featured presentations by scientists, academics, governmental leaders, research professionals, military officers, journalists and religious spokespersons.
This major, world-class conference, revealed the solid acceptance by political, academic, scientific and journalism figures of the realism of preparing for extraterrestrial contact, and provided a number of compelling statements and revelations.
Arlington Institute National Security specialist John L. Petersen compared the current shift in society and culture, involving dramatic breakthroughs in energy sources, extraterrestrial contact, and technology, to the shift from the middle Ages to the Enlightenment.
Anthropologist journalist Michael Hesseman likened Extraterrestrial contact to a second Copernican Revolution.
He also reported that Soviet KGB UFO files have now become public, revealing, for example, that in 1989 a UFO hovered two hours over a Soviet nuclear weapons storage facility, until finally a MIG fighter came and caused its departure.
Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack, presented compelling videotapes of him interviewing Southern African fourth graders, who witnessed a UFO set down, at the edge of their recess playground.
Then several extraterrestrials emerged, one approaching within three meters of one schoolgirl as others watched.
Washington Post journalist Ruth Montgomery related how she had received multiple reports about UFO reality from various military officers with whom she had spoken.
The producer of Mexico's "Sixty Minutes" television documentary program, Jaime Maussan, showed extensive videotapes of UFOs over Mexican population centers.
These videotapes show structured craft, flotillas of UFOs, and a vertical column of UFOs, inside a translucent plasma field.
The most interesting footage is a nighttime shot of a UFO, hovering near the ground, and later, a "Praying Mantis"-type extraterrestrial, that was illuminated. The extraterrestrial is seen turning towards the camera from perhaps one block away.
Sumerian culture expert Zechariah Sitchin presented evidence from ancient Sumerian tablets for previous contact between extraterrestrials and modern humans' ancestors.
The organizer of the Cosmic Cultures Conference, Dr. Scott Jones, has made videotapes of the Conference available to key Congressional and White House figures, so that they can be aware that representatives from the scientific, academic, professional and journalistic communities are well-informed and accepting of UFO and extraterrestrial reality.
Scott Jones has also recently sent a survey on UFO awareness and attitudes to all members of Congress.
On April 13, 1995 family physician Jesse Marcel, Jr., M.D. gave a talk at Mount Helena. Dr. Marcel is the son of the Army Air Corps intelligence officer who was present at the 1947 Roswell flying saucer crash.
Dr. Marcel told of being invited to Washington, D.C. in 1991 by Dick D'Amato, National Security Specialist for Senator Robert Byrd, and liaison, the National Security Council. Dick D'Amato insisted that Dr. Marcel and he meet in a "secure room". Jesse protested that he was "not going to say anything he had not said before." But D'Amato insisted, saying he had secure things to discuss.
D'Amato acknowledged to Dr. Marcel that there was a crash near Roswell, and that aliens were aboard. This was the first time Dr. Marcel had heard anyone in government admit the UFO crash.
Dr. Marcel said that D'Amato's answer to where the wreckage is was "We [National Security Council] don't know." D'Amato told him that the UFO reality information should be released. But that an incredibly powerful "black arm" of the government has been keeping it a secret, and that enormous sums of money are being spent illegally.
He also told Dr. Marcel that the National Security Council is trying to find out who these people are, why they are keeping it a secret, and where their money is coming from.
UFO researcher Stanton Friedman was in a position to confirm that such a meeting occurred, since he had his own meeting with D'Amato that same weekend.
When former President Jimmy Carter was asked a question about UFOs, he answered by relating that the Director of Central Intelligence used a psychic to precisely locate a downed secret U.S. plane. This was a veiled reference to intelligence agencies' use of psychics to study UFOs and extraterrestrials.
That same week Presidential candidate Bob Dole disparaged President Clinton's economic policy, (that more than 2% economic growth is impossible without inflation), by saying "That's like the Air Force saying UFOs are impossible."
The extraterrestrials also appear to be doing their share by employing a four element Game Plan to reveal their presence:
Element #1 is to increase the pace, boldness and openness of UFO sightings. Peter Davenport, Director of the National UFO Reporting Center (206-722-3000), stated that the center has been swamped by UFO reports since the first week in July [1995] and escalating. Not only are the reports plentiful, but reports are now common of numerous and multiple kinds of UFO craft during a single sighting, and there are many reports of UFOs landing.
