Monday, April 30, 2012


 There are ten billion stars in the Milky Way, If one star has one planet that supports life, there would be one billion planets in the universe that are life supporting.

In the American southwest in New Mexico, the Native American Nation of the Zuni who lived in an Adobe structure in six villages that are aligned with the constellation Orion’s Belt.  They had lived there for 2,000 years. They keep their tradition of the Star People close to their chest and have not opened up to the rest of the world.  Most of their history is etched into the rocks of the New Mexico desert and petroglyph’s can be found in the ruins of ancient Zuni, Hopi and Navaho villages.

The Zuni Indians believe that they are descended from extraterrestrials called the Star People. The Star People instructed the Zuni Indians on how to live their lives.

The drawings on the rocks or “petroglyphs” show flying saucers carbon dated to around 1200BC.  The Zuni Indians call the extraterrestrials “space men” and refer to them as “keepers of the upper world. Kachinas were to lead the Star People through a special Portal to the world of light on the earth.

Every year the Zuni Indians have a festival called Shalako festival to celebrate the Kachina’s. They celebrate the arrival of the Star People on earth.  They wear traditional costumes representing the Kachinas who were supernatural beings who were divine messengers between their four worlds. The Kachinas had several messages to deliver but they were to always ensure rain.  The costumes have helmets with portals in them, they look like ancient astronauts.

If you look at the mythology, legends and poems of the five southwest Native American Nations They are all of the Star People and they all state that they came to earth in flying craft which they call birds; they called anything that flew birds even space ships.

 The Zuni Indians do not have a written language; all of these legends are in their songs and chants that they use in their ceremonies.  The religion of the Native American and especially the Hopi and Zuni are central tenants to their daily lives. They are told over and over again in their many ceremonies.

Perhaps if Native Americans had an extraterrestrial experience, other cultures did also.  In Muli in northwest Africa, deep in a remote valley, are the Dogon people. Their ancestors had settled  around 1000AD, and had been forced to leave Egypt because of religious persecution.

They have a very long and ancient tradition and have kept most of the Egyptian myths and legends right into modern times. Dogon tradition maintains that the sky god Ama, created the first living creature called Nommo.

Shortly after his creation Nammo divided into several parts, one of these parts rebelled and Ama responded to this threat by destroying him and spreading his parts throughout the world.

According to Dogon legends a god or “ET” descended from the stars and gave them this knowledge. To this day the Dogon celebrate Nomo and the visitation which occurred in the ancient past. They have ancient masks that date back to when these ceremonies began.

The masks show the history of the Dogon, they have a mask of Ama embracing the universe.  This is how they pass on information from generation to generation.  They pass stories told in masks.  Could Nommo have been a real entity there are striking similarities between Nommo and the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten.

Is it coincidence that these two cultures thousands of miles apart have mythologies that are so similar, that they descended from the stars?  They were both descended from extraterrestrial beings. Nommo from Ama, and Akhenaten from Aten.  They both had elongated heads.

The Dogon religion is maintained by the priests that share it with a select few only.  The Dogon and the Egyptian’s both believe that they are descended from the Sirius star system.  Both Osiris and Ama were believed to have come from the Planet Sirius B.  You can’t see Sirius B with the naked eye. It is believed that Sirius B was a dying planet and is now non-life supporting.

Astronomer’s using the Hubel telescope has identified Sirius B and Sirius C.  Both of these planets were hidden previously by the orbital path of Sirius A.  The Sirius star system is eight light years away, the Dogon knew of Sirius B, a thousand years before modern science did.

In 2003 the Hubble telescope confirmed that Sirius B is a White Dwarf or a partially burnt out planet. It is very dense it is smaller than earth but weighs eight times that of the sun.

Egyptians believed that their Pharaoh’s were descended from the gods and thus were gods themselves! The Egyptian’s believed their sky gods descended in flying boats; they believed their gods descended from the Constellation Canis Majoris and the star Sirius B.

They believed their Pharaoh’s were descendants of Osiris from the star system Sirius; this was the belief of Egyptians for over a thousand years.  The Egyptian’s believed in many gods but they believed the Pharaoh’s were superior to the other gods.

Pharaoh Akhenaten is shown with an elongated cranium. According to Egyptian mythology he was descended from the gods and arrived in 1352BC and was the 10th Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty.  He instituted many religious changes after his fifth year as monarch including banishing worship of multiple gods.

He ordered all monuments to other gods removed and the sun god Aten represented by the sun disc to be displayed.   According to his writings and poems written about him he was visited by a being descended from the stars.  “This is the way, I am your god, this god was called Aten”. 

Akhenaten claimed to be a direct descendant from Aten; he regarded himself as divine, a god.  A definition of a god is that you are descended from celestial being.  During his years as Pharaoh he ordered the building of a new Temple in karnak called Gempaaten, which was dedicated to the sun and he spent the next ten years there.

 Aten was the giver of light in Egyptian mythology and was associated with Ra but was not one and the same.  Ra was the morning sun and Aten the evening sun, and was the creator and giver of life.

He instituted changes in art and sculpture and also in the way he would be depicted in art. Typically the Pharaoh was depicted as being very masculine with large heavy shoulders, narrow waist angular jaw high cheekbones, no double chins.

Pharaoh Akhenaten was depicted the way he probably actually looked, almost feminine facial features Elongated cranium, high cheek bones; long narrow face and protruding chin,  slender hunched shoulders, a sunken chest and pot belly. Quite frankly he looks like an ancient astronaut. He looks Alien he looks strikingly similar of a hybrid of a “Grey” and human.  He had a very mystical look about him a cross of masculine and feminine features.

His wife Queen Neferth and their children were also depicted as having elongated craniums.  They looked different from other humans could they have been of extraterrestrial hybrid origin?

Pharaoh Akhenaten ruled for 17 years, then the capital became deserted, Temples dedicated to his sons were destroyed, statues dedicated to Pharaoh Akhenaten were defaced. Egyptians returned to their ordinary ways of worshiping many gods.

Was this a change a result of his complicated belief system or a cover up of his extraterrestrial origins?  Some say he was put to death others say he was banished from his kingdom with a group of his loyal followers.

In 1907 the body of Pharaoh Akhenaten was discovered in the Valley of the Kings.  His son Pharaoh Tutankhamen was the most renowned Pharaoh of all time his tomb was discovered in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings; he also had an elongated skull.  Could he have inherited extraterrestrial genes from his father?

Much of Pharaoh Akhenaten life remains a mystery, did he change the Egyptian belief system because he was an extraterrestrial, and if so is there evidence of extraterrestrial life incorporated into earthly culture?

In 7th century Iraq, sand script texts describe how an extraterrestrial race called Annunaki, created the human race. In Sumerian scripts Annunaki means those from the heavens came.  There are descriptions in the Sumerian scripts of Annunaki arriving in space craft from the skies complete with boots, helmets, jackets and watches, described as floating above regular people.

These were space travelers who visited earth in the ancient past.  Similar experiences can be experienced with the Greek, Romans and Phoenician gods. Some say these were also extraterrestrial contact.

Most cultures believe in powerful gods who lived in the heavens and came down to interact with humans.  Zeus was said to arrive at Mount Olympia, to bring knowledge, technology, culture and civilization to earth.

However these gods”ET” also have many human qualities also.  They were attracted to human women; they wanted to have sex and children with as many of them as possible.  There are many accounts of gods “ET” coming to earth mating with human women and having offspring of demi-gods the giants of the Old Testament, Goliath, Hercules and Troy are examples of these giant demi gods.

