Can planets also be white dwarfs. I am going to go out on a limb and assume his question is based on the various Sumerian and Dogon legends that state extraterrestrial beings descended to earth from this star system. The question is this; how can beings come from a star which of course is one big nuclear fusion of sorts; which of course is non life supporting.
So let’s start by looking at what a white dwarf is and no, a planet cannot be a white dwarf, for this reason. A white dwarf is a small very dense star typically the size of a planet. A white dwarf is created when a low mass star has exhausted all it’s central nuclear fuel and lost it’s outer shell in what’s known as a planetary nebula.
These are considered to be the final stages of life cycles similar to our sun. They are formed when stars use up their fuel and can no longer support nuclear reactions. A planetary nebula is a phase of stellar evolution. that the sun should experience several billion years from now.
It will then expand into a Red Giant and shed most of it’s outer layers leaving behind a hot core that contracts to form a dense white dwarf star. White dwarfs are small dense stars that burn dimly. Out of the hundreds of Star systems closest to our sun there are said to be only 8 white dwarfs, the closest one being Sirius B. It is said that a teaspoon of Sirius B weighs 5 tons.
Sirius B is 8.6 light years away and has the mass comparable to our sun but the volume comparable to earth. It is the smallest component of the Sirius Binary Star System.
Now lets review some ancient information on this very interesting star system.
In ancient Iraq known to history as Mesopotamia the Cradle of civilization, existed the ancient Sumerians. The Sumerians built cities with a grid system, cobblestone streets, a sewerage system with advanced agriculture.
They had acquired the second writing system known to the world, which was a cuneiform script, on clay tablets, which still exist to this day. These tablets tell an incredible, but very unique story!
These tablets are dated to 3100 BCE. In the 19th century 22,000 clay tablets were found in Mesopotamia (Iraq). These clay tablets contained stories very similar to those found in Judeo Christian texts.
Literally every story contained in Genesis can be found on these tablets. The story of Adam and Eve, Noah's flood, the creation story, are all contained in the Sumerian clay tablets.These tablets were written long before the creation was to take place.
Zachariah Sitchen spent his career analyzing these clay tablets, in 1976, in his series of books, “The Earth Chronicles.” He describes an alien race that came to earth a long, long, long time ago, they came in search of gold. There are gold mines in South Africa 150,000 years old.
They were said to come from Sirius B, which was a star in trouble, today it is called a white dwarf, a star that is dying.But a million years ago, when earth was inhabited by Homo erectus, the Star Sirius B was still alive and part of a binary star system.
There was also a third star Sirius C which is said to have a planet that orbited around it.
The alien race that Zachariah Sitchen was refering to were in search of gold for their atmosphere, gold has radiation and heat reflection properties.
In Muli in northwest Africa, deep in a valley, are the Dogon people. Their ancestors had settled around 1000 AD, and had been forced to leave Egypt because of religious persecution.
In the 1930’s two French Anthropologists, Dr Marcel Griaule and Dr Germain Dienberien interviewed 4 Dogon priests who relayed some unbelievable information.
They have a very long and ancient tradition and have kept most of the Egyptian myths and legends right into modern times.
Dogon tradition maintains that the sky god Ama, created the first living creature called Nommo. Shortly after his creation Nommo divided into several parts, one of these parts rebelled and Ama responded to this threat by destroying him and spreading his parts throughout the world.
According to Dogon legends a god or “extraterrestrial” descended from the stars and gave them this knowledge. To this day the Dogon celebrate Nommo and the visitation which occurred in the ancient past.
These extraterrestrials were said to be ugly, amphibious, mermen and mermaids. They were said to appear in Babylonian, Arcadian and Sumerian myths. The Egyptian goddess Isis who is frequently depicted as a mermaid is also associated with the star Sirius.
The Dogons have ancient masks that date back to when these ceremonies began in the 13th century The masks show the history of the Dogon, they have a mask of Ama embracing the universe.
This is how they pass on information from generation to generation. They pass stories told in masks. Could Nommo have been a real entity, there are striking similarities between Nommo and the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten.
Is it coincidence that these two cultures thousands of miles apart have mythologies that are so similar, that they descended from the stars? They were both descended from extraterrestrial beings. Nommo from Ama, and Akhenaten from Aten. They both had elongated craniums.
The Dogon religion is maintained by the priests that share it with a select few only. The Dogon and the Egyptian’s both believe that they are descended from the Sirius star system.
The extraterrestrials known as nommos lived on a planet in the Sirius star system that orbits a star which is thought to be Sirius C. They came to earth in a “Ark” which landed in a spinning manor, with great noise and wind.
It was the nommos who gave the Dogon knowledge about Sirius B, also other information on the solar system in which we live. They described Jupiter as having 4 moons, Saturn as having rings around it, and planets orbiting the sun.
Both Osiris and Ama were believed to have come from the a Planet associated with Sirius B. You can’t see Sirius B with the naked eye. It is believed that Sirius B was a dying star and is now a white dwarf.
Astronomers using the Hubble telescope have identified Sirius B and Sirius C is also thought to exist, however it hasn’t been visually identified, but thought to exist in the distance beyond Sirius B based on scientific observation.
Both of these stars were hidden previously by the orbital path of Sirius A. The Sirius star system is eight light years away, the Dogon knew of Sirius B, a thousand years before modern science did.
In 2003 the Hubble telescope confirmed that Sirius B is a White Dwarf or a partially burnt out star. It is very dense it is smaller than earth but weighs eight times that of the sun.