Dr. Francis Crick and Dr. James Watson discovered DNA in 1953; they also believed that life started in outer space. They believed that life was brought here by extraterrestrials; they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their discovery of DNA. They also believed in panspermia.
Is it coincidence that ancient astronaut theorists and modern science came to the same conclusion? That life on earth came from the stars?
Could extraterrestrials be our missing link? In 2003 scientists identified all 25,000 genes in the human body. In 2006 they discovered the HAR-1 gene which is key to advanced development of the brain.
Is HAR-1 from evolution or from another world? Doctor Francis Crick didn’t believe that human genes developed by chance. Dr. Crick said you would have better luck building a jumbo jet by flying it over a junk yard in a hurricane than you would developing human DNA by chance!
The question is not what do extraterrestrials look like, just look in a mirror! We look like them! Could our genetic junk, which are genes that we are not using; perhaps they are from evolution, perhaps we are not developed to the point where we need them yet. Could our genetic junk be the key to the evolution of humans?
Could it prove who our ancestors were and where they came from? The DNA is a recording medium of unlimited power. Could extraterrestrials be us in the future? Could they have traveled back in time to manipulate our DNA to better prepare us for the future?
When Albert Einstein published his theory of special relativity in 1905 it opened up the thought of the ability of the untethered mind. The Wright Brothers had just made the first untethered flight in a heavier than air “plane” and Einstein is talking about time travel and star gates !
When you travel at the speed of light you will have aged enough that hundreds of thousands of years could have passed by the time you get back. Could special relativity be the fountain of youth that we have been seeking since the age of discovery?
In 1935 Albert Einstein theorized that worm holes in space could be used to transport matter across the universe by bending space and time.
If you took a sheet of paper and bent it in half so that the two ends were almost touching, the space between the two ends of the paper would be the worm hole. You’re not actually traveling faster than the speed of light, your just cutting corners.
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The armed forces have been using Long Range Acoustic devices as a means of crowd control and also as a weapon, they operate at 150 decibels which is sound pollution. They cause nausea and blindness also permanent hearing loss has occurred. Perhaps this is an invention of a lost techn
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