The Great Pyramid of Giza Plateau was a geo mechanical power source that responded to the earth's vibrations and converted the vibrations into electricity!
They used this electricity to power their civilization. This would include motorized power tools which they used in the machining of indigenous rocks.
How does this power plant work? Lets first take a look at the transducer. The transducers for the pyramid power plants are built into the pyramid itself. The transducers resonate the vibrations of the earth through the structure of the pyramid.
The king's Chamber of the Great Pyramid is in itself a transducer. Visitors have noticed unusual effects within the chamber. Scientists refer to these unusual effects as infrasonic vibrations from the earth. The earth itself is a massive transducer.
Through the passages and chambers of the pyramid are devices to aide in the resonance of earth's vibrations. These devices could be thought of as electrical devices, because they have the ability to convert the mechanical energy of the vibrations to electrical energy.
The granite out of which the King's Chamber is built is an indigenous rock which contains silicone quartz crystals. Scientists have analyzed this granite and concluded that it contains 55% silicone quartz crystal.
This means that in the lining of the King's Chamber contains hundreds of tons of microscopic quartz particles.These quartz crystals contained in the granite of the king's Chamber are parallel on the upper and lower edges.
The weight of the granite in conjunction with aggregate contained in the granite which gives a slight amount of flexibility which allows the chamber to act like a electrical generator.
This is because of the plasticity of the aggregate in the granite allows a “piezotension” effect upon the parallel surfaces of the quartz crystals which causes an electromagnetic flow.
The inner chambers of the Great Pyramid have been generating electrical energy for the last forty six centuries. When a person is within the King's Chamber he encounters a slight but definite magnetic field.
Quartz crystals do not create energy, it converts one form of energy into another. Above the Kings Chamber are five rows of granite beams, which are included in the forty three beams in the entire pyramid which weigh seventy tons apiece.
Each beam is separated by a space which is big enough to crawl into. The red granite beams were flat and parallel on three sides but the top was untouched and was rough and uneven.
The only beams that were visible were the one's visible on the ceiling of the King's Chamber. All of the beams were built with the same attention to detail, including the ones in the upper most chamber, sometimes referred to as the Queens Chamber.
It is remarkable to note that the thirty four granite beams that would not be visible after the pyramid would be finished would be prepared with the same attention to detail as the nine beams which formed the ceiling of the King's Chamber.
All of the upper chambers were floored with granite beams that were roughly dressed on the bottom and flat and fair on the three sides.
It makes one wonder if there wasn't a motorized planer that prepared all of these beams so exact.The granite beams above the King's Chamber could be considered to be forty-three separate bridges capable of sensing and conveying earths vibrations.
If just one of the bridges were to sense vibrations of a certain frequency, then through harmonic's it would be possible for the other beam (bridges) to also sense and convey energy from the earths vibrations.
If the energy contained in the forcing frequency was great enough this transfer of energy from one beam to another could affect the entire series of beams.
Therefore if one of the Beams in the King's Chamber had a frequency forced upon it, then it would be possible to transfer this energy to the adjoining beams in the upper chamber, at the same frequency or a harmonic of that frequency.
The amount of energy absorbed by these beams from the source would be dependent on the resonant frequency of the beams. The ability of the granite beams to dissipate the energy that it receives is dependent also on the resonance and the damping ability of the beams.
It is possible to control the Renascence of the beams by altering the size and shape of the beams. Similar to a radio operator tuning his antennae to meet the wave length of the frequency he is operating on.
Perhaps this is why one side of the beam is rough so that they could be tuned to a certain frequency by planing the beam or drilling holes at certain intervals to remove quartz particles.
Tests have been conducted on these beams by using a frequency generator at a predetermined fundamental frequency.
The Kings Chamber resonated this fundamental frequency and the entire structure of the chamber reinforced this frequency. This produced dominant frequencies that created an F sharp cord.
By amplifying the F sharp frequency you will attain the harmonics produced by the earth. Indian Shamans tune their flutes also to the F sharp because it is a “Sacred frequency of mother Earth”.
Accelerometers were placed in the spaces above the Kings Chamber to measure the frequency produced at the granite beams.
It is thought that the beams were acting like baffles in a speaker. It is said that the King's Chamber was resonating at 438 hertz, which is that of the earth's harmonics.
The ancients were determined to tap into the earths harmonics, over a very large area inside of the pyramid. The earth's harmonic's will deliver this energy to the King's Chamber, which was the power generator of the pyramid power plant. This power source would greatly amplify the oscillations of the granite.
As earths vibrations flowed through the Great Pyramid, the resonators converted the vibrations into energy in the form of airborne sound.
This was created through the design of the angles and surfaces of the walls and ceilings of the Grand Gallery. This reflected the sound energy and focused it into the king's Chamber .
The design of the Grand Gallery was to channel the energy in the large spaces of the the pyramid into the King's Chamber!
This energy was then forced into the granite resonating cavity at amplitude great enough to make the granite beams oscillate!
