Sunday, February 3, 2019

Do I Believe

People often ask me, do I believe in UFO's Is there extraterrestrial visitation on our planet, some of us say of course, what is so special about us that separates us from over thirty billion planets in our solar system?
When 1971 intelligent, rational, influential men and women were asked how people would react to the release of undeniable proof that extraterrestrials have been visiting us for a very, very long time. Some very interesting opinions were received.
The response was that 32% felt that they would be completely able to handle it. When asked how they felt others would react, 25% said that most people would completely freak out panicking, demanding a response from political leaders and clergy alike.
In 1999 the Roper Organization performed a survey for the National Institute of Discovery Science. Eighty percent thought the US Government would classify and suppress the evidence.
Its difficult to predict how the general populace would react to a official announcement that an extraterrestrial presence exists and has existed for a long time.
Just in general most people don't seem to be bothered by what they encounter through the media. In 1987 president Reagan was presenting a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, he was quoted as saying, “is not an Alien force already among us?”
President Reagan expressed the thought “ our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an Alien Threat !”
But what threat, or how would we handle a threat, from
an advanced race so advanced in technology and knowledge.
If we are being visited when did it start, and why are we being visited. If we have been visited by a hostile force why haven't we experienced aggression?
Is there possibly evidence at some point in our distant past that we have over looked ? In 1999 a 90 page report was published titled “ UFO's and Defense. What must we be prepared for?” This report concluded that the reality of UFO's, under the control of intelligent beings, was almost certain!
This report was prepared by the French Institute of Higher Studies for National Defense or (IHEDN). This report was submitted to the President of France and the Prime Minister prior to it's release to the French public. Was this possibly the first public disclosure by any Government of the existence of Extraterrestrial visitation on our planet?
The Committee for In-Depth Studies (COMETA) states that extraterrestrial theory for the origin of unexplained UFO's “is by far the best scientific theory....if [UFO] were terrestrial craft they would have to be made by the Americans, despite extreme security, that secret would have been uncovered.
COMETA asked the question, what situation must we be prepared for? They addressed the possibility of Alien Bases, local or wide spread invasion, (improbable). Disinformation aimed at destabilizing other countries. The report also addresses political and religious ramifications of Alien visitation.
COMETA recommends that France and other European Union develop a relationship with the United States in regard to this very important problem. However the COMETRA report points out the policy of consistent extreme secrecy, is complicating a working relationship both politically and militarily with international Allies. The report goes on to say :
“It is true that the attitude of this country has been extremely strange since the June 1947 wave of sightings, followed by the Roswell affair.
If the Americans managed on that occasion or on other occasions to have recovered wreckage or complete extraterrestrial vehicles, in more or less good condition, or humanoid corpses, then some kind of contact would have indeed been established.”
Why and how could a secret of such magnitude be kept up to this present day? The unprecedented security apparatus, that surrounds this situation, only lends to the premises, that the need for secrecy to protect the technology and military superiority procured from the study of UFO's and perhaps contact.
Dr Peter Sturrock made an interesting statement scientists could learn much about unexplained evidence of UFO's, if the giggle factor wasn't involved.”
Dr Shurrock published a report in the Journal of Scientific Exploration Vol 12. #2, 1998, pp 179-229, titled Physical Evidence Related to UFO reports. This report was well received.
Dr Edgar Mitchel became the 6th man to walk on the moon in February 1971. Dr Mitchel has had multiple discussions with military and intelligence personnel who have convinced him that the US Government is covering up UFO evidence and has been for over fifty years.
Dr Mitchel wants his associates granted immunity by congress so they may speak openly about there concerns. Dr Mitchel believes there is a small volume real UFO evidence and a ten fold amount of disinformation surrounding the UFO issue.
Most of the people involved are individuals employed by the Government either military or scientists with Top Secret Security Clearance's.
Long story short this is where their skills are, they like everybody else are working for their pensions and benefits.
If you violate your security agreement everything you have been working for your entire life has just dissipated. I don't think you will find too many cab drivers who had a top security clearance!
There are other former career military men with Top Security Clearances that are in contact with intelligence people, former military pilots, astronauts, some very senior officers, Admirals and Generals, very accomplished scientists.
Some that have been working on anti-matter reactors, some on anti gravity propulsion units, engineers with hands on experience with advanced aeronautics, flying disc prototypes and some who have been involved with reverse engineering of Alien Craft.
Some of our test pilots, have flown these aircraft as part of Project Snow Bird. The Disclosure Project is a research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFO's, extraterrestrial intelligence and classified advanced energy and propulsion system's.
They have over 500 government, military and intelligence community witnesses, with testimony's on their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFO's, extraterrestrials, extraterrestrial technology, and the cover up that keeps this information secret.
to be continued

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