These demi-gods were gifted in many ways, they were handsome/ beautiful and smart they were creating more perfect or advanced offspring threw DNA engineering.

All of the array of Greek gods throughout Greek mythology were misinterpreted flesh and blood extraterrestrials and confused with divine creatures by our ancestors.

Belief in extraterrestrials coming to earth and interacting with humans is a cornerstone of many ancient religions.  In genesis God created the first humans Adam and Eve.  The bible also describes other worldly beings”ET” and humans.

It is reported in genesis that “fallen angels”  or”ET”came to earth and mated with human women and this produced the giants of the Old Testament.  Some say there is one God directing man kind’s destiny and others say there are many gods or “ET” are involved.

In the Old Testament it clearly states that “God made man in our own image according to our likeness.” Gramatically speaking this statement doesn’t make sense.  In the Hebrew bible which is also accepted by Christians and the Koran God is plural.  By “our” and then you have God then you have “own image”.  Perhaps by our they meant the trinity.  Holy Trinity.  Perhaps if you were to change God to “God’s” then the sentence makes sense.  God’s created man in our own image.

The creation story is throughout all ancient religions.  The creation and the development of man, the flood and the development of languages.  Life on earth came from supernatural life forms. This is in the bible and ancient cultures from around the world.

Ancient Astronauts visited us thousands of years ago and seeded the very civilization we have today.  If ancient astronaut theorists are correct who were these visitors to our planet and why did they come.  Will quantum physics and bio-engineering help us identify who they were and where they came from?

If we need special suits to go into a hostile environment wouldn’t they also?  When looking at carvings and petroglyph’s and sculptures is this what we are looking at?  Are native costumes trying to convey this message?

It is not farfetched to suggest that extraterrestrials wore some kind of protective suit when visiting earth in the distant past.  Could ancient astronauts have come from an environment similar to earth?  Could all life in the universe come from one source or specific place? 

Panspermia is the theory that life started in one place and was then spread around to other places.  3.6 billion years ago Mars was a warm and wet with a thick protective atmosphere.  Astronomers believe that since Mars cooled faster than other planets life began there first. 

Mars rocks are coming here all the time.  Martian microorganisms could be conveyed to earth through asteroid and meteorite showers.  In August 1996, a team of scientists discovered a meteorite in Antarctica of Martian fossilized life.

This four pound rock showed carbonized molecules excreted by living matter on mars 3.6 Billion years ago!  Earth is no longer alone in the galaxy system as the only living planet.  Life had once existed on Mars!  This is accepted as fact by the scientific community.  These scientists concur that life on our planet started in outer space.

Ancient cultures, the Sumerians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Mayans, Hopi, Zuni, Pueblo, Navaho, Hindu’s, Buddhists and so many other ancient cultures all knew this and have accepted what modern science is just now beginning to confirm.

Dr. Francis Crick and Dr. James Watson discovered DNA in 1953; they also believed that life started in outer space.  They believed that life was brought here by extraterrestrials; they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their discovery of DNA.  They also believed in panspermia.

Is it coininsidence that ancient astronaut theorists and modern science came to the same conclusion?  That life on earth came from the stars.  Could extraterrestrials be our missing link?   In 2003 scientists identified all 25,000 genes in the human body.  In 2006 they discovered the HAR-1 gene which is key to advanced development of the brain.

Is HAR-1 from evolution or from another world?  Dr. Francis Crick didn’t believe that human genes developed by chance.  Dr. Crick said you would have better luck building a jumbo jet by flying it over a junk yard in a hurricane than you would developing human DNA by chance!

The question is not what do extraterrestrials look like, just look in a mirror!  We look like them!  Could our genetic junk, which are genes that we are not using; perhaps they are from evolution,  perhaps we are not developed to the point where we need them yet.  Could our genetic junk be the key to the evolution of humans?

Could it prove who our ancestors were and where they came from?  The DNA is a recording medium of unlimited power.  Could extraterrestrials be us in the future?  Could they have traveled back in time to manipulate our DNA to better prepare us for the future.

When Albert Einstein published his theory of special relativity in 1905 it opened up the thought of the ability of the untethered mind.  The Wright Brothers had just made the first untethered flight in a heavier than air plane and Einstein is talking a bought time travel and star gates!

When you travel at the speed of light you will have aged enough that hundreds of thousands of years could have passed by the time you get back.  Could special relativity be the fountain of youth that we have been seeking since the age of discovery?

In 1935 Albert Einstein theorized that worm holes in space could be used to transport matter across the universe by bending space and time.  If you took a sheet of paper and bent it in half so that the two ends were almost touching, the space between the two ends of the paper would be the worm hole.  You’re not actually traveling faster than the speed of light, your just cutting corners.

A worm hole is quite literally a time machine; you can travel back in time or forward in time.


Monday, April 23, 2012


                                                 LINE OF DEMARCATION

As soon as Columbus returned from his first voyage of discovery Spain started the process of securing the new Trade Route.  Why Spain and not Italy?  Because Columbus was a Spanish Jew and not an Italian christen, says I.
Since the early  1300’s after the suppression of the knights Templar, Portugal was actively seeking new Trade Routes. After their discovery of the Canary Island in 1346 they set their sights on the lands to the west. They colonized the Azores from 1339 to 1448.  They rediscovered Madera in 1420 and also started the colonization of the islands in 1420.  They discovered the Cape Verde Islands in 1455, and their colonization of them also began.
They had worked their way down the African coast and rounded the Cape of Good Hope and thus had circumvented the Muslim controlled trade routes across the Sahara desert. This allowed a source of gold and slaves to become available in Portugal.
Jaoa vaz Cort-Real discovered the land of “cod” in 1473, another discovery for Portugal.  This was already starting to cause conflict between Spain and Portugal. It was taken to the Vatican to resolve disputed discovery lands.
In the eyes of the Vatican there were only two Empires that they held any respect for.  Under Pope Alexander VI (Borgia),  Spain and to a lesser extent Portugal. They drew a line from pole to pole a 100 league’s west of the Azores. Any lands to the west belonged to Spain, the lands to the east to Portugal, ignoring France the British Isles, Italy, and the Baltic countries. And they in turn basically ignored the Vatican.
Portugal raised a complaint and the line was moved further west, thus going through the most eastern part of Brazil.
The Pope at this time was a piece of work. He had several illegitimate children from his mistress, Vanozza Cattani.  Upon his coronation as Pope his son Cesar took over his previous affairs, and he was also made a Cardinal.  The widespread corruption, political maneuvering and greed of this family were off the chart. You could make a seedy cable series out it, as a matter of fact they did, Borgia’s on ShowTime. The church was without morale’s and spiritual direction at this time.
During this time the church was more like a midlevel country and the Pope was its King whose only focus was greed, power and control by any means.  The Popes daughter Lucrezia was married to five separate royal families over her lifetime to achieve this control.
The Pope stated in a Bull that the catholic faith and Christianity is to be exalted and spread everywhere, that the health of souls to be taken care of, and barbarous nations to be overthrown and brought to the faith. To this end you are to bring the Catholic Faith and the worship of the redeemer to their inhabitants.
Since the Spanish voyages of exploration didn’t normally bring priests along, the Bull might be better interpreted as to discover new lands and pillage their fortunes.  This may very well have been the game plan since the Pope would get his share anyway.
The age of discovery, colonization, and the pursuit of wealth had begun!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Hermann Oberth:

Professor Oberth was born in a Transylvanian Town of Hermannstadt. Was considered one of the three founding fathers of Rocketry and modern Astronautics.  These three men separated by great distances arrived at many of the same conclusions a bought a rocket escaping earth’s gravity. He did so without being aware of the others work.

