Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Special and General Relativity

 Albert Einstein's theory of “Special Relativity” which he published in 1905, determined that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and the speed of light, when in a vacuum, was independent of the motion of the observers.
   This established a new set of rules for the law of physics. This established a new era for the concept of time and space. Albert Einstein published his theory of “General Relativity” ten years later in 1915.
   In this theory he determined that massive objects cause distortion in space time, this we feel as gravity.  When two objects exert a force of attraction on one another it's known as gravity. Evan at the center of earth, this force is pulling you toward it. This is what keeps you on the ground. Your center of mass is pulling back at the earth, with much less force.
    Sir Issac Newton quantifies the gravity between two objects when he formulated his three laws of motion. However newton's law assumes that gravity is an innate force of an object that can act over a distance.
   As a result of Albert Einstein's research into special relativity it was determined that time and space were interwoven into a single concept, known as space -time.  Events that occurred at the same time for one object, could occur at different times for another object.
   As he worked out his formulas for General Relativity, Einstein realized that  massive objects caused a distortion  on time -space. Imagine setting a large object in the center of a trampoline, the object would press down into the fabric, causing it to dimple. If you were to roll a marble around the outside of the trampoline, it would spiral in towards the object.
   The marble would be pulled toward the object in the same way that the gravity of the earth pulls at rocks in space. Although we don't have instruments that can measure space-time, several theories associated with the warping have been confirmed.
   Light around a massive object, such as a black hole, is bent causing it to act as a lens, for what ever lays behind it. This is a method used by astronomers to study stars, and galaxies behind massive objects such as planets. This is called gravitational lensing.
  An Radio-Telescope, which wasn't put into use until the 1960's. They were able to detect radio waves coming off the sun, the milky- way and a few closer stars.
    In doing this they were able to detect some other unexplainable objects. They were very small but extremely bright. They were given the name Quasi-Stellar objects. Or Quasar's.

 Intense discussions were taking place among astronomers, some of these Quasars were moving at 1/3 the speed of light. Stepping outside of the box, and taking a look from a different perspective.
   There were some astronomers who felt that they were created from the distortion of gravity from a black hole. Or could it perhaps be the opposite end of a worm hole which is called a white hole.
   If this is actually a white hole it would have to be extremely far away. Several billion light years away. It would produce as much energy as a entire galaxy.
   Another thought which is possibly more reasonable. Perhaps the Quasar isn't this bright after all, could our understanding of the size of the universe be a factor, could the universe be expanding?
   Could we be dealing with a civilization that was able to absorb the energy of other stars and galaxy's which would be why it is so bright ? If this is actually what is happening, it is a thought that has been out there for a while, it is called the Active Galaxy Theory.
   Since the 1980's astronomers internationally have been accepting the active galaxy theory as anacceptable explanation for Quasars. There are also concepts of “Blazers and Radio Galaxy’s” are thought possibly Quasars viewed from a different perspective.
   It is now apparent that Einstein's theory of Special and General Relativity is no longer a theory but hard fact. With a understanding of the concept of Time-Space it helps in the understanding of space travel and how space vehicles from millions of light years away could possibly travel to our planet.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Anti Matter

