Thursday, July 26, 2012


Carved out of solid stone, the Sphinx gazes out across the Egyptian desert, away from the pyramid under which it lays. It's body is severely eroded although the Egyptian government is now restoring it. What caused this heavy decay?

The Sphinx is made out of a hard stone indigenous to the area, was the erosion just from being pelted by sand during wind storms, similar to sandblasting. Archeologist's think not! Not from a sandblasting effect any how! Perhaps water also came into play in the erosion process.

Geologist's agree that in the ancient past Egypt was the victim of severe flooding. This is thought to be from a time when the sea table was nine feet higher than it is today. When the North American ice fields melted creating Lake Agassi, a glacier lake in the upper northern United States and adjoining Canada.

Most flood myth's contain a culture hero who strives to ensure his rebirth. Many believe that flood myths' originated from the findings of fossils, seashells and fish skeletal remains in unusual places such as mountain tops.

Native Americans also expressed this belief in their early encounters with the European's. Some geologists theorize that great and instant flooding of rivers in the distant past might have influenced these legends.

Tidal waves could also be part of this theory in coastal areas. The Ryan Pittman theory argues that around B.C.5600 a catastrophic flood occurred from the Mediterranean Sea and flowed into the Black Sea.

There is also speculation that a large tidal wave from the Thera eruption dated 1630-1600 B.C. Was part of folklore that evolved into Deucelion myth. The tidal wave hit the Aegean Sea and Crete but it did not affect the Greek islands.

Because the Thera Title wave didn't affect Greece one can conclude that the wave had a local versus a regional affect. There is also the thought that a meteor or a comet crashed into the Indian Ocean around 3000 BCE, which created the Burckle Crater and generated a tidal wave that flooded coastal lands.

Lake Agassi which covered most of Saskatchewan, Manitoba,, Ontario, Minnesota and eastern North Dakota had significant drainage periods in 13000 B.C. And 8400 B.C. The last drainage occurred when Hudson Bay area had a dramatic warming and Hudson Bay melted. This massive lake drained into the Mississippi River Valley, and into the Gulf or Mexico. It also was draining into Lake Superior, and Hudson Bay, which leads into the Arctic ocean.

This lake was larger than all of the Great Lakes combined in volume of water, it contained more water than all of the lakes in the world today combined.

This occurred in less than a year and raised the world wide water levels by nine feet. This had a significant impact on climate, sea levels, and possibly early human civilizations world wide. A major influx of fresh water was released into the Arctic Ocean which had an effect on ocean currants, and a cooling of the oceans.

The 13,000 B.C. drainage is associated with the Big Freeze! This lasted seventy years, which happened 12,800 years ago. It is thought that this happened as a result of the melting of North American ice fields.

The interesting point is, based on geological evidence, the Sphinx is older than Egypt itself! This makes us return to legends of Egyptian Pharaoh's being descendants of god's or extraterrestrials from the Sirius star system, known as Osirius. The Pharaoh's considered themselves to be direct descendants of Osirius and the legends of the Indus Valley, the Sumerian’s and Atlantis give creadance to these legends.

The Sphinx is thought to represent Pharaoh Chephren. There were several statues of the Pharaoh in the temple next to the Sphinx. The head of the Sphinx is quite small in proportion to it's body. Some feel that at one time it had a more natural looking head, they feel at some point it was re-carved.

The Temple next to the Sphinx was built out of granite blocks, the hardest substance on mother earth with the exception of diamonds, these blocks weighed over 100 tons apeice. The blocks are fitted together in a geometric pattern and were interlocked together like a jigsaw puzzle.

It is interesting to compare this method of construction to that of Cuzo, Sacsayhuaman, Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu. Often found in ancient megalithic construction in some of the worlds most remote and inhospitable areas.

There is a complicated maze of underground secret tunnels and rooms beneath the Giza Plateau, these tunnels lead to various pyramids starting from the Sphinx, these passageways are associated with the Mystical Schools of Egypt.

A shaft in the Giza Plateau leads to a subterranean area known as Cambell's Tomb. As one looks down the shaft one notices a steel grate obstructing passage into the shaft leading towards Cambells Tomb. The shaft is fifteen feet square and runs 100 feet deep.

On each side of the shaft leading to Cambells Tomb are many tunnels that exit from the shaft. These tunnels are part of a network of tunnels going beneath Giza Plateau. It is extremely dangerous to penetrate these tunnels and subterranean rooms weather they are caverns, part of a cave system or artificially made.

The legends and myths of ancient Egypt are quite prolific. Some believe based on these legends that the lost library of Atlantis is hidden beneath Giza Plateau. This library is referred to as the “Ancient Hall of Records”. Some believe that the Ancient Hall of Records contain “Sacred Knowledge” in the form of “quartz crystals” similar to a hologram being encoded by a laser today.

