Sunday, March 8, 2015

Majestic 12 ( MJ-12 )

   There have been a handful of people aware of MJ-12 existence. The President, Vice President, Director of Central Intelligence Agency, Director of National Security Agency.
 MJ-12 headquarters is located at the very secure Naval Observatory, where the Vice-Presidents residence is located. The Naval Observatory is part of the Naval Intelligence Service.

MJ-12 was established by President Truman.  It's purpose was to direct, collect, and monitor the collection of any and all information pertaining to UFO's.

The members of MJ-12 are highly regarded scientists, Military Officers, and Central Intelligence, National Security  Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency representatives.

MJ-12 functions as a policy making group relating to extraterrestrial activities and contacts and UFO activities within the United States.

They make the policy then gain Presidential approval, then implement the policy.  Part of their job was scientific advancements, but their primary purpose was to keep track of  all the information coming in on UFO's.

Their responsibilities included analyzing scientific data in a way that would advance our technology. The United States Navy has the primary operational responsibility of field activities relating to MJ-12 policies. All the information gathered in the field is transmitted to the Navy for analysis, not only their information but also those gathered by other agencies.
The way intelligence management has worked pretty much dating back to the original intelligence organization, the Inquisition  is gathering information, compartmentalizing the information, establishing a network of informants with some sort of carrot as a motivating factor and then spreading disinformation merged in with real facts to make the information creditable. 

  Such is the case with much of the information surrounding the UFO question. The volume and extent of the UFO disclosure released by the Navy to satisfy Freedom of Information Act (FOIA ) requirements is quite compelling. 

 It has also led researchers into assuming very little involvement has taken place. I think NOT!

Other governmental agencies have also fed information to MJ-12 through a Top Secret “ Need to Know ” agency known as Project Aquarius.

MJ-12 connects a very few, special individual within the Joint Chief’s of Staff, National Security Council, National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, White House Intelligence Unit.

The research Is performed, the data classified, cataloged all under the cloak of National Security.One of the functions of Project Aquarius was to act as a communications center of sorts, which various individuals could pass and receive information, without revealing their identities or details of their source's. This information would be analyzed and sent up to MJ-12.

Within the Defense Intelligence Agency there was two closely related but distinctly different groups both feeding information to Project Aquarius.

The group managed a small black budget with “a need to know” clearance level.  There weren't more than a dozen people who needed to know.  Over the course of several years two names were consistently associated with this entity, a Master Sergeant and a Colonel.

These individuals were known as the working group and were the filters which information was filtered through to get to Project Aquarius. 
A journalist identified the Colonel as being involved with a “UFO working group” which was established in 1987. The journalist claimed that Project Aquarius was supervised by the DIA Director of Management and Operations.
The journalist was investigated by the FBI, who after an exhaustive investigation expressed in frustration “ the only thing we can find is the Government doesn't know what it knows.” There are to many secret levels !


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