Tuesday, May 29, 2012



Radiocarbon dating of organic remains at Jericho date the destruction to 1320 B.C., forty years prior to this date the Israelite s were banished to Sinai and the Exodus began in 1360 B.C. In the last year of Amonhotep III reign.

This is the time of the ten plagues that God used to gain the freedom of his people. The plagues of fire from the sky, water turning to blood, darkness in daytime, these plagues were the medium that permitted the Exodus to happen.

Interesting their was geologically a major catastrophe that also occurred in 1360B.C. According to the book of Exodus God spoke to Moses and told him to lead the enslaved Israelite's to freedom. Moses confronted the Pharaoh and demanded that he let his people go. When the Pharaoh (Moses Father) refused, God was said to have punished Egypt with a series of plagues.

Fiery hailstorms, cattle deaths, a plague of boils, infestations of flies, frogs locust and lice. It sounds like the end of the world! But these plagues weren't the only ones we have experienced in history. We just call them by different names.

In 1980 the volcano Mount St. Helen Erupted, after the eruption 500 miles away the sky was obscured for hours, from volcanic ash.

In 2010 the EYJAFJALLAJOKULL, hope I spelled that right, volcano in Iceland, which was a minor eruption by volcanic standards, but it laid ash over a great portion of northern and western Europe. 100's of thousands of air travelers were stranded, initially for six days, there were additional eruption over the next several months. Their was so much ash on the ground that whenever the wind kicked up ash mist was created that obscured visability.

Ice on the glacier was melting for six months from the heat created and a new fissure opened up on the glacier which also permitted ash and vapors to escape. Twenty countries had to close their air spaces, the volcanic ash rose to 30,000 feet, initially the sun was obscured for several weeks in certain areas it also affected the weather world wide the following winter was cooler by two degrees world wide because the ash in the atmosphere reflected the rays of the sun.

In 1883 an eruption on the Krakatau Island near Sumatra created such a ash cloud that the daylight was obscured thousands of miles away for a week.

In Exodus (9:23-26) it states that Moses stretched his wand towards the heavens: the lord sent thunder and hail, fire ran along upon the ground; and the Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt. So there was hail and fire with fire mixed in with the hail, and this had never been witnessed before in Egypt. And the hail smote all in the land of Egypt both man and beast. It ruined the fields and broke the trees.

This could also have been a description of what happened on the Sumatra in 1883 when volcanic pebble rained down like hail, fiery pumice setting fire upon the ground setting fire to trees and houses; lightening flashing from the volcanic clouds with the turbulent winds.

At St. Helen’s their was volcanic debris hundreds of miles from the volcano, flattening crops. As far away as the state of Washington, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana, volcanic debris was blown. “ and it shall become a small dust in the land of Egypt, and shall become a boil breaking forth with blains upon man and beast.” Exodus (9:9) Hundreds of people were taken to hospitals after Mount St. Helen from acidic exposure causing rashes, skin sores, respiratory distress, pneumonia hundreds of head of cattle were put down from not being able to escape the acidic air pollution.

Exodus (9:6) Describes all of the live stock perishing in the entire country of Egypt. After St. Helen’s fish also perished and were found floating on hundreds of miles of waterways. The pungent odor from volcanic debris and pumice permeated everything and water supplies had to be shut down until the reservoirs could be filtered and impurities removed.

Exodus (7:21) and the fish that was in the river died: and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the river, and their was blood throughout all the lands of Egypt.

When volcanoes erupt not only do they cover the surrounding area with gray ash, but they also release other toxins, such as iron oxide. This would certainly explain the blood red Nile River from Exodus. When Krakatau blew, thousands of tons of iron oxide were released, this would be the same iron oxide found on the surface of Mars giving the red color, for miles and miles around Krakatau the fish died from the red toxins in the water.

Exodus (7:20) “ and all the waters that were in the river turned to blood.” The other plagues don't initially appear to be related to the volcano but lets take a closer look at them. Frogs, lice, locust and flies! What could possibly be the connection to the events of a volcanic eruption.

After an volcanic event the whole ecosystem is affected for a very long time, most ecosystems are devastated by a volcanic eruption , but some thrive on it. When the countryside is covered in gray ash, invertebrates, insects, larval, eggs, chrysalis can remain safe under with the ash with the snakes and rodents!