During the Dark Ages of European history when evil priesthoods tried to control mankind there were machines and technology from this long forgotten period of history. There are some that believe that the Ark of the Covenant was kept in the Great Pyramid until Moses needed it.

The pyramids of the Giza Plateau are considered to be unexplained engineering of the ancient world. Legends state that teams of 10,000 slaves labored for ten years to a build a ramp for the blocks; another twenty years to build the pyramid then another ten years to put the casing stones on the pyramid, starting from the top and working down the pyramid.

Legends state that Cheops financed the endeavor in part by having his daughter work as a prostitute. An inscription at the base of the pyramid told of how many onions and radishes it took to feed the slaves. There isn't any archeological evidence to support these legends as of yet. P. Garde-Hansen a Danish engineer calculated the amount of material that it would have taken to build the ramp leading to the top of the pyramid. He calculated it would have taken seventeen and a half million cubic yards of material. This figure is seven times more material then was needed in the building of the pyramid itself.

The placing of limestone casing stones weighing over ten tons each is still not addressed however the hats on top of the statues on Easter Island which stand sixty feet in the air also weighed ten tons each and are of a different stone then that of the statues. This makes one take a serious look at the Sacred Knowledge that our ancient ancestors obviously had acquired. Was the Sanskrit-Manna at play here perhaps?

It has been reported that Pharaoh Zoser built the first pyramid in 2750 BC. According to the ancient text “Famine Stele” which was discovered a hundred years ago in Egypt near Elephantine, it consisted of 2600 hieroglyphic characters of which 650 have been interpreted.

These interpretations were dealing with stone fabrications. The texts claim that an Egyptian god gave Pharaoh Zoser instructions on how to fabricate stone! In these instructions were a list of 29 minerals that could be processed with crushed limestone and other natural ingredients to produce a synthetic stone which was used in the construction of the pyramid.

Egyptians named these stones after their physical properties, “onion ore, garlic ore and horseradish ore. These stones also gave off odors of their ingredients. There were also arsenic, phosphates from bones and animal waste, Nile silt, quartz and limestone.

The ingredients were mixed with water and poured into wooden forms much like concrete contractors do today. It is thought that the cement used in the construction of the pyramids binds the ingredients together in a process that occurs in the formation of natural stone.

This means that the synthetic stone is extremely difficult if not impossible to distinguish from natural stone. Egyptian cement lasts thousands of years, while natural cement that is made today only lasts around 150 years, this in part is because the Egyptian cement is molecular bonded and today’s cement is mechanically bonded and mixed.

This seems quite a process and an engineering feat that hasn't been duplicated to this day! What exactly was the purpose of the pyramids? The historic perspective was that the pyramids were tombs of pharaoh's but evidence doesn't support this theory.

There has never been a mummy or the remains of anyone ever found in a pyramid! Egyptian mummies and the remains of pharaoh's have been found in underground tombs carved out of rock primarily in the Valley of the Kings, where Pharaoh Tutankhamen, his father Prince Akhenaten, and his father Pharaoh Amonhotep III were discovered.

It is a historical fact that the funeral celebrations took place at the pyramids but the pharaoh’s were never found in them, the pharaoh’s were found in tunnels and vaults carved into solid stone which took years to prepare. This is not to stay that they weren't kept in the pyramids for a short time and then moved to one of the vaults.

There are ten pyramids in the Valley of the Kings, none have remains in them but all have a tunnel system that goes under the Giza Plateau and leads to the Sphinx with several connecting vaults along the way. All of three pyramids have burial chambers in them, without human remains. There are fourteen burial chambers in nine of the pyramids we are excluding the oldest pyramid built by Pharaoh Zolas. However there were only three sarcophagus in all of these nine pyramids.

The sarcophagus in the Cheops pyramid was placed into the Kings Burial chamber while under construction the entrance to the chamber was to small for the sarcophagus to be removed. One wonders what happened to the other sarcophagus in the other burial chambers in the nine pyramids. Perhaps they weren't used for the purpose of burial of human remains perhaps they had another purpose.

There are many thoughts on the purpose of the pyramids, they were built using sacred geometry, were they aligned with heavenly planets and star systems, I believe so, everything about ancient Egypt centers around Orion’s Belt and the Sirius star system, but why a pyramid, they must have another purpose other than astronomical observatories. It is interesting to note that pyramids also exist in South America and it is felt that there are several that have been swallowed by the sea.

There are thoughts that the pyramids served as a power plant. This might be a good point to review my section on Nicola Tesla and microwaves. There seems to have been an unbelievable amount of machinery and ancient technology but how were these things powered?

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