These beams in the King's chamber through harmonics caused the beams above them to oscillate in a harmonic rhythm. The result of this is the input of sound and proper resonation created the whole complex of the pyramid to become a mass of vibrating granite induced energy.
When Napoleon visited the Great Pyramid he ordered his
men to fire their weapons at the top of the Grand Gallery and noted that the explosions were reverberated into the far distance like rolling thunder!
When tourists visit the Great Pyramid the guides will strike the coffer inside the King's Chamber which gives a scary deep bell sound for the tourists to witness the resonator of the King's Chamber first hand.
This resonance when tourists measure it with a meter is at 438htz. The coffer inside of the King's Chamber was precisely tuned to this frequency!
The King's Chamber was also scientific designed to resonate sounds also at 438 htz! If we had a power plant in ancient Egypt where was the power grid? How was the energy stored? How was it distributed? How was it used?
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Microwaves Tesla III
Focused low frequency sound cancels gravity “OM” (Nikola Tesla)The term microwave means electro magnetic energy, having a frequency higher than 1ghz,(billions of cycle's per second) which corresponds to wave lengths shorter than 30cm.
Microwave signals propagate in strait lines and are affected very little by the troposphere.They are not refracted or reflected by ionized regions in the upper atmosphere. Microwaves do not readily diffract around barriers such as mountains, hills and large human made structure's.
There is some decibel loss of a signal over long distances. (Ap=10 log10Ps/Pd). When it is necessary to transmit signals over long distances repeaters are placed along the way. The repeaters boost the signal strength to overcome decibel loss or attenuation.
This greatly increases the maximum attainable range of transmission be it power or communication.Some attenuation occurs with decibel loss when microwave energy encounters wood structures, houses or trees because of absorption.
Radio frequency (RF) energy is a longer wave length than microwave and to a lessor degree is affected by wooden obstacles. The microwave band is well suited for wireless transmission of signals with large bandwidths.
This portion of the RF electromagnetic radiation spectrum contains many thousands of megahertz.If one were to compare this with the shortwave radio bands that Amateur Radio (HAMS) use 3mhz-30mhz whose available bandwidth is only 27mhz.
In the world of radio communications a large allowable bandwidth means high data speed! The short wave length allows the use of Dish Antennas which have more manageable diameters.These antennas produce high power gain in transmitting solutions, they also have excellent sensitivity and directional stability for reception of signals.
If the earth is a resonator and vibrates as a power source how can we tap into this energy? How can we turn this energy into usable electricity? If we could do this wouldn't it be the greatest technology that we have discovered to date?
What If we had a transducer and using the piezoelectric effect of earths vibrations on quartz crystal. This means that alternating the compressions and release on the quarts crystal creates electricity.This is the principle that microphones and certain other electrical devices work on.
When we speak into a microphone the vibrations from the pressure waves of your voice against the quartz in the microphone create electrical impulses. The quartz crystal is the transducer! It transfer mechanical energy into electrical energy.
If we understand the source of the energy and if we have the means to tap into it, by using quartz crystals, to convert the mechanical energy of earths vibrations into electricity, we then have an inherent power source.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Plutarch a Greek historian and author who was alive during the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, was initiated into the mysteries of Delphi and served as a priest in the late first century. He was aware of the hidden side of religion but the demand for secrecy among the priests prevented it from being chronicled.
He wrote the story of Osiris and Isis and is the only detailed manuscript known of these gods. In describing the chambers and hallways of the Egyptian Temples he wrote the Temples have secret vesting rooms in the darkness underground.
Archaeologists claim that these secret rooms were used to store items of high value frequently used in Temple rituals. But Plutarch hints at a greater mystery these artifacts are used for; these hidden spaces are frequently covered with hieroglyphs and other symbolic images; this wouldn’t normally be found in storage rooms!
Few archeologist pursue the mystical and spiritual aspects of these tombs and Temples trying to keep their reputation in line with theories that make scientific sense. Professor Claas Bleeker a religious historian at the University of Amsterdam states that it s “obvious that there existed in ancient Egypt certain cultic mysteries which were only known to the initiated.”
The “Book of what is in the Far World” referred to as the Amduat dated to 1470 BC was referred to in ancient times as the “ Treatise of the Hidden Chambers” records the journey of the sun god Ra over 12 hours in his celestial boat across and through the Far World.
This text was written to give the deceased pharaoh instruction on his journey. But this text also states that it can be used for the living. It is good for the dead to have this knowledge, but also for the living.
This is significant because it indicated that not only the dead but also the living can travel to the Far World but also the living can travel and return from the netherworld. Could this be a extraterrestrial event?
Professor Edward Wente with the University of Chicago has concluded that certain texts including the Amduat and another the “Book of Gates” may have been composed for use in this world and were not designated solely for use in the Tombs.
This is called “practical theology” and living people identified themselves with various beings who exist in different stages and states in the netherworld. For the Egyptians it was not necessary to wait for the time of death to receive the benefits of the netherworld.