Frogs can spawn under submerged brush bramble and ledges. Insects have a short life span and reproduce at an alarming rate. After an event such as an volcano eruption the insects get a head start on the rest of mankind, larger predators, and competition!

When Mount Pelee erupted on the Caribbean island of Martinique, in 1902, volcanic debris covered the nearby port of Saint Pierre, killing over 30,000 people. The survivors had an epidemic of fierce flying ants which descended upon the sugar plants attacking the workers.

As the workers ran for their lives the flying ants seared their flesh with acid stings. This had happened before when in 1851 mount Pelee erupted previously, this time they devoured whole sugar plantations, attacked and killed babies, and drove away workers.

Exodus describes three types of insects first the lice: “Aaron raised out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and it became lice in man, and in beast; all the dust of the land became lice throughout all the land of Egypt.” Exodus (8:17) “Then came the flies, as God instructed Moses to tell the Pharaoh:”

Behold for I will send swarms of flies upon thee, and upon thy servant, and upon thy people, and into thy houses: and the houses of the Egyptians will be full of swarms of flies, and also the ground where on they are...and the Lord did so and their came grievous swarms of flies...and the land became corrupted by reason of the swarm of flies. Exodus (8:21-24)
And then the locusts descended: the locusts went up all over the land of Egypt and rested in all the coasts of Egypt: very grievous were they; before them there were no such locusts as they, neither after them shall be such. For they covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was darkened; and they did eat every herb on the land and every fruit on the trees which the hail had left: and there remained not any green thing in the trees, or in the herbs of the field, through all the land of Egypt. Exodus(10:14-15)

Then came the frogs: Well prepared for such events, like insects they produce thousands of eggs many making it to be tadpoles, however so many tadpoles are completely defenseless, that they become the lower end of the food chain and a large quantity of tadpoles are needed to sustain the adult population.

When the frog spawn are hatched the dinner bell goes off for the local fish population who are having an all you can eat buffet. Only a few tadpoles make it to adult hood, in order for the species to survive its a numbers game.

After the Mount St. Helen’s eruption the predatory fish population was decimated, the tiny eggs from the frog spawn survived the catastrophe, by the time they hatched, all the hazardous fallout had floated down river.

The fish population however hadn't returned yet, their was a dramatic increase in the population of frogs in the state of Washington, some describe it as a frog plague. They littered the countryside by the thousands, so many had been squished on the roads as to make driving conditions hazardous.

They clogged waterways, covered gardens and infested houses. In Exodus (8:2-8) this is exactly what happened to the Egyptians: “ God said, behold I will smite all thy borders with frogs. And the river shall bring forth frogs abundantly, which shall come up and come into thine house, and into thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and into the house of thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thine ovens, and into thine kneading troughs...And Arron stretched out his hand, over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up, and covered the land of Egypt.

Various scholars over the years have attributed the plagues to various natural causes, but to have them all happen in the same time frame is just to much of a coincidence. A volcanic eruption would account for all the plagues of Exodus!

The only point of contention is the time line of the various plagues. If from a volcanic eruption the first plague that would occur, day time being as dark as night with fiery hail, then the boils and skin sores would follow next the river turning to blood, then dead cattle and fish. After a period of time the flogs and insects would appear.

The question would be was there a volcanic eruption around 1360 B.C. That would affect Egypt, when the Exodus was thought to have occurred? At the Greek Island of Thera in the 15th century B.C. was an important trading center in the Mediterranean. Today Thera is a crescent shaped island called Santorini. This crescent shaped island forms a bay 6 miles wide, the cliffs surrounding it are covered with molten volcanic debris. The bay was formed by an ancient volcanic eruption, causing a crater.

This crater is so deep that ships can't anchor there. In the 1930's Greek archeologist Marinatos proposed that an ancient volcanic eruption all but destroyed the island. In 1956 two geologist tried to determine exactly how large the explosion was.

From the survey ship the Vema which they were using to survey the crater they were able to determine that the crater was 30 square miles in area. From the size of the crater they were able to calculate the magnitude of this catastrophe.

Some volcano’s have molten rock cascading down the mountain side, others have searing mud slides, the most devastating are the ones where the pressure builds to the point where the magma literally causes the volcano to blow up.

Three and a half thousand years ago that’s what happened at Thera. This is also the type of eruption that happened at Mount St. Helen’s in 1980, it blasted away the mountain side like it was hit with a 50 megaton bomb. On May 18th 1980 this is what happened killing every living organic thing within 150 square miles.

