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There are a great deal of ancient mysteries most of these mysteries can be solved if we understand one word," PHOENIX", which is a derivative of the Greek name for Phoenicians. Ancient people who inhabited the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
There are a great deal of ancient mysteries most of these mysteries can be solved if we understand one word," PHOENIX", which is a derivative of the Greek name for Phoenicians. Ancient people who inhabited the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
Phoenicians refered to themselves as Sidonians. Their capital city was Sidon. The Sidonians were considered masters of sorcery and magic. They claim to poses a civilization that goes back Thirty Thousand Years and Ancient Historians agree with this.
Sidonian navigators were in demand by Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, and Greeks. The Greek alphabet was transferred directly from Phoenician/Sidonian script, and applied to the sounds of the language of the Greeks. Hence the word Phonetic!
The modern English alphabet is based on the ancientPhoenician/Sidonian script. The majority of the knowledge thought to be of Greek origin was given to them first by the Sidonians.
Pythagoras considered the ancient father of Freemasonry who was schooled in Sidonia. The first ancient Phonetic text in existence---The Old Testament--- was written in Phoenician characters.
The first Temple of the Hebrews was built in Jerusalem by Artisans’ from Tyre, A city that traded Phoenicia capital status with Sidon. The Phoenician/Sidon language in ancient civilization is a long guarded Occult Secret. The Phoenix represents a time when extraterrestrials and mankind existed together on earth. The Phoenix is the land of the decent of the (sons of God) described in Genesis 6.
According to the history of every major civilization in the Middle east, Phoenicia was the first place where "Beings” from heaven came to earth. The unions with these "Beings" with the Daughters of Adam and Eve produce hybrid offspring in Hebrew "Nephilim" the fallen ones.
According to the book of Enoch, the book of Jubilee and other ancient texts, the exact point of descent of the (sons of God) was Mount Hermon in Phoenicia.
Through the influence of these heavenly Beings and their offspring, Man became gifted with knowledge surpassing any that had yet existed. Then came the flood and the Phoenicians’ perished along with the knowledge.
In other words the knowledge given to man was lost in global Disaster. According to Genesis 6, the destruction of earth, by the flood, was in response to the interaction of the (sons of God) with the daughters of Adam and Eve.
The first century Christians considered the book of Enoch to be inspired if not Authentic. They relied on it to understand many things from angles to the winds, sun, and stars. Many of the concepts used by Jesus seem to be connected to terms and Ideas of the Book of Enoch.
Since any book, including this one, is open to interpretation, Enoch posed problems for some theologians. Instead of reexamining their own theology, they chose to dispose of that which went counter to their own beliefs.
Some of the visions in Enoch are believed to point to the consummation of the age in conjunction with Christ’s second coming, which some believe took place in 70 AD. (In the destruction of Jerusalem).
Enoch was declared a fake by Hilary, Jerome, and Augustine. And was lost to western Christianity for over 1000 years. The Book of Enoch seems to be the missing link between Jewish tradition and Christians.
The Ethiopian Coptic church holds the Book of Enoch as part of its official spiritual cannon. It was widely known and read in the first three centuries after the Death of Christ. This and many other books were banned after the council of Nicea. Scottish explorer James Bruce rediscovered the Book of Enoch in Ethiopia in 1773.
Enoch discusses the fallen Angels, the (sons of God) that there were 200 of them in the days of Jared. They descended onto the summit of Mount Hermon and these are the names of their leaders. Arklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Barqljal, Azael, Amaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqlel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jamjael, and Sarlel. These are the Chiefs of Ten.
All of them went and took wives for themselves. And the wives gave birth to hybrid children, called Nephilim; the giants of Geneses 6.The angles started to teach the men of the earth charms and spells and the cutting of Roots, and made them acquainted with plant life.
Azael taught them to work with metal to make swords, knives, breastplates, shields, bracelets and ornaments. They were taught the use of antimony, and the beautification of eyelids, and the coloring of dyes.
Semjaza taught the casting of spells and root cutting. Armaros, taught counter spells, Baraqijal taught astrology, Kokabel taught the constelations and portents Ezeqeel taught knowledge of the clouds, Araqlel the signs of the Earth, Shamslel the signs of the sun, and Sarlel, the course of the moon.
to be continued
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