This waiting time is conveyed in rituals. In my opinion I feel that the Book of Amduat and the Book of Gates were focused on the living and had a secondary purpose in the funerary process. In the Amduat it states that it’s contents were to be a secret that only a few were to be made aware of.
We can be certain that there certain esoteric and secret practices that took place on a regular basis in the secluded rooms and Chapels of the Egyptian Temples. Both men and women would have been initiated into the secrets of the kingdom of the gods. They would have received instruction on how to traverse safely to the netherland and according to their beliefs be illuminated as one of the stars.
It becomes quite interesting and inspiring for Egyptologists to study the rituals and try to determine the true purpose of these temples. Personally it is not as important to me as who built these temples as what was their purpose; what was done in them.
There is a very common occurrence that happens when visitors in the area of these tombs arrive for the first time. There is frequently an eruption of emotion and people are crying and noses are running, quite unusual because more often than not these visitors aren’t the emotional type!
Some of these people have a feeling of being spaced out and the group has to look out for one another to make sure everyone gets onto the bus when leaving. A story was conveyed to me of a cruise ship in the South of Egypt visiting Abu Simbal on lake Nasser was slowly turning in a complete circle so the passengers could admire the view in front of two temples; Ramses II, and the temple of his daughter Nefertari. The ship was piping opera music over the ship from its speakers. Many of the passengers were moved to tears in the calm waters and feeling of spirituality.
A friend of mine took his daughter to the Valley of the Kings, his daughter was a very fashionable well educated corporate executive. This is not the type of woman prone to public displays of emotion.
It was early morning and the sun was just rising as the tour bus turned the corner into the narrow entrance to the valley and confronted the dry sun bleached dry rock expanse of the valley with it’s tomb entrances and the high hills rising before them .
She suddenly burst into emotion as uncontrollable torrents of tears streamed down her face. It was as though something took control of her and she could only say that she felt like she had been here before.
52 ***
I find it interesting how certain people throughout the world history stand out, Nostradamus, da Vinci, Noah, Abraham, King Solomon, Moses, Einstein and Nikola Tesla.
They have all made some very significant contributions to history. How was one man Nikola Tesla so gifted as to develop so much technology, and in such a wide spectrum, he developed radio's, microwave technology, X-Rays, and alternating current that was light years ahead of our times. If one were to step outside of the box, this would be quite eye brow raising!
Was he perhaps helped from people from other worlds like the father of modern rocketry Hermann Oberth, who stated when asked “we were helped from people from other worlds!”
Dr. Von Braun when asked by researcher Alan Greenfield “how did you develop so much advanced technology so fast”Dr Von Braun pointed to the boxes of UFO files Alan was reviewing and stated “we had help from them”!Alan asked “ you mean extraterrestrial help?” Dr Von Braun replies” Yes”!
When Dr. Von Braun defected with 500 of his top scientists during operation paper clip he brought all of the drawings, schematics, and technology developed by Nazi S.S. section E-IV.
This technology included the Tacheonateor-7-Drive, EMG engine, reverse engineered from the Black Forest UFO crash site.The plans for jet engines and the Haunbeu flying disc, powered by the EMG Engine, which were operational and flying by 1939.
They also arrived with the complete plans for the B-1 and B-2 rockets which were used to propel John Glen on the first manned orbit around the world.This rocket was expanded into the massive Saturn rocket which propelled Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the first landing on the moon.
It was this mission where Neil Armstrong was heard by hundreds of amateur radio operators to include the Russian government, “Houston we aren't alone up here...these babies are huge sir; there lined up on the far side of the craters edge!”
These plans and rocket designs were the foundation of our space program. America didn't have a space program, the Nazi's did! NASA just simply replaced the swastika with the star and stripes.
The B-1 rockets were one and the same as the missiles targeting London during the war and Dr. Von Braun was the Nazi SS Major who was in charge of that program.
It's interesting to note that more of his slave labor force from the concentration camps were murdered, something like 60% of the 10,000 slaves that worked in the missile factories were killed.
Dr. Von Braun and his 500 scientists had their backgrounds white washed, new identities were created and they retired forty years later on government pensions.
When we look at Nikola Tesla who theorized, developed, designed and produced such very advanced technologies literally all by himself. In the late 1800's, we hadn't produced the Ford Model “T” yet, the Wright Brothers hadn’t made the “first manned” powered flight yet, but we were able to transmit wireless power by microwave technology around the world. We were able to power street lights 25 miles from the power source without wires! It makes one wonder did Nikola receive extraterrestrial help?
I find it interesting how certain people throughout the world history stand out, Nostradamus, da Vinci, Noah, Abraham, King Solomon, Moses, Einstein and Nikola Tesla.
They have all made some very significant contributions to history. How was one man Nikola Tesla so gifted as to develop so much technology, and in such a wide spectrum, he developed radio's, microwave technology, X-Rays, and alternating current that was light years ahead of our times. If one were to step outside of the box, this would be quite eye brow raising!