Professor Oberth interest in rocketry was from his childhood when he read Jules Verne from “the Earth to the Moon”. A book he read and reread many times over his life.  He discovered that many of the Jules Verne calculations were factual.  The idea of inter planetary travel were in the realm of possibility.

The scientific community wasn't on the same page as Professor Oberth with this notion at the time.  By a young age he had a vision of a “recoil rocket”.  A rocket that could propel itself through space by expelling exhaust gasses (from liquid fuel) from the rocket.  He didn't have a model to test this theory but continued with this hypothesis while teaching himself, through various books, mathematics that he knew he would need to understand, if he were to develop his theories of overcoming gravity.

Professor Oberth knew that the higher the ratio between propellant and the size of the rocket, the faster the rocket would travel.  As the rocket expels fuel, the mass of the rocket, not including fuel, doesn't change.

This means the rocket becomes heavier as it uses fuel, and the thrust of engines becomes less...

Solution: Stages, Professor Oberth reasoned that as a  section of the rocket cylinder is expelled and the cylinder becomes dead weight, why not just get rid of it?  This idea is especially important because in space velocity is additive.

The requirements for stages developed out of these formulas.  If there is a small rocket on top of a bigger one, and if the big one is jettisoned and the small one is ignited, then their speeds are added.

In 1912, Professor Oberth enrolled in the University of Munich to study medicine. His scholarly pursuits were interrupted with the First World War, where he served as an enlisted medic.  This experience was significant in the young man’s life because he decided not to pursue a medical career.

When the war finished he returned to the University of Munich this time to study physics. In 1922 his doctoral thesis was rejected.  He decided that he could be a greater scientist without a doctoral degree than most of his associates will with one.

In 1923 a year after the rejection of his dissertation he published the 92 page dissertation “the Rocket into Planetary Space”. This was then followed by a longer version of 429 pages in 1929, which was celebrated internationally as a work of Tremendous Scientific Importance.

In the 1930's he took on an assistant who would later become one of the leading scientist's in rocketry research, for the German and later for the United States government.  His name was Wernher Von Braun.

 They would work again during the Second World War in the development of the V-2 rocket the “Vengeance Weapon” for the Nazi party and again after the war for the United States at the U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency in Huntsville Alabama.

Three years later Professor Oberth retired and returned to Germany.  In 1923 he wrote that these rockets could be built so powerful that they could be built to carry a man aloft.  In 1957 he wrote “Man into Space”. In this book he stated “to make possible for life every place where life is possible to make habitable all worlds as yet uninhabitable and life purposeful”.

Professor Hermann Oberth died in Nuremberg in 1989 he was 95 years old.

The Professor is well known for his quote “we were helped from people from other worlds”.

When a rocket flying at high speeds it generates more useful energy than when traveling at low speeds,
NASA calls this the Oberth effect!

Wenher Von Braun:  (1912-1977)

From the 1930's thru the 1970's Dr. Von Bauer was one of the most revered rocket scientist's and developer of space exploration.

As a youngster Dr. Von Bauer was intrigued by the writings of Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, and Hermann Oberth's book “Rocket to Space”.  This motivated an interest in mathematics so he could understand the physic’s of rocketry.

From his teenage years Dr. Von Braun had been very interested in space flight, he became involved in the German Rocket Society as early as 1929. He wanted to build very large rockets.

  In 1932 Dr..Von Braun entered the German Army. He was a SS- Amwarter (Candidate) in SS Riding School in 1933, He was inactive in the SS until 1940 when he was commissioned a SS Understumfuhrer (2nd Lt), a year later promoted to SS-Oberstufuhrer, (1st Lt), a year later promoted to SS- Hauptstumfuhrer, (Capt.) and a year later promoted to SS-Sturmbanbannfuhrer (Major) All of his promotions were made by Himmler. Dr. Von Braun was an occultist and a member of the Vril Socitey.

Dr. Von Braun was involved in developing ballistic missiles during this period he also was going to night school and received his Ph.D in Physics in July 27, 1934. The years of 1934 – 1940 were busy years for Dr. Von Braun.

 Not only was he going to night school to acquire his Ph.D. he also during this period designed the B-1 buzz bomb, B-2  missile, which for all  practical purposes was the rocket launching the first Gemini missions in the United States Space program.

By 1940 the design for the A-10 NY Missile was well underway, although it wasn’t planned to be launched until 1946. Also the Mars Rocket was in their preliminary development stages.

You might wonder how Germany was light years ahead of every other nation in technology in the world. How could the German scientists have made such huge aeronautical and technological advances in such a short period of time?

 The technologies include; beam weaponry, weather manipulation, both a cold and molecular bomb, ion plasma energy, and the out of this world flying saucer called the Haunbe flying discs.  Developed a heavy particle accelerator used to produce pure bomb grade uranium 233.

They had invented the jet engine, guided bombs, and missile technology which were way ahead of the times.  Could they have had special help?

Years later, in 1970, UFO researcher Alan Greenfield, was at Wright Patterson Air Force Base reviewing UFO files when Dr. Von Braun entered the room and started a conversation with Greenfield.

Alan Greenfield asked that same question. Sir, how did you develop so much technology so fast?  Dr. Von Braun replied we had help from them, as he pointed to the files. Greenfield said you mean extraterrestrial help? Dr. von Braun replied yes!

In 1936 in the Black forest of Germany, close to Freiburg there was a loud crash, which woke up everyone in the area. Within hours the site was crawling with SS soldiers, who had taken control of the crash site.  There were three bodies recovered two deceased, one that was injured but lived for six weeks. The wreckage was transported to Wewelsburg Castle, which was the home of SS Technical Branch (E-IV).

The Thule Society financed the SS Technical Branch; it was guided by the inner circle of Thule known as the Vril Society. Himmler tasked Technical Branch with developing alternative energies.

 When the wreckage from the crashed Disc arrived five scientists were waiting for it. Professor Hermann Oberth, Dr. Von Braun, Professor Max Von Laue, Professor Wernher Von Heisenberg and Professor Otto Haun.

 These scientists reverse engineered the disc and within three years a flying saucer called Haunebu I was airborne.  Professor Otto Haun also is credited with discovering nuclear fusion.

In 1939 the first flying disc was undergoing flight tests.  This flying Disc was said to have been 137 ft. in diameter and was powered by a jet engine.  It was said to have reached 45,000 feet of altitude in three minutes, and to fly at 1200mph.

A few years later an advanced flying disc called Haunebu II was built it had a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravity engine and in combination with an energy converter coupled to a Van de Graf band converter and Maconi vortex dynamo (a spherical tank of mercury) was used to create powerful rotary magnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass.

This propulsion unit was designated “Tachyonator-7 Drive” and was installed on to Thule designed disc’s.  Thule “SS” had been searching for a location to build and test their disc craft.  They decided on a site in NW Germany which was designated Haunebu.

At this test ground and factory “the SS E-IV” unit referred to the Thule disc as a product of “H-Grat”
Haunebu  device.  For war time security reasons, it was referred to as Haunebu I in 1939.  This site was later abandoned for the Vril Arado Brandenburg Castle aircraft testing grounds.  It was initially designated RFZ series.

