Greada part I:
In this paper I am going to
address two of possibly three meetings between President Eisenhower and his
administration and with more than one species of extraterrestrials.
In my
research I have discovered several witnesses to this event, in this paper I
will be focusing on two highly respected and distinguished witnesses. These
encounters led to an agreement between our two worlds known as the “Greda
The (First Contact’ event) did not lead to an agreement and the
Extraterrestrial’s were effectively spurned. The second of these meetings did
lead to an agreement and this has apparently become the basis of subsequent
secret interactions with extraterrestrial races involved in the Greada Treaty
that was signed.
There is some discrepancy in
the sequence of meetings and where they were held, but all agree that a ‘First
Contact’ meeting involving President Eisenhower did occur and that one of these
meetings occurred with his February 1954 visit to Edward’s Air Force Base.
The first version of
Eisenhower’s meeting is described by one of the most ‘controversial’
whistle blowers to ever have come forward into the public arena to describe an
Extraterrestrial presence.
William Cooper served on the
Naval Intelligence briefing team for the Commander of the Pacific Fleet between
1970-73, and had access to classified documents that he had to review in order
to fulfill his briefing duties. He describes the background and nature of the
‘First Contact’ with Extraterrestrials as follows:
“In 1953 Astronomers
discovered large objects in space which were moving toward Earth. It was first
believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could
only be spaceships.
In 1952, the government
created several special agencies to help with dealing with the Extraterrestrial
question. The National Security Agency (NSA) was created especially to deal
with the aliens. Together with the NSA and the CIA, the National Reconnaissance
Office (NRO) completely took over all aspects of alien and UFO interaction.
One of the projects created
in 1952 was Project Sigma, which was a joint NSA/CIA project that had as its objective
communication with alien species.
The project was successful, and after communications
sponsored through Project Plato (establish diplomatic relations), a meeting was
held between elements of our Government and the species known as the Greys; on
April 25, 1954 at 6 pm at Holloman Air Force Base. I will discuss this event
further in another paper.
President Eisenhower secretly
commissioned a group of scholars, known as the JASON Society. The members of
the JASON Society were associated with the Order of the Quest.
The same individuals who
formed the JASON Society were also key members on the Council on Foreign
Relations known as the Wise Men.
The JASON Society agreed with
the (symposium’s conclusions) and drafted three proposals for Eisenhower’s
consideration. The three proposals were labeled Alternative 1, Alternative 2
and Alternative 3.
Eisenhower rejected
Alternative 1 because it involved the use of nuclear weapons. However,
Eisenhower did approve the implementation of Alternative 2 and Alternative 3,
as did the Soviet Union.
To sum up Alternatives 2 and
3, the “elite” would do what was in their best interest and leave the rest of
us to fend for ourselves. If we weren’t already dead as a result of their
planned genocide of 9/10th’s of humanity under the guise of “population
There are a number of other
sources alleging an extraterrestrial meeting at Edwards Air Force Base which
corresponded to a formal First Contact event.
These sources are based on
testimonies of whistle blowers that witnessed documents or learned from their
‘insider contacts’ of such a meeting.
These testimonies describe
what appear to be two separate sets of meetings involving different
Extraterrestrial groups who met either with President Eisenhower and/or with
Eisenhower administration officials over a short period of time.
“In the meantime, a species of human looking
aliens contacted the government. This
alien group warned us against the aliens that were orbiting the Equator and
offered to help us with our spiritual development.”
They demanded that we
dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused
to exchange technology, citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the
technology which we then possessed.
They believed that we would
use any new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on
a path of self-destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting
the Earth, stop raping the Earth’s natural resources and learn to live in
These terms were met with
extreme suspicion, especially the condition of nuclear disarmament. It was
believed in the meeting that this condition would leave us helpless in the face
of an obvious alien threat.
Nuclear disarmament was not
considered to be within the best interest of the United States. The overtures
were rejected. The significant point about
Cooper’s version is that the humanoid extraterrestrial race was not willing to
enter into technology exchanges that might help weapons development, and
instead was focused on spiritual development. The overtures of these
extraterrestrials were turned down.
According to Charles L. Suggs, a retired Gunnery Sergeant from the US Marine Corps, his
father Charles L. Suggs, (1907-1987) was a former Commander with the US Navy Intelligence
who attended the meeting at Edwards Air Force Base with President Eisenhower.
Gunny Suggs recounted his father’s experiences from the meeting in a 1991
interview with a prominent UFO researcher:
Gunny Suggs father, Navy
Commander Charles Suggs accompanied President Eisenhower along with others on
Feb. 20th. They met and spoke with two white-haired Nordics, that had pale blue
eyes and colorless lips.
The spokesman stood a number
of feet away from President Eisenhower and would not let him approach any
closer. A second Nordic stood on the extended ramp of a bi-convex saucer that
stood on tripod landing gear on the landing strip.
According to Gunny Suggs,
there were B-58 Hustlers on the field even though the first one did not fly officially
till 1956. These visitors said they came from another solar system. They posed
detailed questions about our nuclear testing.”
To be continued
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