   Robert Lazar was unsure how Area 51 came into possession of Alien Spacecraft. They could have been recovered from crash sites, or they could have been flown here and given to us.
   Lazar didn't believe they were recovered from crash sites because their condition was excellent. We would duplicate the metal with a similar metal alloy, but duplicating the technology of the craft was challenging.
   The spacecraft were using anti-matter power generation, a engineering feat that was dream for our scientists, they had theories that have never been achieved in the laboratory.
   One of the primary areas of research at Area 51 was trying to duplicate anti-matter technology. The anti-matter reactor creates a energy field around it, so it does not give off heat. This energy field or gravity field is a primary field of concern for our scientists.
   This is a new frontier for our strait laced science community, they need to step outside of the box, forget the rules of physics that have dominated their professional lives since high school, start over again.
    The fuel used by this reactor is a whole new experience for our scientists, it doesn't exist on the periodic chart. If it did it would have a number of 115.
    The theory that unstable elements become stable at around 113 or 114 is a standard in chemistry. A fuel with a periodic number of 115 is extremely stable, anti-matter fuel is extremely stable and doesn't exist any where on this planet.
    Protons and neutrons associated with anti-matter fuel are magical if you will. Robert Lazar specializes in proton accelerators which are used to bombard the neutrons, with these protons, and when all is said and done, this element is kicked up to 116 on the periodic table, if there was one, for this element, on the periodic table.
   When this element reaches 116, it gives off anti-matter, which is reactive with matter ! This is called annihilation reaction.
   This reaction has 100% equivalent thermocoupling and this is where the power comes from. This generation of power produces a gravitational wave. This is still not understood by our scientists.
    This gravitational wave moves up the column wave guide, this is the excess power that the spacecraft uses. The spacecraft doesn't create an anti-gravitational field. Some believe that it does, they are wrong !
   There is a gravitational field that is out of phase with the current one. It's the same original gravitational wave that's out of sync. This wave varies from one hundred and eighty degrees to zero in a longitudinal propagation.
   Element 115 does not exist on earth and can not be synthesized because element 115 is a super heavy element. Scientists believe element 115 comes from a place in another galaxy with a much larger star than our sun.
    Some scientists feel that it might come from a galaxy where a binary star or sun exists. They believe that it isn't synthesized, but is found naturally in a place where a much larger sun exists.

  Some scientists feel that a supernova occurred and this is a by product of a stellar explosion. For element 116 to be so high on the periodic table, it just wouldn't have been possible to have been produced artificially.
  The amount of money it would take to make a lighter element work would be unconscionable. It would involve putting a lighter element at the end of a particle accelerator and bombarding it with protons. You would try to have the protons penetrate the atoms. This would give you micrograms of a substance after an incredibly long period of time.
   The spacecraft at Area 51 use 233 grams of element 115. It is orange in color and is extremely heavy. Five hundred pounds of element 115 has been made available to the Area 51 scientists for top secret study.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Area 51 Scientists

Robert Lazars job at Area 51 didn't have a specific routine, he was met by a supervisor (CIA) and a security guard at the bus when it pulled up in front of the hanger. He was escorted to office building beside the hanger and given a stack of color coded files to review.
   The blue coded files  covered a diversified collection of UFO material, the information was unbelievable ! He wasn't able to learn everything from these files the information was compartmentalized. As hard as he tried to connect the dots it was difficult. He didn't believe anybody was privy to the complete information.
   The scientists weren't allowed to speak to each other and were at all ties under the watchful eye of the security people.
   The scientists were briefed on only what they needed to know, but you had a rough idea on what was going on.
    Robert lazar specifically dealt with propulsion systems, that is what he was specifically briefed on. Robert Lazar was able to learn that Area 51 was able to obtain a number of alien spacecraft. How they were acquired was not made clear !
   Robert lazar was able to review autopsy reports as well as black and white photo's of  alien bodies.  They were of the typical grays with large hairless heads, some showed the organs removed and spread out on a table, which listed thr weights and densities. Some of the organs had been cross sectioned .
   Robert Lazar was under the impression that he was being fed a little bit of information at a time, in preparation for something specific. Actual hands on experience with alien spacecraft.
    There had been several posters around the facility with a flying disc hoovering over the ground with the headline, “There Here” ! Robert Lazar saw a disc craft in the hanger but wasn't sure if it was there's or ours.
    The craft 35 ft in diameter, 15 ft high, it was resting on the ground, without any landing gear.
   Lazar was led into the hanger, after he spent a matter of time reviewing the files.  He was accompanied by a supervisor and a security guard, he was instructed not to look at the craft or say anything.
   After several months of working solely in the office area, he was allowed to view and enter the craft. It was made out of an alloy metal without any seams, rivets or joinery. It almost looked like it was made with a metal mold similar to the way a machinist would make a stainless steel mixing bowl. The craft seemed brand new.
   Lazar refereed to this craft as the sports model.  At the top it appeared to have small square port holes which appeared to have a dark almost black thick glass or Plexiglas type of material.
   Lazar felt that was where the control/pilot house/ bridge was located, but wasn't allowed onto the upper level of the craft.  The craft had three levels and the entrance was on the middle level.
    When one enters the craft the first thing you notice is the whole craft was the same color in and out.­ In the center of the craft there was a column going from the lower level through the overhead to the top level. The bulkhead inside of the craft had a archway similar to those in a Spanish style home.
    There was a control console that had been removed, another console and some small chairs some of which had also been removed.  At the bottom of the column was a small circular object that looked almost like a basketball.
     This object that looked like a basketball and was attached to the bottom of the center column was a anti-matter reactor. The column was hollow and was the wave guide for the reactor, we shall return to this in a moment.
   The interior was completely different than you would expect. The first thing you notice is that there aren't any sharp edges anywhere at all. The edges were all rounded almost like they were created with a router.
    You almost had the impression that you were in a child's playhouse. The chairs were very small almost like a child's chair, it was only a foot and a half off the ground. This craft which Lazar witnessed close up was not made in the United States this was an alien craft !
   This was an extraterrestrial vessel made with materials that we don't have on this planet. This spacecraft was made with knowledge and intelligence that we don't as of yet possess.
   The scientists were trying to reverse engineer and duplicate this craft with our modern knowledge. The problem is that they were encountering a whole new set of rules, laws of physics . To understand what was happening here you need to review Albert Einstein's theory of both General and Specific relativity.

