Monday, August 20, 2012


In 1899 Nicola Tesla moved to Colorado Springs Colorado, for one year, while there he developed his most important discovery-Terrestrial Stationary Waves.

This proved that the earth could be used as a conductor of electricity and would be as responsive as a tuning fork to electrical vibrations at certain frequency's. He also lighted two hundred street lamps from twenty-five miles away from the transmission point without wires.

During this time he also invented artificial lighting. He also believed that he received interplanetary transmissions in his Colorado Springs laboratory, which of course was met with laughter by the
inbred's in the scientific community.

J.P. Morgan lent his financial support to Nicola to build a one hundred and eighty seven foot tower with a sixty eight foot copper dome to send wireless signals to any point in the world. The structure was called the Wardenclyffe laboratory on long Island in Shore-ham New York.

This structure housed a Magnifying Transmitter. The purpose of this incredibly monstrous facility was to broadcast both power and communications with out wire to any point on the globe. This huge magnifying transmitter would discharge high frequency power, that would turn the earth into a huge dynamo which would transmit it's power to anywhere in the world!

Nicola's vision of wireless electricity was used to power ocean liners, destroy warships, run industry and transportation and send communications all over the world! We are talking 1905 here! Nicola suggested to the public that this could be used for interplanetary communications, lets hold this thought we will be returning to it in the next chapter!

If Nikola believed he could reach Mars with this very significant transmitter, then Paris or Tokyo shouldn't be a problem. J.P. Morgan was concerned if anybody on the planet could receive power from this new contraption, then where should the meter be placed!

AAAAH, the old money trail! If it isn't profitable for the money people then lets kill the technology! Sometimes patriotism and money get confused, more often then not they are one in the same. J.P.Morgan withdrew his support, Nikola was put out of business! Ten years later during the First World War the tower was demolished for war time security reasons!

Gee, if Nikola was able to proceed with this project would we perhaps have free or next to free energy here in the United States and throughout the world. Lets go back into world history maybe we have seen this or similar technology before, sometime in world history!


Christopher Dunn in his book the” Giza Power Plant: ancient: technologies of ancient Europe”, Dunn gives evidence of advanced machinery and technologies in ancient Egypt. Dunn claims that the earth is a giant power plant and the pyramids, obelisks and megalithic structures are part of a great power grid.

Dunn believes that the Great Pyramid was a great power plant and that harmonic resonators were housed in slots above the Kings Chamber. Dunn claims that the Great Pyramid is among many artifacts that have been misinterpreted and misunderstood by archeologists.

“ for the most part, primitive tools that are discovered are considered contemporaneous with artifacts of the same period. However during this period of Egyptian history, artifacts were produced in prolific quantities without any tools surviving to explain there creation.”The ancient Egyptians created artifacts that can't be explained in simple terms. These tools do not fully explain the state of the art that is evident in the artifacts.

When you are in the presence of these incredible Mesolithic structures from Baalbek to the Valley of the Kings to the mountain top ancient cities of Peru, the statues of Easter Island the pyramids of Mexico and Guatemala. Then you look at the tools that these structures were suppose to be built with! You feel like you are part of a joke being played on the scientific community! How many logs does it take to roll a 80 foot by15 foot thick rock weighing a 1,000 tons a couple of miles?

I think in this day and age the common person is so use to incredible misinformation and out right lies by governments and institution of higher education that they are at the point that they will accept any flimsy explanation other then what makes sense.

There are several artifacts that there is only one intelligent description of the production of the said artifact and that is powered milling or production by that of lathe. These artifacts are all composed of hard igneous rock. These hard pieces of granite artifacts show the same machine markings that are seen today from cutting hard igneous rock with modern equipment.

For over a century archeologists have recognized that ancient Egyptians have used circular saws, straight saws, drills and lathes. The lathe is the most interesting tool of all in the shop's of the ancient's. How was it that the ancient Egyptians were able to perform certain cuts and patterns, which today are difficult even with the use of high speed laser guided equipment?

