Friday, July 18, 2014

Will the real Columbus please stand up !

To understand Columbus we must first understand who he was, a little about his background and training.  We must examine two parallel lives one of Christoforo Colombo, born in 1451 to Dominick and Susana Colombo in Genoa Italy. And Cristobal Colon, born in 1460 to Prince Carlos (Charles IV) of Vienna, and Margarita Colon, in the Jewish Ghetto of Genoa, on the Spanish island of Mallorca.

 Genova is now a district of Palma, the islands principal city. Simon Wiesenthal the famed Nazi hunter gives evidence as do other authors that the famed Columbus from American history is from Spain. According to Wiesenthal book “Sails of Hope” He is one of history’s most shadowy and controversial figures.

Mysteries surround his birth, his character, his career and his achievements. The Italian Columbus was at best poorly educated.  Wiesenthal states that he was very fluent in both Latin and Spanish, also very knowledgeable in history, geometry, geography, religion and religious writings. Columbus’s stature and bearing is not one of small means, the Italian Colombo was quite poor, his Genovese father a weaver in Savona, was not of means, but a wage earner who could barely make ends meet.

There is reference from history that Columbus took part in the Bombardment of Genoa, his supposed native city, in 1476. In fact he would have been with the Portuguese Navy, and certainly not a citizen of Genoa.

Another view is that Columbus was from a Spanish Jewish family which settled in Genoa as reported in the Encyclopedia Britannica. In 1971 a publication, “Juan Colon the Spaniard” and in 1978, “Cristobal Colon Era Española y Judio”, published in Madrid. 

Nectario Maria presents evidence that Columbus was the illegitimate son of Prince Carlos (Charles IV) of Viana, Spain and Margarita Colon of a well-respected Jewish family from the ghetto of Mallorca.
This would leave us with logical explanations for his education, his marriage, and several facts of his career. 1472-1473—Colon was in the crew of King Rene d’Anjou, who is considered a pirate by historians, however he was King of Malorca, Sicily, Anjou and held forty other titles of royalty. It would not be unusual for a boy to run away to sea at the age of 12, especially from a fatherless home.

Prince Carlos died under strange circumstances; some believe he was poisoned by his stepmother. 1473-1474---Colon sailed to the Greek islands of Chios. If Columbus is to be believed, when he states, he began navigating at age 14, a capable boy of that age, with two years of experience, would probably be standing watch at the helm...

In 1476—Colon fought with Casenova-Coullion against Genovese ships. There are assertions that Casenova-Coullion was a relative. When his ship caught fire, he swam to the southwest coast of Portugal, near the seamanship academy of Henry the Navigator. who some believe reached Brazil around 1395. 

In 1477 he sailed to England, Ireland and Iceland. In 1478 he was married in Portugal to Filipa Moniz Perestrello, daughter of Bartholomew Perestrello. Bartholomew sailed for Prince Henry the Navigator. Bartholomew was a Knight of Christ; Prince Henry the Navigator was Grand Master of the Knights of Christ.

Bartholomew while sailing for Prince Henry discovered the island of Maderia and Porto Santo. In 1478 -1483 Colon and his wife lived with her brother, Bartholomew Perestrello II. Bartholomew had inherited the Captaincy of Porto Santo in the Madeira’s. From this base in the Madeira Islands Colon made several trips to the Gold Coast of Africa. Colon gained much of his navigational experience during this period of time and was able to advance his self-education.

The earliest notation in his vast library was in 1481. Some say that the nine years that he served under the Portuguese flag are vague. Records of Colon are Vague; the records of Colombo end abruptly with his death in 1480.

In 1484 Colon went to Portugal, where his petition was rejected by the King, most likely because there is evidence of a voyage to the new world in 1472, by the Portuguese navigator Jaoa Vaz Cortereal (Telles), who had a Norse pilot, Pothorst ( Jan Skolp).

 Colons wife had died during this period of time. He left his young son Diego at the Monastery at la Rabid, near Palos, Spain and went to live with Luis de la Cerda, Count of Medina Celi, at Puerto Santa Maria for the next two years.
 In 1486 he met Fertinand and Isabella, with the help of Jewish Rabbi and Professor of Theology at Salamanca, Dela de Deza. 

During this time he became involved with Beatriz Enriquez, to whom their son Fernando, was born on August 15, 1488.

In 1489 - he was granted the privilege of receiving government housing and board and with his son Diego, they resided for the next two years.  In 1491 he presented himself in Cordoba, and his petition to Ferdinand and Isabella was approved. The efforts of the financial minister, Luis de Sentinel, was a strong allay in the approval of the petition
Some of the records of the Italian Colombo are in direct conflict with Colon’s. History shows that Colon and Colombo probably met in Porto Santo. There are fifteen to twenty notary signatures that attested to Colombo between 1470 and 1474, purchases of wool, the transfer of real estate, lease of land where his occupation is described as a wool buyer.