Thousand of acres of Forrest were flattened everything was covered with molten rock it looked like a lunar landing on the moon. Within a few hours a cloud of ash some five miles wide, containing billions of tons of volcanic debris had rolled five miles to the east crossing the states of Washington,Idaho, Montana—the massive volcanic cloud covered the sky and day was turned into night!

Throughout the whole area ash fell like rain, clogging motor engines, halting trains, and blocking roads. Seven million hectares of lush farmland looked like a gray desert, with millions of dollars of crops destroyed.

Hundreds of people , some as far as North Dakota, over 600 miles from the volcano were taken to the hospital with irritated eyes and skin rashes caused from exposure to corrosive fallout. For weeks and in some cases months afterward, fish in hundreds of miles of waterways were found floating on the rivers killed from caustic pollutants.

Mount Saint Helen’s was one of the most destructive volcano’s of our lifetime, but compared to Thera it was a cake walk. When in 1883 the Krakatau eruption occurred it was heard three thousand miles away in Melbourne Australia, this was twenty times that of Mount Saint Helen’s.

With the Krakatau eruption it had a ash cloud that rose fifty miles high and thousands square miles were covered with gray ash. 36,000 people were killed. It is estimated that the earth from a six mile crater was blown into the atmosphere, Thera was six times the size of this incident, it is estimated that it was heard half away around the world. The volcanic debris would have been blown a hundred miles high with a debris field of over a million square miles.

When the atomic bomb was used on Nagasaki Japan, it destroyed over half the city with a 20 kiloton explosion. Mount Saint Helen explosion was equivalent to a fifty kiloton explosion; Krakatau was created with an incredible 1,000,000. kiloton explosion.

Thera was an incredible 6,000,000. kilotons. It would take 6,000 modern nuclear warheads, each with the capacity to wipe out a modern city to equal the magnitude of the Thera explosion.

It is estimated that judging by the size of the Thera crater that seventy cubic miles of debris was ejected skyward, it would have formed a massive fallout cloud that would have blown toward Egypt. The Vema survey showed that pumice and volcanic debris from the thera eruption covered the seabed only in the southeast area of the volcano, showing that the prevailing winds carried the fallout cloud directly towards Egypt. Egypt is only five hundred miles away, after the effect of Saint Helen’s and Krakatau had with much smaller fallout clouds there can be absolutely no dought that Egypt felt the full scorn of the Thera fallout cloud!

The Israelite s may very well have interpreted this fallout cloud as divine intervention and escaped under the cloak of the fallout cloud, pretty much as described in the Bible. In the 1970's Danish scientists taking core samples of ice fields in Greenland They were looking for atmospheric conditions year by year going back 100,000 years.

They discovered elevated acidic conditions in the atmosphere when there was known volcanic activity such as Pompeii in 79 A.D.

Their was a plus or minus give of fifty years of the time effect of the ice cores. In 1390 B.C. There was a massive eruption somewhere in the world, this fit the profile of the Thera eruption in the time of the Exodus.

On the island of Crete in 1930 there was another significant piece of the puzzle discovered. In the 14th century Crete was a prominent ship building and center of the Minoan civilization. They left their mark on history by being dominant in trade and not in conquest. By doing so they were the wealthiest nation in the Mediterranean.

Crete being only seventy miles south of Thera was right in line of the volcanic eruption and would have a more severe devastation then that of Egypt. Archeological evidence shows that Thera devastated the civilization and was probably the cause of its demise. The complete infrastructure of Crete was demolished, their was evidence of a massive flood and tidal wave.

Excavations at the port town of Amniso, when a villa was discovered within the harbor area, showing the walls to be pushed outward in an odd way. Large upright stones seemed to have been forced out of position by some huge external force suggesting that they had been been the victim of a tremendous back wash from an enormous tidal wave.

It seems as though the harbor town was devastated by a wall of water that could have easily been the result of the Thera eruption. The Minoan civilization was involved in trade with Egypt there were artifacts found that were dated to the time of Amenhotep III who ruled between 1385 to 1360 B.C.

There were also indications that in 1360 B.C. Amonhotep III erected hundreds of statues to the goddess Sekhmet, the daughter of Ra. The statues were to replace Mut as the primary goddess. This changing of the principal goddess to Sekhmet was indicative of something wrong despite the stability and wealth of Egypt.