The Haunebu was a separate Thule product from other RFZ products constructed by SS E-IV units. The early Haunebu I, craft had two prototypes.  They were 75 ft. in diameter, had a crew of 8, and flew at 4800 kmh.

 As research and development continued the speed rose to 17000kmh.  It could fly for 18hrs.  They were constructed out of victalen to compensate for overheating from air friction drag.  They were armed with twin 60mm ksk cannons, which projected a beam similar to a laser ray.

In 1942 Haunetu II was ready for flight tests, it was 76 ft. in diameter, it had a supersonic speeds of 6000-21000kmh, with a flight endurance of 55 hrs.  Seven of these craft were developed and tested between 1943-44, they made 106 flight tests. By 1944 the perfected war model, the Haunebu II Do-Strata was fully developed and had two prototypes that were produced, they had a crew of 20 men.

The Haunebu III was built with a diameter of 213 feet; it had a crew of 32. It had a velocity of between 7000 and 40,000kmh and it had a triple Victalen hull.  It was reported that it had a flight endurance of seven to eight weeks. It made 18 flight tests.

This craft was to be used in the evacuation of Thule and Vril leadership in March of 1945. Its name was Ostaru. It had A-9/A-10 booster rockets to to make it airborne, it was said to be carrying SS General Hans Kammler, Maria Orsec, and several of the SS officers  and Viril leaders wanted for war crimes.

There are unfounded reports and legends that this crafts destination was Mars, an eight month journey, it had SS oxygen generators, and a modified Dragger Werke pressure suits.

There were plans for a 360 ft. diameter Haunebu IV, which most accounts report that it wasn’t built before wars end.

There were many reports of UFO/Haunebu sightings over Germany after the Second World War; in 1970 the Bunderwher (German Defense Force) reported a craft similar to the Hauebu IV over NW Germany.

These craft were destroyed before the Soviet and allied forces overran the German Empire. There are reports also that some of these craft were evacuated to base 211 that the Nazi’s built in Antarctica during the war.

These plans and technologies were part of the information turned over to American intelligence as part of OSS operation Paperclip, when Dr. von Braun arranged for the surrender of 500 of his top scientists and their files.

The inner circle of the Thule Society was the Vril Society which was composed of the Leadership of the SS. They performed metaphysical research some of this is what we now call neuro networking, and psychic channeling.  They were obsessed with “anti-Matter” technology, which they referred to as the “Black Sun”.

Wewelsburg Castle in Westphalia Germany, was purchased by the Thule Society in 1939, and started on a 15,000,000. dollar restoration.  This became the central location of the Vril Society’s and SS center for their Spiritual quest.  Its primary function was Metaphysical research, anti-matter research, and research into channeling psychic energies. They were reviving ancient alchemical processes, and other studies of ancient “Black Arts”.

Below the castle’s main banquet hall was a large room for religious ceremonies called the “Mystical Hall of The Dead”. This room was in honor of the Teutonic Knights. Himmler was the High Priest, and the ashes of his closest disciples were kept in 12 urns upon their death.

The Hall of the Dead was a circular room with twelve low stone platforms around its walls. In the center of the room was an Alter for worshiping.  This was the center point in the room; attempts were made by the society to invoke the dark mystical powers of the Black Sun.

Twelve Knight Initiates would stand one on each of the stone platforms, facing the alter and would attempt to channel psychic energy to the High Priest at the alter usually Himmler.

These ceremonies required human blood sacrifices which wasn’t a problem; SS prisons and concentration camps made available subjects for this purpose, the SS kept a supply of these prisoners at the castle prison for this purpose.

Himmler believed these ceremonies helped the war effort and upon ultimate victory at wars end the castle would become the spiritual center of the world.  SS Stumfuhrer Von Braun was in attendance at these monthly “meetings”.

The castle was involved in creating incredible powers that could be used in the wars efforts.  The Black Sun concept gave birth to a wide field of technologies, considered unconventional and demonic in the 1940’s.

Weather manipulation, beam weapons, cold and molecular bombs, ion plasma energies, radical flying disc craft, electro-magnetic-gravitational technology.

Thule and Viril Societies had experimented with “other world flying machines” referred to as JFM between 1922 and 1924.  There wasn’t thought to have any interdimensional flights achieved during this time despite psychic channeling by Maria Orsec, who headed up the women’s section of Vril and an longtime occultist.

Extraterrestial influence didn’t lead to a suitable drive for the early flying disc, but reverse engineering of the black forest crashed disc, led to a different technology.

In addition to metaphysical theory they incorporated German quantum physics, and the works of Nikolai Tesla into disc development programs. The combination of extraterrestrial and human technology led to the development of Haunetu I flying disc.  Thule and Vril Society had some success with RFZ disc aircraft but the Haunetu discs were superior.

Dr. Von Braun is well known as the leader of the “Rocket Team” that developed and produced the V-2 ballistic missile for the SS during WWII. The V-2 was built at a forced labor factory called Mittlewerk.

 Scholars are still debating Dr. Von Braun's role during these controversial times, but what we know factually, is that he Joined the German Army in 1932 was a member of the SS since 1933, he joined the Nazi party on Nov 12, 1937, and in 1940 was commissioned in the SS.

He was technical director of the Mittlewerk factory; he was active in the SS and was also a member of Vril, an Occult organization which was the inner circle of the Thule Society, which was the predecessor of the Nazi party.

Labor for the V-2 factory at the Mittlewerk factory in Peenemunde became a problem in 1942.  Dr. Von Braun tasked his chief engineer Arthur Rudolph with the transfer of prisoners from the Brachenwald Concentration camp, which Dr. von Braun personally selected as represented in a letter on August 15, 1944, to the General Manager of the factory at Peenemunde Albun Sawatzki, and in charge of V-2 production.

In this letter he stated he personally selected prisoners from Brachenwald concentration camp to be transferred to Peenemunde.

Himmler’s SS was taking over control of the V-2 factory and at this point the factory was a SS operation.  During this time while at a party Dr. Von Braun was overheard by a female dentist saying that the V-2 could be used in space exploration after the war.  The dentist was a SS spy and reported what she heard to the SS. Dr. von Braun had been under SD surveillance since October 1943.

Dr. Von Braun was arrested on charges of being a communist sympathizer, and for sabotaging or at the very least slowing the production of V-2 Rockets, to put production behind schedule.  Dr. von Braun’s boss Dr. Dornburger went to his defense and was able to gain his release and he was able to resume his duties as Technical director at Mittlewerk.

It is felt that this was a turning point for Dr. Von Braun’s feelings towards the SS and the 3rd Reich. It was at this point that Dr. Von Braun started to gather intelligence, drawings, plans, development notes, and all the knowledge of Top Secret projects that he was privy to  including the extratelestrial knowledge obtained from the reverse engineering of the crashed black forest disc. And technology used in the Haunetu flying disc’s projects.

It was at this point also that Dr. Von Braun was starting to select loyal and specific scientists and technicians to surrender themselves and their plans to the Americans in an OSS operation known as Operation Paperclip.

As part of this operation all of the scientist’s horrific war records were destroyed and new bios and resume were established.  The work that they had done on bombs and missiles used in the attacks on London and other points in Europe were expunged.

Two French Resistance fighters who were prisoners at Brachenwald reported on some of his atrocities long after Dr. Von Braun had died.

Guy Morand of the French Resistance was a prisoner at Dora, reported that after an apparent sabotage attempt Dr. Von Braun ordered 25 lashes, and then ordered it again more vigorous.

