After the council of Nicaea, in the latter half of the third century AD, the church of Rome represented
what was an administrative organization, a center of literacy, and formal education. The church was a
spiritual power and not a military or secular power.
Prior to the council of Nicea there were many pagan and christian faiths that were secular poorly
organized and difficult to control and maintain an accounting of, after all, the world has always centered
around money and power, which means Tax!
Cesar Constantine was very much seeking an organized state religion which could be used to control
the populace. The church was also seeking a way to eliminate its competition, an array of pagan
religions, other christen religions that had a different take on Christianity, a way to control these small
but troublesome institutions and collect taxes known today as tithe.
I just recently had a conversation with an elderly women from the American south, who described how
the local church had a strangle hold on the little town she lived in. where if you didn't belong to the
church it was basicly impossible to survive in the town, we are going back into the 1950's in this case.
The church would go and visit each household audit them give them a budget, and tell them how much
they must give to the church, it wasn't a voluntary donation on behalf of the family.
The Roman Church sought a cohesive military—social structure which it could use. The Merovingian
dynasty was the solution to their problem. Although they were considered pagans, they were
considered controllable pagans by the church. They appreciated civilization and respected the church
for the organization which they maintained. The church set out to convert the “Long Haired
Clovis was the Merovingian Monarch which was the first to become a convert to Christianity. The
Kingdom of the Franks was converted along with him. Clovis ruled between 481 and 511A.D. And is
considered to be a contemporary of king Arthur. Clovis was baptized in 496 A.D. By St. Remy. This
event was considered to be the birth of a new Roman Empire, or a new Roman Church. This would
give the church spiritual control and much administrative influence over the Merovingian or Clovis
military and secular control.
This relationship lasted for about three hundred years, after Clovis, the leadership of the Merovingian
declined, they were no longer the bold warriors that the church needed to meet its dogma. The last
monarch's were referred to as the “enfeebled kings”. Power ended up being passed from the kings to
the mayors of the palace which were the ancestors of Charlemagne.
The Merovingian Kings became a liability for the church and for Europe as a whole, during this period
of history. The Islamic armies had invaded Spain and were threatening to invade France. With this
overwhelming catastrophe looming over the church they turned not to the Merovingian but to the
Mayors of the palace.
Charles Martel was the son of Pepin the “fat' who won the battle of Poiters in 732 A.D. and halted the
Moorish invasion of France. In 754 A.D. Charles Martel's son Peppin III, was anointed King of the
Franks and established the Carolingian dynasty.
Charles the Great Charlemagne, the son of Pepin the “short” was made Holy Roman Emperor in
800A.D., and the church had broken its agreement made with the Merovingian. This needs to be
understood to understand European and world history!
The church had a “perpetual pact " with Clovis and the lineage of the Merovingian dynasty. Which
means essentially that it would go on forever not a contract like we have today with a starting point and
ending point.
The church needed to resolve this problem by eliminating the monarch and the heirs to the throne of
the Merovingian dynasty. Dagobert II, was the last Merovingian Monarch, who was assassinated by
the Carolingian Mayor of the Palace in 679 A.D.
It was thought that Dagoberts son, Seibert IV, had died as well, but he survived. He was a young boy
of about five years of age, he was taken to live with his mothers noble family in the South of France,
and the Counts of Razes.
This lineage which is the bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, survived in the foot hills of the
Pyrenees mountains in the South of France. It prospered and intermarried with other noble houses in
France, England and Scotland.
To protect themselves from the church and the Inquisition the lineage of the Merovingian legacy was a
secret kept to a select few. This lineage were the ancestors of Godfri de Boulion and the Rex Deus, and
the Kingship of Jerusalem.
This family was centered out of the South of France but eventually had branches throughout Europe.
The family seat of the Count of Razes, was called Rhedae in the middle ages. It later became known as
Rennes le Chateau.
The Merovingian were known to be “super natural” or Divine. In the early “Dark ages” this reputation
of being Divine was very relevant to the church. During the reign of Merovech a first century Monarch
of the Sicambrian branch of the Frank dynasty something happened to cause the name change of the
Sicambrian Kings, to the Merovingian named after Merovich.
Researcher's led by information gained from the Dossier secrets have concluded that an infusion of
“Holly Blood” occurred during the rule of Merovich. Holly Blood is the lineage of Jesus! This is the
reason for the name change from the Frank/Sicabrian dynasty in the first century under the rule of
Merovech to Merovingian. This is the reason for the reputation of “supernatural” or divinity amongst
the Royalty of the Merovingian dynasty.
This was secret knowledge reserved for those who reached the highest levels of church and state. This
was the reason for the perpetual pact that the church had with Clovis, and was broken by Rome.
The church was very vigilant in trying to destroy the lineage of Jesus for several reasons. If Jesus had a
family it would question his divinity or “Godliness”. But there is also a secret associated with this that
the Knights Templar became very involved with and became part of the Holly Grail, which I will
discuss in future posts.
Second they were guilty over the broken pact they had with Clovis, and feared public reaction to the
churches behavior.
Third the church feared anything that would hurt the churches dogma on Jesus being a God, who died,
ascended to heaven, returned in three days, made various appearances, and that the faithful will rise to
join Jesus in heaven.
We will also be discussing this in future posts. However this is why the church has the inquisition, to seek out heresy, which frequently questions the divinity of Jesus, and yes the inquisition still exists to this day with a few name changes, and cleaned their act up a bit.
We will also be having some discussion on this in future posts. At various times in the history of the church it goes through changes. During this period the church was gradually trying to “modify” its behavior or image.
The bishop of Rome who wasn't known as Pope yet but was going in that direction, up until this
point was just as powerful as any other bishop. But at this time in history the bishop of Rome was
trying to establish control over the entire christen community.
The bishop of Rome was slowly moving towards being Pope of the entire church and a complicated
spiritual dogma was being created to justify this process. The existence of any flesh and blood
descendants would diminish the Papal authority. The Papacy was fighting for its survival