Was he perhaps helped from people from other worlds like the father of modern rocketry Hermann Oberth, who stated when asked “we were helped from people from other worlds!”
Dr. Von Braun when asked by researcher Alan Greenfield “how did you develop so much advanced technology so fast”Dr Von Braun pointed to the boxes of UFO files Alan was reviewing and stated “we had help from them”!Alan asked “ you mean extraterrestrial help?” Dr Von Braun replies” Yes”!
When Dr. Von Braun defected with 500 of his top scientists during operation paper clip he brought all of the drawings, schematics, and technology developed by Nazi S.S. section E-IV.
This technology included the Tacheonateor-7-Drive, EMG engine, reverse engineered from the Black Forest UFO crash site.The plans for jet engines and the Haunbeu flying disc, powered by the EMG Engine, which were operational and flying by 1939.
They also arrived with the complete plans for the B-1 and B-2 rockets which were used to propel John Glen on the first manned orbit around the world.This rocket was expanded into the massive Saturn rocket which propelled Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the first landing on the moon.
It was this mission where Neil Armstrong was heard by hundreds of amateur radio operators to include the Russian government, “Houston we aren't alone up here...these babies are huge sir; there lined up on the far side of the craters edge!”
These plans and rocket designs were the foundation of our space program. America didn't have a space program, the Nazi's did! NASA just simply replaced the swastika with the star and stripes.
The B-1 rockets were one and the same as the missiles targeting London during the war and Dr. Von Braun was the Nazi SS Major who was in charge of that program.
It's interesting to note that more of his slave labor force from the concentration camps were murdered, something like 60% of the 10,000 slaves that worked in the missile factories were killed.
Dr. Von Braun and his 500 scientists had their backgrounds white washed, new identities were created and they retired forty years later on government pensions.
When we look at Nikola Tesla who theorized, developed, designed and produced such very advanced technologies literally all by himself. In the late 1800's, we hadn't produced the Ford Model “T” yet, the Wright Brothers hadn’t made the “first manned” powered flight yet, but we were able to transmit wireless power by microwave technology around the world. We were able to power street lights 25 miles from the power source without wires! It makes one wonder did Nikola receive extraterrestrial help?
Sunday, March 29, 2015
The following post starts our discussion on the Knight Templar's this evening and this week, next week on Sunday April 5th we will continue the discussion with the inquisition. I am looking forward to every ones comments and questions. Thank you for joining and liking Capt EJ's Explorations on Facebook
This Sunday evening and all Sundays until further notice we will be discussing the Knight's Templar and the Holy Grail. We will be going back in time to 50 AD and Visiting the Merovingian's, there is a very important event that took place with the mystical Long Haired monarch's and the Church which few are aware of. Please join and like Capt EJ's Explorations on Facebook Your comments and thoughts are welcome.
During the reign of Amonhotep III, a statue of the god Amun, stood in a dark inner sanctum at the temple of karnak. Just like the Holy of Hollies where the Ark of the Covenant later stood in Solomon s Temple.
Only on special occasions would the statue be moved and even then only in a sacred container.This container was made of gilded wood and carried with poles inserted into rings on either side of the container.
The name of this container and the Ark is also interestingly similar. At the Temple of Medinet Habu in Thebes, there is a relief that depicts the god statue being carried in this container with a description that reads “The Divine Amun is carried on the sacred Bark.”
The words ark and bark have a common origin in the Egyptian word AK, meaning sacred container or vessel.This word was also used in Latin called barca, a royal boat. Eventually during the Roman era any small boat was called a bark. In modern English it’s called a barge.
The original word AK not only could be applied to inanimate objects; but also to a person through which a god spoke. In the title of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten which meant “ the vessel of the Aten”. Both the Egyptian bark and the Hebrew Ark were vessels for containing their respective Gods, or something that channeled their deities power.
It would make sense that the Hebrew religion would be influenced by the Egyptian religions because of their confinement of 450 years before the Exodus.
For a people forced into a nomadic existence wandering the Sinai wilderness for many years, it makes perfect sense for them to have adapted their version of the Egyptian Sacred vessel.
It enabled them to transport their most sacred possessions, in particular a mysterious object that allowed god to appear, the Mercy seat! Like the Egyptian statue of the god Amun which allowed god to convey his messages.
The Egyptian translation of mercy Seat, means wisdom and place of judgment, such as the “Kings seat” of power. In 1 Chronicles (28:11), the throne room of King Solomon is also referred to as the mercy seat. Perhaps it wasn't so much a chair as a place, from where wisdom was dispensed, judgments made and power wielded.
In Exodus (37:6) is the only description of the mercy seat: “and he made the mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half was the length there of, and one cubit and a half the breadth there of”. These dimensions interestingly are also the same as the Ark. The mercy seat is thought to be the lid of the ark.
Whatever the mercy seat appeared to be, it was definitely the oracle of God! Just as the god Amun was the oracle of the Egyptian God, the portable golden Ark was the oracle of the Hebrew God. Could one have perhaps influenced the other?
