In 1935 at the site of the Palenque Pyramid was found a stone relief dated to 600A.D., that has historians and archeologists flabbergasted. Every now and then things are found that are so earth shattering that even the organized religions and various governments after prolonged periods of cover up and classifying the site as national security risks, at some time they are compelled to say something intelligent about the finds.The stone relief found at the Palenque site was of a human, at first thought was of a motorcycle rider, but his “hog” was a rocket or missile.
The human on the rocket was bent forward just like any biker would be. The rocket is pointed at the front but then changes to grooved indentations like inlet ports. It then widens out and terminates at the end with flames shooting out of the rocket.
The human like occupant appears to have his foot on a pedal alongside the body or fuselage of the rocket and appears to have a control panel with dials on it that the space traveler is adjusting. He is wearing trousers a jacket with an open collar and tight fitting arm bands and leg bands. On his head he was wearing a helmet with indentations and tubes and an antenna.
The space traveler’s front seat is separated by pipes from the rear portion of the rocket . Who was this space traveler and how does he play into the history of the Mayans, was he one of them, or perhaps was he an angel of god or god himself?
Let’s take a closer look at the Religion of the Flying Feathered Serpent known as QUETZZALCOATL. Could this flying Rocket ship appear to the natives as a serpent could this space traveler be Kulukan the god of the Mayans. And could this whole scenario be part of the fallen angels of Genesis six.
Quetzalcoatl came from the unknown land of the rising sun dressed in a white robe, and he had a white beard. Actually he looked a lot like Santa clause, but he drove a rocket ship instead of a sled. He taught the Mayans all about science, art, astronomy, and customs and left some very detailed instructions.
It was said that under his direction corncobs grew as big as a man and cotton grew already colored. Interesting the WATCHERS of Genesis six also gave instruction in the sciences and passed Sacred Knowledge in mathematics, Astronomy and the calendar. Also the offspring of the WATCHERS who were also known as Fallen Angels were the giants of the Old Testament. I bet they ate some oversized meals too.
When Quetzalcoatl was finished he returned to the sea where he caught a ship and returned to the morning star. Oh he also promised to return as did Kulukan, Jesus and so many others.
There is no lack of explanations for the bearded old man, in this age and place bearded men themselves were an unusual occurrence. There are even accounts that Quetzalcoatl was even an earlier Jesus, but let’s not go there lest I digress. Interesting with all of the civilization development pyramid designs, and building of all trades, you would think that they would have invented the wheel and perhaps a cart.
The height of the pyramid of Cheops multiplied by a thousand million is equal to 98,000,000. This Corresponds to the distance between earth and sun. Is it coincidence that a meridian running through the pyramids divides the continents and oceans into equal half’s.
Is it coincidence Is it coincidence that the area of the base of Cheops pyramid divided by twice its height gives the figure of PIE (3.14159).
In the year 3000 B.C. according to scientists the population of the world was approximately 20,000,000. It is estimated that in between a host of construction workers, engineers, stone masons, sailors, and hundreds of thousands of slaves, a well-equipped and maintained army, countless merchants, farmers and officials. And of course a very large priest hood, librarians and scholars
Scholars now estimate that during the time of the building of the pyramids that the population was 50,000,000. But one asks how were all of these people fed. The Nile River Valley is said even today to be the most fertile land in the world. In Egypt the only fertile land was in the Nile River Valley. Narrow strips that run along the side the river. This was the original strip farming known to the world.
But where did the food come from to feed all of the millions of people in this area. Certainly the Nile River farmers couldn’t support this population. In today’s farming it is considered that one acre could support eight people, probably not that much different in those days.
It is said that it took 2,600,000 stone blocks, to build the Cheops Pyramid. After cutting the stones out of stone quarries, that today it would take laser precision with carbide blades to duplicate the cuts. The stone blocks then had to be transported to the site and fitted together to the nearest 1,000 of an inch and deep inside the structure in the gallery the walls were painted. A thought just occurred did they actually have paint in 3000 B.C.
According to Egyptologist several hundred thousand slaves pushed and pulled the twelve ton stones with ropes that didn’t exist at that time, up ramps the pyramids were over six hundred feet tall, they were fed on nonexistent grain and were housed in nonexistent huts outside the Pharaohs Palace. If these very diligent workers would be able to meet the ten required blocks per day it would be built in six hundred and sixty four years.-----For those of you who swallowed this hook line and sinker----I have a bridge for you in Brooklyn!
To the north of Damascus lies the terrace of Baalbek. A platform built of stone blocks some of which are sixty five feet long and weigh nearly two thousand tons. Until now archeologists have not been able to give a reasonable explanation as to how this was able to have been built or why. Russian Professor Agrest considers it possible that the remains of the terrace are the remains of a gigantic air field.
In order to build with these massive stones they had to be transported somehow according to Egyptologists they were moved with massive wooden rollers. But in the years of the building of the pyramids the wheel hadn’t been invented yet, not to mention the cart. As a matter of fact I don’t think they had chisels yet not to mention a wood turning lathe to build rollers with!
How did the Egyptians carve tombs out of rock? How did they design and build a maze of underground galleries, rooms and vaults. The rooms have smooth glazed walls like they were made with a high heat source, a laser comes to mind. As in the pyramids in Mexico the walls had paintings in relief on the walls, also similar to the tunnels and caves of the Dropper crash site in China.
The Great Pyramid was and is visible evidence of technology that has never been able to be explained, in design, construction techniques, and logistics. With today’s technology there isn’t an architect anywhere that is capable of duplicating the pyramid. We just simply don’t have the technology and ability to perform the task.
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