Robert Cazabonne also a French resistance fighter testified that Dr. Von Braun was present when prisoners were hanged from chains hanging from hoists in the factory.

More people died working in the V-2 factories then were killed by the use of these missiles.  An estimated ten thousand prisoners primarily from Brachenwalld were selected and an estimated six thousand died while working at the Mittlewerk factory.

Dr. Von Braun claimed that he never saw any abuses or executions, but stated the conditions at Mittlewerk were horrific.

The brain child of Dr. Von Braun’s rocket team operating at a secret laboratory at Peenemunde on the Baltic coast of Poland, Was the V-2 rocket. This was the immediate predesor of the rockets used in space exploration in the United States and the Soviet Union.

The V-2 rocket was a 46’ missile, propelled by liquid fuel. These missiles weighed 22,000lbs, and flew at speeds in excess of 3500mph. This missile delivered a 2200lb warhead with a range of 500 miles.
This missile was first used in October 1942; it was used against targets in London and Europe starting in 1944...

Dr. Von Braun and his team of 500 scientists and technicians were covertly rescued from Germany and sent to Fort Bliss in Texas and for the next 15 years worked for the US Army in the development of ballistic missiles; this was also part of operation paper clip.

At fort Bliss they designed and developed several programs that they had started in Germany the test grounds for these developments were at White Sands proving grounds in New Mexico.  In 1950 Dr. Von Braun and his team of German Scientists were transferred to Redstone Arsenal near Huntsville Alabama.

At Redstone they continued with their developments of the ballistic missiles and it was at Redstone that they developed the Jupiter Ballistic Missile.  In 1960 Dr. Von Braun and his entire team were relocated to the newly established NASA and received orders to build the giant Saturn rocket.

Dr. Von Braun while employed by NASA became the Director of the Marshal Space Flight Center and the chief Architect of the Saturn V Launch Vehicle, the Super Booster that would propel Americans to the moon.

Dr. Von Braun became one of the most prominent spokesman of space exploration in the 1950's  In 1970 NASA transferred Dr. Von Braun to Washington D.C. To lead the Strategic Planning effort for the agency.

Dr. Von Braun left his domicile in Huntsville and settled in Alexandria Va. And in 1972 departed NASA and went to work for Fairchild Industries of Germantown Md.

Dr. Von Braun died at his home in Alexandria VA on June 16, 1977.

NASA stated he was the Greatest Rocket Scientist in History!  In 1975 he received the National Medal of Science.

Monday, April 16, 2012



We left in the last posting with Prince Sinclair just arriving at the castle on the hill at Cross, Nova Scotia. The type of construction of the walls were of a type found in Norway and northern Scotland pre 13th century. Looking down the Gaspereau River from on the hill top he had a clear view towards another island in the bay of Fundy about 2 miles off the mouth of the Gaspereau River.

The Stuart dynasty ruled Scotland from 1371 to 1603. In that time 9 Stewart Monarchs ruled Scotland.
The first family to arrive in Scotland from Normandy/Brittany Sir Walter Fitz Alan was the High Steward of Scotland. His decedents became the House of Stewart, later the name was changed to Stuart. Which were descended from Robert the Bruce's grandson Robert II

Sir Walter Fitz Alan was the son of SirAlan Fitz Fladd who was Baron of Oswasty in Shopshire. Baron Fladd was a son of Sir Alain who was a a crusader with Sir Henri Sinclair on the first crusade with Godfri de Boulion. Sir Alain was also in the greater Sinclair family as a descendant of duke Lolo of Normandy through his son William Longsword and his grandson Richard I, Richards daughter married the Count of Brittany.

Sir Alain was of the Priory of Sion who was established at Mount of Olives in Jerusalem and elected Godfri de Boulion the first christen King of Jerusalem. Sir Alain was also of the Rex Deus.

The Stuart's had access to a great deal of gold which they funded their family dynasty. They were descended from Norse explorers who had been coming to the lands to the west for the last 500 years at least. The Stuarts established a settlement on a mid peninsular hilltop called Norumbega. They panned gold from the bed of the mineral rich Gold River and Norumbega also served as a refuge for Stuart family princes.

Jean Allefonsea, a french explorer who in 1548 was looking for the lost city of Norumbega, reported that he had coasted south from Newfoundland, and had discovered a great river with many islands, (an excellent description of Mahone Bay) entering it from the sea. The river is more than 40 leagues wide at its entrance. It retains its width some 30 or 40 leagues. The islands extend into the sea some 10 leagues. 15 leagues up the river is a village called Norembega, with clever inhabitants who trade in furs of all types, the town folk dress in furs of sable....the people use many words that sound like Latin. They worship the sun. They are tall and handsome. The land of Norumbega lie high and is well situated.

This is where Prince Henry was standing, The Prince established a settlement at this site on the foundations of a previous Norse colony. Nothing is recorded as to the condition of the settlement but it was believed that the Stuarts were still using this site, and they were related to Prince Henry and were also of the Rex Deus and Priory of Sion.

Prince Henry left half of his crew with instructions to return to the island in Mahone Bay and to seed it with oak acorns. After two days of rest and exploration, Prince Henry started down the river to the Bay of Fundy and the island off the mouth of the Gaspereau River and after a day of exploration set about seeding this island also with oak acorns.

The Vikings were primarily coastal navigators, they knew how to read the prevailing winds, they knew the different kinds of seaweed common in different continents and seas, they were aware of the seabirds and what direction they were flying, always towards land. They were aware of the presence of whales and other sea animals.

When they were out of sight of land they would release captured sea birds and ravens and follow them. They would drop a sounding plumb and look at the type and color of sea floor they were crossing over. They would observe the sunrise, and know that was east. At noon they would measure the angle of the sun to determine the exact time of noon, and the direction of north and south.

The numbers three and thirty three are occult numbers. They are part of “Sacred Geometry”. The calculation of speed and location (ETA) were once considered the highest form of Sacred Geometry. Without the geometry of the three sided triangle establishing ones location and distance traveled on a map or Triangulation would have been impossible.

To do this you draw a line on a chart and measure the course in degrees of the 360 degrees of the compass rose. But in the middle ages they didn't so much use degrees as points of the compass which had 18 points. The compass was invented by the Chinese a hundred and fifty years before being used in Europe.

There are question as weather Prince Henry was using a Compass or not. Some people feel that it wasn't being used until around 1410. Unlike the compasses used today they used a dry compass It was invented, but not in common use.

The dry compass had a magnetized needle attached to a compass rose and was placed in a box on a pivot with a glass cover in line with the keel. When the direction of the ship changed the needle would move wildly. For those of you who have never been on a boat or small ship they are in constant motion they never hold still, because of this holding a stead compass course is next to impossible.

The helmsman was actually going in a direction not so much holding a compass course. He would be going west or southwest or north north west. When your offshore floating down from Newfoundland in fog and rolling waves in the Labrador current it is quite easy to miss your river and quite easy to miss your mark by quite some distance.

This is why there are two oak islands, frequently you want to fetch Mahone Bay but because of wind current and waves you may end up approaching the peninsula through the Bay of Fundy. You can anchor off either one of the Oak Islands, launch a row boat and get to the Castle on the Hill from either the Gold River or the Gaspereau River.

Then at last we discovered. Land as the sea ran high and we did not know what country it was, we were afraid at first to approach it. But by God's blessing, the winds lulled, and then a great calm came on. Some of the crew then pulled ashore and then soon returned with joyful news. They had found an excellent country and a still better harbour. So we brought our barks and our boats in to land, and we entered a excellent harbour. We saw in the distance a great mountain that poured out smoke.

