Monday, February 27, 2012


                                 WHAT THE TEMPLARS BELEIVED
The root of the Templar’s faith have always been claimed to be the Bible. But only in part. To truly understand the Templar’s one must go deeper into the studies of the Gnostics, the esoteric followers of the TRUTH and farther back to the early Hebrew traditions to the time of Solomon when there were not only Yahweh but also the Goddess  Ashtoreth or as she was known in Mesopotamia as Astarte.
Ashtoreth or Asherah is mentioned several times in the Old Testament and were openly worshipped by the Israelites until 6th century B.C. when she was replaced by the single supreme male god of Jehovah.
In one painting of the Middle Ages hanging in the Louvre, the Magdalene is shown in the pose so often seen in Sumerian sculptures of the Goddess Astarte with her hands cupped under her breasts.
The Templars were known for the high value they placed on women, their role as "knights in shining armor" from the Middle Ages. Some say they were followers of the ancient wisdom or Sophia, the Goddess of truth and wisdom.
The Templars relationship to the Grail stories of Wagner, of King Arthur and the Lady of the Lake, their place in the arts, poetry and the expounding of courtly love of the middle ages surely places the Templar’s if not within the realm of Goddess worship at least within the realm of their acknowledgement of the feminine principal of divinity.
Because of the Inquisition and the persecution of the Templar’s they went underground, using sacred geometry, symbology, art, and architecture to pass their beliefs, knowledge and secrets to the generations and only the select few with sacred knowledge could interpret them.
 The Holy Grail was an allegory term to hide the real meaning of the treasure.  History records it as the Chalice that Joseph of Arminthia caught blood from Jesus side wound.  Also it is thought to be an allegory reference to the womb of Mary Magdalene as the Sangrail, another name of the Holy Grail that was to contain the Holy Blood or bloodline of Jesus Christ.
With the loss of their properties, nine thousand estates throughout Christendom, their suppression by the Church of Rome, and the country of France.  They could no longer act as the shippers of the Nobel’s between Europe and the Holly Land, provide protection for pilgrims, and be the bankers to France and England. They could no longer use the ports of England, Ireland, Spain, and Italy.  But still had their material wealth which exceeded two hundred tons of gold and silver they still had sacred knowledge and a Secret they held over the church.
 They were still welcome in Norway, Scotland, Portugal, and Sicily.  The Templars needed a refuge but they were at war with the Vatican and the countries under her domain, because those countries were essentially a  puppet government of the Vatican.
There were several repercussions relevant to the lost Templar Fleet.  An upsurge in piracy, the beginnings of Atlantic exploration by Templar’s from Scotland and Portugal and many charts of accuracy that is inexplicable in their accuracy for that day and age.
 The Templar Fleet was divided into three sections, the Mediterranean fleet stayed in the Mediterranean, they traded the sails of the Rosy Cross, for one of several flags of the Jolly Roger.
 The second fleet stayed in Portugal or also known as Port-o-Grail, and became the Fleet of the Knights of Christ, the Naval Fleet of Henry the Navigator and the Navy of Portugal.
  The northern portion of the Fleet went to Scotland, became associated with the Sinclair Family who gave them refuge on their estates, they became married to the local women established homesteads and became part of the Army and Navy of King Robert the Bruce and his decedents.  In this authors opinion eighty-five percent of the Scottish force under Robert the Bruce were Templar’s.
 In the Temple and the Lodge Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh describe the area of one of the Sinclair estates;
 “ Some three miles south of  Edinburgh  lay the village of Roslyn. It consists of a single street with a parade of shops, houses, and at the end of the street two pubs.  The village begins at the edge of a steep wooded gorge, the Valley of the North Esk. Seven miles away, where the North Esk joins the South, lies the former preceptor of Balantrodoc now simply called the Temple.
The valley of the North Esk is a mysterious haunted place. Carved into the large moss covered rock, a wild pagan head gazes at the passer-by. Further downstream, in a cave behind a waterfall, there is what appears to be another huge head with cavernous eyes—perhaps a weathered carving, perhaps  a natural product of the elements.
  The path leading through the valley is crossed by numerous ruined stone buildings and passes by a cliff face with a dressed stone window.  Behind this window is a veritable warren of tunnels, sufficient to conceal a great number of men and accessible by only a hidden entrance.   One had to be lowered down a well.  According to legend, Bruce found refuge here during one of many crises that beset his campaigns.
Perched on the very edge of the gorge is an eerily strange edifice, Rosslyn Chapel.  One’s first impression is that it seems that it appears to be a cathedral in miniature. Not that it is particularly small. It is so overloaded, so dripping with gothic carvings and floridly intricate embellishments that it seems somehow to be a truncated part of something greater like a fragment of Chartres transplanted to the top of a Scottish hill.
It conveys a sense of great gothic lushness, as if the builders, after lavishing their most dazzling skills and costly materials upon the structure, simply stopped abruptly.  The fact is that they did, they ran short of money.  Rosslyn Chapel was originally intended to be part of something much greater, the ‘Lady chapel’ of a vast collegiate church, a full sized cathedral on the French scale!  In the absence of funds the project was never realized.  From the existing west wall massive blocks of stone jut forth, awaiting others, which never arrived.”


King Roger was a Templar Norman King who conquered Sicily during the time of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Because the Templars could no longer fly the Rosy cross, they flew their war flag, of which there were several to choose from.
The Jolly Roger is named after King Roger II of Sicily (1095-1154) Roger was a Templar from the crusades and conquered Apulia and Salerno in 1127 A.D. despite opposition from Pope Innocent II.   His court was full of dancers, musicians, and entertainers and was known as Jolly Roger.   His conflict with the Pope was legendary especially among seafarers and traders.  Jolly Roger was well known for his palace at Palermo, dedicated to the arts, sciences and letters.
It is thought that the Renaissance actually began with events at Jolly Rogers Palace at Palmero.  Jolly Roger established a center for Navigation and he employed Jewish and Moslem scholars much to the Vatican’s distain.
 The Moslem Scholar Ibn Idrisi produced a Celestial Disc and a terrestrial disc, both in silver, which represented all the astronomical and geographical knowledge of that time.  Jolly Rodger through the Moslem scholars that visited his Palace was able to acquire a very desirable library of ancient but extremely accurate charts of the day. Many of them acquired through the Alexandria Egypt center of knowledge.
After the persecution of the Templars by France and the Church of Rome, pirates were found in abundance in the Atlantic and the Medeterainian flying the Jolly Roger. They only attacked Spanish, Italian, and French ships.  The Jolly Rogers skull and cross bones had a message that was very clear!  A vow to oppose the Roman Church to the death, which was the message of the skull and cross bones of the Jolly Roger, and also on the grave stones of Templars and master Freemasons.
From this point the Templar fleet was divided into four divisions.  The Scottish,  Norwegian fleet, which would sail from the Orkney Islands to New Scotland in present day Canada.  As pirates flying the Jolly Roger.  As the Portuguese Navy Under the Knights of Christ. And the fleet of Jolly Roger of Sicily.
There  was now a war of two flags that would encompass world affairs for the next several hundred years. Would the flag of the Jolly Roger reign or will the Flag of the Vatican reign?   The Naval war of the Templars against the Vatican had begun, a war that would encompass vast fleets of ships, transatlantic empires, unimaginable treasure, which we are salvaging from the Ocean depth’s to this day

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