During this time period Colon was on various cruises to the Greek Islands, the Gold Coast of Africa, and as crew with the "pirate" King Rene d’ Anjou.
Nectario Maria reports that Manuel Lopez Flores records the death of Colombo at sea, in 1480. Based on the above facts it is obvious that Colombo was not alive in 1492 to sail the ocean blue!

 It is also obvious from recorded history that the Irish Celtic Monks probably discovered America in the years 600-700 A.D., that the Vikings were in America 850-1365 A.D., that Prince Henry the Navigator was probably in Brazil in 1395. Let’s also not forget the voyage of Jaoa Vaz Cortereal who in 1472 was said to have reached South America " Brazil" from Portugal.

Some questions arise when you step outside of the box, when looking at Colombo/Colon/Columbus. It is easy to understand how a son of a Prince, would be in a position to marry such distinguished women as both, Filipa Moniz Pereztrello and also his second relationship with Beatriz Enriquez. But especially in the middle ages it would be unheard of for a “peasant” to marry a “Royal”, especially two of them. So it was more than likely Colon, not Colombo, who was married to these women.

Also questions arise as to his education; it was difficult for a simple child of wage earners to have any sort of education at all. Education was pretty much reserved for the upper classes, the “Royals” of the time.

 Colon/Columbus was well educated in geography, enhanced from his extensive travels as a mariner. He was well educated in mathematics, geometry and trigonometry which is what navigation is. He was well educated in chemistry which is the basis of science. Well founded in history, religions and religious writings. Their weren’t really public school's as we know them today, but private tutors, hired by wealthy families.

The Catholics and Italians were dominating the scene of world history, and as we shall see, history was frequently altered to show them in a positive light. Frequent historical and archaeological finds, that have not supported the churches dogma was sequestered.

 So with the long arm of the church, the Italian poor weaver’s son of history, became the world explorer of the day, and sailed the ocean blue in 1492, and discovered America, but let’s explore this myth further.

A Spanish Jewish Columbus has much to support it. He wrote in Spanish, all the islands he discovered were given Spanish names. It is said that Columbus Island in the Bahamas, also known as San Salvador, was the land fall that Columbus made to discover America, and that’s as close as he came to it. It is said that Columbus spoke fluent Spanish without accent and that he didn’t speak any Italian at all.

He was able to meet and obtain financial assistance from several prominent Jewish business men. Diego de Deza,, who arranged for the introduction to the Royal Family of Spain. Abraham Senior and Isaac Abravanel, lawyers who had considerable influence with the courts. Gabriel Sanchez, royal treasurer; Juan Cabrero, royal chamberlain, and Luis de Santangel, financier of the voyages.

One third of Coumbus’ crew was Jewish, including Bernal the ship’s doctor, Marco the ships surgeon. Abraham Zacuto who was Jewish, provided astronomical tables that saved Columbus, on his fourth Voyage.

 By using the tables he was able to predict the eclipse of the moon, on February 29, 1504.  Before the invention of reliable timing devices, navigators used the eclipses of the moon to calculate latitude. Frequently by knowing the latitude of two points, navigators would arrive at their destination by running down the latitude.

 If a mariner was fetching Bermuda, he would leave Moorhead city North Carolina, and by using sun sights, especially noon shots, would be in Bermuda in a few days. This is part of Sacred Geometry and was extensively used by the Templars prior to the invention of the time piece.

On Columbus’ first voyage there was a Hebrew interpreter named Luis de Torres. Interesting to note, there was always a priest as part of the crew, but not on any of Columbus’ ships. 

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia states that Columbus’s debt to Jewish scientists, financiers, and statesmen was quite significant. These relationships are quite significant, especially in light of the fact that Jewish wealth, confiscated by the Spanish Royalty, helped to finance Columbus’ voyages.

The wealth was derived from the marranos, who were the victims of the Inquisition, and from the Jewish population, that was expelled from Spain in mass in 1492.

 Columbus signed his name in the Spanish form “Cristobel Colon” and in his will, he insisted that his descendants not alter the signature.
Xpo ferens

The above inscriptions are Hebrew for " the Lord, full of compassion, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin”. In letters to his son Diego, in the upper left hand corner of the letter, was the inscription “beth he” in Hebrew for (with the help of god) which Jews frequently use to this day.

Columbus was a well-known mapmaker, primarily a Jewish art from the Island of Mallorca, a center of piracy in the medeterainian was also located at Mallorca. It is said that Colon, at the age of 12, was part of a pirate crew that was out of Mallorca.

After Colon’s first voyage to the new world he was interviewed extensively by Father de Angliera for a biography he wrote on Colon.  In a letter to a close friend the Count Giovanni de Borromeo, Father de Angilera made a revelation in 1494. 