Sekhmet was the goddess of devastation! In Egyptian mythology she was a lioness, a women's body with the head of a lion. She was the daughter of the sun god Ra, and was said to have once almost annihilated mankind.

According to mythology she obscured the sun and rained down fire from heaven, and humanity was only saved through the personal intervention of Ra. Sekhmet vengeance is similar to the catastrophe created by the Thera eruption. Believing her responsible for the plagues, Amonhep III may well have erected the statues to appease the goddess.

The Rex Deus are an ancient familial bloodline descended from the ancient Israelites. For over two thousand years, this King of God bloodline has secretly been kept intact through strict traditions of marriage and selective breeding. The Rex Deus bloodline contains the genetic blueprints of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, as well as King David. The Rex Deus hold the honor of being the missing link conecting christenanity and Judism.
When Jesus walked the earth, there were 24 High Priests of the Temple of Jerusalem. During this time, priests came out of the Levite tribe, preserving the hereditary hold on the priesthood. Few besides a theologian are aware that within the Tribe of Levi, there existed a smaller, highly exclusive, group called the Cohen.
This is the select group where the High Priests were chosen of Solomons Temple. The Levite priests were allowed to marry outside of the bloodline, but the Cohen were prohibited marriage to any other than Cohen's. This was a cruicial tradition in preserving a priesthood that had originated with Moses.
The purpose of this true bloodline is the traditionalism and preservation of the "true teachings of Jesus", and to actualize the "the Kingdom of Heaven upon Earth". Rex Deus knew that the mission of Jesus was a mission of revelation rather then salvation.
Rather than being deemed heretic against the policies of the Church, the clans of Rex Deus chose to blend into the beliefs of those in thier surroundings. This began the secret oral history and teachings that are now passed down to selected progeny.
Levite Y-chromosome studies
A 2003 study of the Y-chromosome by Behar et al. points to multiple origins for Ashkenazi Levites, a priestly class who comprise approximately 4% of Ashkenazi Jews. It found that Haplogroup R1a1a (R-M17), uncommon in the Middle East or among Sephardi Jews, originating in Central Asia and dominant in Eastern Europe, is present in over 50% of Ashkenazi Levites, while the rest of Ashkenazi Levites' paternal lineage is of Middle Eastern origin.
Behar suggests a founding event, probably involving one or very few European men, occurring at a time close to the initial formation and settlement of the Ashkenazi community as a possible explanation.
Notable descendants: Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Samuel, Ezekiel, Ezra, Malchi, John the Baptist, Mark the Evangelist, Mathew the Evangelist, Barnabas. I would like to mention that John the Baptist was a cousin of Jesus, more than likely in the future when his DNA is confirmed, we will also find him in this group of people.