Element #2 is the coming forward of an increasing number of close encounter experiences to acknowledge their contacts to psychotherapists, investigators and the public. Many professional researchers and therapists have recently reported increasing numbers of such accounts of extraterrestrial encounters.
Element #3 is the strong sense of mission felt by numerous UFO experiences and researchers to work to bring the extraterrestrial presence to public awareness. Reports from around the country verify that many people are feeling such a sense of mission.
Element #4 is the attitude change in many governmental and other influential leaders to allow release or leaks of UFO information.
Numerous instances of the results of such greater openness are evident in the revelations, cited earlier in this chapter.
Meanwhile, 1995 reports of UFO/ET sightings increase. On July 9 near Versailles, MO, two Air Force officers and a dozen other witnesses saw five very large UFOs (a triangular craft and four discs, each as long as a football field) hovering over an empty field. On the ground were 20-25 extraterrestrials moving about.
Three different races were present: some short, with purplish skin and large ears, another type described as luminous energy beings, and a third group of humanoid Extraterrestrials in jump suits.
On August 6, numerous people saw clusters of UFOs over Bakersfield, CA, which were reported in the Bakersfield paper.
On September 7, in mid-afternoon, a silvery-gray, cigar-shaped UFO the size of a small plane, so near that portholes across its midsection could be seen, descended and landed at a FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] underground installation at Seattle.
On September 21 at Salinas, KS, two policemen in a light plane spotted an array of UFOs and took camcorder videotape of them.
On September 22 in Redmond, a Seattle suburb, two women, one a professional astronomer, saw an array of craft with pulsating red lights. Hundreds more sightings like these have been reported.
On June 11, 1995 a UFO was sighted hovering over the Headquarters of the CIA at Langley, as reported in the McLean, VA local newspaper.
The UFO shone down a bright light on the Headquarters. Then it drifted north towards Great Falls, VA, where Ron Randolph, who runs the UFO Desk at CIA, has his home. Could it be that the Extraterrestrials are saying, "Time's up?"
In 1979 Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA communications systems confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFO'S on the rim of a crater. Maurice believes that some of the UFO's may come from our own solar system specifically from Titan. "The encounter was common knowledge in NASA" he revealed, "but nobody has talked about it until now."
Soviet scientists were allegedly the first to confirm the incident. According to our information, the encounter was reported immediately after the landing of the module, “said Dr. Vladimir Azhazhaa,” a physicist and professor of mathematics at Moscow University.
"Neil Armstrong relayed the message to mission control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module.”
But his message was never heard by the public--because NASA censored it ."According to another soviet scientist, Dr Aleksandra Kazantsev, Buss Aldrin took color movie film of the UFO's from inside the module, and continued filming them after he and Armstrong went outside.” Dr. Azhazha claims that the UFO's departed minutes after the astronauts came out on to the lunar surface.
"...all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin - flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name.
Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence.
"I think that Walter Schirra aboard Mercury 8 was the first of the astronauts to use the code name 'Santa Claus' to indicate the presence of flying saucers next to space capsules.
However, his announcements were barely noticed by the general public. It was a little different when James Lovell on board the Apollo 8 command module came out from behind the moon and said for everybody to hear: 'PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS.' Even though this happened on Christmas Day 1968, many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words."
The rumors persist. NASA may well be a civilian agency, but many of its programs are funded by the defense budget and the astronauts are subject to military security regulations.
Apart from the fact that the National Security Agency screens all films and probably radio communications as well.
We have the statements by Otto Binder, Dr. Garry Henderson and Maurice Chatelain that the astronauts were under strict orders not to discuss their sightings. Colonel Gordon Cooper has testified to a United Nations committee that one of the astronauts actually witnessed a UFO on the ground. If there is no secrecy, why has this sighting not been made public.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Capt Ej's Explorations Book I (unwritten History of the World) Part V