Father de Angliera left a deposition in a binding of the Colon Biography, which was recently in the hands of a street vender. A copy of the deposition now resides with the library of the University of Barcelona; the original was retained by the family of the Count. The deposition reads in part

I, Giovanni de Borromeo, being forbidden to tell the truth that I have learned as a secret from Senor Pedro de Algeria, Treasurer of the catholic King of Spain, must preserve for history, the fact that Cristobel Colon, was a native of Majorca and not of Liguria....He had been advised to pretend for political and religious reasons, in order to request the help of ships from the King of Spain. Colon after all, is the equivalent of Colombo, and there has been found living in Genoa one such Christoforo Colombo Canajosa, son of Domingo and Susana Fontanarosa, who should not be confused with the West Indies navigator....

This letter helps to clarify events in history that has confused historians for centuries and like so many other events, starts to make sense, as you step out of the box, and peer into the world of true events in history.  Faith based organized religions, have the desire to control these historical events, using governments as the medium.

Another thought on why the Church and Father d’ Analgeria, were interested in the voyage to the lands to the west, may very well lay in reference to log entries made by Columbus/Colon, four hours before making landfall. 

It is said that Columbus’s land fall was in the Bahama out Islands, on an Island called San Salvador, also known today as Columbus Isle, there is a scuba diving resort called Riding Rock Inn, and a Club Med is there today.

According to the “ Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus,” at around 10pm on October 11 1492, Columbus summoned a “ Gentleman of the Kings Bed Chamber,” a certain Pedro Gutierrez, to witness an unexplained celestial event, which Columbus/Colon had nothing in his vast years of sea experience to compare it to.

There appeared a light described as a bright candle, moving up and down, then would take off at great speed, to appear several times over the next several hours. Columbus/Colon took this as a sign that landfall was near. Each time the lights appeared they danced around, then with glaring gleams they departed at great speed. At one point Columbus/Colon was said to describe them as candles from the sea!

Although the churches Inquisition was almost three hundred years old by now, the long arm of the church was still very active, in its search for Heretical thought, and any event that wasn’t in line with the Churches dogma, (like visitors from the cosmos,) with the “Churches Jesus,” was deemed heretical  

The thought that any thing that would question Jesus's divinity, or might bring forth evidence, that maybe Jesus didn’t die for our sins, and will return one day!  In the year 1492, the prophecy of the church had yet to be realized!

In 1492 Spain became liberated from the Moors, because of close cooperation between the Jews and Muslims, the Jews were being persecuted by the crown of Spain, along with the Muslims.

 All Jews were expelled from Spain and the day that they were to leave Spain was the same day Columbus left for the new world, on his first voyage of discovery. Up until this point in time Colon had been using his network of Jewish influence to finance his seafaring exploits.

He had met Colombo the wool buying sugar buying Italian through his brother in law, The Captain of the city of Porto Santo and used "Columbo's" Identity to the courts of Spain, to obtain financing and ships for his voyages.

 After the persecution of the Jews it was a difficult time for Colon, although he had always represented himself as a non- Jew to the Courts, most of his network of connections were Jewish and he had to give significant thought on how to proceed.

As the Universal Jewish encyclopedia points out, many of the prominent Jews of this place and time fell victims to the Inquisition and lost their wealth due to mass deportations.

 Hens if the Spanish Crown knew of his true roots, the founding of America would probably have a totally different story. The biography of his son Fernando makes an interesting reference to the “cover up” he states ‘’ as God gave him all the personal qualities for so great an undertaking, he wanted to have his country and origin more hid and secure.”

His being a Spanish Jew gives another view on his desire to sail across the Atlantic. Colon set sail on August third 1492, the day that the Jews were banished from Spain. To beat the deadline he had his crew report aboard at 11 pm, the night before departure.

This is strange because it is customary to let the crew stay with their family, the night before departure. Interestingly the date of departure was the anniversary of the second destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem.  An estimated three hundred thousand Jews were banished from Spain in advance of the August third deadline in 1492.

This leads one to wonder, was Colon searching for a new home for the banished Jews, or perhaps a lost Kingdom on the other side of the Atlantic. Simon Wiesenthal is very out spoken on this topic and states the whole reason for the voyage of exploration was to resettle Jewish settlers in India, which has been a haven for Jews for hundreds of years.

In the twelve volume set, LIFE OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS,  it states that his son Fernando wrote of his father, “their progenitors were of the Royal Blood of Jerusalem,” does this mean that Columbus was of the REX DUES, it is already a historical fact that he was of and a Grand Master of the Knights of Christ.

This signifies that Colon was very interested in ancient history. He would have been knowledgeable in the Roman Jews being persecuted and leaving Rome in 734 A.D.  Departing for the unknown lands of Callus.  He would have also been familiar with the legends of the Cities of gold across the Atlantic. 

The Cities of Gold goes back to 711 A.D., when in Spain the Moorish forces descended upon the Visigoth Kingdom, which had occupied the western part of the Roman Empire. Between 500-800 A.D., the Moors over ran all of Portugal and Spain.

 History shows that refugees left by sea for Madeira then to the Canary Island's and then to Florida and the Caribbean.

They departed using  the trade wind route, or frequently referred to by modern yachtsmen’s as the Hiscock Highway, after Englishmen Eric and Susan Hiscock.

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