I have several writing projects going on simultaneously, so I would like to just discuss a few things –My section on the Flemish Knight-Yves de Lessines—The Abbot are very real people in history—the things that I talk about are very real but not well known, the Knights Templar had six month of warning prior to the suppression of the order and they had time to get their affairs in order that means their Treasure hidden.
The warrior monks were bankers not misers. That means that they made money by lending money, therefore when it came time to get their affairs in order they had to do a massive accounting.
If a black smith in Devon, needed a new anvil and a couple of hammers he went to the Templar's, which was probably the baker down the street from him. The local Preceptory or castle, or shipyard would arrange the transaction and deliver the gold to be exchanged for the item.
Frequently they were the manufacturer of said item in need. They were well in twined in literally every aspect of commerce throughout Europe and the middle east through the over 9,000 estates that were spread over Europe.
Europe was a lord-serf relationship, the Noble who you paid you rent to, or the delivery person who shipped your goods was either a Templar or very close to them.
Just about every Noble family in Europe was involved with the Temple. When the son of a Nobel is accepted into the order he donates his property, assets and inheritance to the Order. Not every Templar, but every Knight comes from a family of means, they were all Noblemen.
When it came time to do an Accounting a good deal of their assets were lent out and secured against something. Just like banks of today do.
The Paris Preceptory was the primary Bank for the Templar’s, just about all of what came into Paris was relocated by the Flemish Knight . I will be writing more on this.
The location of this cache has been located and there is a pending permit in process from the country it is in. It will be probably be a couple of hundred years for it to get approved because the secret organization which has been tasked with its protection has infiltrated every level of government, and industry. This isn't a conspiracy theory its fact.
What wasn't taken by the Flemish Knight, left with the fleeing Templar's which were associated with the Treasury, and became associated with the Lost Templar fleet, which I also have written about.
The treasury that went with the lost Templar Fleet to Scotland and was hidden in Scotland on one of the 500 Sinclair estates. This was never associated with Roslyn Chapel because it wasn't built for another 150 years.
Their were very few places in Europe that were safe from the Church which was woven into the Royal families of Europe. King Philippe Assassinated the two Popes who were replaced by Philippe boy hood friend Pope Clement V, who was just as corrupt as Philippe.
Pope Clement V didn't wait for the Order to be resolved before he divided up properties and awarded most of them to his mistress, his son, and two nephews. The rest were awarded to the Knight s Malta, who also had and have a special relationship with the church. Ask yourself why so many people in high places in government, industry, are members of organizations that membership is by invitation only.
There is a monetary aspect to the Holy Grail, which we have been discussing.
There is a Knowledge aspect to the Holy Grail. Knowledge is the enemy of the church. Alchemists were primarily involved in making Gold out of cheap metals—magic! Today we call it chemistry. Today we call alchemists—chemists.
Mathematics and especially navigation was an occult science. If you are truly interested in the secrets of the Temple you need to understand “Sacred Geometry”.
With the oppression of the church the Temple communicated through the arts, Architecture, and symbolism. Unless you have sacred knowledge, you will be clueless as to the meaning of various pieces of art and architecture which have very specific messages to be passed on from one generation to the next.
A secret that the Temple held over the church, which is why they were able to operate throughout Christendom with out any interference from Royal Families and the church. Think what all the Christen Religions have in common. What could the Temple hold that would shake the very foundations of Christendom and show that it is based on a fraud. What did Pope Leo X, mean when he said, this myth of Christ has served the church well.
The Sacred Geometry leads to the location of the secret. Which has also been discovered. There is also an application to excavate this site, but it will also probably be a couple of hundred years in process because the secret organization tasked with its protection has infiltrated every level of industry, government and Religion.
The New World Order is the United States. In the future we will have a very interesting discussion of our Constitution.
Prince Henry Sinclair was in search of someplace where his protegees could go to express their thoughts, their beliefs, and their assets would be safe from the reaches of corrupt church officials and corrupt governments.
Prince Henry was preparing for his Trans-Atlantic journey for 20 years before he departed. He knew exactly where he was going and what he would find when he got there. He knew about the riches of Nova Scotia, the castle on the hill, and the sinkhole on Oak Island.
He knew of them because they were the source of metals, gold silver, and copper furs, non-indigenous plants, like tobacco which were being exported to fund various Royal adventures, crusades, and dithering about. Where did the gold come from to build Solomon s Temple? Where did the copper come from for the Bronze age Bonanza?
Prince Sinclair's Norse ancestors, the family secrets, the legends and general scuttlebutt of fishermen, sailors and soldiers were his library.
The Knight's lost 620 Knight's to the inquisition according to Vatican archives. There were over 20,000 knights. They didn't fall off the face of the earth. I have already written extensively on there fate and activities after the suppression. Something happened to the 13 ships of the lost Templar Fleet. The Orkney islands is a good place to look. Even 100 years later they were probably still operational. Henry also built 13 ships, he took 13 ships and 500 Templar's to the New World. If he was just going on a voyage of discovery he wouldn't have needed 13 ships, or hundred's of Templar's.
I say Templar's the Temple itself was dissolved but not the spirit, the focus, the techniques of the Temple. They became part of the armies of various Royal families of Scotland. How do you think 6,000. Scot's repelled a English army of 30,000. A bunch of peasants with pitch forks,---go back to sleep!
When Prince Henry recruited subject's for his crew there is no dought he had to turn away qualified people because of space availability. Of course he had part of the monetary portion of the Holy Grail, the church was still looking for it, and Scotland had been been coming to grips with the church since the death of Bruce, so Scotland wasn't a safe haven anymore, it was politically unstable.
I will shortly post more on Henry's adventure in Scotland, on Oak Island and some other interesting history, but I haven't posted any recipe since my baked ham and I am Hungry---get ready to eat!!
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