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Diodorus claims that Egyptian priests and scribes, then keepers of the worlds oldest known records, claimed that the earliest rulers of Egypt were non-humans-immortals “ mortals have been pharaoh's of Egypt for less than 5,000. years.”
Egyptians believed that their Pharaoh’s were descended from the gods and thus were gods themselves! The Egyptian’s believed their sky gods descended in flying boats; they believed their gods descended from the constellation Canis Majoris and the star system Sirius B.
They believed their Pharaoh’s were descendants of Osiris from the star system Sirius; this was the belief of Egyptians for over a thousand years.
The Egyptian’s believed in many gods but they believed the pharaoh’s were superior to the other gods. Pharaoh Akhenaten is shown with an elongated cranium. According to Egyptian mythology he was descended from the gods, and arrived in 1352 BC and was the 10th Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty.
He instituted many religious changes after his fifth year as monarch including banishing worship of multiple gods.He ordered all monuments to other gods removed and the sun god Aten represented by the sun disc to be displayed.
According to his writings and poems written about him he was visited by a being descended from the stars. “This is the way, I am your god, this god was called Aten”.
Akhenaten claimed to be a direct descendant from Aten; he regarded himself as divine, a god. A definition of a god is that you are descended from an celestial being.
During his years as Pharaoh he ordered the building of a new Temple in karnak called Gempaaten, which was dedicated to the sun and he spent the next ten years there.
Aten was the giver of light in Egyptian mythology and was associated with Ra but was not one and the same. Ra was the morning sun and Aten the evening sun, and was the creator and giver of life.
He instituted changes in art and sculpture and also in the way he would be depicted in art. Typically the Pharaoh was depicted as being very masculine with large heavy shoulders, narrow waist angular jaw high cheekbones, no double chins.
Pharaoh Akhenaten was depicted the way he probably actually looked, almost feminine facial features Elongated cranium, high cheek bones; long narrow face and protruding chin, slender hunched shoulders, a sunken chest and pot belly.
Sculptor Tuthmose was famous for these sculptors of the Royal Family that are depicted as they really looked. Quite frankly he looks like an ancient astronaut. He looks Alien, he looks strikingly similar of a hybrid of a “Grey” and a human. He had a very mystical look about him a cross of masculine and feminine features.
His wife Queen Neferth and their children were also depicted as having elongated craniums. They looked different from other humans, could they have been of extraterrestrial hybrid origin?
Just food for thought, if Pharaoh Akenhaten had a elongated cranium “cone head” wouldn't his father Pharaoh Amonhotep III, and his brother Tuthmose also have a cone head? Is Moses descended from celestial beings ?
Pharaoh Akhenaten ruled for 17 years, then the capital became deserted, Temples dedicated to his sons were destroyed, statues dedicated to Pharaoh Akhenaten were defaced.
Egyptians returned to their ordinary ways of worshiping many gods. Was this change a result of his complicated belief system, or a cover up of his extraterrestrial origins?
Some say he was put to death others say he was banished from his kingdom with a group of his loyal followed In 1907 the mummy of Pharaoh Akhenaten was discovered in the Valley of the Kings.
His son Pharaoh Tutankhamen was the most renowned Pharaoh of all time, his tomb was discovered in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings. If Prince Tuthmose was Moses and was imprisoned with the stone quarry slaves, things start making some sense from a historical point of view.
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