Thursday, October 10, 2013

What do They Want

In 1949, Daniel Fry, a rocket scientist reported being abducted and being conscious and of sound mind during a flight in an Alien Spacecraft.
The thoughts expressed by the alleged extraterrestrials are surprisingly similar to many of our own.
We will never thrust our knowledge or our culture upon your people, and will never offer it unless there is substantial evidence that we ( citizens) desire it, and it would be advantageous to us.”
There wasn't such evidence in 1959 and I question whether there is today.
The extraterrestrials represented that there were minerals that we have in abundance on earth, that were very scarce throughout the solar system.
They represented that they had an interest in the minerals, that would benefit both of our worlds.
They also represented to Daniel Fry that although the minerals would be desired by them, it wouldn't be contingent on the services they are providing us. They said any knowledge or services that they can offer us will be freely offered.
The extraterrestrials represented, that if they were to force their “culture” on us, about a third of our people would consider them to be gods, and would place all responsibility on the extraterrestrials for their welfare.
Most of the 70% that didn't believe that they were gods would believe them to be tyrants and dictators who were planning to enslave our world. Many of this group would seek to destroy them.

Whether we choose to believe this contact story to be fiction or not, ( I believe it ), it is worthy to note that this is not to far from our modern thinking !

Former Director of the Office of Advanced Technology at the State Department, Michael Michaud speculates that we are likely to project our hopes, fears and prejudices on to a hypothetical alien culture.
At one extreme we think of aliens as altruistic teachers, who will show us the road to survival, wisdom and prosperity. Or perhaps god like figures who will raise humanity from it's fallen condition.”
At the other extreme we see aliens as grotesque conquerors whose malevolently applied technology that can only be overcome by simple virtues...”
Michaud goes on to speculate that “ alien contact would probably cause many people to attribute events to alien intervention, citing the present cultural response to the UFO phenomenon as an example.”
Michaud continues to reason that “ individual countries and special interest might try to conduct exclusive dialogues with the aliens to exploit the contact.”
Michaud further speculates that “ Political and governmental leaders would be concerned about the impact and concerns that contact would have on their populations.
A concern that these leaders might try and let through only those ideas that they considered safe.
National Security policy – makers will argue for classification of the contact and information received.
Some of the scholars especially those personally involved in the first contact, will be equally possessive about the information and the source, especially if they distrust the governments, and hold a low opinion of the general populations.”
Although the advanced alien technology could be put to use for the benefit of both cultures, the same technology could also be used as a destructive force.
It is probable that those with the knowledge, working inside of governments, are gradually releasing the information slowly, to lessen the political, economic, religious and psychological shock to our culture.

Former astronaut Dr OLeary states “the truth must
 eventually be known. Continuing our denials and
 projecting our fears, in my opinion, is only adding to the 
problem. We are all in this together. 

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