Dr Farouk El Baz, one of NASA's leading scientists stated “not every discovery made by NASA has been disclosed”! When Neil Armstrong went to the moon were there revelations that haven't been disclosed and if not why not ?
There are reports of unnatural geometric structures discovered on the moon. Pipe lines, dome structures and pyramids. Very eyebrow raising, but why aren't these photographs in the public domain ?
The moon is said to be in a vacuum, without atmospheric conditions. Why then is there film footage of the flag flapping in the wind.
Recorded conversations of astronauts and Houston have been scrutinized: As we expand our quest of knowledge through the space program we may encounter evidence of these civilizations, perhaps on Mars or the Dark side of the Moon.
Otis Binder, former NASA Communications Director for the Apollo 11 manned space flight to the Moon gave sworn testimony about a transmission from Neil Armstrong which was witnessed by numerous Ham Radio operators as Apollo 11 entered the Sea of Tranquility.


According to Ottis Binder, the Apollo 11 communications director, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were some distance from the LEM, Neil Armstrong clutched Buzz Aldrin’s arm saying “what was it ?, What the hell was it ? that's all I want to know” !
Houston – What's there ? ( garble) Mission Control calling Apollo 11.
Ottis Binder ends his report with the observation. “ There has understandably been no confirmation from NASA. NASA immediately ordered the astronauts to forget about what they saw and to continue calmly and casually as if nothing had happened.”
The camera feed was cut for a few minutes and NASA reported it as a over heated camera, while 600,000,000. viewers on planet earth sat glued to the edges of their chairs.
The TV may have been temporarily impaired but hundreds of HAM Radio Operators through out the world, including the Russian government, bore witness to the conversation before the feed was cut.
It would be quite amazing that such a important piece of equipment as a TV camera would break during such a historical event.
When Christopher Craft, the director of Houston Mission Control retired, he made a very eye brow raising statement. These statements have been verified by hundreds of HAM Radio Operators.
NASA, Armstrong, Aldrin with Cape Kennedy under the direction of the CIA censored both image and sound of the event.
The following is the complete dialogue between the Apollo 11 astronauts and Houston Mission Control :
Armstrong & Aldrin – Those are giant things. No, no, no – this is not a optical illusion . No one is going to believe this .

Houston (Christopher Kraft ) What...what …...what? What the hell is happening ? Whats wrong with you ?

Armstrong & Aldrin – They're here under the surface !

Houston – What's there ? (Garbled ) Emission interrupted, interference control calling Apollo 11.

Armstrong & Aldrin – We saw some visitors . They were here for a while, observing the instruments .

Houston – Repeat your last information !

Armstrong & Aldrin - I say that there were other spaceships. They're lined up in the other side of the craters .

Houston – Repeat, repeat !

Armstrong & Aldrin – Let us sound 625 to 5....Automatic relay connected.... My hands are shaking so badly I can't do anything. Film it ? God, if these damned cameras picked up anything-what then ?

Houston – Have you picked up anything ?

Armstrong & Aldrin – I didn't have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were ruining the film .

Houston – Control, control here. Are you on your way ? What is the uproar with the UFO's over ?

Armstrong & Aldrin – They've landed here . There they are and they're watching us..

Houston – The mirrors, the mirrors – have you set them up ?

Armstrong & Aldrin – Yes they're in the right place. But whoever made those spaceships can surely come tomorrow and remove them over and out .

During a NASA symposium Neil Armstrong was asked a question .
Question – What really happened out there with Apollo 11 ?
Armstrong – It was incredible, of course we had always known there was a possibility – the fact is – we were warned off. There was never any question then of a moon city or space station .
Question – How do you mean warned off ?
Armstrong – I can't go into details except to say their ships were far superior to ours in both size and technology . Boy were they big....and menacing ! No, there is no question of a space station.
Question – But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?
Armstrong – Naturally, NASA was committed at that point in time, and couldn't risk panic on earth ! But it really was a quick scoop and back again.