When Moses led the Israelite s out of Egypt it isn't clear weather it was during the plagues or shortly afterwords. He was said to have made three camps on the way to Mount Sinai, which he was familiar with, he was tending his father in laws heard of sheep when God appeared in a burning bush and Moses asked which God are you and god replied I am he who is he.
The Levites were the High Priests and priests which God held above all others because they were loyal to him during their captivity and didn't turn to false gods. Aaron was said to be the first High Priest of the Levite priests consecrated at Mount Sinai, when he died the pillar cloud of smoke that was always ahead of the camp disappeared. Wherever God is in the Bible there is a cloud of smoke lightening, thunder and fire.
If we were not talking of religions and episodes of the Bible, in this day and age, the first thing you would think of is a rocket/ spaceship launching. As of today we haven’t mastered landing of our rockets, when returning to earth, but on the moon, I am sure the description of our rockets coming and going would pretty much match Biblical description of the arrival of God.
Being an ancient astronaut theorists, knowing what I know abought events of the Exodus, I am of the school that the Levites were extraterrestrial hybrids, with DNA to verify my assumption. They had special responsibilities to God and were unaffected by the wrath of God, unlike the average Israelite as we shall see as we examine the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant.
The only books we have of evidence of the Hebrew Religion in 1300 B.C. Are the Old Testament which was written hundreds of years later. What we know of Atenism is based upon recent archeological finds.
These prove beyond any doubt that their was a religion in many ways identical to the Hebrew religion which came into existence for a short period of time during the time of Moses and the Exodus. These were the only two monolithic religions known to the world for the next thousand years until the christen religion was born.
It would seem therefore that these two religions were connected if not one in the same at some point. There is also evidence that a sacred vessel, very similar to the Ark of the covenant also existed. In Egypt a gods presence was said to exist inside and object such as a statue or figurine.
During the reign of Amonhotep III, a statue of the god Amun, stood in a dark inner sanctum at the temple of karnak. Just like the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant later stood in Solomons Temple.
Only on special occasions would the statue be moved and even then only in a sacred container. This container was made of gilded wood and carried with poles inserted into rings on either side of the container.
The name of this container and the Ark is also interestingly similar. At the Temple of Medinet Habu in Thebes, there is a releif that depicts the god statue being carried in this container with a description that reads “The Divine Amun is carried on the sacred Bark.”
The words ark and bark have a common origin in the Egyptian word ak, meaning sacred container or vessel. This word was also used in Latin called barca, a royal boat. Eventually during the Roman era any small boat was called a bark. In modern English its called an barge.
The original word ak not only could be applieed to inanimate objects; but also to a person through which a god spoke. In the title of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten which meant “ the vessel of the Aten”. Both the Egyptian bark and the Hebrew Ark were vessels for containing their respective Gods, or something that channeled their deities power.
It would make sense that the Hebrew religion would be influenced by the Egyptian religions because of their confinement of 450 years before the Exodus. For a people forced into a nomadic existence wandering the Sinai wilderness for many years, it makes perfect sense for them to have adapted their version of the Egyptian Sacred vessel.
It enabled them to transport their most sacred possessions, in particular an mysterious object that allowed god to appear, the Mercy seat! Like the Egyptian statue of the god Amun which allowed god to convey his messages.
The Egyptian translation of mercy Seat, means wisdom and place of judgment, such as the “Kings seat” of power. In 1 Chronicles (28:11), the throne room of King Solomon is also referred to as the mercy seat. Perhaps it wasn't so much a chair as a place, from were wisdom was dispensed, judgments made and power wielded.
In Exodus (37:6) is the only description of the mercy seat: “and he made the mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half was the length thereof, and one cubit and a half the breadth thereof” . These dimensions interestingly are also the same as the Ark. The mercy seat is thought to be the lid of the ark.
What ever the mercy seat appeared to be, it was definitely the oracle of God! Just as the god Amun was the oracle of the Egyptian God, the portable golden Ark was the oracle of the Hebrew God. Could one have perhaps influenced the other?
We can now ascertain that there is historical evidence of a figure matching Moses profile, there was archeological evidence for the existence of the Hebrew Religion and the Ark fitted a historic image. Lets take a closer look at this mysterious lost to history vessel.