Some of these intricate patterns include concave and convex spherical radial patterns, perfectly machined columns, bats, spindles, bowl's, cup's, goblets, plates, vases and round boxes. Lathes were used for creating round things, which there is plenty of evidence of in the ancient world.

In the step pyramid where Pharaoh Zoser's tomb is located there are twenty-one large granite boxes each weighing sixty-five tons. They are thirteen feet long eleven feet high and seven and a half feet wide.

These boxes were placed in recesses in the floor's of crypts in the tunnels that were part of the network of tunnels under the Giza Plateau. The question arises in these tunnels where there was limited room, not enough to contain hundreds of slaves to use as labor how were these granite boxes weighing sixty-five tons apiece moved?

These boxes were perfectly tooled polished and completely flat. They could have only be produced by the use of high speed motorized machinery using what we might refer to as modern techniques. These boxes are very typical of much of the artifacts found throughout the ancient world. These and other structures need to be studied by engineers who are open minded and not controlled by political and religious agenda's.

With the evidence of so many archeological sites containing so many artifacts created with powered precision machinery it would be quite pausable that the great pyramids of Egypt were built by a highly advanced supernatural civilization that inhabited earth thousands of years ago.

Some have a hard time moving past old archeological theories and have difficulty accepting modern evidence of advanced modern machining of artifacts. Perhaps it is time to give old theories a decent burial and put them in the annals of history and move forward but to do so carefully as to show due respect for elements of truth and reality that still exist in past research and discoveries.

New technology and knowledge is allowing us to review world history in a new light. What we are seeing is this new light is showing cracks in the history that we are being taught and has been taught for generations.


If the earth is a resonator and vibrates as a power source how can we tap into this energy? How can we turn this energy into usable electricity? If we could do this wouldn't it be the greatest technology that we have discovered to date? JP Morgan wouldn't love this!

If we had an transducer and using the piezoelectric effect of earths vibrations on quartz crystal. This means that alternating the compressions and release on the quarts crystal creates electricity. This the principle that microphones and certain other electrical devices work on.

When we speak into a microphone the vibrations from the pressure waves of your voice against the quartz in the microphone create electrical impulses. The quartz crystal is the transducer! It transfer mechanical energy into electrical energy.

If we understand the source of the energy and if we have the means to tap into it, by using quartz crystals, to convert the mechanical energy of earths vibrations into electricity, we then have an inherent power source.

The Great Pyramid of Giza Plateau was a geomechanical power source that responded to the earth's vibrations and converted the vibrations into electricity! They used this electricity to power their civilization. This would include motorized power tools which they used to machine indigenous rock with.

How does this power plant work? Lets first take a look at the transducer. The transducers for the pyramid power plants are built into the pyramid itself. The transducers resonate the vibrations of the earth through the structure of the pyramids.

The king's Chamber of the Great Pyramid is in itself a transducer. Visitors have noticed unusual effects within the chamber. Scientists refer to these unusual effects as infrasonic vibrations from the earth. The earth itself is a massive transducer.

Through the passages and chambers of the pyramid are devices to aide in the resonance of earth's vibrations. These devices could be thought of as electrical devices because they have the ability to convert the mechanical energy of the vibrations to electrical energy.

The granite out of which the King's Chamber is built is an indigenous rock which contains silicone quartz crystals. Scientists have analyzed this granite and concluded that it contains 55% silicone quartz crystal. This means that in the lining of the King's Chamber contains hundreds of tons of microscopic quartz partials

These quartz crystals contained in the granite of the king's Chamber are parallel on the upper and lower edges. The weight of the granite in conjunction with aggregate contained in the granite which gives a slight amount of flex-ability which allows the chamber to act like a electrical generator. This is because of the plasticity of the aggregate in the granite allows a “piezotension” effect upon the parallel surfaces of the quartz crystals which causes an electromagnetic flow.

The inner chambers of the Great Pyramid have been generating electrical energy for the last forty six centuries. When a person is within the King's Chamber he encounters a slight but definite magnetic field. Quartz crystal does not create energy, it converts one form of energy into another.