    The inside buzz around Area 51 is that our scientists have already duplicated this technology using materials from mother earth, they have done so for over forty years now.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Contact by Fighter Interceptors

In 1953/ 54 Air Force Lieutenant Guy Kirkwood who along with other pilots was able to obtain 16mm gun sight film of UFO's on more than one occasion. He also reported that radio communications had been established with the UFO's, and the pilots survived to fly an other day ! Lieutenant Kirklands commander, Colonel Peterson, also confirmed this experience, and represented that he had actual first hand experience and contact with humanoid extraterrestrials.
Colonel Peterson informed Lt Kirkwood that he would be joining the extraterrestrials. In 1959 he disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle, his aircraft has never been recovered.
I have thought long and hard about conveying some of the UFO reports that I have been and am about to convey, at best they sound like something out of a Spielberg film. Just keep these in mind as we progress through my final chapters nd reserve judgment for the end of the book.

On the evening of November 16, 1988, Yesenia Velazquez witnessed a huge ball of yellow light in the area of San German, she then yelled out for her family members who witnessed two fighter aircraft gave pursuit to the UFO, which suddenly came to a complete stop in mid-air.
One fighter flew over it, the other under it, then they circled it as if buzzing it. They then appeared to enter the UFO from underneath and disappeared.
They weren't seen anymore and the sound of their engine was no longer audible. Two smaller balls of light came out of the UFO, and the balls of light shot away, at tremendous speed. Then amazingly the large UFO also departed at great speed.
Then a month later on December 28, 1988 several witnesses in the Cabo Rojo area of Pureto Rico, observed a very large triangular UFO.
In 1990 in Belgium, 2600 witnesses also observed a similar triangular shaped UFO, which was curved towards the aft portion of the craft. It was observed to have many blinking colored lights.
This triangular craft made a slow descending turn and flew at aa lower altitude over the witnesses, then there was observed two fighter Jets, which were identified as F-14 Tomcats.
These fighters were trying to intercept the UFO, as it flew over the witnesses,
 one of the fighters accelerated and passed right in front of it, then the UFO slid to the left turning in the direction from which it came, and reduced speed as it turned. The fighters tried three more times to intercept the craft at which point the craft was observed to come to a complete stop.
The fighters were unable to stay with the UFO, because of it stopping or slowing down to a crawl. The fighter continued circling the UFO then the fighters disappeared, some of the witnesses felt that the UFO “swallowed” the fighters. Just to give you an idea of how big a F-14 Tomcat is, watch Tom Cruise in Top Gun !
  After absorbing the jets, the UFO dropped closer to the ground and flew over the nearby Lake Saman, where it came to a complete stop for a few minutes, the craft was observed to straighten its edges, and gave a bright flash of light within the existing yellow light.
The craft then appeared to divide itself in two, as though they were two separate crafts to start out with, both objects were now smaller triangular shaped UFO's and then they both departed at tremendous speed.
The US Navy was reported to have had radar contact with this incident, but a source with the knowledge said the recording was immediately classified and sent to the Pentagon. 
  The source reports that the whole incident became classified “Above Top Secret” The source reported that there were other incidents such as this one which were also classified, with the crew instructed that it never happened.
  Was this a hostile act, or was this a arranged exchange of knowledge and technology ? Keep this question in the back of your mind as we progress through this book !