We can now ascertain that there is historical evidence of a figure matching Moses profile, there was archeological evidence for the existence of the Hebrew Religion and the Ark fitted a historic image. Let’s take a closer look at this mysterious lost to history vessel.
40 * * *
Was the Ark of the Covenant a radio for talking to God, perhaps, how about a supernatural weapon? There are close to two hundred references to the Ark in the Old Testament, between Exodus and the building of the Temple.
At the council of Nicea they tried to expunge all references to Extraterrestrial influence, they did a pretty good job of it, but they forgot a few areas.
They disposed of the Book of Enoch but it showed up 1500 years later, they tried to dispose of twenty-five gospels known today as the gnostic scripts, and if they would have known about the Dead Sea Scrolls, they also would have been expunged from history.
They made a major mistake by allowing the Book of Ezekiel into the Bible, a description of forty pages of measurements of a space ship and the measurements for the construction of a facility to house it.
The thoughts of the Ark were that it was in the possession of the Essenes, the Jewish sect that also John the Baptist and Jesus were also associated with. It is felt at some point around 597 B.C.E. Before the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and plundered the Temple that the Ark was removed and placed with this very secretive sect.
Seventy years later when the Persians conquered the Babylons, the Holy relics taken from the Temple were returned, but the Ark wasn't among them.
The Essences were slaughtered by the Romans in 68 A.D. The only knowledge of this exclusive sect comes from Josephus and more significantly from the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The Israelite's needed twelve precious “sacred” stones for the Ark. God told Moses how to build the Ark and gave him instructions for its use:
It could only be carried by members of the Levite priesthood, the only person other than Moses who could actually use the Ark was the high priest Aaron.
It could only be carried by members of the Levite priesthood, the only person other than Moses who could actually use the Ark was the high priest Aaron.
Upon his death only his successor could use it. The power of the Ark could only be summoned if the high priest wore a special sacred breast plate. This was referred to as the breastplate of Judgment.
The Breastplate of Judgment is described in detail in Exodus (28:15-30). it has a square design and made from twine golden linen, inlaid with twelve precious stones set in four rows.
The first row shall be sardius, a topaz, a carbuncle...the second row an emerald, a sapphire, a diamond...the third row shall be a ligure, an agate and an amethyst...The forth row a beryl, an onyx and a jasper.
The breastplate is sometimes referred to as the “jewels of gold” because they were originally set in gold. It was believed these stones had divine powers and were originally set in gold by God himself at Mount Sinai.
In the Book of Ezekiel they are referred to as stones of fire, and once possessed by Lucifer, but having been taken away by God. (EZ 28:13) They were later given to Moses because it is fatal to look inside the Ark without the stones.
In 1 Samuel (6:19) a description of a whole community of interested people being smitten for doing so:
“And he smote the men of Beth-shemesh, because they had looked inside the ark of the Lord, even he smote of the people fifty thousand and three score and ten men: and the men lamented, because the Lord had smitten many of the people with a great slaughter.”
The Ark was kept secluded for three and a half centuries after the time of Moses, it was finally opened under the direction of King Solomon in the Temple at Jerusalem.
The only items in it were the two stone tablets containing the ten commandments: once it was opened divine forces were released!
“ and it came to pass, when the priests were to come out of the holy place that the cloud filled the house of the Lord (the Temple of Solomon) so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord.” (1 kg 8:10)
“ and it came to pass, when the priests were to come out of the holy place that the cloud filled the house of the Lord (the Temple of Solomon) so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord.” (1 kg 8:10)
By this time the breastplate itself seems to have perished and the stones were kept in a separate box which was held by the high priest when the Ark was used.
In 1 Samuel “ the Levites took down the Ark of the Lord, and the coffer that was with it, where in the jewels of gold were kept.” The Bible does not say what happened to these sacred stones, however it is believed they remained with the Ark until its mysterious disappearance.
“The ancient Israelite's believed the Ark could summon angels”. Unlike the christen concept of angels Hebrews believed they were monstrous creatures that delivered the wrath of God.
It was an Angel that killed the Egyptian first born, when the Pharaoh wouldn't release the captive Israelite's, and another that released the torrents of Noah's flood.
It is said that when God sent an Angel to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, the devastation was so dreadful that all that was left was a hole in the ground where nothing would grow or live. All that was left was a pungent chemical odor.
It is said that Lucifer was suppose to have possessed the “stones of fire” before he displeased God, but wasn't he a angel before he was the Devil?
The story of Lucifer fall from grace is not told in the Old Testament but is told in the Tanak. The Essences relied heavily on the Tanak and believed they were the followers of the archangels Michael and Gabriel, they referred to themselves as the “sons of light.” Light being an allusion to angels.
When Lucifer was banished from heaven he was replaced by Michael and Gabriel who became the “kings of heaven”. They were the two angels represented on the Ark. The word cherubim in Greek means messenger. Angels were messengers from God.