Above the Kings Chamber are five rows of granite beams, which are included in the forty three beams in the entire pyramid which weigh seventy tons apiece. Each beam is separated by a space which is big enough to crawl into. The red granite beams were flat and parallel on three sides but the top was untouched and was rough and uneven.

The only beams that were visible were the one's visible on the ceiling of the King's Chamber, however all of the beams were built with the same attention to detail, including the ones in the upper most chamber sometimes referred to as the Queens Chamber.

It is remarkable to note that the thirty four granite beams that would not be visible after the pyramid would be finished would be prepared with the same attention to detail as the nine beams which formed the ceiling of the King's Chamber.

All of the upper chambers were floored with granite beams that were roughly dressed on the bottom and flat and fair on the three sides. It makes one wonder if their wasn't a motorized planer type piece of equipment that prepared all of these beams so exact.

The granite beams above the King's Chamber could be considered to be forty-three separate bridges capable of sensing and conveying earths vibrations. If just one of the bridges were to sense vibrations of a certain frequency, then through harmonic's it would be possible for the other beam (bridges) to also sense and conveying energy from the earths vibrations.

If the energy contained in the forcing frequency was great enough this transfer of energy from one beam to another could affect the entire series of beams. Therefore if one of the Beams in the King's Chamber had a frequency forced upon it then it would be possible to transfer this energy to the adjoining beams in the upper chamber, at the same frequency or a harmonic of that frequency.

The amount of energy absorbed by these beams from the source would be dependent on the resonant frequency of the beams. The ability of the granite beams to dissipated the energy that it receives is dependent also on the resonance and the damping ability of the beams.

It is possible to control the renonasance of the beams by altering the size and shape of the beams. Similar to a radio operator tuning his antennae to meet the wave length of the frequency he is operating on. Perhaps this is why one side of the beam is rough so that they could be tuned to a certain frequency by planeing the beam or drilling holes at certain intervals to remove quartz particles.

Tests have been conducted on these beams by using a frequency generator at a predetermined fundamental frequency and the Kings Chamber resonated this fundamental frequency and the entire structure of the chamber reinforced this frequency that produced dominant frequencies that created an F sharp cord. By amplifying the F sharp frequency you will attain the harmonics produced by the earth. Indian Shamans tune their flutes also to the F sharp because it is a “Sacred frequency of mother Earth”.

Accelerometers were placed in the spaces above the Kings Chamber to measure the frequency produced at the granite beams, it is thought that the beams were acting like baffles in a speaker. It is said that the King's Chamber was resonating at 438 hertz, which is that of the earth's harmonics.

The ancients were determined to tap into the earths harmonics over a very large area inside of the pyramid and deliver that energy to the King's Chamber, which was the power generator of the pyramid power plant, and thus would greatly amplify the oscillations of the granite.

As earths vibrations flowed through the Great Pyramid, the resonators converted the vibrations into energy in the form of airborne sound. This was created through the design of the angles and surfaces of the walls and ceilings of the Grand Gallery which reflected the sound energy and focused it into the king's Chamber .

The design of the Grand Gallery was to channel the energy in the large spaces of the the pyramid into the King's Chamber! This energy was then forced into the granite resonating cavity at amplitude great enough to make the granite beams oscillate!

These beams in the King's chamber through harmonics caused the beams above them os oscillate in a harmonic rhythm. The result of this is the input of sound and proper resonate greated the whole complex of the pyramid to become a mass of vibrating granite induced energy.

When Napoleon visited the Great Pyramid he ordered his men to fire their weapons at the top of the Grand Gallery and noted that the explosions were reverberated into the far distance like rolling thunder!

When tourists visit the Great Pyramid the guides will strike the coffer inside the King's Chamber which gives a scary deep bell sound for the tourists to witness the resonation of the King's Chamber first hand. This resonance when tourists measure it with a meter is at 438htz. The coffer inside of the King's Chamber was precisely tuned to this frequency! The King's Chamber was also scientificly designed to resonate sounds also at 438 htz!

But if we had a power plant in ancient Egypt where was the power grid? How was the energy stored? How was it distributed? How was it used?

Let's first review microwaves!

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