According to Dr Vladimir Azhazha “ Neil Armstrong relayed the message to mission control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module ( LEM). But this message was never heard by the public-because NASA censored it.”
According to Dr Aleksandr, Buzz Aldrin took color movie film of the UFO's from inside the module and continued filming them after he and Armstrong went outside.
Armstrong confirmed that the story was true but refused to go into further detail, beyond admitting that the CIA was behind the cover-up.
In April of 1979, Cosmonaut Victor Afanasyev lifted off from Star City to dock with the Soviet Solyut 6 space station. While en route, something strange happened. Cosmonaut Afanasyev saw a UFO turn toward his craft and began tailing him through space.
It followed us through half of our orbit. We observed it on the light side, when we entered the shadow side, it disappeared completely. It was an engineering structure, made from some kind of metal, approximately 40 meters long with inner hulls. The object was narrow here and wider there, inside there were openings . Some places had projections like small wings . The object stayed very close to us. We photographed it and our photo's showed it to be 23-28 meters away”
In addition to photographing the UFO, Afanasyev was in constant contact with mission control about the crafts shape, size and position.
When the cosmonaut returned to mother earth he was debriefed and told never to reveal what he knew, and had his camera and film confiscated.
The photo's and voice transmissions from space have never been released. It is only now with the collapse of the Soviet Union that Afanasyev feels that he can safely tell his story. “ It is still classified as a UFO because we have yet to identify the object”.
During the sixties and early seventies NASA's Apollo mission pilots all experienced close encounters with unidentified space vehicles.
In December of 1965, Gemini astronauts James Lovell and Frank Borman also saw a UFO during their second orbit of their record breaking 14 day flight.
Frank Borman reported that he saw a UFO some distance from their capsule. Gemini control at Cape Kennedy told him that he was seeing the final stages of their own Titan booster rocket . Borman confirmed that he saw his own booster rocket, but that he also saw something completely different.
Lovell – Bogey at 10 O'clock high.
Houston – This is Houston say again 7.
Lovell – Said we had a Bogey at 10 O'clock high.
Houston- Gemeni 7, is that the booster or is that the actual sighting ?
Houston- ….Estimated distance or size ?
Lovell – We also have the booster in sight ...
The encounter was common knowledge at NASA” Maurice Chatelain said. “All Apollo and Gemini flights were followed by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin- or UFO's, if you prefer to call them that.”
Every time it occurred, the astronauts contacted mission control, who ordered absolute silence.
Maurice Chatelain also said that Walter Schirra aboard mercury 8, was the first astronaut to use the code word Santa Claus, to indicate the presence of UFO's.
It was James Lowell, on board the Apollo 8 command module who came out from behind the Moon and said for everybody to hear “Please be informed there is a Santa Claus”. Even though this happened on Christmas Day 1968, many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words.
In 1995 Maurice Chatelain published an article stating that not only did Apollo moon missions encounter UFO's, but they also witnessed geometric structures of unnatural origin on the Moon.
Another Astronaut Dr Brian O'Leary who was speaking in Washington DC in 1994 confirmed Maurice Chatlain findings and cover up by the CIA.