Angels do Gods nasty work: the Hebrews called angels lights because they believed that shooting stars were angels coming to earth to do Gods bidding. The constellation of the Big Dipper, and the stars Betenash and Mizar represent the Archangels Michael and Gabriel.
The Bible portrays Lucifer as the original possessor of the stones of fire, Michael and Gabriel were Lucifer's replacement, the Essene were alluding to possessing the stones themselves.
If the Essennes possessed the stones then they must have possessed the Ark because the Ark and the stones were inseparable. It is thought that Lucifer was the chief angel who commanded other angels from mount Sinai, and the stones were sewn into Lucifer garments to protect him from other angels.
It is thought that the stones of fire could control the divine fire that came from the Ark of the Covenant. After Moses Exodus from Egypt God led Moses to mount Sinai where he gave him the stones of fire to protect him from the power of the Ark and instructed Moses on how to build the Ark.
When the Essene were slaughtered by the Romans in 68A.D. They had been ready for such an event, they had already hid the Dead Sea Scrolls in a cave in a ravine only assessable by rappelling down from above, it was hidden from sight and secure.
Some believe the Ark and its stones are also someplace close by, but the Judean wilderness was extensive and vastly catacomb with ravines and caves, many undiscovered to this day.
Jeremiah knew that the Ark was the house of God and he couldn't allow God's house, where God resided, to fall into the hands of the Hebrew's enemy.
Exodus (19:9-11)
Exodus (19:9-11)
“and the Lord said unto Moses, lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the people may here when I speak with thee...and be ready against the third day: for the third day the Lord will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai.”
Exodus (24:16-17) “and mount Sinai was altogether in a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire: and the
smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly...And the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai, on the top of the mount.”
By the way the above is a perfect description of a rocket/ spaceship landing/launch.Each time God appeared on Mount Sinai, the cloud materialized and the presence of God which manifested within it is described as the “glory of the Lord” a divine fire!
“And the glory of the Lord abode upon Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. And the sight of the glory of the Lord was like devouring fire on top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel.
Before the Israelite s left Mount Sinai to continue their journey through the wilderness, God ordered them to make the Ark. The Ark was made to contain God himself!
Exodus (25:8-10) “And let them make me a sanctuary; that I might dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.
And they shall make the Ark of shittin wood: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.”
The most important part of the Ark without question is the mercy seat, which God would be able to manifest: Exodus (25:17-22)
“And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold...And thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the Ark...And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat.”
The presence of God was now within the Ark, for when they left Mount Sinai they were accompanied by a thick cloud that hung over it. Mind you from my point of view when ever we are talking about God, I am thinking we are talking about extraterrestrial’s most likely from the star system Sirius, based on the ancient Sumerian tablets.
Moses brother Pharaoh Akhenaten, I believe was of extraterrestrial origin, he believed he was, ancient pictorials and scripts, and sculptures, demonstrate non human feature, also of his wife and children.
If Moses and Aaron were his brother's I believe they would also be extraterrestrial hybrids along with the Levite priests, which is why only this group was allowed to be priests and be even close to the Ark, all others were smoten.
(NM 10:33-34)
“They departed from the mount of the Lord three days journey: and the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord went before them in the three days journey, to search out a resting place for them. And the cloud of the lord was upon them as they went out by day, when they left out of the camp.”
Each time the Israelite's made camp the Ark was put in the tabernacle, or a “tent of congregation” behind a special veil or curtain.
Each time the Israelite's made camp the Ark was put in the tabernacle, or a “tent of congregation” behind a special veil or curtain.
Exodus (40:1-3)
“And the Lord Spake unto Moses, saying, on the first day of the first month shalt thou set up thy tabernacle of the tent of the congregation. And thou shalt put therein the Ark of the testimony, and cover the Ark with the veil.”
“And the Lord Spake unto Moses, saying, on the first day of the first month shalt thou set up thy tabernacle of the tent of the congregation. And thou shalt put therein the Ark of the testimony, and cover the Ark with the veil.”
The veil separated the Holy place of the Ark from the rest of the tabernacle: Exodus (26:33) “and thou shalt hang up the veil under the thatches, that thou mayst tither within the veil of the Ark of the testimony: and the veil shall divide unto you between the holy place and the most holy.
On Mount Sinai when God communed with Moses he appeared on the mount top, now he appears in the form of a cloud at the Ark, from behind the veil in the tabernacle. His presence could also be fatal as Moses brother Aaron was warned:
“ And the Lord spoke unto Moses, speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he come not at all times into the holy place within the veil before the mercy seat, which is upon the Ark; that he die not: for I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy seat.
“ And the Lord spoke unto Moses, speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he come not at all times into the holy place within the veil before the mercy seat, which is upon the Ark; that he die not: for I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy seat.
Exodus (40:34)
“Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.”
“Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.”
These Biblical passages show that the presence of the Lord is with the Ark where ever it goes when previously it was thought to exist only on Mount Sinai. Like the Egyptian bark that carried the Egyptian god Amun, the Ark of the Covenant was considered a means to carry God.