I am telling of this experience because I don't, as the author, believe that there has been hostile contact with the extraterrestrials.
I don't believe we are losing our aircraft and aircrews to hostile civilizations, but I do believe there is contact and an exchange of information, between us and them, going on for quite some time.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Who Made It Possible for Columbus's Exploration's

  The Pinzón brothers were Spanish sailors, explorers and fishermen, natives of Palos de la Frontera, Huelva, Spain. All three, Martín Alonso, Francisco Martín and Vicente Yañez, participated in Christopher Columbus's first expedition to the New World (generally considered to constitute the discovery of the Americas by Europeans) and in other voyages of discovery and exploration in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.

  The brothers were sailors of great prestige along the coast of Huelva, and thanks to their many commercial voyages and voyages along the coast, they were famous and well off, respected along the entire coast

 The strategic position offered by the historic Atlantic port of Palos, from which expeditions had set forth to the African coasts as well as to the war against Portugal, for which most of the armadas set forth from this town, organized, on many occasions, by this family.

  Martín Alonso and Vicente Yáñez, captains of the caravels La Pinta and La Niña, respectively on Columbus's first voyage, are the best known of the brothers, but the third brother, the lesser-known Francisco Martín, was aboard the Pinta as its master.

  It was thanks to Martín Alonso that the seamen of the Tinto-Odiel were motivated to participate in Columbus's undertaking. He also supported the project economically, supplying money from his personal fortune.

   Francisco, master of the Pinta, appears to have participated in Columbus's third and fourth voyages of discovery as well as in the first, but because his name was a common one, the facts of his life cannot be easily sorted out from those of contemporaries with the same name.

   Vicente Yáñez, the youngest of the three brothers, besides participating in Columbus's first voyage, once Columbus's monopoly on transatlantic trade was ended, made several voyages to the Americas.

 Although they sometimes quarreled with Columbus, on several occasions the Pinzón brothers were instrumental in preventing mutiny against him, particularly during the first voyage.

   On 6 October, Martín intervened in a dispute between Columbus and the crew by proposing an altered course (which Columbus eventually accepted) and thus calmed simmering unrest. 

  A few days later, on the night of 9 October 1492, the brothers were forced to intercede once again, and this time they proposed the compromise that if no land was sighted during the next three days, the expedition would return to Spain. On the morning of the 12th, land was sighted the island today known as San Salvadore in the Bahamas.

    The Pinzón brothers lived in the era of the greatest splendor of the port town of Palos de la Frontera, participating in the majority of the activities undertaken by that port.

  The historic port of Palos was a river port, protected from winds and from pirate attacks, both major hazards to the ports of the time. It was located on the lower portion of the Río Tinto known then as the Canal de Palos, about 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) from its mouth at the Mediterainean and its confluence with the Odiel.

    The port probably grew simultaneously with the town, first as an anchorage for small vessels engaged almost exclusively in fishing on the beaches and estuaries and occasional commercial transactions to supply the small population.

  For many, the expression port of Palos brings to mind the present-day port with its old wharf, the muelle de la Calzadilla from which the Plus Ultra flying boat departed in 1926 to cross the Atlantic. 

  This is not the 15th century port. The municipal ordinances of the era focused mainly on regulating the town's maritime activities never use the terms puerto (port) or muelle (wharf). The caravels of Palos "arrived at the riverbank" where they discharged their goods and auctioned their fish. 

   That is to say, the activities of the port were not conducted in any single place, but along the length of the bank of the Río Tinto, because of the large number of ships and relatively high volume of merchandise they had to handle

.   Progressively, the river became Palos's principal means of connection to the outside world and the port the axis of its relation to the surrounding towns. This maritime orientation modified the shape of the town, previously a conical area centered around the church and castle.

   The Calle de la Ribera ("Riverbank Street") connecting the town center to the port became the town's principal artery, and the port the authentic heart of the local economy.

   On the eve of Columbus's first voyage, the entire riverbank between the present-day wharfs near the center of Palos and 3 kilometres away at La Rábida Monastery was an active port. The caravels anchored in the center of the river, where the depth was sufficient for their drafts, and paid for the rights to anchor there. From the caravels, boats and dinghies loaded or unloaded the goods "tying up to the shore" 

   The port had a population density similar to that to the town proper, from what we can deduce from the Ordenanza Municipal, which prohibited weapons on the riverbank because the people there were as tightly packed as in the town proper.