For nearly fifty years, the secrecy apparatus within the United States Government has kept from the public UFO and alien information, we have contact with alien cultures !”
He went on to say “the suppression of UFO and other extraterrestrial intelligence information for at least forty-seven years, is probably being orchestrated by an elite band of men in the CIA, NSA, NSS, DIA and their like. This small group appears able to keep these already hard – to -believe secrets very well.”
Statements from NASA sources including Maurice Chatlain revealed that all astronauts are briefed before and after missions. They are warned not to discuss their encounters in public.
According to sergeant-major Robert Dean who holds a Top Security Clearance, who worked for Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE). In the 196o's the American intelligence community was in possession of a Top Secret file called “The Assessment”.
This file detailed the history of extraterrestrial visitation and an assessment of their purposes for visiting our planet. For the last twenty years Sergeant Major Dean has been fighting to make this information public.
Former NASA photographic technician, Donna Tietze said in a radio interview with WOL-AM in 1995, “ The job of a co worker was to air brush out any anomalies found on Moon photo's. The NASA library is currently in possession of “million's” of photograph's, plus transmission tapes, and video tapes documenting the presence of UFO's.
Colonel Gordon Cooper was one of the original Gemini astronauts depicted in the film “Right Stuff ”. When Cooper was a captain and fighter pilot stationed in Germany in the 1950's his squadron was scrambled to intercept a group of UFO's flying in fighter formation, only they were saucers, not mig's. These saucers were metallic and didn't have wings or protrusions of any sort .
Colonel Cooper was the sixth astronaut in space and was interviewed on the syndicated Merv Griffin Show on Coast to Coast television .
Merv asked Colonel Gordon Cooper if he would comment on a UFO crash, in Central America, where one of the occupants was kept alive by our government for a period of time.
Colonel Gordon Cooper replied “I think it is fairly credible”. He also stated that he would like to see a time when all qualified people could work together to properly investigate these stories and either refute or prove them.
Colonel Gordon Cooper went on to say that the occupants of the middle American UFO crash probably looked much like us. That they are almost entirely humanoid in appearance .
Apollo 15, was to the Appenine mountains of the Moon, under the command of Colonel David Scott with Colonel Alfred Worden as Command Lunar Module pilot and Colonel James Irwin pilot of the Lunar Module. During this mission the ttrio discovered strange footprints or tracks on the Moons surface.
Scott – Arrowhead really runs from east to west.

Houston – Roger, we copy.

 Irwin – Tracks here as we go down slope.
Houston – Just follow the Tracks, huh
Irwin – Right (garble) We know that's a fairly good run. We are bearing 320, hitting range for 413...I can't get over those lineations, that layering on Mt Hadley.
Scott – I can't either, that's really spectacular.
Irwin – They sure look beautiful.
Scott – Talk about organization !
Irwin – That's the most organized structure I've ever seen.
Scott – It's ( garble) so uniform in width
Irwin – Nothing we've seen before this has shown such uniform thickness from top to bottom
What were these tracks ? Who made them ? Where did they come from ? Does NASA have any answers ?
Astronauts for the most part were good soldiers who did as they were told. How about thinking outside the box ?
Geologist Harrison Schmidt, was the only civilian scientist to ever walk on the Moon.

Schmidt – I see tracks - running right up the side of the crater !
Houston - ( Gene Cernan ) Your photopath runs directly between Pierce and Pease. Pierce Brava, go to Bravo, Whiskey, Whiskey, Romeo
If this is not code what is it ? If NASA wasn't trying to cover something up would they be switching to a code ?
It appears that whenever the astronauts discovered something they switched to a predetermined code. More often than not also to a pre arranges frequency which isn't being monitored.
Dr Farouk El Baz stated in a publication that NASA was searching for specific items on the Moon. One structure they were looking for was a huge unnatural bridge structure in the Mare Crisium. They found it! The astronauts are now beginning to see many unnatural structures that defy natural formations.