Zeno Narrative

Admiral Antonio Zeno goes on to describe a landing party of 100 Templar's sent to the mountain to seek out any inhabitants. Those who remained on the ship retrieved wood from the island , replenished their water supply. They also caught a considerable quantity of fish and waterfowl, which were found in large quantities.

After eight days the 100 Templar's returned and reported that they had been through the island and up to the mountain. The smoke naturally came from a great fire in the bottom of the hill. There was a spring giving out certain matter like pitch, which ran into the sea. There were a great multitude of people half wild and living in caves. These people were small in stature and very timid; for as soon as they saw our people, they fled into their holes. Our men also reported that there was a very large river near by and a very good and safe harbour.

Zeno Narrative

This was the first description by Europeans of Stellarton Nova Scotia, in the Pictou area of Nova Scotia. This also was close to Cape D' Or. On the Zeno Map of the North there are symbol's on the map showing two settlements, one in Pictou and the other at the Castle on the Hill in central Nova Scotia.

From both of these two settlements they could maintain look outs, to survey the Bay of Fundy and the gulf of St Lawrence. They were close to fishing and an ample supply of waterfowl and with the many ancient mines in the area they already had a form of lodging set up for the fast approaching winter.

It is believed based on Micmac legends that Prince Henry divided his time between these locations during the winter. In Pictou he built a ship over the winter and continued frequent exploration of the Peninsula.

We know that from descriptions of the Oak Island treasure hunters that there are two wooden chests in the very bottom of the pit and that they were built extremely sturdy and by what description we can get from boring studies and video from cameras inserted into the sink hole the chests are beneath the area of the oak platforms which were associated with pirate activity of the 1500's and early 1600's.

The spruce wood that is carbon dated to 835AD and 1135 AD would also predate Prince Henry's voyage but that doesn't necessarily mean that it wasn't put there by earlier travelers perhaps Norse Stuart voyagers. The vikings were defiantly in the area somebody was operating the ancient gold mines and for Prince Henry to have found the Sink Hole with out prior knowledge is just a little suspicious, but for him to plant oak trees as sign posts makes perfect sense.

The chests were made out of planks that were 8 in thick, just as a point of reference the supports for the average home deck today are 4in treated studs. Their were 22in of space in these chests, the length of these chests was unknown but based on the thickness of the chests I would tend to think they were quite long.

I imagine that the chests were also covered in a grease to act as a sealer against the elements. The boring studies showed that there were metal items in the chest and also parchments. Parchments are not the normal type of treasure that pirates would carry.

Part of the Holy Grail was said to be knowledge lost during the great flood. Sacred knowledge going back to the time of Moses. This knowledge would have been expressed on parchments.

Templar's are also well known builders. In their building they used “ Sacred Geometry”, They had built two castles in the Shetlands not to mention 13 ships for his fleet. They would have had the knowledge and skills to transport such heavy chests and rig a hoist to lower them 200 feet into the pit.

Of course this is my opinion and not fact. But this makes sense. I don't believe this is all of the Holy Grail because they wouldn't normally leave all their wealth in one spot. This voyage to the new lands across the Atlantic was to escape the oppression of the church, it was the new Jerusalem.

This meant they probably brought all the necessities they would need to establish a settlement, that meant women. While Prince Henry was exploring the peninsula his crew were busy teaching the Micmac's how to make fishing nets and the use of them in fishing. They were also involved in building a “stone canoe” which is the term the Micmac used to describe the ship that they were building to return home in.

They called it stone because they laid a deck that they could walk on and it was the strangest canoe the Micmac had ever seen!

Prince Henry gave a farewell banquet and invited all to attend;

By the great lake Minas shore
on the silver waters edge.
And when the feast was over,
entered his great canoe and
sailed away over the water,
the shiney waves of the Minas.

When Prince Henry departed leaving his settlers behind, he probably left the Bay of Fundy and his first stop may very well have been at Desert Island Maine. In the area of North East Harbor Maine. Prince Henry had brought a select few Micmac's with him to serve as guide's and to convey his peace ful intentions to others of the greater Algoquiin nation. They worked their way down the Penobscot Bay of Maine. Down past the area of Camden Maine, taking their time exploring as they went.

They rounded Cape Ann exploring as they went at times they left effigies of their vessels in shore side rocks. They followed around Boston Bay with a short excursion up The Charles River in what is now Boston.

They saw a high hill, inland in the far off distance and a group left the ship with a small vessel to take the Merimac River towards the high hill known as Prospect Hill. Sir James Gunn ,a life long friend of Prince Henry, and a Knight Templar, took part in the expedition, but the ascent up the hill proved to much for the loyal knight and he died in his sleep while camped on the hilltop.

For his life long service to clan Sinclair Prince Henry ordered an effigy carved into a rock which became known to history as the WESTFORD KNIGHT. From on top of the Hill they were able to see the countryside for 50 miles in all directions.

They came down to what is now Plymouth and continued around Cape Cod exploring as they traveled making copious notes and making maps as they progressed.

They went to MarthasVineyard to a settlement that the Vikings had established as a settlement after leaving Greenland 1n 999AD. From this settlement they traveled up Narraganset Bay.

When the exploratory expedition returned to the ship they retreated back down the bay to the area of Newport where they established a winter camp.

In 1524 when Verrazano arrived in Narragansett Bay he described a European looking tower with local inhabitants that were quite interesting. He described them as the most beautiful and civilized people he had met on his expedition; they excelled his own people in size and he called them “Euro-Amer-Norse”.

When the first settlers arrived in 1600's, they described a group of blue eyed fair haired natives that they called the “banished Indians”, they were the descendents of the group of people that Verrazano described.

On the Mercator world map published in 1569 a tower was clearly identified in New England. The tower known as the “Newport Tower”, is described as a circular round rubble stone structure that was thought to be a combination of a church and an watch tower.

The structure was built in Norse-Romanesque style, inspired by the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The structure was a combination of Templar temples, round cathedrals of Scandinavia, and traditions of Norse Scottish builders from where the builders came.

The Architectural features are those found in construction between 1150 and 1400. This structure was preplanned this was not a spontaneous idea. It was built with Sacred Geometry. The masons were completely familiar with the construction materials available on site.

The structure was aligned to the east and each of the eight supporting pillars were on a cardinal point of the Templar's. It was not constructed using a compass, the north pillar is aligned within three degrees of the north star, 600 years later.

The tool marks are of tools made before 1400. These marks are unique and not seen in colonial structures. The arch and lintel designs are of those found in Orkney, Shetland, and the round churches of Scandinavia before 1400.

There isn't any architectural comparable structure in America. It is similar architecturally to Great Heeding Church in Denmark,, St. Olaf's church at Tonsberg Norway, The Church of St. Mikael in Scheswig in Denmark, and Vardsberg Church in Ostergotland Sweden.

To build this church in the early 1400's, five thousand cubic feet of soil had to be excavated, and later refilled. The building required more than a million pounds of stone, sand and lime.

In the spring Prince Henry left his Templar building crew on site and departed for the Orkney Islands. He brought several variety's of plants back with him which are indigenous only to North America

. When Henry's grandson William began construction of Roslyn Chapel which was started 1448 and completed 1482, ten years before Columbus voyaged to the New World, William incorporated depictions of maize, aloe cactus, sassandras, albidium, trillum, grandilorum and quercus nigra all of these plants were completely unheard of in Europe at this time. Henry returned in the summer of 1400 and was said to have died by an incursion of either England or the Hanseatic League that same year. However there isn't a record of his burial. Neither in Norway or in Scottish documents.