 Beginning in the first third of the 15th century, the port of Palos experieced continual economic growth, obtaining an importance well beyond the local area and achieving even international dimensions, as is testified by the frequent presence of English, Breton, Flemish, and Italian ships.

  Following in the wake of the Portuguese, the ships of Palos traveled to the Canary Islands and Guinea, with their rich fisheries and the commercial possibility of trade in gold, spices, and slaves.

  In the second half of the 15th century, Palos reaches a population of three thousand. The alota of Palos, a type of customs warehouse, paid the largest tribute of any such facility to the Duke of Medina Sidonia, its primacy being such that its fishermen were recruited from other towns along the coast and two residents of Palos. Juan Venegas and Pedro Alonso Cansino, were placed in charge of giving licenses to fish in the Afro-Atlantic waters from Cabo Bojador to the Río de Oro, which they leased from the Catholic Monarchs Isabella and Ferdinand.

   The Pinzón family were one of the leading families of 14th-century Palos. The family may have come originally from the Kingdom of Aragón, but arrived in Andalusia either from la Montaña (now Cantabria) or from Asturias.

According to some historians, this surname could have been a corruption of Espinzas or Pinzas . Others say that the true family name was Martín, a widespread name with a long tradition in the area, the name of their grandfather, a sailor and diver in Palos, who was dubbed Pinzón when he went blind; that combined with his hobby of singing gave him the nickname Pinzón, the Spanish word for chaffinch. Owners of chaffinches sometimes blinded them, supposedly making them sing more beautifully.

His son, also a sailor named Martín Pinzón, was the father of the three Pinzón brothers. Their mother was named Mayor Vicente, so the three were full brothers and bore the surnames Pinzón and Vincent.

  It appears that at quite a young age he shipped out on a locally based caravel as a cabin boy. His home, now the Casa Museo de Martín Alonso Pinzón, was on the old royal road to the Monastery of La Rábida. Martín's family contracted a marriage with a resident of the locality named María Álvarez.

 They had five children: two sons—Arias Pérez and Juan Pinzón, who participated in several expeditions to the New World—and three daughters—Mayor, Catalina, and Leonor. Leonor, the youngest, suffered frequent attacks of what was then called "gota coral" and would now be called epilepsy.

  His nautical experience and his leadership remained patent in the 1508–1536 lawsuits known as the pleitos colombinos, where the witnesses indicated him as the leader of the comarca (a region comparable to a shire). He was also famous for his battles against the Portuguese in the War of the Castilian Succession.
  It is probable that even while in Portugal before coming to Spain, Columbus was aware of Martín Alonso, because he was known for his participation in the war, as well as for his incursions into the Canary Islands and Guinea.

   He was captain of the Pinta on Columbus's first voyage and supplied half a million ("medio cuento") maravedís in coin toward the cost of the voyage. Thanks to his prestige as a shipowner and expert sailor and his fame throughout the Tinto-Odiel region, he was able to enlist the crew required for Columbus's first voyage.

  On 23 May 1492 the royal provision was read out to the residents of Palos, by which the Catholic Monarchs ordered that certain residents deliver two caravels to Columbus and travel with him on his voyage that he was making "by command of Their Highnesses" and that the town should respect the royal decision.

  However, the locals did not comply. The sailors of Palos had no confidence in embarking on this adventure with Columbus, who was largely unknown to them.

  Independent of their greater or lesser credence in his ideas, the men of Palos found it difficult to support the Genovese sailor if he was not accompanied by a mariner known and respected in the town. The venture—risky and, above all, of uncertain profit—did not present great attractions. Opposition or indifference to Columbus's project was significant.

   The Franciscans of the Monastery of La Rábida put Columbus in touch with Martín Alonso Pinzón. Pero Vázquez de la Frontera, an old mariner in the town—very respected for his experience, and a friend of Martín Alonso—also had an important influence on the oldest Pinzón brother deciding to support the undertaking, not only morally but also economically.

  Martín Alonso dismissed the vessels that Columbus had already seized based on the royal order and also dismissed the men he had enrolled, supplying the enterprise with two caravels of his own, the Pinta and the Niña, which he knew from his own experience would be better and more suitable boats.