Apollo 16, April 16-27, 1972:
Astronaut's Brigadier General Charles Duke, Rear Admiral Thomas Mattingly and Captain John Young.
As they entered the Descartles Highlands :
Duke-These devices are unbelievable. I'm going to take a gnome up there.
Young-OK but that’s going to be a steep bridge to climb !
Duke-you got—yowee ! Man !
Young- I tell you this is some sight up here !
Thomas- The blocks in bustier are covered-the bottom is covered with blocks five meters across. Besides the blocks appear to be in a preferred orientation, northeast to southwest. They go all the way up the wall on those two sides and on the other side you can only barely see the out cropping at about 5 percent . Ninety percent of the bottom is covered with blocks that are 50 centimeters and larger.
Houston- Good show. Sounds like a secondary...
Duke- Right out here...the blue one that I described from the lunar module window is colored because it is glass coated, but underne3ath the glass it is crystalline... the same texture as the Genesis Rock...Dead on my mark.
Young-it's open .
Duke- I can't believe it !
Young- And I put that beauty in dry !
Houston – Dover, Dover. We'll start EVA-2 immediately.
Duke-You better send a couple more guys up here. They'll have to try (garble)
Houston – Sounds familiar.
Duke- Boy I tell you these EMU's and PLSS's are really super-fantastic !
From the above transmissions it becomes obvious that the astronauts are speaking in code-meant to disguise what they are referring to. Why the excitement in their voices ? From the collection of moon rocks ? I think not!
I believe they found something much more substantial, which was not for public knowledge !
Apollo 16, describing Domes and tunnels on the moon;
Duke-We felt it under our feet. It's a soft spot. Where we stand. I tell you one thing, if this place had air it'd beautiful. It's beautiful with or without air. The scenery up on top of stone mountain, you'd have to see it to believe it – those domes are incredible !
Houston- Ok, could you take a look at that smokey area there and see what you can see on the face ?
Duke- Beyond the domes, the structure goes almost into the ravine that I described and one goes to the top. In the northeast wall of the ravine you cant see the delineation. To the northeast there are tunnels, to the north they are dipping east to about 30 degrees.
Houston – What about the albedo change in the subsurface soil ? Of course you saw it first at Flagg and were probably were more excited about it there. Was there any difference in it there- and Buster and Alsep and LM ?
Duke – No. Around the Alsep it was just in spots. At Plum it seemed to be everywhere. My predominant impression was that the White Albedo was ( garble) than the fine cover on top.
Houston – OK, just a question for you, John when you got halfway, or even thought it was halfway, we understand you looped around south, is that right ?
Young – That is affirm. We came upon Barbra .
What would Barbra mean one wonders ? Were there any signs of extraterrestrial habitation on the moon ?

Orion – Orion has landed I can't see how fat the (garble)...this is a blocked field we're in from the south ray – tremendous difference in the albedo. I just get the feeling that these rocks may have come from somewhere else. Everywhere we saw the ground, which is about the whole sunlit side, you had the same delineation as the Apollo 15 photography showed on Hadley, Delta and Radley Mountains...
Houston – OK, go ahead.
Orion - I'm looking out here at stone mountain and it's got- it looks like somebody has been out there plowing across the side of it. The beaches – the benches look like one sort of terrace after another, right up the side. They sort of follow the contour of it right around.
Houston – Any differences in the terraces ?
Orion – No Tony. Not that I could tell from here. These terraces could have been raised but of ( garble) or something like that...
Casper ( Mattingly in Lunar Orbit overhead) Another strange sight over here. It looks – a flashing light- I think it is Annabelle. Another crater here looks as though it's flooded except that this same material seems to run up on the outside. You can see a definite patch of this stuff that's run down inside. That material lays or has been structured on top of it, but it lays on things that are outside and higher. It's a very strange operation.

This was a very unusual conversation what is meant by structure, blocked fields, beaches, benches, and terraces. It's almost like listening to a police scanner, they are using “Ten-Codes” to keep the general public guessing about what they are doing.