When the Solomon s Temple was built for the Holy of Hollies to house God something quite interesting happened as explained by King Solomon: “ The Lord said he would dwell in thick darkness. I have surely built thee a house to dwell in, a settled place for thee to abide in for ever.”
The importance of these passages is to demonstrate that the Israelite's considered the Temple to be the actual abode of God, and if the enemies of the Lord were to breach the city of Jerusalem and reduce the Lords house to rubble, then the Lord must be removed to his former residence, mount Sin ai for his and the Israelite's protection.
The Bible states that mount Sinai is somewhere in the Sinai wilderness, but doesn't state where. In Exodus (19:1-2):
“In the third month when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai. For they were departed from Rephidim, and were come to the desert of Sinai, and had pitched in the wilderness; and there Israel camped before the mount.”
The Sinai wilderness is a very large area 250 miles by 220 miles 55,000 square miles by the Christen era the location of the Mountain of God had been lost to history: it was rough stony inhospitable, and with few areas of water and vegetation.
Mount Sinai and Mount Horeb or just Horeb are one in the same. The Edom valley is known to the Arabs as “Valley of Moses” also known as “Wadi Musa”. It is said that this is the place that Moses created a spring by striking a rock with his staff.
The locals erected a Mosque over the site where even today there is a spring fed rectangular pool. “at the foot of the mountain there is a spring, which is said to never run dry. The people thereabouts say Moses, profit of god, peace upon him, did bring it forth with his staff.” (Arab chronicler Numairi)
If this was the spring from Exodus, then perhaps the mountain rising behind it was also the Mountain of God, Mount/Sinai-Horeb. The locals long considered the mountain to be a sacred place and they called it “Mountain of the Alter”.
There was an ancient alter over three thousand years old on the summit of the mountain. This mountain is so rugged that it is only accessible by horseback. The only entrance to the valley of Edom, was from the south, for the valley is surrounded by mountains just like a canyon.
To enter the valley without going over the mountains is through a narrow gorge about nine feet wide. It leads eastward through a mile of solid rock.
This gorge is called the “cold canyon” because sunlight is blocked by the sheer walls of the gorge hundreds of feet tall. After a mile through the gullies winding route you finally come into the sunlight with a magnificent view of a 150 foot structure, the alter, at the summit of the mountain.
This gorge is called the “cold canyon” because sunlight is blocked by the sheer walls of the gorge hundreds of feet tall. After a mile through the gullies winding route you finally come into the sunlight with a magnificent view of a 150 foot structure, the alter, at the summit of the mountain.
Two towering columns, supporting a pediment of unbelievable dimensions, statue niches and a urn all carved into the mountains sheer cliff. You can see this structure in Indiana Jones movie the Last Crusade, where they find the Holy Grail guarded by the ancient Knight Templar, at the end they ride off through the gully I justdescribed.
This is thought to be a two thousand year old tomb. It had many large chambers and cut rooms within the structure now known as the treasury.
This site became known as the treasury because in the 12th century, knights Templar’s had discovered a vast treasure of jewels, gold, and artifacts, made out of pure gold.
This site became known as the treasury because in the 12th century, knights Templar’s had discovered a vast treasure of jewels, gold, and artifacts, made out of pure gold.
This appears to be the site of the Mountain of God where Moses communed with God and received the Ten Commandments, and quite possibly the location of the lost Ark of the Covenant, which very well may be in the hands of the knights Templar’s!
Joshua spoke to God and God instructed Joshua to gather his people and to place Jericho under siege. He instructed Joshua to march around the city once a day for six days with seven priests carrying rams horns.
On the seventh day they were to march around the walls of Jericho seven times blowing their rams horn, as they blew their horns Joshua commanded his army to shout and give a war cry!
As they marched around the city they were followed by the Arc of the covenant and in the sky over the Ark was a dark powerful cloud. The walls fell and the Israelite’s charged over the city, every man, woman and child were slaughtered, except for one family, the family of Rahab, who provided refuge for Joshua’s spies before the siege.
Where ever the Ark goes, death and carnage follow, just my uneducated opinion, but one wonders how the Israelite army had the means to lay siege, and produce this kind of carnage, in the course of a week in time.
Before we discuss the Ark let’s take a look at the size of the Israelite force, It is said at the time of exodus the Egyptian army was around 20,000. There are reports that the Israelite’s had a force of forty thousand which I take issue with.
Let’s remember that the Israelite’s were banished to the desert for forty years, which is two generations of growth pretty much just eating manna. Prior to their banishment they were slave labor who broke out of prison/ slave quarters, which means they were flat broke, without anything that could be considered possessions.
In exodus it states that 650,000, able bodied adults were the slave's that Moses led out of Egypt, just as a wild number but it wasn’t in the millions. If the Israelite’s had 40,000 soldiers they would need to have had a population of 2,500,000.