   Furthermore, he traveled through Palos, Moguer and Huelva, convincing his relatives and friends to enlist, composing of them the best crew possible. He captained the caravel Pinta, from which Rodrigo de Triana was to be the first person to sight  soil in the New World.

   Columbus, in his diary, spoke favorably of Pinzón on several occasions. Nonetheless, after they had discovered the West Indies, the relationship between the two changed radically from 21 November 1492, when Martín Alonso separated from Columbus.

  Admiral Columbus launched a series of accusations of desertion against Pinzón and his brothers, including Vicente who had saved him when the Santa María was shipwrecked !

  Nonetheless, much of the testimony in the pleitos colombinos, as well as part of the specialized historiography and investigators, does not agree that these things happened in this manner, nor is there any accusation against Pinzón in Columbus's Letter on the First Voyage, which Columbus wrote on his return.

  The good King Rene was in favor with his subjects, in all of his kingdoms.  He maintained several castles and palaces, in which he was quite well revered, for his extravagant parties and lifestyle.

  Entertainers and artisans came from all over Europe to display their arts and skills. One of his favorite places was the Palace at  Palos, which he used for a retreat, where he escaped with his beautiful Queen to write his books, in a peaceful environment.

 The Good King wrote on knighthood, voyages of adventure, heroic ordeals, and romance. His writings were illustrated with paintings that have survived five hundred plus years of history.

  In the Good Kings books, and sixteen portfolios of his illuminated thought, can gain a mindset of the renaissance. King Rene, and his predecessor of the same palace, the castle of Palos, where King Roger II, also known as, The Jolly Roger, are considered the Fathers of the Renaissance.

These writings are also what has become known as the “Grail Romances.” The Grail Romances have hidden meanings and messages reserved for those with Sacred Knowledge.  In order to interpret the hidden meaning you need to posses knowledge of mathematics and geometry which was an occult knowledge during this time of history.  King Rene was the Ninth Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, the protectors of the Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  King Rene’s Castle’s were also known as “Rene’s Essence” which is where the term "Renaissance" comes from!

The King collected a vast array of titles: The Count of Bar, the Count of Provence, The Count of Piedmont, The Count of Guise. He was also a Duke: The Duke of Calabrea, the Duke of Lorraine, The Duke of Anjou, Last but not least he was the Monarch of more than one nation: The King of Hungary, The King of Maljorca, The King of Valencia, the King of Aragon, The King of Sardinia, the King of Sicily and the King of Jerusalem ! 

King Rene rode at the side of Jeanne d’ Arc in her crusade to Orlean’s.  Christopher Columbus gave credit to King Rene for providing him with his first ships commission and also as a 12 year old boy as a cabin boy on a “pirate” ship of the Good King’s out of Majorca.

King Rene was also known as a pirate. History frequently represents that Columbus was a cabin boy for the pirate Rene of Majorca.
In ancient times the conflict between nations was handled at sea through piracy. 
King Rene’ was instrumental in establishing the first” Library of Europe” open to the public.  The King and other noblemen  from throughout Europe and the Mideast collected manuscripts in the establishment of this facility. 

It is known today as the Library of San Marco which currently makes available the history and thoughts that have been suppressed for centuries, opening the renaissance and taking Europe out of the Dark Ages. 

Both of Nostradamus grandfathers were physicians in the palaces of King Rene as was Leonardo Da Vinci's father.  Nostradamous was also raised and educated by his grandfathers in the palace prior to attending the University of Marseille.                                                      

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What do They Want

In 1949, Daniel Fry, a rocket scientist reported being abducted and being conscious and of sound mind during a flight in an Alien Spacecraft.
The thoughts expressed by the alleged extraterrestrials are surprisingly similar to many of our own.
We will never thrust our knowledge or our culture upon your people, and will never offer it unless there is substantial evidence that we ( citizens) desire it, and it would be advantageous to us.”
There wasn't such evidence in 1959 and I question whether there is today.
The extraterrestrials represented that there were minerals that we have in abundance on earth, that were very scarce throughout the solar system.
They represented that they had an interest in the minerals, that would benefit both of our worlds.
They also represented to Daniel Fry that although the minerals would be desired by them, it wouldn't be contingent on the services they are providing us. They said any knowledge or services that they can offer us will be freely offered.
The extraterrestrials represented, that if they were to force their “culture” on us, about a third of our people would consider them to be gods, and would place all responsibility on the extraterrestrials for their welfare.
Most of the 70% that didn't believe that they were gods would believe them to be tyrants and dictators who were planning to enslave our world. Many of this group would seek to destroy them.