He wasn't buried in the Orkney’s or the Castle at Roslyn. How could a person who is a Royal and an extremely important person in both Scotland and Norway fail to have been recorded in state documents?

Henry's son Henry II was never formally installed as Earl of Orkney because he was imprisoned in the Tower of London in 1405. He was released from time to time to attend to family business, as long as a prominent family member took his place. As a result of his prolonged imprisonment he didn't leave much of a trace upon history.

For Henry II not to have been formally recognized as the Earl of Orkney is significant, normally the Crown would have had to address this immediately. Why didn't Norway address this matter immediately?

The Treaty of kalmar was signed in1397. Bishop Rens of Orkney represented Henry in his absence. This treaty unified Norway, Denmark and Sweden under one crown. Could Henry be absent with the Queen's full blessing, was he engaged in a mission of exploration to extend the Queen's sovereignty to the New World?

To suggest that as meticulous and organized as Henry was it would be unbelievable that he didn't leave instructions who would succeed him in the event of his death.

The King of Scotland was becoming increasingly concerned over Henry's rise in power and wealth. There is an unproven theory that the Prince could have been killed in a skirmish with the King of Scotland.

I am more inclined to go with the theory that Henry gave Antonio permission to return to Venice where he died of natural causes a year later. I suggest that Henry returned to North America and assimilated in with the Micmac Indians. Henry’s beliefs and values were close to those of the Micmac’s.

Templar ideals stress communal living, service to others, and the elevation of the communities which they join. On his journey's to America he had found a community that not only preached these ideas but lived them also.

It is not beyond the realm of possibilities that the attractions of this way of life outweighed the so called good life in Europe! Living in the arrogant, dangerous, intolerant world of mid-evil Europe!

There is perhaps a clue in Indian legends that lends credence to this theory. When the Narragansett Indians were asked who built the Newport Tower, they replied that one of their ancestors built it as a Temple. They described the fire haired green eyed people as their ancestors.

The Indians didn't have Temples. If Prince Henry did build this structure as a temple it would be significant, perhaps an attempt to merge two beliefs into one!

There are credible reports of “white skinned” Indians in Nova Scotia, Narargansett Bay and also the Mayan's were confused when Cortez arrived in the Yucatan Peninsula as to recognize him as Quetzalcoatl the feathered Serpent god, or with the green eyed fair haired god that had treated them so well a hundred years ago!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012



In 1795 some boys playing on a island in Mahone Bay Nova Scotia, discovered beneath a lone standing oak tree with a large branch over hanging a depression in the ground some accounts say there was a block and tackle, ( pulley) Some just say that the bark was worn out on the branch that was obviously used to run a rope over the branch to lift something heavy but what?

The depression in the earth was caused from back filled earth settling. They dug into the depressed earth for two feet and encountered man made seal of laid stones not natural stones. They removed them and 10 feet down there was a platform, they kept on progressing every ten feet they encounter a oak platform, they descended 30 feet.

They brought this to adult attention, every one assumed and they still do that their must be something very valuable at the bottom.

By 1802 there were 30 investors involved in its recovery. They formed a company called ONSLOW. They dug down to 93 feet with a platform of oak every 10 feet. Then the tunnel began to flood. For every 2 buckets of earth they removed 1 bucket of water.

This flooding of the pit defeated their efforts and every effort made for the last 200 years. In 1849 the Truro company was formed to try their luck at it. When flooding occurred and they couldn't stop it they changed their methods and used an pod auger that coal miners use. They used five insertions before they encountered something.

The auger went through a 5in oak platform, at the 98 foot level, then 12 inches and encountered another 4in oak obstruction then through 22in of metal in pieces, but the auger was only able to capture 3 links resembling a ancient watch chain. It then went through 8in of oak which was thought to be the bottom of the box. And also the top of another box. In other words two boxes sitting one on top of the other. Then 22 in of metal just as before. Then four inches of oak and 6in of spruce. Then into clay for 7 feet with out hitting anything.

For their effort they didn't recover any treasure, only the three links of chain. There was general agreement that the Auger drilled through 2 oak chests which were filled with metal pieces hopefully coins.

It was clear that treasure wouldn't be recovered until the flooding could be solved, which was not possible in 1849.

The Oak Island Assoc was formed in 1861. Its purpose was to make excavations on Oak Island looking for treasure. Steam powered pumps had just been invented. They started excavating the tunnel again with the help of the powerful pumps. They made it to the 105 foot level just out of reach of the treasure chests then the entire shaft started collapsing downwards.

It seemed that the entire bottom was collapsing and the treasure chest with it.

Other treasure companies sought to take over where they left off over the years without success. With the original shaft ruined they sunk other shafts next to it and tried to keep the water down by pumping it out of these other shafts. Then digging horizontal shafts over to the original at levels where the treasure might be intercepted.

In 1897 another treasure organization with yet another drill probe started to probe again and with a probe drill encountered the same two chests. They had fallen to the 150-160 foot level. It was at this level that a scrap of parchment was recovered.

The writing on it looked like “iv” perhaps “ui” in a fancy script. 11 feet lower at the 171 foot level the probe drill encountered another plate. Which seemed to be a true floor.

In 1909 a new investor became interested, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and bought shares in the “ Old Gold Salvage and Wrecking Co”. Although this company also failed FDR maintained a life long interest. Other attempts also failed by others.

In 1969 the Triton Alliance Ltd was formed and is still the lessor of the “ MONEY PIT” as its been dubbed something like $2,000,000. has been invested in it.

They had the wood samples recovered by the probe drill carbon dated. All of the oak samples dated between 1550 and 1600 A.D. Which works for the pirate era. However the spruce was a different matter. Two spruce planks were recovered from the pit, sample #1 was dated to 860 A.D. Sample #2 was dated to 1135A.D.

The treasure seekers have now continued to the 200 foot level with an interesting discovery. The pit ended in a deep and natural cavern.

TV cameras lowered showed it to be a natural formation. Some of the photo's show part of a chest and also a part of a human corpse. Of course these are murky photo's before today’s carbon fiber HD resolution one thing is definitely true;

The money pit is at least in part a natural. It is a Lime sink hole leading up from a cavern deep below the island. The cavern and sinkhole were probably formed by tidal action and from surface water draining down through a fissure which expanded over the years. This is a natural geological feature. There are other similar sinkholes on the Nova Scotia mainland. The money pit is a natural geological system nobody built it.

There are reports of pirate treasure being found in some of the sinkholes on the mainland.

It appears that originally the bottom of the sinkhole was sealed over the cavern with a iron plate. Then with earth then oak log platforms were added in successive layers probably in the late 1500's to make a more secure floor to hide pirate treasure in.

It will probably never be recovered what ever was in the pit has now fallen through into the deep cavern. But what ever was going on in the 1500's wasn't the first attempt to use the pit. Long before the pirate era, only they used spruce to reinforce their floors. This happened between 850 and 1135. Who could that have been and why?

Is it possible that they used spruce because their wasn't any oak on the island? Did they plant the oak acorns on the island to make it identifiable. Acorns don't float. The only way they could have gotten to the island is by someone planting them. Could these people be associated with the castle on the hill? The spruce carbon dates to the time of the structural methods with the squared flat stones that are fitted together beneath the rubble stone. When the pirates arrived several hundred years later the island was over grown with oak and that was the natural wood to be used. Somebody was busy working in the pit 5 centuries before the era of the pirates.