What is more likely the population was forty thousand and the number of soldiers five to eight thousand.The Bible says that Joshua and the Israelites were encamped at Shittim, and the spies were sent out from this town. Shittim lies approximately 10 miles (16km) east of the River Jordan, and approximately 15 miles (24km) east of Jericho.
The Bible lists the fighting men of Israel at 40,000 (Josh. 4:13).However, the number of troops involved in the battle of Jericho is another controversy. This controversy centers around the Hebrew word Eleph, which is usually translated as "thousand". However, the word has had a number of different meanings and uses throughout its Sementic history.
It was originally connected to "head of cattle", signifying its application of a village unit, or population unit within an agricultural based society.
Next, the word was used to describe the quota of men in a village, or clan, that was required to produce for the military (originally a very small number).
Next, the word was used to describe the quota of men in a village, or clan, that was required to produce for the military (originally a very small number).
Finally, the word became a technical term to describe a military unit of significant size. Concerning the battle of Jericho, the word is translated as "thousand”, producing the number 40,000 fighting men.
Critics of this interpretation claim it should be translated as a military unit, though significant in size, not literally 40,000 fighting men.If the number 40,000 fighting men is taken as the original intent of the author, then the number of Israelites, coming out of Egypt, would have numbered between 2 million, to 2.5 million; men, women, and children .
This would have not counted the amount of livestock, and other members not included among the number of Israelites that made the journey.
Some of these men would have participated on the Israelite side in the battle of Jericho. However, if one allows for an error in copying, and a misinterpretation of the word eleph, then the number of fighting men in Israel, and the population of ancient Israel itself, is more manageable. Regardless, the battle of Jericho involved thousands of people.
Without going into great detail, proponents of this theory have ranged the number of fighting men in Israel, at the time of the Exodus and conquest, from 5,000 to 8,000 men.
The total population at the battle of Jericho, then, is numbered from 20,000 to 40,000 men, women, and children.. More would have actually fought. Evidence suggests that the Exodus was a mix of peoples. People not of Israelite blood would not have been counted among the Israelite s, though they were part of the group.
Rahab and her household became part of this group. The actual number of people traveling, thus, would have been much larger. This number seems to fit ancient records of other countries.
For example, at the height of the Egyptian empire, the standing ancient Egyptian army numbered 20,000 fighting men, In any case, the King of Jericho would have noticed the mass of people encamped opposite the Jordan.
Jericho, though a small city in size, exerted a mighty influence in the region. This influence would have easily spread the approximately 15 or so miles eastward to the Israelite camp, and into the plains of Moab.
Upon the sight of so many people, and the news of their previous victories, people from miles around would have fled to the city of Jericho for protection.
The imminent battle of Jericho loomed over the region like a storm cloud. Though small in stature, Jericho possessed extremely heavy fortifications, and could have easily survived a siege of perhaps up to a year or so. Local village residents fared a much better chance of survival by fleeing to the protection of the walls of Jericho.
The battle of Jericho would have influenced the entire region's political and social structure. As the spies stealthily crept into ancient Jericho, they entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab (2:1).
Joshua (2:4-5) “but the woman had taken the two men and hidden them, and she said, ‘yes, the men came to me, but I didn’t know where they were from. When it was time to close the gates at dark the men went out; I do not know where the men went. Pursue them quickly for you will overtake them.”
Rahab reported that the men had left before the city gates were closed, and then sent the King and his men on a wild goose chase! In truth she hid them on the roof of her house.
(2:2-7) Rahab had sensed the impending doom, she chose to side with the Israelite spies, despite the appearance that Jericho would survive. After she deceived the King, Rahab retrieved the spies from the roof top and pleaded with them to spare her family from the upcoming doom.
The spies agreed to spare her and her family in the upcoming Battle of Jericho, they told her to hang a red velvet chord in her window, to identify her house, so the soldiers would pass it by.
After they agreed she then lowered the two spies out the window to the ground below. She then began immediate preparations for the upcoming battle.
Joshua (2:15) “So she let them down by a rope through a window for the house she lived in was part of the exterior city wall. The spies returned to the Israelite camp and reported to Joshua what had just transpired. Joshua satisfied with the reported events moved the camp to the banks of the River Jordan. (3:1)
The Bible tells us they spent three days at this camp site before the Battle of Jericho. Joshua received more instructions from the Lord regarding the invasion and how to structure it.
He sent his officers throughout the camp instructing the people what was about to happen. Joshua (3:3-4) depicts the orders given to his soldiers:
“when you see the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests who are ‘Levites’ carrying it you are to move out from your positions and follow them.
“when you see the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests who are ‘Levites’ carrying it you are to move out from your positions and follow them.
This will be a new route to you; you have not been this way yet. You must keep a good distance of 1,000 yard (1/2mi) between you and the Ark; do not go near it.
The power of the Ark is seen here, as Joshua warned his people to stay 1,000 yards from it. After the third day, the Israelite s set out to cross the River Jordan.
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