Whether we choose to believe this contact story to be fiction or not, ( I believe it ), it is worthy to note that this is not to far from our modern thinking !

Former Director of the Office of Advanced Technology at the State Department, Michael Michaud speculates that we are likely to project our hopes, fears and prejudices on to a hypothetical alien culture.
At one extreme we think of aliens as altruistic teachers, who will show us the road to survival, wisdom and prosperity. Or perhaps god like figures who will raise humanity from it's fallen condition.”
At the other extreme we see aliens as grotesque conquerors whose malevolently applied technology that can only be overcome by simple virtues...”
Michaud goes on to speculate that “ alien contact would probably cause many people to attribute events to alien intervention, citing the present cultural response to the UFO phenomenon as an example.”
Michaud continues to reason that “ individual countries and special interest might try to conduct exclusive dialogues with the aliens to exploit the contact.”
Michaud further speculates that “ Political and governmental leaders would be concerned about the impact and concerns that contact would have on their populations.
A concern that these leaders might try and let through only those ideas that they considered safe.
National Security policy – makers will argue for classification of the contact and information received.
Some of the scholars especially those personally involved in the first contact, will be equally possessive about the information and the source, especially if they distrust the governments, and hold a low opinion of the general populations.”
Although the advanced alien technology could be put to use for the benefit of both cultures, the same technology could also be used as a destructive force.
It is probable that those with the knowledge, working inside of governments, are gradually releasing the information slowly, to lessen the political, economic, religious and psychological shock to our culture.

Former astronaut Dr OLeary states “the truth must
 eventually be known. Continuing our denials and
 projecting our fears, in my opinion, is only adding to the 
problem. We are all in this together. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Agreement

John Lear holds every pilot certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration, he is checked out in over one hundred and sixty aircraft. He also has flown internationally for the CIA, with many missions under his belt. Based on his research into many UFO case files, interviews with several independent sources, to include public documents, and international cases, John Lear arrived at a very interesting conclusion.

John believes that between 1969 and 1971, a secret US Government group ( Majestic 12, comes to mind), made an arrangement with a extraterrestrial group or groups.
These aliens were refereed to by intelligence sources as extraterrestrial biological entities or “EBE's” which is how they were referred to in Majestic 12 briefing documents.
These particular documents were prepared for President -Elect Eisenhower in 1952.
This arrangement stipulated that in exchange for technology, which the Aliens would provide, the government would agree to “Ignore” abduction of humans and suppress information in regards to the mutilation of animals.
The abductions were to monitor the development of our civilization, while the mutilations which involved the extraction of enzymes and hormonal secretions- were said to be vital for the survival of their civilization.
This is a very complexed concept, it hasn't been discounted, that the abductions may have included, the insertion of probes into the abductees, post hypnotic suggestions to carry out specific activities, genetic experiments, including the impregnation of human females and early termination of pregnancies, the early termination would be to secure cross bred infants !

These are some of the theories proposed by Budd Hopkins in his books on the abduction phenomenon.
This thought is of course unbelievable, outrageous, and puts one in the fringe element, but could it possibly be true ? Of course it could, and further more, it makes perfect sense, when you consider the billions of dollars funneled into black budgets, which are completely hidden from the congress. There is supposedly thirty billion used on “Black Budgets” Recently disclosed information on Wiki-Leaks indicates fifty four billion is a figure which hasn't been approved by congress but gets siphoned off STAR WARS, NASA and DEFENSE budgets.
We will visit some of the alleged projects of area 51 and other military installations shortly.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Area 51