Was the Ark of the Covenant a radio for talking to God, perhaps, how about a supernatural weapon? There are close to two hundred references to the Ark in the Old Testament, between Exodus and the building of the Temple.
At the council of Nicea they tried to expunge all references to Extraterrestrial influence, they did a pretty good job of it, but they forgot a few areas. They disposed of the Book of Enoch but it showed up 1500 years later, they tried to dispose of twenty-five gospels known today as the gnostic scripts, and if they would have known about the Dead Sea Scrolls, they to would have been expunged from history.
They made a major mistake by allowing the Book of Ezekiel into the Bible, a description of forty pages of measurements of a space ship and the measurements for the construction of a facility to house it.
The thoughts of the Ark was that it was in the possession of the Essenes, the Jewish sect that also John the Baptist and Jesus were also associated with. It is felt at some point around 597 B.C. Before the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and plundered the Temple that the Ark was removed and placed with this very secretive sect.
Seventy years later when the Persians conquered the Babylons, the Holy relics taken from the Temple were returned, but the Ark wasn't among them. The Essences were slaughtered by the Romans in 68 A.D. The only knowledge of this seclusive sect comes from Josephus and more significantly from the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The Israelite's needed twelve precious “sacred” stones for the Ark. God told Moses how to build the Ark and gave him instructions for its use: It could only be carried by members of the Levite priesthood, the only person other than Moses who could actually use the Ark was the high priest Aaron. Upon his death only his successor could use it. The power of the Ark could only be summoned if the high priest wore a special sacred breast plate. This was referred to as the breastplate of Judgment.
The Breastplate of Judgment is described in detail in Exodus (28:15-30). it has a square design and made from twine golden linen, inlaid with twelve precious stones set in four rows.
The first row shall be sardius, a topaz, a carbuncle...the second row a emerald, a sapphire, a diamond...the third row shall be a ligure, an agate and a amethyst...The forth row a beryl, an onyx and a jasper.
The breastplate is sometimes referred to as the “jewels of gold” because they were originally set in gold. It was believed these stones had divine powers and were originally set in gold by God himself At mount Sinai.
In the Book of Ezekiel they are referred to as stones of fire, and once possessed by Lucifer. But having been taken away by God. (EZ 28:13) They were later given to Moses because it is fatal to look inside the Ark without the stones. In 1 Samuel (6:19) a description of a whole community of interested people being smitten for doing so:
And he smote the men of Beth-shemesh, because they had looked inside the ark of the Lord, even he smote of the people fifty thousand and three score and ten men: and the men lamented, because the Lord had smitten many of the people with a great slaughter.”
The Ark was kept secluded for three and a half centuries after the time of Moses, it was finally opened under the direction of King Solomon in the Temple at Jerusalem. The only items in it were the two stone tablets containing the ten commandments: once it was opened divine forces were released!
and it came to pass, when the priests were to come out of the holy place that the cloud filled the house of the Lord (the Temple of Solomon) so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord.” (1 kgs 8:10) By this time the breastplate itself seems to have perished and the stones were kept in a separate box which was held by the high priest when the Ark was used.
In 1 Samuel “ the Levites took down the Ark of the Lord, and the coffer that was with it, wherein the jewels of gold were kept.” The Bible does not say what happened to these sacred stones, however it is believed they remained with the Ark until its mysterious disappearance.
The ancient Israelite s believed the Ark could summon angels”. Unlike the christen concept of angles Hebrews believed they were monstrous creatures that delivered the wrath of God. It was an Angel that killed the Egyptian first born, when the Pharaoh wouldn't release the captive Israelite's, and another that released the torrents of Noah's flood.
It is said that when God sent an Angel to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, the devastation was so dreadful that all that was left was a hole in the ground where nothing would grow or live. All that was left was a pungent chemical odor.
It is said that Lucifer was suppose to have possessed the ”stones of fire” before he displeased God, but wasn't he a angel before he was the Devil? The story of Lucifer fall from grace is not told in the Old Testament but is told in the Tanak. The Essences relied heavily on the Tanak and believed they were the followers of the archangles Michael and Gabriel, they referred to themselves as the “sons of light.” Light being an allusion to angles.
When Lucifer was banished from heaven he was replaced by Michael and Gabriel who became the “kings of heaven”. They were the two angels represented on the Ark. The word cherubim in Greek means messenger. Angels were messengers from God.
Angels do Gods nasty work: the Hebrews called angels lights because they believed that shooting stars were angels coming to earth to do Gods bidding. The constellation of the Big Dipper, and the stars Betenash and Mizar represent the Archangels Michael and Gabriel.
The Bible portrays Lucifer as the original possessor of the stones of fire, Michael and Gabriel were Lucifer's replacement, the Essennes were alluding to possessing the stones themselves. If the Essennes possessed the stones then they must have possessed the Ark because the Ark and the stones were inseparable.
It is thought that Lucifer was the chief angle who commanded other angles from mount Sinai, and the stones were sewn into Lucifer garments to protect him from other angels. It is thought that the stones of fire could control the divine fire that came from the Ark of the Covenant.