There is a path on the island that is now a tourist trap, but the interesting thing is the path is made out of rubble stone. Could this old rubble stone path be the top of an ancient wall that surrounded the money pit ? Could there at one time have been a fortress here?

There were also trails of rubble stone that branched off of the main trail, which were in better condition because the tourists were staying on the main path.

In the early 1800 there was a colonial survey performed of the whole Nova Scotia area. The walls of the castle on the hill and the ones on Oak Island were present on the survey. They then divided the island up into very strange sections. It seems that the sections on Oak island were following the walls as boundaries for the property sections. The Gold rRver lays exactly 2 miles and a little to the right of the north shore of Oak Island. 17 miles up the Gold River lays the castle on the hill with the exact same walls.

It takes 200-250 years for a oak to mature. There probably weren't any or very many oaks on the island 500 years prior to the era of the pirates that's why they used spruce logs. But could who was here around the 1000A.D. Have planted the Oaks and they would have been on their second generation by the time of the era of the pirates in the late 1500's?

According to the owners of the property of the castle at the Cross her relatives the Stuart dynasty came here to pan for gold which was laying all over the bed of the gold river. Could they also have been involved in the Money Pit perhaps as a cache for gold they were getting out of the river?

So many questions so few answers!



That ham was incredibly delicious! It was sweet, made with a marmalade and pineapple glaze. It was bone in, I carved the Ham up and made everything from western omelets, baked ham dinners, ham sandwiches and with the bone I made 5 qt of baked beans.


A 5qt cast iron pot is a must $35. you can also do this with a crock pot or gook heavy stockpot but the cast iron pot puts it over the top.

2lbs of dried pinto beans,into the pot, cover with water by a couple of inches, low heat. Let it brew for a couple of hours where they will expand, change the water dump the whole pot into a collender.
in the sink.

Put the bone, pieces of fat and grizzle into the pot pour the beans back in, low heat, if you do this in the evening let it go over nite.

In the morning, cut up an onion, I placed some pineapple chunks from the roasting of the ham, it was crazy delicious, take out the bones all of the meat will have separated from the bone, usually there are a couple of bones that make up the leg bone so try and fish them all out.

Put a couple of tsp of tomato paste, ½ cup ketchup, ½ cup BBQ sauce any one of them, you can also mix and match different BBQ sauces, if you want to kick it up a notch, put some hoarse radish in a handful of brown sugar if you have some Worcestershire that'll work, you may want to put in a little corn starch to thicken it up a bit. A couple of teaspoons of crushed garlic will keep you warm at night.

Let it go for another hour or two, stirring with a wooden spoon. Doing this with 2lb fills the pot do the brim. Same basic recipe for 1lb of beans. My pot has a cast iron lid, which I had on through this whole process.



Take the bag with the guts in and with a poultry scissors, cut up the heart kidneys, throw the liver out, place the chopped heart, kidneys neck and cut out the back bone, and place in a crock pot, use 6 cups water, 2cups red wine use something cheap but drinkable

  • if you wouldn't drink it don't cook with it. Cut up a couple stocks of celery, carrots, an onion, if you have any other fresh Vegetable they can be slightly old but something you would eat. Throw it all in. Start at one end of your spice rack and work your way down, make sure you at least put basil rosemary fresh cracked, Italian seasonings. Also couple tsp of crushed garlic. I am not big on portions, maybe tsp of each. After dinner put the rest of the chicken bones in the pot.
  • I hear different thought on how long to let this go for but I let it go over nite, I don’t know if it makes any difference if you just do it for four hours I know my cooking is famous because of this.
  • This is a Rich Chicken Stock its a must with most hearty soups, but a must for Onion soup, and gumbo's.
  • For the roast Chicken there are of course a 100 recipe chose one their isn't any wrong way to do this. With taking out the back bone you can go ahead and butter fly it or do a bricked chicken but you can also just roast it normal even with the back bone missing.
  • You can use any of the BBQ sauces but if you don't have any take some olive oil any seasonings, Cajun spices would go a long way, mix them up and pour over the bird make sure you completely cover the bird if you want to place some more spices over it like rosemary you won't get any complaints.
  • I use a cast iron grill pan but that’s just me you can use any roasting pan but not a cookie sheet you will have a lot of fat draining off.
I use a grill pan in part because of the wedges in the pan keeps the bird over the drainage.
In oven preheated to 400 degree's 375 would work also put check the Temp you will have to 10-15 min longer. Depending on the weight of the bird most chicken's are 4lb+/-. 45 min will do the job no more than 1 hr but its best to check with a ready read thermometer. Enjoy


OK the crucial part of this is the Rich Chicken Broth which we just made. Let it set up in the re frig for a couple days it will turn into a gel, the fat will have risen to the top and you can scrape it off before using.

Around the time you made the broth take 2lbs of pork Boston Butt, which is a shoulder cut, how it got it's name I will never know---cut into stew size pieces.

Place the meat in a casserole pan, take your Cajun seasoning and this not the time to be cutting back and getting all health conscious—summer will be hear soon, you can have a salad—right now we are getting crazy—lay copious amt of Cajun seasonings on the meat and rub it in—massage it—pretend your at the spa—then take your favorite pepper sauce—any one of them –let the Mexican in you rip. Copious amounts and also 1 oz or Worcestershire – its not possible to put too much on it—now massage it—keep your damn hands off your face!

Plastic wrap the casserole pan into the fridge for a couple of days.

OK a couple of days later—people don't believe me when I tell them it takes me a week to make this dish!!

Lets get ready to do it.


1tsp the captains creole seasoning or any store bought brand---check earlier posting for my custom mixes.
1 oz worshiper sauce

1 cup vegetable oil

1 cup all purpose flour

1 lb andouille sausage cut into ½ chunks

2 cups chopped yellow onion

1 pkg of button mushrooms

1 green pepper
1 red pepper
1yellow pepper

3 stalks celery
11/2 tsp salt
¼ tsp cayenne or red pepper
4 bay leaves

1 dark stout beer I use guineas or becks

OK lets do it;

In the same iron pot I made the beans in put it on medium heat, add one cup oil, let it heat up before you add the flour I add it slowly, stirring with a wooden spoon this makes the rue, or gravy, you want it do be a deep dark color, almost like coffee. Stir constantly for ½ hr or until the color looks right.

Before you do the above, cut up all the vegetables in nice size chunks, this is a hearty stew, not for the faint of heart. Put in a large mixing bowl and set aside.

OK class is in—when you make most stews you use carrots celery and a onion. This is called Mariupol. It is used international for all stews soups broths.---------In Cajun or creole cooking you use onion, celery, and green pepper—this is called Trinity---the only place in the world that this combination is used is in Louisianan creole cooking.

My trinity differs in this way I use three different peppers they sweeten it up and add color, I also add mushrooms, which I use in every thing I do. OK class is out.

Add the pork and anouille sausage,and let it caramelize 7-10 min.

Add all the vegetables at once siring constantly until soft about 8 min.

Add stock stirring constantly to prevent clumping, bring to a boil increase heat to do this.

Add the beer and seasonings, and bay leaves reduce heat keep at a rolling simmer(it's bubbling like a boil, but slower) and let cook for 2 hrs or until the consistency you like, but at least 11/2 hour to cook the pork.

Cook the rice ½ hour before the stew is ready

this goes well with a good stout beer or nice strong red wine Merlot goes well with it.