Apollo 17
Astronaut’s Captain Eugene Cerman, Captain Ronald Evans and Dr Harrison Jack Schmidt landed in the Taurus-Littrow Valley on December 7-19th, 1972.
Houston-Go ahead Ron.
Evans-OK, Robert. I guess the big thing I want to report from the back side is I took another look at the-the-cloverleaf in Aitken with the binocs, that southern Dome (garble) to the east.
Houston-we copy that Ron. Is there any difference in the color of the dome and the Mare Aitken there?
Evans-yes there is, that Condor, Condorsey, or Condorecet or what ever you want to call it there. Condorecte Hotel is the one that has got the diamond shaped fill down in the uh-floor.
Houston – Understand Condorcet Hotel.
Evans- Condor. Condorcet. Alpha. They've either caught a landslide on it or it's got a – and it doesn't look like (garble) in the other side of the wall in the northwest side.
Houston- OK, we got that northwest wall of Condorcet Alpha.
Evans- The area is oval or elliptical in shape. Of course, the ellipse is toward the top.
Just another Apollo mission speaking in code. Of course every ham radio operator not to mention the Russian's were monitoring these transmissions, what could be so secretive ?
They found something interesting and are ordered to switch frequencies to lunar module pilot ( LMP )
Houston-Hot spots on the moon, Jack ?
DMP – Where are your big anomalies ? Can you summarize them quickly ?
Houston – Jack, we will get that for you on the next pass.
CMP ( Command Module Pilot ) Hey, I can see a bright spot down there on the landing site where they might have blown off some of that halo stuff.
Houston – Roger. Interesting. Very – go to kILO.
CMP – Hey, it's gray now and the number one extends.
Houston – Roger we got it. And we copy that it's all on the way down there. Go to KILO, KILO on that .
CMP – Mode is going to HM. Recorder is off. Lose a little communication there, huh ? Ok, there's bravo. Bravo select OMNI, Hey, you know you'll never believe it. I'm right over the edge of Orientale. I just looked down and saw the light flash again !
Houston – Roger, understand.
CMP – Right on the end of the rille.
Houston- Any chances of - ?
CMP – That's on the east of Orientale.
Houston – You don't suppose it could be a Vostok ( a Russian probe)
The Vostok flights took place in the early sixties and were strictly earth orbiters. They never reached the moon.
Houston – Roger, America, we are tracking you on the map here, watching it.
LMP – OK Al Buruni has got variations on it's floor. Variations in the lights and albedo. It almost looks like a pattern as though the water were flowing up on a beach. Not in great areas, but in small areas around the southern side. The part that looks like the water washing pattern is a much lighter albedo, although I cannot see any real source of it. The texture however looks the same.
Houston – America we would like you to hold off switching to OMNI CHARLIE, until we can cue you on that.
DMP – Wilco.
LMP – Was there any indication on the seismometers on the impact about the time I saw a bright flash on the surface ?
Houston – Standby we will check on that, Jack.
LMP – A UFO perhaps, don't worry about it . I thought somebody was looking at it. It could have been one of the other flashes of light.
Houston – Roger we copied the time and...
LMP – I have the place marked.
Houston – Passed it on to the back room.
LMP – OK I've marked it on the map too.
Houston – Jack, just some words from the back room for you. There may have been an impact at the time you called, but the moon is still ringing from the impact from the S-IVB. Which means the ringing or noise would mask the impact from any other craft. They may be able to isolate the impact at a later date, but right now they don't see anything at the time you called.
LMP – Just my luck. Just looking at the southern edge of Grimaldi, Bob and – that Graben is pre-Mare. Pre-Mare!!
Houston – OK, I copy on that Jack. As long as we are talking about Grimaldi we'd like to have you brief Ron exactly on the location of that flashing light you saw...We'll probably ask him to take a picture of it. Maybe during his solo periods.
It is interesting to note that the LMP specifically refers to the object as a UFO and Houston reiterates that it was a flashing light. Therefore it wasn't a meteorite that they were witnessing .
This conversation indicates that our astronauts and NASA do not take these sightings of flashing lights or UFO's lightly. Photographs were taken and maps marked at the sites of these occurrences
During the time that the UFO was spotted the Apollo 17 astronauts were discussing watermarks, and thus the conversation returned to that subject.
DMP – OK, 96.03. Now we're getting some clear – looks like pretty clear high watermarks on this – CMP -There's high watermarks all over the place there.
LMP- On the north part of Tranquillitatis. That's Maraldi there, isn't it ? Are you sure we are 13 miles up ?
Houston – You're 14 to be exact, Ron.
LMP – I tell you there's some Mare, ride or scarps, that are very sinuous – just passing one. They not only cross the low planar areas but go right up the side of a crater in one place and a hill in another. It looks very much like a constructional ridge – a mare like ridge that is clearly “ as constructional as I would like to see it”