After Moses Exodus from Egypt God led Moses to mount Sinai where he gave him the stones of fire to protect him from the power of the Ark and instructed Moses on how to build the Ark.
When the Essenes were slaughtered by the Romans in 68A.D. They had been ready for such an event, they had already hid the Dead Sea Scrolls in a cave in a ravine only assessable by rappelling down from above, it was hidden from sight and secure. Some believe the Ark and its stones are also someplace close by, but the Judean wilderness was extensive and vastly catacombed with ravines and caves many undiscovered to this day.
In the book of the prophet Jeremiah, which is thought to be the original words of the prophet written down by the scribe Baruch ( 3:16) reads: “ the ark of the Covenant of the Lord: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it: neither shall they visit it.” Scholars interpret this verse as a warning to Hebrews that they could loose the Ark if they don't change their ways. Or perhaps it had already been taken away! Jeremiah was the most prominent prophet during the Babylonian invasion, if any one had the authority to remove the Ark it would have been Jeremiah.
The “ Remaining words of Jeremiah” “ and Jeremiah said, behold, Lord, now we know that you are delivering the city into the hands of it's enemies, and they will take the people away to Babylon. What do you want me to do with the holy vessels of the temple service? And the Lord said to him, take them and consign them to the earth, saying: hear, earth, the force of your creator who formed you in the abundance of waters, who sealed you with seven seals for seven epochs, after this you will receive your ornaments. Guard the vessels of the temple service until the gathering of the beloved.”
It is believed that the sacred vessels are alluring to the Ark of the Covenant, the golden incense alter, and the sacred tabernacle, and the golden menorah. During the invasion by Babylon many Jews died and thousands were enslaved and removed to Babylon.
Jeremiah survived and avoided being enslaved by cooperating with the Babylonians and convincing the Jews to avoid bloodshed by surrendering. He eventually was relocated to Egypt where he died. It is felt he didn't recover the sacred vessels because the Babylonians were still in control of Jerusalem for the rest of Jeremiah's life. It is felt by the Time the Israelite's were in control of Jerusalem and had rebuilt the Temple that their weren't any survivors from the Babylonian invasion that knew where it was hidden.
In Jerome s Bible which was written in 400A.D., there are many books not included in the King James version of the Bible. One of these was the second book of the Maccabees, there is a passage of Jeremiah hiding the sacred vessels and it stated that the golden incense alter and the sacred tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant were amongst them. “He came forth to the mountain where Moses went up and saw God's inheritance. And when Jeremiah came thither he found a hollow cave and he carried in thither the tabernacle, the ark and the alter of incenses, and so stopped the door.”
This ancient text the Bible of Jerome has gone a along way in solving a lot of mysteries of history. It revealed who hid the Ark of the Covenant and most importantly where he hid it.
The inheritance of God is Bible speak for the “Promised Land “, which could be seen from the mountain that Moses climbed where he died, most recent research believes that to be mount Sinai and not mount Nebo.
The exact mountain that was thought to be mount Sinai however it has been lost to history. There were several accounts of the location of Moses final mountain he ascended, however the Leviticus account from the maccabee's seems the most logical.
mount Sinai was the most sacred site for the ancient Israelite's before the Temple of Solomon was built. It was here that God first spoke to Moses from the burning bush. It was mount Sinai that Moses led the Israelit's to after the escape from Egypt. It was here that God gave the Israelite's the religious laws, made the ten commandments and ordered the making of the Ark. Most importantly mount Sinai was thought to have been inhabited by God.
In the Old Testament mount Sinai is referred to as the Mountain of God, because God was thought to have resided there. When Jeremiah removed the Ark from Solomons Temple, it wasn't so much to protect the vessel as it was to protect God. Jeremiah knew that the Ark was the house of God and he couldn't allow God's house, where God resided to fall into the hands of the Hebrew enemy. Exodus (19:9-11)
and the Lord said unto Moses, lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the people may here when I speak with thee...and be ready against the third day: for the third day the Lord will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai.”
Exodus (24:16-17) “and mount Sinai was altogether in a smoke, because the Lord desended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly...And the Lord came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of the mount.”
By the way the above is a perfect description of a rocket/ spaceship landing/launch.
Each time God appeared on mount Sinai, the cloud materialized and the presence of God which manifested within it is described as the “glory of the Lord” a divine fire!
And the glory of the Lord abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. And the sight of the glory of the Lord was like devouring fire on top of the mount in the eyess of the children of Israel.
Before the Israelites left mount Sinai to continue their journey through the wilderness, God ordered them to make the Ark. The Ark was made to contain God himself!
Exodus (25:8-10) “And let them make me a sanctuary; that I might dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it. And they shall make the Ark of shittin wood: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.”
The most important part of the Ark without question is the mercy seat, which God would be able to manifest: Exodus (25:17-22) “And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold...And thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the Ark...And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat.”