Security around Area 51 is impressive! It is protected by motion detectors, laser sensors, highly mobile security personal, all former special forces operatives. They are retrained and brought up to speed by the elite US Army Delta Force. If private pilots wander over Area 51's air space they are first warned and then can be shot down.
This is the air space that Lockheed Martin's hypersonic replacement for the SR-71 spy plane took place, and along with other “Black Projects” took and is taking place. Advanced Tactical Fighters, remotely piloted vehicles, cruise missile and anything else flying around using stealth technology.
But why such a high, out of this world level of security ? Is it just merely to protect the fact that we have this technology ? Perhaps there is more to the story! Is there something else that is lurking in the shadows that can be even more sinister ?
How and where has such advances in technology come from ? Just the things we were dealing with in the 1950's were leaps and bounds ahead of what we had during the second world war. Just think of the P-51 Mustang versus the Saber 86 Fighter jet which was produced in 1947, just two years after wars end.
The P-51 was the primary fighter for the US Army Air Corps launched in 1940 and considered to be more than state of the art for those times. Both of these Fighters were used during the Korean War. The Sabre was state of the art for the Korean war boasting a 10-1 kill ratio with 792 Mig's downed during that war. There was only seven years in between these two very proficient fighters.
It appears that operation paper clip was very involved in the jump in technology in this time frame. In 1990 there were reliable reports both in California and Nevada of unconventional craft observed in the sky's. Of course there were hundreds of UFO reports since the Roswell incident that have been denied by our Government through various intelligence programs, but now we have very credible witnesses coming forward.
We have astronauts, scientists, engineers, military pilots on an international level, giving witness reports, that are very similar through out the world. Recently the soviets have opened up their UFO files for public scrutiny.
Some of the flying objects sighted in the vicinity of Area 51 were a triangular shaped aircraft which was silent there wasn't engine noises or sonic booms associated with it. It has been noted to be in the company of F117a stealth fighters.
There are some who believed this aircraft was the prototype of General Dynamics/McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger for the US Navy which is no longer in production.
There has also been observed a high speed aircraft that makes a loud rumbling roar with a thick contrail in it's wake. This was believed to be the replacement for the SR-71 spy plane. which would have been part of the Aurora Project.
There were also reports of high flying fast moving objects in the night sky, again there isn't engine noise or sonic booms noted. This craft is frequently noted with a single pulsating light. This craft out paces most any other aircraft observed, flying very fast and fly's extremely high some estimate in excess of 50,000 feet.
There is substantial evidence existing that there is another category of craft using exotic propulsion systems and aerodynamic designs that is foreign to our understanding of physics and design prototypes, these objects are just simply not understood by our scientists, one needs to step outside of the box to even begin an understanding of these phenomenon’s.
An Engineer who is a trained USAF test pilot, who also has a background as a Flight Test Engineer, believes that these UFO's mentioned above could be using anti gravity propulsion. He represented that this type of propulsion could move a craft from a hover to supersonic speeds in a moment's time.
According to Federal Aviation Aviation employee's at the Long Range Radar Station at Angle Peak Nevada, strange Radar contacts have been encountered over Area 51, where objects would be hovering for periods of up to 15 minutes, then departing with a rapid out of this world acceleration!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) tracks thousands of objects each day using the Space Detection and Tracking System ( SPADATS) and the Naval Space Surveillance System (NAVSPASUR) .
They have reported that over 500 ( fast walkers) have been tracked from deep space entering our ionosphere annually.
Recent freedom of information act ( FOIA) requests have produced documents relating to observations of UFO's over Strategic Air Command ( SAC) bases including nuclear missile sites.
NORAD maintains observations of extraterrestrial, intelligently, controlled vehicles which are referred to as “Alternative Spacecraft”. These UFO are separated from other UFO's that are routinely monitored in space.
Citizens against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) requested and received information on NORAD's Unknown Track Reporting System ( NUTR ).
The NORAD Unknown Track Reporting System records details of all air traffic declared unknown in North America and the Greenland – Iceland – United Kingdom Gap. This information is used by the intelligence community in a continuing assessment of air space sovereignty.

NUTR documents state over a nineteen year period, 7000 UFO's have been tracked, however these tracking are classified secret . In February 1990, US Air Force Space Command declared that no such records existed. In May 1990, the Air Force FOIA manager Barbra Carmichael, represented that the records did exist but were exempt from disclosure based on national security concerns.

In June of 1990, the Director of Freedom of Information and Security Review for the Assistant Secretary of Defense, explained that the decision to release NUTR information and tracking records had been made, but the records were almost completely censored and were classified NORAD SECRET. This is just one more example of the extreme secrecy surrounding the UFO situation.