The presence of God was now within the Ark, for when they left Mount Sinai they were accompanied by a thick cloud that hung over it. Mind you from my point of view when ever we are talking about God, I am thinking we are talking about extraterrestial's most likely from the star system Sirus, based on the ancient Sumerian tablets.
Moses brother Pharoh Ahkenaten I believe was of extraterrestrial orgin, he believed he was, ancient pictorals and scripts, and sculptures, demonstrate non human feature, also of his wife and children. If Moses and Aaron were his brother's I believe they would also be extraterrestrial hybreds along with the Levite priests, which is why only this group was allowed to be priests and be even close to the Ark, all others were smoten. (NM 10:33-34)
They departed from the mount of the Lord three days journey: and the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord went before them in the three days journey, to search out a resting place for them. And the cloud of the lord was upon them as they went out by day, when they left out of the camp.”
Each time the Israelite's made camp the Ark was put in the tabernacle, or a “tent of congregation” behind a special veil or curtain. Exodus (40:1-3)
And the Lord Spake unto Moses, saying, on the first day of the first month shalt thou set up thy tabernacle of the tent of the congregation. And thou shalt put therein the Ark of the testimony, and cover the Ark with the veil.”
The veil separated the Holy place of the Ark from the rest of the tabernacle: Exodus(26:33) “and thou shalt hang up the veil under the tatches, that thou mayest tither within the veil of the Ark of the testimony: and the veil shall divide unto you between the holy place and the most holy.
On mount Sinai when God communed with Moses he appeared on the mount top, now he appears in the form of a cloud at the Ark, from behind the veil in the tabernacle. His presence could also be fatal as Moses brother Aaron was warned: (lv16:2)
And the Lord spoke unto Moses, speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he come not at all times into the holy place within the veil before the mercy seat, which is upon the Ark; that he die not: for I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy seat. Exodus (40:34)
Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.”
These Bibical passages show that the pressence of the Lord is with the Ark where ever it goes when previously it was thought to exist only on mount Sinai. Like the Egyptian bark that carried the Egyptian god Amun, the Ark of the Covenant was considered a means to carry God.
When the Solomons Temple was built for the Holy of Holies to house god something quite interesting happened as explained by King Solomon: “ The Lord said he would dwell in thick darkness. I have surley built thee a house to dwell in, a settled place for thee to abide in for ever.”
The importance of these passages is to demonstrate that the Israelite's considered the Temple to be the actual abode of God, and if the enemies of the Lord were to breach the city of Jerusalem and reduce the Lords house to rubble, then the Lord must be removed to his former residence, mount Sinai for his and the Israelite's protection.
The Bible states that mount Sinai is somewhere in the Sinai wilderness, but doesn't state where. In Exodus (19:1-2):
In the third month when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai. For they were departed from Rephidim, and were come to the desert of Sinai, and had pitched in the wilderness; and there Israel camped before the mount.”
The Sinai wilderness is a very large area 250 miles by 220 miles 55,000 square miles by the Christen era the location of the Mountain of God had been lost to history: it was rough stony inhospitable, and with few areas of water and vegetation.
Mount Sinai and mount Horeb or just Horeb are one in the same. The Edom valley is known to the arabs as “Valley of Moses” also known as “Wadi Musa”. It is said that this is the place that Moses created a spring by striking a rock with his staff. The locals erected a Mosqe over the site where even today there is a spring fed rectangular pool.
at the foot of the mountain there is a spring, which is said to never run dry. The people thereabouts say Moses, profet of god, peace upon him, did bring it forth with hid staff.” (Arab chronicler Numairi)
If this was the spring from Exodus, then perhaps the mountain rising behind it was also the Mountain of God, mount/sinai-Horeb. The locals long considered the mountain to be a sacred place and they called it “Mountain of the Alter”. Their was an ancient alter over three thousand years old on the summit of the mountain. This mountain is so rugged that it is only accessible by hoarseback. The only entrance to the valley of Edom was from the south for the valley is surrounded by mountains just like a canyon. To enter the valley with out going over the mountains is through a narrow gourge about nine feet wide. It leads eastward through a mile of solid rock.
This gourge is called the “cold canyon” because sunlight is blocked by the sheer walls of the gourge hundreds of feet tall. After a mile through the gullies winding route you finally come into the sunlight with a magnificent view of a 150 foot structure, the alter, at the summit of the mountain.
Two towering collums, supporting a pediment of unbeleivable dimensions, statue nitches and urn all carved into the mountains sheer cliff. You can see this structure in Indiana Jones movie the Last Crusade, where they find the Holy grail guarded by the ancient Knight Templar, at the end they ride off through the gully I just described.
This is thought to be a two thousand year old tomb. It had many large chambers and cut rooms within the structure now known as the treasury. This site became known as the treasury because in the 12th century knights templars had discovered a vast treasure of jewls, gold,and artifacts made out of pure gold.
More on this in a future post. However this appears to be the site of the Mountain of God where Moses comuned with God and received the ten Commandments, and quite possibly the location of the lost Ark of the Covenant, which very well may be in the hands of the knights Templars!

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